Notes |
- !CENSUS:1790 Dobbs Co, NC pg 136 w/Mary GRANT age -16 (1774/90);
!TAXLIST:1803 Washington Co., VA
-Frederick Hamilton's District
James Grant, 1 white, 0 blacks, 1 horse
John Grant, 1 white, 0 blacks, 1 horse
-William Snodgrass' District
Isaac Grant, 1 white, 0 blacks, 1 horse, 103acres;
!TAXLIST:1806 Washington Co, VA Lower Dist. John GRANT;
CENSUS:1810 Washington Co, VA pg 206 John GRANT age 26-44 (1765/84);
!GRANT: 1 May 1818 VA Grants 67-267 Washington Co, VA to John GRANT, 153a both sides of the Dry Run Branch on the south side of the south fork of Holstein River;
!DEED:2- Jul 1832 Washington Co, VA Deed Bk 11 pages 107-111. "This indenture made this 2_ day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty two between Christopher Ketson and Mary his wife of the county of Washington in the State of Virginia of the one part and Isaac GRANT, James GRANT, and Elizabeth GRANT heirs of John GRANT, decd and Samuel Wilder and James Wilder Jr sons and heirs of Anne Wilder, decd who was the sister of said John GRANT, decd and Kinchen Tucker, P(eac?)y Davis, formerly P(eac?)y Tucker, and Ann S(tidham) formerly Ann Tucker heirs of Polly Tucker, decd, formerly Polly GRANT, the sister of said John GRANT, decd of the other part...";
!DEED:25 Jul 183- Washington Co, VA Deeds 11-111 pg 111 Indenture made 25 Jul 183? when the heirs of John GRANT sold 125 acres & appurtenances to ?? (think its John J. Miller). This deed goes into more about John GRANT's heirs. "...Isaac GRANT & Polly his wife, and James GRANT & (Jenn?)y his wife, the said Isaac GRANT and James GRANT being brothers and heirs of John GRANT, decd, James Wilder and Samuel Wilder & Elizabeth his wife and James Wilder Jr & Elizabeth his wife, the said James Wilder Sr having been the husband and the said Samuel Wilder & James Wilder Jr having been sons and heirs of Ann Wilder decd formerly Ann GRANT the sister of said John GRANT decd and Kinchen Tucker and Sarah his wife, Adam Davis and Pearsy his wife, William Stidhem and Ann his wife, the said Kinchen Tucker, Ann Stidem and Pearcy Davis being heirs of Polly Tucker decd formerly Polly GRANT the sister of John GRANT decd of the one part...";