Notes |
- !CENSUS:1870 Buncombe Co., NC Asheville Township No 9, Asheville PO # 46/46
Caleb Johnston 51 MB Minister $-/- NC
Abby 39 FB Keeping House
Isah 7 NC
Betsey 5
Primus 2 MB;
!CENSUS:1880 Buncombe Co., NC # 95/176
Caleb Johnston BM 66 M Minister NC-NC-NC
Anna BF 25 wife Keeps house
Isiah B M 20 son works in brick yard MS-NC-NC
Betsy BF 14 dau NC-NC-NC
Jas BM 10 son
Josephine BF 7 dau
Andrew 6 son
Jane E. 3/12 Feb dau;
!MARRIAGE:20 Jun 1885 Buncombe Co., NC
Isaac Grant 20 of Buncombe, colored
& Elizabeth Johnston, 20 of Buncombe, colored
by R. P. Rumley (no title)
Wit: Rev. C. Johnston, Mrs. Annie Johnson (sic), Hattie Sales;