Notes |
- !CENSUS:1790;
CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co., NC Joseph Turner age 45+ (bef 1755) "01001-00201";
CENSUS:1810 Haywood Co, NC pg 79 Joseph TURNER age 45+ (bef 1765)
HAYWOOD COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Probate of the Estate of Joseph Turner
Probate of the Estate of Joseph Turner of Haywood County 1820-1827
(formerly of Caswell County NC and Halifax County VA)
> The naming of his own heirs in Haywood County
> The naming of the heirs of his son Abraham Rogers Turner, claiming to be
legatees of Joseph Turner, who lived in Buncombe County (the part that is now
Yancey County)
Transcribed and compiled by Marshall Styles,
September 2002
About January 1820 - Joseph Turner dies in Haywood County NC.
1 February 1820 - "Widow Turner's Relinquishment of Administration" - I Mary
Turner the widow of Joseph Turner deceased do relinquish my rite of
administration to William Bryson and John Slate given this day my hand and
seal this 1 day of February 1820; Mary (her X mark) Turner. Witness William
Deaver. See 21 March 1820 where she appoints alternate administrators.
2 February 1820 - State of North Carolina Haywood County }} Know all men by
these presents that we William Bryson & John Slate both of said County are
jointly and severally held & firmly bound unto Thomas Love Esquire, Chairman
of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions in the county aforesaid in the sum of
two thousand dollars Lawful money of said State, To the payment of which will
and truly be made & done, we do bind ourselves and each of us our heirs,
jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals & dated
the 2nd day of February AD 1820. The condition of the above obligation is such
that whereas the above bounden Wm. Bryson & John Slate hath made application
and is specially appointed administrator of that part of the Estate of Joseph
Turner deceased (etc.). {Seal} William Bryson, John Slate, Jeremiah R. Pace.
9 February 1820 - We the ares [heirs] of Joseph Turner deceased have a note of
one hundred dollars against his estate. William Cathey has a clame of ten
dollars or more. J. Slate has a clame of attend at the Morganton Superior
Court. To wagon and team over to Ritchland to fetch a lode of plunder.
February the 15th and 16 did attend the sale and March Court two days. 5
pounds cotton. A parsel of salt not milled.
12 February 1820 - A list or schedule of the crop, stock & provisions
belonging to the estate of Joseph Turner deceased which is directed to be sold
by he undersigned Justices who were convened this 2nd Day of February 1820 at
the Clerks Office for the express purpose of granting a special administration
for two Negro boys, one mare, five head of cattle, two head of sheep, supposed
to be eighteen head of hogs and an old wagon and desk, smith tools, and gun
with shot-bag, house and kitchen furniture & farming tools. Given under our
hands date above {Seal} William Dever JP, Andrew Welch JP, Jeremiah R. Pace
15 February 1820 - Account of the sale of property of Joseph Turner deceased.
Includes: [a] Samuel Hughes [one of the Bonsdmen on the estate administration]
9 head of sheep $17.25 [b] William Hembry 18 head of hogs $31.00 [c] John
Slate [son-in-law] Cow & bell $12.00; pitcher $1.00; jug of oil $1.00 [c]
Aseph Wilson 1 yearling $24.37 [d] James Love [e] Abner Slate [grandson] broad
ax $1.75; cross-cut saw $7.00; file $0.62; plow $2.45; lock chain $0.90 [f]
Martin Hefling (Martin Hefley, brother-in-law of Bannister Turner) [g] Joseph
Queen pair of [surveyor or logging?] chains $3.51 [h] Bannister Turner
(grandson) bell $1.50, oven $1.30; one pigeon $0.25; desk $25.55 [i] William
Dever flax wheel $5.50 [j] Benjamin Brooks smith tools $21.12 [k] Silas Wilson
(son-in-law) [l] Alan Campbell one Negro boy $659.00 [m] _?_ Dever one Negro
boy $602.00 [n] Joseph Sorrells 1 cowhide $3.25 [o] George Cathey 1 wagon
$26.75 [p] William Bryson 1 jug $1.18 [q] MARY TURNER curtains $0.25 [r]
Gideon Allman, Spencer Bird, Eli Bryant, Lewis Smith, George Coleman, Samuel
Rhodes, Absalom Henson, Daniel Henson, Edward McFalls 1 glass (mirror) &
razor. The estate sale raised $1,425.71, a fair sum of money in 1820.
21 March 1820 - In an unexplained move, Mary Turner replaces William Bryson as
one of Joseph's Administrators. "I Mary Turner widow of Joseph Turner deceased
do relinquish my rite of Administration to John Slate, William Dever, George
Cathey or either of them. {signed} Mary (her X mark) Turner. Witness Elijah
Dever." The actual appointment of administrator contained neither William
Dever nor George Cathey's name, being replaced by two others. See next entry
21 March 1820 - State of North Carolina Haywood County }} Know all men by
these presents that we John Slate, Bannister Turner, Samuel Hughes and Thomas
McClure are jointly and severally held and firmly bound unto Thomas Love,
Esquire, Chairman of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions in the county of
Haywood aforesaid in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars. . Sealed with our Seals
and dated the 21st day of March AD 1820. The condition of the above obligation
is such that whereas the above bounded John Slate and Bannister Turner had
made application and is appointed administrator of the estate of Joseph Turner
deceased [etc.] {Seal} John Slate, Bannister Turner, Thomas McClure, Samuel
8 April 1820 - State of North Carolina, Haywood County}} March Sessions AD
1820. Ordered by Court that William Davis Esquire, Samuel Hughes, George
Cathey & Spenser Bird be appointed commissioners to allot of to Mary Turner
the widow of Joseph Turner deceased, her year's provision as allowed by law.
Certified the 8th of April 1820 {signed} R. Love CHC [Clerk Haywood Court]
3 May 1820 - We the undersigned commissioners agreeable to an order of Court
to us directed, have met and after examination of the Estate of Joseph Turner
deceased, find no stock nor crop to a lot to Mary Turner the widow of Joseph
Turner deceased, her years allowance. We have therefore allowed to her out of
the Estate be paid by the administrators the sum of $70 - given under our
hands and seals this day and date above written {Seals} William Dever, Samuel
Hughes, George Cathey, Spencer Bird.
26 June 1820 - [Crooks handling the administration of Joseph Turner! Bannister
Turner, one of the Administrators of the estate of Joseph Turner claims that a
note from Bannister Turner for six bushels of rye is a doubtful note. Way to
go, Bannister, stealing from the widow Turner.] "A list of notes: [1] James
Rutherford's note Twenty Dollars [2] James McKee's Note for 4 bushels salt, 10
lbs sugar [3] John Bryson note for ten dollars 50 cents [4] Joseph Dobson note
for three dollars 50 cents [5] John Fergus note for 4$ [6] Josiah Wren note
for 75 cents [7] Aaron Brittain note for three $ [8] Joseph Dobson note for
20$ [9] John Styles note for 6$ [10] Joseph Dobson note for 20$. [10]
Bannister Turner note for six bushels rye [11] James Wilkes note for 52-1/2
good cotton. Execution against R. Hemphead for 11$ 8 cents. A true return
given under our hands this 26th day of June 1820. John Slate, Bannister
Turner, Administrators. Sworn to in open court.
20 November 1820 - State of N Carolina Haywood County}} Elijah Deavers account
against Joseph Turner deceased from October 1817 to the present (1) For
weaving $7.82 (2) two bushels of salt $8.75 (3) for keeping his stock $151.00
(4) one move to the house $3.00. This day came Elijah Deaver before me William
__ and proved the above account to be a just one. Sworn to and subscribed this
20th day of November 1820 {Seal} Elijah Deaver. Testator William Deaver.
25 December 1820 - A list of grain sold for the heirs of Joseph Turner,
deceased, sold on the 18th day of November 1820. [1] Bannister Turner to 48
bushels of corn at _?_ per bushel [2] Bannister Turner to 21 bushels of corn
at 34 cents per bushel [3] Bannister Turner to 28 bushels of nubbins at 6-1/4
cents per bushel [4] George Hefley [a brother of Bannister Turner] to 1 stack
of oats at $5.56-14. The above is a true return given under our hands and
seals this 25th Day of December 1820 }} Bannister Turner, Joseph Slate
16 January 1821 - After settlement with the Administrators of the estate of
Joseph Turner deceased, the said estate is indebted to William Dever to the
amount of twenty five dollars fifty cents. {Signed} William Dever
9 April 1821 - Then received of John Slate & BANNISTER TURNER administrators
of the estate of Joseph Turner deceased, two hundred & thirty eight dollars &
37-1/2 cents, as one of the legatees of the estate of Joseph Turner deceased,
claimed as one of the legatees of JOSIAH TURNER deceased' estate and it is
hereby understood that if the above sum be more than the said Bannister
Turner's share of said estate, he agrees to pay the surplus back at any time
when called on for that purpose. {Seal} BANNISTER TURNER. Attest Elijah
9 April 1821 - Then received of John Slate & Bannister Turner administrators
of the estate of Joseph Turner. . fifty six dollars & seventy cents as one of
the legatees of the estate of Joseph Turner deceased as one of the legatees of
Abraham R. Turner [etc] {Seal} EPHRAIM PIERCEY. Attest William Dever.
9 April 1821 - Same wording as for Bannister Turner, Ephraim Piercey, Fifty
seven dollars & seventy cents to JOHN {his X mark) ALLEN. Attest Robert Love.
9 April 1821 - Same wording as for Bannister Turner, Ephraim Piercey, Joseph
Allen to JOSIAH (his X mark) ALLEN, legatee of Abraham R. Turner. Turner
researchers generally assume this refers to Joseph Allen who married Abraham
R. Turner's daughter. If they are the same person then why would Josiah Allen
be receiving money from himself. I do not know who this Josiah Allen, legatee
of Abraham Rogers Turner might be.
27 June 1821 - Then received of John Slate & Bannister Turner administrators
of the estate of Joseph Turner deceased fifty six dollars & seventy cents of
the estate of Joseph Turner deceased as one of the legatees of Abraham R.
Turner deceased estate & it is hereby understood that should the above sum of
fifty six dollars & seventy cents be more than the said Ephraim Piercey shares
of said estate as legatee of Abraham R. Turner's estate he agrees to pay the
surplus back at any time when called on for that purpose {Seal} EPHRAIM
PIERCEY. Attest William Dever.
27 June 1821 - Same wording as Ephraim Piercey, except the amount is Fifty
five dollars & ninety four and a half cents to ANDREW (his X mark) BANKS.
Attest William Dever.
29 August 1821 - The estate of Joseph Turner, deceased. Debit to John Slate
$13.06-1/4 for (1) September expense to Morganton two dollars thirty one ½
cents; (2) Horse showing fifty cents; (3) In servitude of my self and horse to
Morganton $5.25; (4) Cotton and salt $2.00 (5) ?? $3.00. State of N. Carolina
Haywood County }} August 29 1821, this day came John Slate before me __
Edmonston, one of the acting Justices of the Peace for said county and made
oath in due form of law and deponeth and sayeth on oath that the above account
exhibited against the above mentioned estate is just and true to the best of
his knowledge, sworn to and subscribed before me the day and date above
written {seal} John Slate, {signed} __ Edmonston J.P. [William Cathey had a
similar account submitted that day for "money lent" to Joseph Turner $10.00,
and "one Bushel Salt $3.00]
29 August 1821 - Then received of John Slate & Bannister Turner,
administrators of the Estate of Joseph Turner deceased, fifty seven dollars
forty four & three fourths cents of the estate of Joseph Turner deceased,
claimed as one of the legatees of Abraham R. Turner deceased estate and it is
hereby understood that should the above sum of fifty seven dollars forty four
& ¾ cents be more than the said John Hensley's share of said estate as legatee
of Abraham R. Turner's estate, he agrees to pay the surplus back at any time
when called on for that purpose. {Signed} JOHN (his X mark) HENSLEY. Attest,
John Dever.
29 August 1821 - Then received of John Slate & Bannister Turner,
administrators of the Estate of Joseph Turner, deceased Four Hundred fifteen
dollars sixty eight cents as the widow's part of the estate of Joseph Turner,
deceased, claimed as her part of the said estate and it is hereby understood
that if the above sum of Four Hundred fifteen dollars sixty eight cents be
more than the said widow's share of said estate as widow of the aforesaid
Joseph Turner, she agrees to pay the surplus back at any time when called on
for. {Signed} Elijah Dever [on behalf of the widow Mary]. Also the further sum
of twelve seventy two cents on the same principles as the above receipt
bearing the same date. Total $428.40
March Term 1822, Haywood County Court - [Distribution of shares to Joseph's
heirs in his estate] "A list of Receipts, Notes & other Vouchers, &c returned
by the administrator of the estate of Joseph Turner deceased, to be filed in
the Clerks Office at March Term 1822. [1] Josiah Allen's Receipt 9th April
1821 $56.70 [2] Ephraim Piercey's Receipt 27th June 1821 $56.70 [3] Andrew
Bank's Receipt 27th June 1821 $55.94-1/2 [4] Elijah Dever's Receipt for Widow
Dower 29th of August 1821 $428.40 [5] Elijah Dever's proven amount 20th
November 1820 $172.62-1/2 [6] Bannister Turner's Receipts 9th April & August
27th 1821 $426.75 [7] John Allen's Receipt 9th of April 1821 $56.70 [8] John
Hensley's Receipt 29th August 1821 $57.44-3/4 [9] William Cathey's proven
amount 29th August 1821 $13.00 [10] William Dever's proven amount 16th January
1821 $25.50 [11] John Slate's proven amount 29th of August 1821 $13.06-1/4
[12] Bannister Turner's note 3rd of March 1822 $5.44 [13] Allen Campbell's
note due 30th August 1821 $170.00 [14] John Slate's note 15th February 1821
$69.00 [15] George Cathey's note 15 February 1821 $26.75 [16] An execution on
Robert Hemphill & Daniel McDowell 12 December 1820 $11.00 [17] James McKee's
Receipt for Taxes for Joseph Turner's estate $1.46 [18] William Culbertson
Receipt for costs on [law]suits $1.40 [19] The amount of the doubtful notes
not collected $79.16. [20] There is a separate piece of paper with the name
William Trotter, indicating he had a share in the estate amounting to $157.00.
The remainder of that piece of paper was not in the records I received.
March 1822 - Ledger. Josiah Allen $56.70; Piercey $56.70, Allen $56.70; Banks
$55.94-1/2; Hensley $56.70; E. Dever $428.40; E. Dever $170.62-1/2; B. Turner
$238.37-1/2; B. Turner $188.37-1/2. [This first part represents the legatees
of Abraham Rogers Turner, or those who bought the shares of the legatees -
e.g., Bannister Turner]. The Whole amounting to $1308.52. [After the subtotal,
the list resumes, and seems more attuned to the administrators of Joseph
Turner] Slate $70.12-1/2 for "Extra Services, Necessary Expenses, Collecting
and Administration"; Wm. Dever $25.50; Wm. Cathey $13.00; Slate $13.6-1/4;
Potter $157.00; McKee [taxes] $1.46. The Whole added together $1,588.66-3/4
8 April 1822 - Bannister Turner submits his expense report to a Court-
appointed committee, seeking reimbursement in the amount of $62.75. "B.
Turner's account against the Estate of Joseph Turner deceased, for all
necessary Trouble as an administrator of said estate, about the 15th day of
Nov. 1820. The said Estate to husking 100 bushels of corn. Nov 18th to
advertising and selling corn and oats. About the 22nd or 23rd to measuring 100
bushels corn. To attending December Court and settling business three days.
Feb the 3rd to going to trial at Wm. Devers. August 31st to attending and
selling oats and wheat. Nov the 7th to attending sale and selling of corn. 8th
to husking of 77-1/2 bushels of corn. 10th to measuring 77-1/2 bushels of
corn. March the 25th & 26th to attending Court three days to settling with
said estate." [25th & 26th is only 2 days - he was paid for 3]
20 August 1822 - Then received of John Slate and Bannister Turner
Administrators of the Estate of Joseph Turner deceased, one hundred and fifty
seven doler [sic] of the Estate of Joseph Turner deceased, claimed as one of
the Legatees of Abraham R. Turner deceased estate it being my part and the
part of Samuel Gragg and John Broad Hurst [Broadhurst] as claimaints of the
said estate & pay received by me. {Signed} Wilson Potter, Attorney. Testator
Wm. Cathey." This John Broadhurst appears to be the same man whose son John M.
Broadhurst became a Judge in Clay County, Missouri.
21 August 1822 - Know all men by these presents that we Wilson Potter, Samuel
Gragg, and John Broadhurst of the Counties of Howard and Clay and State of
Missouri for and in consideration of the sum of nine dollars each to them in
hand paid the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge have bargained and sold
unto Bannister Turner of the County of Haywood and State of North Carolina all
our claims of a certain piece of land that Joseph Turner deceased possessed
of, we being some of his lawful heirs, claimed as legatees of A.R. Turner
deceased, the land being on Raccoon Creek in Haywood County and being an
undivided tract of land claimed by said Joseph Turner heirs, and bounded as
follows. . Turner's line. . corner of Bannister Turner's land. . The claims to
be by an equal division to be six acres and a quarter each, to have and to
hold to the said Bannister Turner. . we the said Wilson Potter, Samuel Gragg
and John Broadhurst do bind ourselves our heirs. . Witness our hands and seals
this 21st day of August 1822. Witness Elijah Deaver, Joseph Cathey. {Seals}
Samuel Gragg, John Broadhurst, Wilson Potter. September Term 1822. The within
deed was proven in open Court by Elijah Deaver one of the subscribing
witnesses thereto. Recorded and ordered to be registered. Certified 14th
October 1822. Robert Love, Clerk. Registered the 15th day of March 1823 by
William Welch, RHC.
1 October 1822 - Andrew Welch to Bannister Turner: Andrew Welch of the county
of Haywood and state of North Carolina for and in consideration of the sum of
one hundred fifty dollars. . have sold unto banister Turner of the said county
and state. . beginning on a stake between Andrew Welch and John Welch on the
west side of Bannister Turner's line to a hickory, the beginning corner of a
one hundred acre tract of land originally granted to said Andrew Welch.
Witnesses Elijah Deaver (Jurat), Joseph Sorrells. {Seal} Andrew Welch. Proved
in open court by Elijah Deaver.. Certified 14th October 1822, Robert Love Clk.
Registered 18th day of March 1823.
26 March 1823 - State of North Carolina Haywood County}} Court of Pleas and
Quarter Sessions, March Term AD 1836. This indenture made this the twenty six
day of March in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and twenty
three between Andrew Banks of the county of Buncombe and state of NC and
Bannister Turner of Haywood County and State aforesaid, Witnesseth: That for
and in consideration of the sum of twenty dollars to him the said Andrew
Banks. . that he hath bargained and sold by these presents. . a piece or
parcel of land situated, lying and being in the County of Haywood and on
Raccoon Creek, a part of Joseph Turner deceased tract of land that he died
possessed of, it being a legacy coming to the said Banks and Josiah Allen,
said all conveyed to Banks and by estimation or full share eighteen and three
fourths acres and it being the undivided part coming to Joseph Allen, Ann
Allen, Andrew Banks and his wife Rachel by herself, it coming unto Bannister
Turner. . I the said Andrew Banks do warrant and defend the said bargained
premises forever free from lien. . Witnesses: Barbara Hefley, Clemmons Gaddy
(Jurat). {Seal} Andrew (his X mark) Banks. Court of Pleas and Quarter
Sessions, June Term 1836. The within deed was duly proven in open court by
Clemmons Gaddy one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, recorded and ordered
to be registered. Certified the 1st of July AD 1836 by William Welch.
Registered July 1st AD 1836, Bannister Turner RHC [Registrar Haywood County]
[Clemmons Gaddy was married to Martha L. Dyer and lived in the Bethel
community of Haywood County.]
3 September 1825 - Haywood County NC Court. Know all men by these presents
that I John Allen of the County of Buncombe and State of North Carolina of the
first part and Bannister Turner of the State and County aforesaid of the
second part, Witnesseth. That I the said John Allen have bargained with,
advised and confirmed unto the said Bannister Turner, all my claim of a piece
of land which Joseph Turner deceased possessed, it being the undivided part
1/8 land claimed by the said Allen, and John and Mattie Hensley of said
deceased estate, claimed as heir of Abraham Rogers Turner deceased, both for
and in consideration of the sum of ten dollars each to me in hand paid, the
receipt of which is acknowledged, myself fully satisfied -land lying on
Raccoon Creek in Haywood County. . corner of Bannister Turner's land. . six
acres and a quarter each. . Witness my hand and seal this 3rd day of September
1825, Signed, sealed in presence of us: Witness Elijah Dever (Jurat), Fanny
Dever {Seal} John (his X mark) Allen. Certified at office this 7th day of
January AD 1836, William Welch. Registered February the 13th AD 1836.
Bannister Turner, RHC. [I think this must be inappropriate for the Register of
Deeds for Haywood County by the name Bannister Turner to be the person
registering a deed to which he has a vested interest - M. Styles]
18 December 1827 - State of North Carolina, Buncombe County}} This indenture
made this eighteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and twenty seven between Sarah Turner and her heirs of the first
part and Thomas Gardner of the second part, and all of the said county and
state, Witnesseth that for in consideration of the sum of Four hundred dollars
paid in hand by the said Thomas Gardner. . Sarah Turner hath granted bargained
and sold a certain parcel of land situated in said county, waters of Caney
River and Prices Creek. . containing one hundred and sixty six acres, plus
one-half acre to be the same more or less. . {Seal} Sarah Turner {Seal} Samuel
Gragg. Buncombe County Deed Book 15, page 179.
Copyright. All rights reserved.
This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives
by: Marshall Styles