Notes |
- !CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 174 w/Gadi CAMPBELL age 5-9 (1830/35);
!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 997 John CAMPBELL, 17 (1832/33) born Marion;
!DEATH:22 Apr 1853 Marion Star, in his 20th year, J.W.W. CAMPBELL, son of Gadi and Mary CAMPBELL, joined the M.E. Church;
!DEATH:22 Apr 185- from Diary of Rev. Simeon Campbell: pg 27 John W. Warren died April 22n 185-;
!NOTE:from Diary of Rev. Simeon Campbell: Those Buried in the CAMPBELL Cemetery. Grand Father John CAMPBELL was the first one Buried there, then his Daughter Mathea and then his wife Ann, David BARNES, unkle James CAMPBELL and his first son Demcy CAMPBELL and a grand son. Aunt Mary HUGGINS and 2 small children. Mrs. Nancy NORTON and her son Solomon and Pris---nn, her daughter. Samuel OWENS, unkle Billie HUGGINS wife Betsy, his secon wife Nancy was A HOMES. Mrs. Polly TOWNSEND, unkle Gadi CAMPBELL and wife Mary and three daughters, Eliza and Nancy and Elizabeth,s 2 children, Gadi's four sons, John, Warran ...;
!REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 487-488:
"Gadi CAMPBELL married Mary NORTON, sister of John NORTON and aunt of Hon. James NORTON; they had four sons, Warren W., Charles Fletcher, Theophilus and Benjamin F., and three daughters, Martha, Emaline and Eliabeth (sic). Of the daughters, Martha married James DUDNEY, and had and raised severalc hildren, all grown, about whom little is known; Emaline CAMPBELl married the late Thomas A. PROCTOR, and had several children. Of the daughters of Thomas A. PROCTOR, the eldest Sallie married Thomas COTTINGHAM, and had one or two children; she died several years ago. Another daughter Anne PROCTOR, married Major BIRD, and had one child, and died. Relda PROCTOR married Milton NORTON, and has a family (coming). Mary married Mr WILLIAMS, and has a large family: they are in Hampton County; and Miss Fannie PROCTOR is unmarried. Elizabeth CAMPBELL married R.B. GAME, and they had and raised a considerable family. Of the daughters of R.B. GAME and wife, Hattie married a Mr. HUNTER; they are in Florence County. Mary GAME married Samuel ROGERS; they have quite a family; they live in Columbia. Robert GAME married Albert ROGERS; have a family (small). Georgei GAME married a Mr. CHREITZBERG; they had two children, a son and a daughter, Robert and Lula (small). CHRIETZBERG dying, the widow married Daniel MARTIN, of Mullins; no children by her MARTIN marriage. Lila GAME is unmarried. Of the sons of Gadi CAMPBELL, Warren W. died a young single man, just as he was preparing to enter as a minister in the South Carolina Confernece (Methodist). Charles Fletcher CAMPBELL, son of Gadi, never married; he joined the South Carolian Confernece in1 859, and died in 1860, at the age of twenty-seven. Benjamin F. CAMPBELL, son of Gadi, never married; he died or was killed in the war. Theophilus CAMPBELL, son of Gadi, married Emma HUGGINS; he is dead; left his widow, two sons and four daughters. Of the daughters, Louisa married a Mr. PROCTOR; he died and left her with two children; she is in Washington-whether married again, the writer know not. Dora, the next daughter, married T.W. SELLERS, the nephew of the writer; she died, and left two children, daughters (small). Etta, the next daughter, is also in Washington, D.C.; said to be married, but to whom is not known. Maggie, the youngest, is unmarried, perhaps not grown. Of the two sons, Iverson and Theo, they are with their mother; neither one of them is grown.";