Notes |
- !CENSUS:1800 Wayne Co, NC pg 857 w/Sampson EDWARDS age 0-9 (1790/1800);
!WITNESS: 1 Aug 1810 Wayne Co, NC, Will of John EDWARDS. Witness: John EDWARDS, Stephen EDWARDS, John EDWARDS;
!NAMED: Nov 1818 Wayne Co, NC 4-212 Heir of Sampson EDWARDS, deceased "John EDWARDS";
!WITNESS:16 Nov 1818 Wayne Co, NC 11-105 Sampson EDWARDS to William EDWARDS, Witness: John EDWARDS, Lazarus HOWELL;
!WITNESS: 2 Aug 1802 Wayne Co, NC 11-181 Richard BASS to John EDWARDS, a negro woman named Rachel. Witness: Sampson EDWARDS, John EDWARDS. Note: Deed recorded 21 Jun 1819 Wayne Co, NC as sworn by witness John EDWARDS in Town of Henderson, Henderson Co, KY * NOTE: This may not be this John EDWARDS;
!CENSUS:1820 * Not listed in Henderson Co, KY, one found in Union Co, KY pg 149 which borders Henderson;
!NAMED:-- Jun 1821 Wayne Co, NC Loose Estates. Sampson EDWARDS 1818. Petition of Samson EDWARDS, Lazarus HOWELL and Polly, his wife, Jonas REAVES and Cozy, his wife, John KILLET and Elizabeth, his wife, John EDWARDS and Lydia, Mariah and Washington EDWARDS, all of Wayne Co, NC. That Sampson EDWARDS died in the year 1818 intestate, widow Jemima, leaving also William EDWARDS, Sally, wife Page JERNIGAN;
!DEED:12 Apr 1822 Wayne Co, NC 12-300 "Whereas by writ of Fieri Faecas against John EDWARDS of Wayne Co, NC, convicted of debt ... certain portions of his lands hereby sold to John KILLETT, by Sheriff of Wayne Co, NC William RAIFORD * NOTE: This may not be this John EDWARDS;
!CENSUS:1830 * Not in Henderson Co, KY, one in Union Co, KY pg 54;