Notes |
- !CENSUS:1790;
!CENSUS:1820 Horry Dist, SC pg 136 Daniel JOHNSTON age 26-44 (1775/94) "000010-10100";
!DEED: (Shared by Jim Strickland)
1828- Deed Book L, Page 191, Horry County, SC
{South Carolina}
{Horry District}
M. Strickland, J Lewis & F. Lewis, D. Johnson & E. Johnson, S. Strickland and Beedee Strickland . TO: Zillah Strickland
Know all men by these present we the Matthew Strickland, Jonathan Lewis and Feraby Lewis his wife, Zillah Strickland and Daniel Johnson and Edith Johnson his wife, Solomon Strickland , Beedee Strickland being the lawful heirs of Wm. Strickland deceased have became lawfully claiming a certain tract or parcel of land lying on the north side of Lake Swamp containing 547. Containing being more or less part of several tracts the first granted the said William Strickland July 6th 1789 for 300 acres and part of the tract of 2114 acres granted to the said William Strickland the 1st of April 1793. Part of a tract 132 acres granted said W. Strickland 4th July , 1791, part of a tract of 254 (?) acres granted to the said W. Strickland the 4th of March 1802 and hath such shape, form and marks as are referenced by several Platts hereunto annexed and moving from the back line through the said plantation of the said William Strickland to the Lake Swamp on an agreed line. We and each of us having received full satisfaction the same as hereby jointly and severally relinquish all our rights, members ____________ or ___________ unto Zellah Strickland, her heirs and assigns against ourselves, our heirs, Executors and Administrators or assigns forever. In witness hereof, we have _______ unto set our hands this 6th October 1828.
Arthur H. Crawford
Patrick Lewis
Joseph Graham
Matthew Strickland
Jonathan Lewis
Freaby (X) Lewis
Daniel Johnson
Edith (X) Johnson
Solomon (X) Strickland
Bee Dee(x) Strickland
{South Carolina}
{Horry District}
Personally appeared Patrick Lewis, who being duly sworn saith that he was present and saw the within deed duly executed by the parties whose names are thereto signed and that he together with Joseph Graham signed their name as witnesses thereto.
Signed Patrick Lewis
Sworn to before
me June 2, 1845
James Beaty
A.C.P Recorded June 2, 1845
!CENSUS:1830 Horry Dist., SC p. 259
Daniel Johnston age 40-49 (1780/1790)
!CENSUS:1840 Horry Dist, SC pg 349 Daniel JOHNSTON age 50-59 (1780/90)
!TAXLIST:1845 Horry Dist, SC Daniel JOHNSON, 1227 acres;
!CENSUS:1850 Horry Dist, SC # 971 David JOHNSTON, 61 (1788/89) born SC;
!DEED:14 Nov 1851 (shared by Jim Strickland):
Horry County Deed Book P, Page 518.
Nov. 14th, 1851. Daniel Johnston to Fairby Alford, Land Deed.
Know all by these presents that I Daniel Johnston Senior of Horry District for an inconsideration of Ten Dollars paid to me by Fariby Alford have granted, bargained sold and released and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and release unto the said Fairby Alford my part of a certain tract of land granted to William Strickland, Senior containing 1000 acres situate on Lossing and Joiner? Swamp, my part being one hundred and sixty five acres of said survey or the sixth part of said survey. Bounded on the west side by William Jordan's land and B. Holts, on the North side and by a line across from B. Holt's line, south? Big Lossing Bay thence down on the North side of the south prong of Losssen Swamp to Jordan's line. Together with all and singular the premises before mentioned unto the said Fairby Alford and her heirs, assigns, executors and Administrators to warrant and forever defend the same against myself, my heirs, assigns, executors and administrators for ever the promise unto the said Fairby Alford
from and against myself and ever other person or persons claiming the same or ant part thereof in witness I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 14th day of November 1851. Signed, Sealed, and Delivered in the presence of us.
A.S.H. Martin Daniel Johnson (His Seal)
Julan (X) Johnson
!CENSUS:1860 Horry Dist, SC # 632 Daniel JOHNSON, 70 (1789/90) born SC;