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- !NOTE:marriage 1 Nov 1621 Writtle, Essex Co, VA Nicholas George to Margaret Saward. What source for this?
!PATENT:20 Feb 1638 Virginia Patents 1-633 Nicholas GEORGE and John GRYMSDITCH, 300 acres Isle of Wight County, Virginia. Running up Pagan Creek E and W at the head of Grymsditch his creek 200 acres to said George by assignment from William CLAPHAM to whom it was due for transportation of 4 persons: John MUNGER, Richard SHELTON, Anthony LEE, John EVANS. and 100 acres due said Grymsditch for the personal advance of himself and wife;
!PATENT:15 Feb 1652 Virginia Patents 3-153 Nicholas GEORGE 700 acres Charles City County on N side of Rappahanock River on E side of the W branch of Corotoman River. 300 acres by rights of a patent to said George and William GRINDITH 20 Feb 1638 (Might be John Grymsditch?) and surrendered by himself and 400 acres for transportation of 8 persons: ..... Nicholas GEORGE, Margaret GEORGE, his wife,......................;
!PATENT:14 Aug 1652 Virginia Patents 3-205 Nicholas GEORGE, Thomas TABERER, and Humphrey CLARK 900 acres, Charles City County beginning at the mouth of N side of a branch where Francis ENGLAND'S land endeth and across the branch to the Great Swamp, being the 1st branch of the Black Water, etc for transportation of 18 persons;
!NAMED:24 Jan 1653 Virginia Patents 3-49 Captain Francis POTT Northampton County, Virginia. 1000 acres for transport of 20 persons: ... John GEORGE, Nicholas GEORGE ... * NOTE: Might not be this same Nicholas GEORGE;
!DEED:12 May 1655 Isle of Wight Co, VA Book A. John NICHOLAS of Corotoman River in Rapahanock, appoints friend William DENBRIGHT attorney to demand of Nicholas GEORGE, planter of Isle of Wight, assurance of 1/2 of patent of 700a due me. Asking of said George and his wife a conveyance of the same;
!COURT:27 Mar 1657 Lancaster Co, VA RB 2-123;
!TAXLIST:30 Nov 1659 Lancaster Co, VA Nich GEORGE Sen.
!WILL:-- --- 1661? Lancaster Co, VA pr 8 May 1661 Will of Nicholas GEORGE. Son Nicholas GEORGE. Daughter Grace GEORGE. My wife and my two daughters. S: Nicholas (X) George. Wit: John SHARPE, Henry (H) DAVIS;