Notes |
- !MARRIAGE BOND:17 Dec 1783 Lincoln Co, NC John LONG and Ann BEATY, Daniel CAMPBELL, bm;
!CENSUS:1790 * Lincoln Co, NC pg 114 John LONG age 16+ (bef 1774) "2-2-5-0-7" or * Lincoln Co, NC pg 114 John LONG age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-2-2-0-0";
!NAMED:28 Apr 1798 Lincoln Co, NC, Will of Archibald GRAHAM. as "daughter Ann, wife of John LONG";
!CENSUS:1800 * Lincoln Co, NC pg 897 John LONG age 45+ (bef 1755)
!WILL:21 Jun 1819 Lincoln Co, NC. John LONG , proven July 1822. Wife Ann, , eldest son John. Molly Ann Gofourth (NRS), 3 beloved daughters Dove Williams, Jeney Dillingham and Nanny Beem. Son Henry Long. To Nancy Cornelious now Brown (NRS). Jenny and Rebeckah McCormick (NRS). Exec: Robert McCormick, John Oats, William Oats. Witn: Robert McCormick, Adam Niell;
!WILL(From Mel Green):
Will of John Longdated 21 June 1822?
State of North CarolinaLincoln CountyJune the 21st
I John Long Senior being weak in Body but sound in mind & Memory doth Make & ordain & Constitute this my last will & Testament in the name of God Amen & first I will and Bequeath that my Body may have a Decent Burial & I recommend my soul to God that gave it Beliveing that agreable to the holy Scriptures my Body shall rise at the last day & Unite with my spirit never more to part
I will & Devise that all my just & lawfull Debts may be paid out of my Estate
I likewise will & Devise Unto my Beloved wife Ann Long During her life time fifty dollars per year for her Maintenance out of My Estate
again I will and Devise Unto my oldest son John the sum of fifty dollars out of my Estate
I will & Bequeath Unto Molly Ann Gofourth the sum of one Hundred Dollars
again I will & Devise that my homesteadd plantation & my other lands in the County of Lincoln & my Negro Man Joush, Martain & fortune my Negro boys with all other property that the will doth not Cover to be put to publick sale & the Moneys remaining After the payments of my Debts & Expences Acruing from the same the remaining part to be Devided among my threee Beloved Daughters & my Beloved son Henery Long if Henery is living if not living then it is to be Devided between my three Daughters Dove Williams is to have two Hundred Dollars over and above an Equal share with Jeney Dillingham and Nanny Beem as I did not give Dove as much when she left me as the other two
again I will & bequeath my lands in the ??stern Country My Claim agreable to a Contract Between me & Mr Burton & Robert Kinnery is twelve Hundred & fifty Dollars the one half to my son John & the other half to my son Henery if living if not living the six hundred twenty-five Equally to be Devided Between my three Daughters
I will and Bequeath Unto Nanny Cornelious but now by mariage Brown the sum of fifty Dollars
I will and Bequeath Unto Jenny & Rebeckah McCormick a good Cambrick Muzlin Dress & Trimmings out of my Estate
again I will and Devise that my Negroe Woeman Sara & my Negro Boy Named Bob a son of Sarah be free from slavery to any persons or persons whomsoever the are to be Mancipatited or free from slavery at Neizars day Eighteen Hundred & twenty & Sarah is to have a piece of land on my homested plantation the land to be as follows Begining on the west side of the fork Buf folow about one Hundred yeard above the mouth of the Mill Creek & runs near west till it comes to the head of the improveme where Daniel Copland did live thence along the head of the improvement till it striks the Meeting house Spring Branch thence Down the Branch to the Creek thence Up the mayander of the Creek till a fallan cherry tree about one Hundred yeards above the mouth of the Mill Creek the Begining to have & to hold During life of & Bob to remain with his mother till He is twenty one year old if she lives that long & the o??? to live on the land willed to them & be Under the Care & direction of my Executors
again I will and Bequeath to Sarah a good Milch Cow or as Much Money as will buy a good one
again I will to My Daughter Anny Beam the child that Sarah is now big with if it lives and she is to pay Sarah for nursing it until weaned
I Do Appoint Constitute will and Ordain Robert McCormick John Oats William Oats my true & faithful Executors of this my last will an Testament & I further more Renounce Disalow & Deavow all other wills & Testaments here to fore written in Witness hereof I have here unto set my hand & affixed my seal the year & Day above written in presence of us
WitnessRobt McCormick John Long {seal}Adam Niell jurat
North CarolinaLincoln County July Sessions 1822
The written will was proved in open Court by the Oath of Adam Neil & Admitted to RecordWitness Vardry Mcbee CC