Notes |
- !NOTES:Marty Grant's 10th Great Grand Father.
!NOTES:Once upon a time, researchers associated Col. John George of Isle of Wight Co., VA with Humphrey(ies) Cole of Essex, England, for Mr. Cole named John George, Yeoman of Writtle, as a son-in-law in his Will. People concluded that our John's wife Jane, was Jane Cole. However, Mr. Cole didn't list his daughter's name in the Will. Furthermore, Mr. Cole's son William Cole was in Isle of Wight with Col. John George.
- Further research has proven that John George of Writtle (Essex) is not Col. John George of VA, and that man's wife was not named Jane.
- Based on that, we have no paper trail associating our Col. John George with any specific section of England, so all references to him being of Essex are probably wrong as they were based on the Cole connection which has now been disproven.
- 2020 - Thanks to DNA testing, we have a strong George match who isn't a descendant of Col. John George. This man's George ancestors were in Northamptonshire, England as far back as 1700. That's about 100 years after our John was born, but the DNA evidence proves they are related. Does this mean our John was from Northamptonshire? It's a strong possibility that deserves more study.;
!REFERENCE:George Family History. Descendants of Col. John George (1603-1679) of England and Virginia (Two Vols.), by Marvin A. Grant, Jr. © 2006
!BURGESS:John GEORGE was a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses from Isle of Wight County for the years 1647 and 1652;
!JUSTICE:John GEORGE was a Justice for the Isle of Wight County Court for the years 1646, 1666, 1667 and 1677;
!REFERENCE:Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County, VA by John Bennett Boddie. pg 99 In 1646 Burgesses were George FAWDON & James BAGNAL. "George FAWDON was a Cavalier who fled from England. After marrying a step daughter of Colonel Nathaniel BACON, he died without heirs". The next year the burgesses were Captain John UPTON & John GEORGE. Lt. Colonel John GEORGE, later a strong adherent of Governor Berkeley, made his Will in 1687 leaving a son Isaac;
!REFERENCE:Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County, VA by John Bennett Boddie. pg 149 mentions John GEORGE's activities during BACON's rebellion;
!PATENT: 7 Nov 1635 Patents 1-297 John GEORGE 900 acres Charles City County, East upon land of William BAYLY W.S.W. upon the maine land, N upon Bayles Creek. 50 acres for the personal advance of his wife, Jane GEORGE and 850 acres for transport of 17 persons. (not named here);
!PATENT:25 Jul 1638 Virginia Patents 1-581 John GEORGE 900 acres Charles City County in Bayles Creek, N by W upon said Creek, E by N upon land of Thomas BAYLE and W by S upon head of said Creek. For transportation of 18 persons: Jane GEORGE, his wife, Hugh DAVIE, William PARSONS, John JONES, Ellianor CLAYDEN, Thomas OSBEN, Ralph COVY, Christopher WILLIAMS, Francis BIGGS, Thomas HEAD, John VAUS, Jeffrey EVANS, Richard REYNOLDS, John ANNICC, Mary HODGKINS, John COOKER, George MILLER, Thomas BERNARD;
!PATENT:11 Oct 1640 Virginia Patents 1-736 John GEORGE 1200 acres Charles City County adjoining Thomas BAYLE, 900 acres by former patent and 300 acres for transportation of 6 persons: John GEORGE, John GEABE, Richard SEARLE, William TRUEMAN, Isaac ELLIS, Mercy LUNMORE;
!PATENT:11 Aug 1642 Virginia Patents 1-787 John GEORGE 144 acres Charles City County W upon land of Captain Francis EPPES N upon Wattkins Creek, S upon the river and E upon land of Lady DALE. Transportation of 3 persons: Richard WEBSTER, Sanders BLACKHAWS, William HAMING;
!COURT:13 Dec 1642 Charles City Co, VA p 290;
!WITNESS:13 May 1644 Isle of Wight Co, VA Book A John PAWLEY to Edward WILMOT, 100a land in James City County, bordering Thomas THORPE, Lawnes Creek. Test: John GEORGE, James DRAKE;
!COURT:10 Jan 1652/3 Lancaster Co, VA p 27;
!NAMED:24 Jan 1653 Virginia Patents 3-49 Captain Francis POTT Northampton County, Virginia. 1000 acres for transport of 20 persons: ... John GEORGE, Nicholas GEORGE ... * NOTE: Might not be this same John GEORGE;
!DEED:10 Apr 1654 Isle of Wight Co, VA Book A. Major George FAWDON gives to Isaac GEORGE son of Major John GEORGE, 1000a adjoining Major George on the Upper side if he live to 21, if he decease, return to Major Fawdon. "I, Nathaniel BACON, administrator of Estate of Major George FAWDON, confirm all points unto Isaac GEORGE the full contents of this gift. 9 Jul 1655;
!DEED:10 Apr 1654 Isle of Wight Co, VA Book A. Justinian COOPER, Gent and wife Anne to John GEORGE, 1500 of tobacco, and 2 steers, for two parcels called Robert BENNETT's and the Quarter Tract. Test: George FAWDON, Thomas CARTER;
!WITNESS:19 Mar 1656 Wills & Deed Book 1 page 571 Thomas GREENWOOD, reg 9 Apr 1658. Legacy to kinsman Valentine CHITTY. Grandson Edward GREENWOOD, son Edward GREENWOOD, my wife Elizabeth GREENWOOD. Witness: James PYLAND, James WILLSON. Sale of land patented by Thomas GREENWOOD shows widow married James PYLAND and in 1674 was wife of Thomas EDWARDS. Witness to conveyance: Timothy FENN, John DAVIS, William LEWER. Witness to Delivery: Joseph BRIDGER, William COLE, John GEORGE, Nicholas HILL, Thomas WOODWARD, James POWELL, Nicholas SMITH. 9 Apr 1675.;
!GRANT:17 Apr 1667 Isle of Wight Co, VA Grants. Lt. Colonel John GEORGE, 360a Cypress Swamp, bordering land formerly of Francis PLACE, but now Isaac GEORGE;
!GRANT:17 Apr 1667 Isle of Wight Co, VA Grants.Lt. Colonel John GEORGE, Castle Creek, adj lands of Francis PLACE, Robert LAWRENCE;
!NAMED: 9 Aug 1670 Isle of Wight Co, VA Administrations & Probates pg 259 Thomas LEWIS, dying intestate administration requested by his relict Rebecca pr 20 Oct 1670. Sec. Lt. Col John GEORGE, Morgan LEWIS;
!WITNESS:-- --- 1675 Isle of Wight Co, VA Wills & Deeds Book 1-571 19 Mar 1656 Thomas GREENWOOD, reg 9 Apr 1658. Legacy to kinsman Valentine CHITTY. Grandson Edward GREENWOOD, son Edward GREENWOOD, my wife Elizabeth GREENWOOD. Witness: James PYLAND, James WILLSON. Sale of land patented by Thomas GREENWOOD shows widow married James PYLAND and in 1674 was wife of Thomas EDWARDS. Witness to conveyance: Timothy FENN, John DAVIS, William LEWER. Witness to Delivery: Joseph BRIDGER, William COLE, John GEORGE, Nicholas HILL, Thomas WOODWARD, James POWELL, Nicholas SMITH. 9 Apr 1675;
!REFERENCE:Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County, VA by John Bennett Boddie. pg 161 Petition dated ca Oct 1677 by supporters of Governor Berkeley (during Bacon's Rebellion) ... John GEORGE ...;
!WILL: 2 Aug 1678 Isle of Wight Co, VA Wills & Deeds Book 2-170 Rec 9 Jan 1678. John GEORGE son Isaack, grandson John GEORGE under 6, daughter Rebecca & Sarah. Grand-children: John & Joyce LEWIS, children of Phillip PARDOE, children of my daughter Sarah PEDDINGTON, which she had by my son Morgan LEWIS. My kinswoman Mary BAUGH. My wife Ann. Exec: Wife Ann. Overseer: Major James POWELL & Thomas TABERER. Wit: Robert PARKER, Thomas TABERER, Edward BECHINOE, George BRANCH;