Notes |
- 1930 Census - Gilmer Co, GA Town Creek Township, page 63, house # 10, family # 10
Barnett L. Hensley, head, M, W, 69, Married at age 27, born NC, parents born NC
Ona J. wife, F, W, 66 married at age 22?, born GA, father born NC, mother born GA
Manda, daughter, 29, born GA
Gordon, son, 27, born GA
1920 Census - Gilmer Co, GA Town Creek Township, house # 37, family # 39 (faint and hard to read)
B. L. Hensley, head, M, W, 59, born GA, parents born GA
Ommie J. wife 54
Nancy, dau, 22,
Joseph B., son 20
Manda, dau 18
John G., son 17
1910 Census - Gilmer Co, GA Town Creek Twp, page 273B, house # 56, family # 56 (very dim)
Barnett L. Hensley, head, 49, 1st marriage, 22 years, born NC, parents born NC
Ona J., wife, 46, 1st marriage, 22 years 10 children born, 8 living, born GA, father born NC, mother born GA
Alta, dau, 21, born GA
Cora L., dau 19
William G., son 16
Bunah? M., dau 14
Nancy B. dau 13
Joseph B., son 11
Lilla M., dau 9
John G. son 7
1900 Census - Gilmer Co, GA Town Creek Twp, House # 12 (marked out, 124 written in), Family # 12 (124)
Barnett L. Hensley, head born July 1860, 39 years old, married 12 years, born NC, parents same
Oni J. wife, Dec 1863, 36, married 12 years, 6 children born, 6 living, born GA, father NC, mother GA
Alta L dau, Dec 1888, 11, born GA
Cora L dau, Nov 1890, 9
William G son, Jun 1893, 6
Buna M. dau May 1895, 5
Nancy B. dau, Jan 1897, 3
Joseph B., son, Mar 1899, 1
1890 Census - Lost
1880 Census - They were not married yet, having married ca 1887/88 per the 1900 census. I was unable to find Barnett L. Hensley on this census in GA or NC. There was one aged 19 in Buncombe Co, NC with a wife Mary, no children.
1870 Census - He was with his mother and Henry Cordell. See below.
Henry Cordell and Lucinda
1900 Census - Pickens Co, GA Talking Rock Twp pg 148 House # 158 Family # ?? (at bottom of page and very hard to read)
Henry Cardle, Head, born Jan 1835, 65, married 34 years, born NC, parents born NC
Lucinda, wife, May 1840, 60, married 34 years, 8 children born, 7 living, born NC, parents same
1880 Census - Pickens Co, GA Talking Rock pg 502, # 162/164,
Henry Cordell, 43, born NC, parents same,
Mary, 43, wife, born NC, parents same
Green, 16, son, born "
Columbus, 10, son, born GA
Lilly A. 6, dau
1870 Census - Gilmer Co, GA, Ellijay PO, pg 45 # 631/631
Henry Cordle, 33, born NC
Cinda, 32
Lorenzo, 11
Green, 6
Columbus, 1/12 May, born GA
1860 Census - Apparently not married yet, for I found Henry Cordell in Cherokee Co, NC with his parents. Lucinda was in Macon County.
Macon Co, NC Welch's Township, page 84, # 565/578
George W. Anderson, 26, M, Farmer, born Buncombe,
Kissiah,, 30, born Buncombe,
William H. 10, born Yancey,
Lucinda Woodard, 29, born Buncombe
Not named, 9/12, male, born Macon.
They were next door to Hensley Drenning (c1826) who's connection to the Hensley family has not been found yet, though I am family with him.
Why was Lucinda living with Goerge and Kissiah Anderson? Was one of them her sibling?
Henry Cordel married Lucinda Woodard on 30 Jul 1866 in Cherokee Co, NC. He lived in that part of Cherokee COunty that became Graham County in 1872.
I've never found any Hensley in Macon County, NC except for two who were there in the 1830's but moved on rather quickly. Your William Hensley, whoever he was, must have not been from there, but from Yancey or Buncombe where Lucinda may have lived before hand.
I don't know if any of this is new or helpful to you, but it is all I have on this particular family. Let me know if it helps at all.
----- Original Message -----
From: Joe Hensley
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: William Hensley & Lucinda Maney
Mr. Grant,
I would be happy to pay you for researching information on a William Hensley, (it had to be a William). I have information from a descendent of the "Cherokee Maneys" regarding Lucinda Maney, (a/k/a Mary Lucinda) b. 1822 in Buncombe Co. She is the daughter of John Maney and Mary (Polly) Metcalf. She married James (Reuben?) Woodward, lived in Indian Creek, Washington Co., TN, and had 4 children between 1848 and 1854, according to the 1851 Siler letter. In 1860, in either Cherokee Co. NC or Macon Co. (don't know if GA or NC...must be NC) she had a child by a William Hensley, whom she may, or may not have married. His name is Barnett Lorenzo Hensley, my great grandfather. Lucinda then married Henry Cordell, b. NC in 1835, and had 4 or 5 children with Henry. The 1869 Swetland roll named her and seven or her children, the 4 Woodwards, (Barnett) Lorenzo, and two of the Cordells that were born at that time. In 1880 the family lived in Pickens Co. GA. As additional info., Barnett L. Hensley filled out application #2428 for the Churchill Cherokee Roll on Nov 5, 1906.
My missing link is the William Hensley. I have perused your excellent website and found some William and Lucinda couples, but they don't fit my dates and circumstances, even though the resemblence in names and places is uncanny.
Please help if you can. I would really appreciate it.
Joseph Hensley
Ellijay (Gilmer Co.), GA