Notes |
(1) I'm not related to this person, but I'm interested in all Graham Co., NC families to some extent.
(2) This person is an uncle/aunt of my Great Uncle Dillard Frank Phillips (1924-1978).
!CENSUS:1850 Macon Co., NC Smokey Mountains # 436/346
Alexander Crisp 50 Farmer $300 SC
Elizabeth 35 Burke
Rachel 27 Haywood
James M. 13
Wm H. 11 Cherokee
Joseph B. 6
Martha J. 8
Margaret A. 5
Mary 3;
!CENSUS:1860 Cherokee Co., NC Cheoah # 720/720
Alexander Crisp 63 Farmer $2000/300 Greenville Dist, SC
Elizabeth 51 Burke Co, NC
James 23 Jackson
William 20 Cherokee
Martha J. 17
Joseph 15
Margaret E. 13
Mary 12;