Notes |
- !CENSUS:1790;
!COURT:27 May 1806 (From "Johnston County North Carolina Court Minutes 1805 thru 1807 Book VII," by Weynette Parks Haun, 1976.)
112 27 May 1806 Ordered that John Stevens Jr, Esquire be appointed guardian to Betsy Roberts, William Roberts, Willie Roberts and Linsey Roberts, orphans of William Roberts deceased. Robert Gulley Jr, Esq, and Adin Powell, securities.
!COURT:28 May 1806 (From "Johnston County North Carolina Court Minutes 1805 thru 1807 Book VII," by Weynette Parks Haun, 1976.)
122 28 May 1806 Ordered Willie Roberts, orphan of William Roberts, deceased, be bound as apprentice to Clary Roberts, until 18, she being 2 now, to learn the art of Spinning, etc.
!COURT:28 May 1806 (From "Johnston County North Carolina Court Minutes 1805 thru 1807 Book VII," by Weynette Parks Haun, 1976.)
126 28 May 1806 Uriah Strickland presented account for William Roberts, Betsy Roberts, Willie Roberts, orphans of William Roberts, deceased for clothing.