Notes |
- !NOTES:Marty Grant's 4th Great Grand Uncle.;
!NOTES:See my book "A History of the Campbell Families of Marion and Dillon Counties, South Carolina", Marvin A. Grant, Jr. 2004
!NOTES:Visit my Campbell web pages at:
!BIRTH: 9 Jun 1779 from Diary of Rev. Simeon Campbell: pg 25 John was born June the 9th 1779;
!CENSUS:1790 Georgetown Dist, Prince George Parish, SC pg 53 w/John CAMPBELL age -16 (1774/90);
!CENSUS:1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 792 w/John CAMPBELL age 16-25 (1774/84);
!NAMED:13 Jan 1807 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book I-112 Estate of John McDONALD, Appraisers: Hector McNIELL, A. McLEOD, John CAMPBELL. Shown to us by William BLUE;
!CENSUS:1810 * Marion Dist, SC pg 84 John CAMPBELL age 26-44 (1765/84) "00010-00100";
!NAMED: 7 Jan 1813 Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 2-74 Thomas BROWN Jr. Estate. R. ROBERTS, JP. Appraisers: James LEWIS, Charles MOODY, John CAMPBELL. Recorded 16 Jun 1837.;
!TAXLIST:1814 Marion Dist, SC John CAMPBELL $0.16;
!WITNESS:10 Feb 1814 Marion Dist, SC Deeds I-272 Mathew MARTIN & Jean OATS adm of estate of Lewis HARRELSON decd have sold our parts of the land of Benjamin HARRELSON decd but not the rest of the property that may be left by Ruth HARRELSON at her death, we are to receive the full pay of Isaac LEWIS to the amount of $100 to us paid by sd Lewis. S: Mathew (X) Martin, Jean (X) Oats. Wit: Theophilus MOODY, John CAMPBELL;
!DEED:12 Feb 1814 Marion Co., SC Book O page 47
Nathaniel Miller of Marion Dist, to John Campbell, for $75, 75a Es Maiden Down Sw joining John Campbell decd ...
S: Nathaniel Miller
W: Jno D. Jones, Gadi Campbell
Famariah (X) Miller, wife of Nathaniel Miller rdr --- Jul 1814;
!WITNESS:pr 7 Mar 1818 Marion Dist, SC Deeds G-145 Lewis HUGGINS of Marion Dist to John HUGGINS of same place for $25, 25a in Buck Swamp waters of Little Peedee North side Buck Swamp. S: Lewis Huggins. Wit: Lewis (X) MARES, John CAMPBELL;
!CENSUS:1820 Georgetown Dist, SC pg 173 John CAMPBELL age 26-44 (1775/94) "000010-00100";
!NOTE:See Probate Records Vol I # 128 John CAMPBELL;
!DEATH:-- --- ---- from Diary of Rev. Simeon Campbell: pg 29 John CAMPBELL, their brother died and was buried at Marion C. House, SC;
!REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 486 - 488:
"The projenitor of this family was named James. He came from Virginia in the eighteenth century, married and had five sons, John, James, Jr, Jerre, Gadi and Theophilus; and one daughter, Nancy Ann, who became the wife of old John HUGGINS, of Huggins Bridge on Little Pee Dee, and who has already been noticed herein among the Huggins family; and Mary, who married Willis HUGGINS, cousin of old John, and Elizabeth, who never married." Much more said about the CAMPBELL family;
!REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 488:
"John CAMPBELL, brother of Gadi, Jeremiah, &c., married some one not now remembered, but had no offspring.";
!PROBATE:Marion Co, SC Probates Vol I # 128 page 108;