Notes |
- !CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 886/890
Joseph B. Hays 50 Farmer $2500 Marion
Ann 48
Alexander 22 "
Sarah 16
Trestram 13
Mary 10
Jane 8
Ann 6;
!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist., SC Marion, Sugar Hill PO # 1119/1107
A. G. Hays 33 m Farmer $0/2500 SC
E. 21 f
J. N. 4 m
C. 2 m;
!NAMED-EQUITY ROLL # 403 Col. John Roberts
24 Dec 1863 Thomas Finklea and wife Joanna show that Col. John Roberts died intestate 29 Dec 1862 survived by widow Frances Roberts,
the oratrix who previously had married the orator,
Elizabeth M. Hays who married ALexander G. Hays,
Arametta Gaddey married Charles B. Gaddey
daus Sarah Frances Roberts, Amelia Roberts and Mary Louise Roberts, minors.
... Feb 1867 Sarah Frances Roberts now wife of Roger Roberts..;
!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 170-173
Joseph B. Hays, the father of our much respected and substantial fellow-citizen, T. B. Hays, married a Miss Gaddy, daughter of old Ithamer Gaddy, near Gaddy's Mills ; the fruits of this marriage were three sons, as now remebered, E. Wilson Hays, Aleck and T. B. Hays
Aleck Hays married Elizabeth, daughter of the late Colonel John Roberts, and lives at the forks of the road just below the residence of Captain Wm. J. Page; he raised a large family, all of whom are grown ; one of his sons (name not remembered), married a daughter of Hiram Lee; another, Murray, married a daughter of Mrs. Zilpha Floyd ; Mattie married a D. V. Coleman, of Columbus County, N. C, and removed to Georgia several years ago; Annie and Fanny are unmarried. ;
!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 209-213
Norton Roberts resided on the first settled place south of Buck Swamp Bridge ; don't know to whom he married-think, however, his wife was a Miss Johnson ; he, with all his family, except his oldest son. Colonel John M. Roberts, went to Louisiana a way back, perhaps, in the forties, and it is said, don't know with how much truth, that one of his sons became Governor of Louisiana. I have learned from the Hon. James Norton, that Norton Roberts' mother was a Miss Norton, sister of James Norton's grand-father, hence his name, Norton Roberts. Norton Roberts married Martha Norton, who was the mother of Colonel John M. Colonel John M. Roberts, his oldest son, married Miss Franky Mace; by her he had seven daughters and no son. One of his daughters died unmarried. His oldest daughter, Elizabeth, married Alexander Hays, son of Joseph B. Hays, and brother to our T. B. Hays ; they have raised a large family of sons and daughters, unknown to the writer. Another daughter, Joanna, married Thomas Finklea, a son of old "Corn-making Willis Finklea." Finklea is dead suppose they raised a family. Another daughter married Roger Roberts, already mentioned herein. Another daughter married Charles B. Gaddy, who died a few weeks ago, suddenly, hereinbefore mentioned. Another daughter, Louisa, married John M. McColl, now one of our best and most reliable citizens ; they have only one child, a daughter, Fannie ; married to a Mr. McNeill, of North CaroUna. One other daughter, named Emelia or Mille, has never married, and still living. Colonel Roberts was eminently a good citizen, a successful man every way, with only an ordinary common school educa- tion. In the late unpleasantness, he volunteered early, raised a company and went into the war as a Captain, and upon the reorganization of the regiment was promoted to Major, and then to Lieutenant Colonel. In the battle. Seven Days Fight around Richmond, or at Second Manassas, or at Sharpsburg, in 1862, was wounded in the thigh by a Minie ball or piece of shell. He came home, the wound became gangrenous, and he died, to the regret of all who knew him, both in and out of the army ; he was a good soldier, a good officer, beloved by his company and regiment, a growing, rising man at home and in the army ; and though comparatively a young man, had accumulated a good property, and left it unencumbered and his family in good condition. Had he lived, there was no public position within the gift of the people that he might have aspired to, that he could not have obtained ; he was exceedingly popular. ;