Notes |
- !CENSUS:1800 * Marion Dist, SC pg 803 w/Milly HUSSAY one of 7 free colored;
!DEED:16 Jan 1819 Marion Co., SC Deed Book S, p. 385
Heirs of Samuel HUSSEY, decd to Robert HUSSEY, for $100, 57 acres on and in Catfish Swamp bounded by William HUSSEY, William TURNER, Martha HUSSEY ... part of a tract of land granted to Benj. BLACKMAN and conveyed by said Blackman to John TURNER decd, and from said Turner to Samuel HUSSEY decd. Now we the heirs of sd Hussey do ...
S: Samuel HUSSEY, Martha HUSSEY, James LUCUS, William HUSSEY, John HUSSEY.
Witnesses: Isham WATSON, Thomas FINKLEA, B. MOODY, JQ.
!DEED:16 Jan 1819 Marion Co., SC Deed Book S, p. 386
Heirs of Samuel HUSSEY, decd to Martha HUSSEY, for $100, 47 acres on and in Catfish Swamp bounded by James LUCUS, William HUSSEY, Robert HUSSEY ... part of a tract of land granted to Benj. BLACKMAN and conveyed by said Blackman to John TURNER decd, and from said Turner to Samuel HUSSEY decd. Now we the heirs of sd Hussey do ...
S: Samuel HUSSEY, William HUSSEY, Robt HUSSEY, James LUCUS, John HUSSEY.
Witnesses: Isham WATSON, Thomas FINKLEA, B. MOODY, JQ.
!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 24 Samuel HUSSEY age 30-39 (1790/1800)
!DEED:22 Nov 1837 Marion Co., SC Deed Book T., p. 406
Osburn Lane planter of Marion District to Samuel Hussey for $62.50, 50a lying on the East side of Catfish Creek bounded south by John Bryant and John Hussey's land, west by William Turner land, north by Robert B. Platts land, and east by Osburn Lanes land.
S: Osburn (his mark) Lane.
Wit: George Sweat, B. Moody, QU.
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books S and T 1842-1846", Lucille Utley, Angela Turner, Kathy Loyd, John M. Gregg. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;
!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 137 Samuel HUSSEY age 40-49 (1790/1800)
!DEATH: 1 Mar 1848 murdered by Simeon Sweat per Marion District Coroner Requests:
See: Pee Dee Queue May-June 2019 p. 8;