Notes |
(1) I'm not related to this person. But I'm interested in all Edwards in Eastern NC/SC to some extent.
(2) This person is an aunt/uncle of my uncle Ben Franklin Meggs.
!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist., SC pg 16
Richard Edwards age 26-44 (1765/84)
Analysis (who each person might be)
1m 26-44 (1765/1784) Richard L. Edwards (c1775)
3m 0-9 (1800/1810).. David Samuel L. Edwards (1800) son
.................... Solomon Edwards (1800/10) son
.................... Richard Edwards (1803) son
1f 26-44 (1765/1784) Elizabeth Owens (1780/84) wife
3f 0-9 (1800/1810).. daughter?
.................... daughter?
.................... daughter?
10 slaves;
!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC pg 58
Richard Edwards age 45+ (bef 1775)
220001-11010-0, slaves=2200-3000
Analysis (who each person might be)
1m 45+ (bef 1775)... Richard L. Edwards (c1775)
2m 10-15 (1804/1810) Solomon Edwards (1800/10) son
.................... Richard Edwards (1803) son
2m 0-9 (1810/1820).. Samuel Edwards (1813) son
.................... Henry Edwards (c1815) son
1f 26-44 (1775/1794) Elizabeth Owens Edwards (1780/84) wife
1f 10-15 (1804/1810) daughter?
1f 0-9 (1810/1820).. daughter?
7 slaves;
!DEED: 2 Apr 1823 Marion Co., SC Book K page 148
David S. L. Edwards of Marion Dist to Richard Edwards Jr of same, for $180, 200a SWs Buck Swamp ...
S: David S. L. Edwards, Mar (X) Edwards
W: Dempsey Cribb, James Bayard;
!DEED: 4 Sep 1824 Marion Co., SC Book P page 84
Richard Edwards of Marion Dist to John Cribb for $20, sold and forever quit claim unto said Cribb my part of the land of the estate of Thomas Cribb, decd ...
S: Richard Edwards, Nancy (X) Cribb
W: David S. Edwards, Dempsy Cribb.
Know all men by these presents taht I Richard Edwards and Nancy the same to dcertify this day ... from John Cribb of my part of the land of the estate of Thomas Cribb and also do certify that I have received of Elizabeth Cribb a full satisfaction of the rest of the property. I do whereby acknowledge that I have no more claim upon any part of my fathers and her estate this 1st day of Sep 1824.
S: Richard Edwards, Nancy (X) Cribb
W: David S. Edwards, Dempsy Cribb;
!TAXLIST:1824 Marion Dist., SC from: "Some South Carolina County Records Vol. 2", The Reverend Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr. Editor. 1989.
David Edwards $0.75
Richard Edwards $7.85
Richard Edwards $0.39;
!DEED: 2 May 1826 Marion Co., SC Book L page 341
Richard Edwards and David S. Edwards of Marion Dist, to Andrew Fulmore of Robeson Co., NC for $100, transfer all our right and title and interest ... (rights to what not stated) ...
S: David S. Edwards, Richd Edwards
W: Malcolm Carmichael, Angus Murphy;
!WITNESS-DEED:31 Aug (1828?) Marion Co., SC Book P page 86
Pricilla Cribb of Marion Dist, to Anthony Cribb for $35 ... 38a ... laid out to me of my father's estate on west side of Maiden Swamp between the two big branches.
S: Pricilla (x) Cribb
W: David S. Edwards, Richard Edwards
Recorded 17 Dec 1834;
!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC pg 17
Richard Edwards Jr age 20-29 (1800/10)
11001-00001, slaves=100000-000000
Analysis (who each person might be)
!WITNESS:1 Jan 1833 Marion Dist, SC P-197 Dempsey CRIBB to William CRIBB, my 1/2 interest in 207a of land part of an original grant to Richard EDWARDS in 1816 on Maiden Down. Witness: David EDWARDS, Anthony CRIBB, John COLLINS;
!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC pg 135
Richard Edwards age 30-39 (1800/10)
!WITNESS-DEED:22 Aug 1840 Marion Co., SC Book R page 376
Henry Edwards of Marion to Samuel Edwards for $700, 550a Ns Buck Swamp ... all the plantation I now live on ...
S: Henry Edwards
W: David S. Edwards, Richard Edwards
Dower renounced by Prudence (X) Edwards wife of Henry Edwards 26 Sep 1840;
!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 913/918
Richard Edwards 47 Farmer $3000 Marion
Ann 47
Ann 11
Margaret 13;
CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Marion Twp # 1190 Richard EDWARDS, 57 (1802/03)
born SC;
!DEATH:Diary of Rev. Simeon Campbell ...
Killed by Lightning Rev David S. Edwards died Aug -- 1863.
Martha his wife died July 8th, 1869.
Rev Richard Edwards died Oct 29th 1869,
Nancy his wife died Nov 23th, 1875.
L.M. Edwards died March 30th, 1900.
Henry Edwards Brother to David and Richard died Dec 8th 1862.;
REFERENCE:"The Roberts Family History" by Marylin M. ROBERTS, 1985;
!PROBATE:Marion Co, SC Probates Vol III, Roll # 2094, pg 222;
!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 185-189
Edwards.—The Edwards family, on Buck Swamp, is another family of some note. Tradition informs us that Richard Edwards came to South Carolina from Virginia soon after the Revolutionary War; that he was originally from England,, or rather his ancestors ; that during the Revolution he was shot in the head and his skull was fractured ; that the fracture was trepanned with gold, and from that fact was generally called "Gold-headed Richard or Dick Edwards." We are not informed who his wife was ; he raised a family of sons and perhaps daughters, the daughters are unknown; his sons were Richard, David, Samuel and Henry—who became stocks for families, more or less numerous, now in the county they settled on Buck Swamp. Their father, "Gold-headed Dick," lived to a great age, and was a man of some means.
Richard, the oldest son, a local preacher of the Methodist Church, had only two children—a son, the late Captain L. M. Edwards, and another, whether a son or daughter, is unknown. ;