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- !WILL:20 Oct 1756 Craven Co, SC, proven Jan 1761, names wife Mary, sons John, THomas and Michael, mentions land on Phils Creek and Naked Creek - transcribed by Winkie Robinson:
Page 74 WILL OF JOHN CRAWFORD IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. I John Crawford of Craven County in the Province of South Carolina being of perfect Sense and Memory, Thanks be to Almighty God; Do make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following: FIRST and princi- pally I recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it, trusting through the merits of Christ, to receive full pardon for all my Sins, and my Body to be buried decently by the Directions of my Executors hereafter named, And what Estate it hath pleased God to bestow on Me, after my just Debts and Funer- al Charges are paid I give as followeth. ITEM I leave unto my Loving Wife Mary Crawford One third Part of my Lands during her Natural Life or Widwohood. [typo in orginal, Winkie[ t ITEM I leave to my said Wife Six Negroes, VIZ. Joe, Doll, Abra- ham Little Doll, Jenny & Mourning, during her Natural life or Widowhood, and Also One third part of my husehold Goods, and one third part of my Stock of Cattle, Hoggs and Horses, during her Natural Life or Widowhood, And after her Mariage or Decease the same to be equally divided among, such of my Children as shall be then alive. ITEM My Will and desire is, that the Tract of Land whereon my Son John Crawford lives on the lower side of Phill's Creek, to- t gether with the Stock and five Negroes, VIZ. Jack, Nanny, Ta-- mar, Abbey & Stephen for which I made him a Deed of Gift some few days past to be the proper use of him and his heirs for ever. ITEM I give to my Son Thomas Crawford, the Remainder part of the Tract of Land mentioned to John Crawford that lyes above Phill's Creek with the Appurtenances thereunto belonging, to him and his Heirs forever. ITEM I give unto my said Son Thomas Crawford, All my Land Adjoin- ing to Abraham Lundy, with the Appurtenances thereunto belong- ing. ITEM I give unto my said Son Thomas Crawford One Third part of my Stock, and my Two Large Boats and my ferry Boat. ITEM I give unto my said Son Thomas Crawford, Pompey, Moll Hannah, Sarah, Nell to him and his Heirs forever. Page 75 WILL OF JOHN CRAWFORD PAGE 2 ITEM, I give unto my Son Michael Crawford my Mannor House & Plantation, with Three hundred Acres of Land, whereon I now live with the Appurtenances thereunto belonging to him & his Heirs forever. ITEM I give unto my said Son Michael Crawford my Tract of Land on Naked Creek containing Seven hundred & fifty Acres to him & his Heirs forever. (ITEM ITEM I give unto my said Son Michael Crawford Five Negroes t VIZ. Isabell, Jemmy, George, Barbara, and Lucy, and One third Part of the Stock to him and his Heirs forever. ITEM I-give-unto-my-Son-Michael-Crawford [Note the hypens "-" run thru every letter from "I...Crawford" ; marking thru to change will to:] My Will and Desire is, that my Lands on Lynch's Creek, be sold by my Executors for the Payment of my Debts, and that my said Executors have full power to convey the same. ITEM My Will and Desire is, that Three hundred pounds which Lyes in Virginia, be equally divided between my Wife and Three Sons. ITEM And I do constitute and Appoint my well beloved Wife Mary Crawford my Executrix and my sons John & Thomas Crawford my whole and Sole Executors of this my Last Will & Testament, dis- annulling and making Void all other Wills by me heretofore made. IN WITNEFS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Twentieth Day of October, One thousand seven hundred and fifty six. John Crawford (L.S.) Charles Thomson Durham Hills th d c Proved the 10 . January 1761. By Arch. M.Norton Virtue of a Dedimus; At the same time Qualified Mary Crawford & Thomas Crawford Exors. Before Wade Blair J.P. Recorded in Will Book 1760-1767 Recorded on Page 60