Notes |
- !BIRTH:1794/1800 from census, 1800 age 0-9 (1790/1800), 1810 age 10-15 (1794/1800), 1820 age 18-25 (1794/1802), 1830 age 30-39 (1790/1800), 1840;
!BIRTHPLACE:Rutherford Co, NC assumed;
!FATHER:Alexander GRANT, proven by Rutherford County Deed 34-186;
!MOTHER:Susanna MORRIS, proven by Rutherford County Deed 34-186;
!CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 114 w/Alexander GRANT age 0-9 (1790/1800);
!COURT:Jan 1809 Rutherford Co, NC Court of P&Q Susanna GRANT appointed guardian of William, Polly, John, Morris, James & Patsy GRANT, orphans and infants of Alexander GRANT, deceased;
!CENSUS:1810 Rutherford Co, NC pg 377 w/Susanna GRANT age 10-15 (1794/1800);
!WITNESS:12 Apr 1813 Rutherford Co, NC 29/31-187 James MORGAN of Rutherford to Susannah GRANT of Rutherford, widow of Alexander GRANT, deceased for $90, 30a on Montford Cove, James Morgan being heir of Alexander Grant, deceased. Witness: John Grant, William Grant;
!CENSUS:1820 Rutherford Co, NC pg 372 John GRANT age 18-25 (1794/1802) "001100-01001";
!DEED:14 Aug 1820 Rutherford Co, NC 34-111 State Grant # 3232 to John GRANT, 50a Cove Creek, William GRANT's corner. S: Gabriel HOLMES, Governor;
!COURT:Jul 1821 Rutherford Co, NC 1821-1825 pg 19 John GRANT, Jury;
!COURT:Jul 1821 Rutherford Co, NC 1821-1825 pg 26 John GRANT, appointed to Captain HUMPHREYS Company for 1 year;
!COURT:Jan 1823 Rutherford Co, NC 1821-1825 pg 146 John GRANT, Jury;
!DEED:24 Aug 1823 Rutherford Co, NC 34-186 Division of lands of Alexander GRANT, deceased to heirs. Tract # 1 to William GRANT, Tract # 4 to Polley MORGAN but transferred to William Grant, Tract # 2 to James GRANT, Tract # 3 to Patsey GRANT, Tract # 5 to John GRANT, Tract # 6 to Peggy MORGAN but transferred to John GRANT. S: D. Dickey, James Morris, James Humprhys, James Moore;
!DEED:24 Aug 1823 Rutherford Co, NC 34-186 Division of lands of Alexander GRANT, deceased to heirs. Tract # 5 to John GRANT, 13a. Tract # 6 102a.;
!COURT:Jan 1824 Rutherford Co, NC 1821-25 pg 239 ... John GRANT ... Jury;
!DEED:31 Jan 1826 Rutherford Co, NC 36-20 We, William GRANT for himself, and as agent of James MORGAN, in right of his wife Peggy MORGAN, who was Peggy GRANT, James GRANT for himself, Jesse MORGAN, in right of his wife Polly MORGAN, who was Polly GRANT, John GRANT, Holland BRADLEY in right of his wife Patsy BRADLEY who was Patsy GRANT, all are bound unto each other for $1000, all heirs at law of Susannah GRANT, relict of Alexander GRANT, late of Rutherford, deceased. 119a on Cove Creek. Appoint James HUMPHREYS, Harbert HARRIS to be commissioners. S: James Morgan, W. Grant, James (x) Grant for himself and for Jesse Morgan. John Grant, Holland Bradley;
!COURT:Jul 1828 Rutherford Co, NC 1825-30 pg 274 ... John GRANT, William GRANT, Jury;
!CENSUS:1830 Rutherford Co, NC pg 450 John GRANT age 30-39 (1790/1800) "210002-11001";
!CENSUS:1840 Blount Co, TN pg 120 John GRANT age 40-49 (1790/1800) "0221001-201101"
!WILL: 3 May 1842 Blount Co, TN # 139 John GRANT. "Know all men by the presents that I, John Grant, of the County of Blount and the State of Tennessee, being of sound mind and memory do by these presents make and constitute the following my Last Will and Testaments - First, my funeral expenses to be paid and all my just debts-- Secondly, all my Estate real and personal to be remaining together without any division for the purpose of maintaining and raising my small children and after the youngest child becomes of twenty-one years of age all my property real and personal to be equally divided and distributed among all my surviving children. Thirdly, that if any of my children should die without lawful issue, their part of the property to be equally divided between their surviving brothers and sisters. Fourthly, for the purpose of carrying this my Last Will and Testiment into effect, I do hereby constitue and appoint my Eldest son, James M. Grant and Joseph S.Milligan my executors.In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal in the presents of F. L. Milligan. Signed John Grant (seal) This 3 day of May 1842;
!NAMED:-- --- 1844 McDowell Co, NC Wills 1-7 Henry MORRIS, pr Jan 1844. Wife Catherine. Sons John MORRIS, Henry, William Bryson (Morris). To Sally GRANT, wife of John GRANT. To Nancy UPTON, wife of Thomas UPTON, to Fanny HAMPTON, then to her brothers and sisters. To Catherine McHAN, wife of Alison McHAN, my father William MORRIS (living), to Sally & Will DAVIS, or their guardian, and Henry? MOORE. Exec: William B. MORRIS. Witness: H. HARRIS, James M. RABURN;
!DEED: 4 Feb 1857 Blount Co., TN Book Y, pp 551-552
We, Jas M. Grant, Wm R. Grant, John H. Milligan and his wife Eliza formerly Eliza Grant, Michael Harrison & wife Sarah formerly Sarah Grant, heirs at law of John Grant, deceased. Deed to Calvin A. Gurley and Henry Bradley for $2718.85, being for each one Ninth interest in said land except that Michael Harrison in addition to his and his wife’s interest convey one other ninth being the interest of John Grant one of the said heirs which has been purchased by Michael Harrison. Land is situated in the 17th Civil District, Blount County. One tract contains 194a, 5 range which was granted to Wm Harrison. and was conveyed to John Grant by Hugh Ghormley being the home tract. Also the one half of 160 acres of land granted to Joshua Parsons and said John Grant being said John Grant’s part of Lot no 25, Range 5th 2nd fraction township. Also 160 acres granted to Joshua Arden and conveyed by him and others to John Grant being lots 10 & 11 in 5th Range East 2nd fraction township. Also one half interest in tract containing 1000a granted to Russell Gregory & John Grant being in Blount Co., and joining the lands above described. Also a tract of land granted to John Grant containing 300a which is all adjoining the above lands. Total 1272a more or less.
Witnesses Signed
S. E. Hudson J. M. Grant
W. A. Walker Wm R. Grant
Michael Harrison
Sarah Harrison
J. H. Milligan
Eliza Milligan;