Notes |
- !NOTES:Marty Grant's 5th Great Grand Mother.;
!DISCUSSION GROUP (Free) for those researching the William & Frances (Carpenter) Davis family:
!BIRTH:26 Jan 1771 as Maria Phroene ZIMMERMAN from Moravian Records, "Phroene can be anglicized as "Veronica" or "Frances", Maria as a first name is a German naming custom, it is symbolic and was never used for records;
!NOTE:"Veronica - Phronick, Fronik, Feronica: Name of legendary Saint, German name from German Beronike, dialect form of Pherenike, literally, Carrying off Victory, hence, the victorius";
!NAMED:"N.C. Revolutionary Soldiers, Sailors, Patriots ... Vol I" pg 62 William DAVIS, Revolutionary Soldier, Cpl, NC ca 1740-1841 wife Frankie WEATHERMAN;
!CENSUS:1786 x doesn't seem to be with parents;
!CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 109 w/William DAVIS, no ages (bef 1790);
!CENSUS:1800 Burke Co., NC p. 742
William Davis age 45+ (bef 1755)
Analysis (who each person might be):
1m 45+ (bef 1755) = William Davis (1730/40)
1m 0-9 (1790/1800) = John Davis (1798) son
1f 26-44 (1755/1774) = Frances Carpenter Davis (1771) wife
1f 16-25 (1774/1784) = Daughter (Betsy, Mary or Sarah)
1f 10-15 (1784/1790) = Daughter (Betsy, Mary or Sarah)
2f 0-9 (1790/1800) = 1. Nancy Davis (c1795) daughter
"f 0-9 (1790/1800) = 2. Elizabeth Davis (1796) daughter;
!CENSUS:1810 Burke Co., NC p. 320
William Davis age 45+ (bef 1765)
My Analysis (who each person might be):
1m 45+ (bef 1765) = William Davis (1730/40)
1m 10-15 (1794/1800) = John Davis (1798) son
2m 0-9 (1800/1810) = 1. Jacob Davis (1801) son
"m 0-9 (1800/1810) = 2. Thomas Davis (c1805) son
1f 45+ (bef 1765) Frances Carpenter Davis (1771) wife
1f 26-44 (1765/1784) = Daughter (Betsy, Mary or Sarah)
2f 10-15 (1794/1800) = 1. Nancy Davis (c1795) daughter
"f 10-15 (1794/1800) = 2. Elizabeth Davis (1796) daughter
2f 0-9 (1800/1810) = 1. Margaret Davis (c1804) daughter
"f 0-9 (1800/1810) = 2. Frances Davis (1808) daughter;
!CENSUS:1820 Burke Co., NC p. 61
William Davis age 45+ (bef 1775)
Analysis (who each person might be):
1m 45+ (bef 1775) = William Davis (1730/40)
2m 16-25 (1794/1804) = 1. John Davis (1798) son
"m 16-25 (1794/1804) = 2. Jacob Davis (1801) son
1m 16-17 (1802/1804) * One of above, though not good match for either.
1m 10-15 (1804/1810) = Thomas Davis (c1805) son
1f 45+ (bef 1765) = Frances Carpenter Davis (1771) wife
2f 10-15 (1804/1810) = 1. Margaret Davis (c1804) daughter
"f 10-15 (1804/1810) = 2. Frances Davis (1808) daughter
1f 0-9 (1810/1820) Rachel Davis (1810) daughter;
!CENSUS:1830 Burke Co., NC p. 196
Wm Davis age 90-99 (1730/1740)
Analysis (who each person might be):
1m 90-99 (1730/1740) = William Davis (1730/40)
1m 20-29 (1800/1810) = Thomas Davis (c1805) son
1f 50-59 (1770/1780) = Frances Carpenter Davis (1771) wife
1f 20-29 (1800/1810) = Rachel Davis (1810) daughter;
!DEED:21 Oct 1835 Ashe Co., NC Book G, p. 165 Carpenter Heirs
Jonathan Miller
Margaret Miller
Franky Davis
Jacob Davis
Jacob Carpenter
Joseph Roten
Mary Roten
Christena Carpenter
to David Carpenter
100a Buffalo Creek.;
!DEED:21 Oct 1835 Ashe Co., NC Book G, p. 165 Carpenter Heirs
Jonathan Miller
Margaret Miller
Franky Davis
Jacob Davis
Jacob Carpenter
Joseph Roten
Mary Roten
Christena Carpenter
to David Carpenter
!DEED:21 Oct 1835 Ashe Co., NC Book G, p. 165 Carpenter Heirs
Jonathan Miller
Margaret Miller
Franky Davis
Jacob Davis
Jacob Carpenter
Christena Carpenter
to Joseph Roten
300a North Fork New River including the Big Spring.;
!NAMED-WILL: 9 May 1836 Yancey Co., NC Book 1, p. 353 William Davis
daughters - Betsy Cantrel, Sally Rowan, heirs of Polly Browning, my children by my 1st wife
wife Frances
five daughters Nancy Burleson, Elizabeth Vance, Margaret Wise, Franky Burleson and Rachel Davis
my children: Nancy Burleson, Elizabeth Vance, John Davis, Margaret Wise, Thomas Davis, Franky Burleson and Rachel Davis.
!CENSUS:1840 Yancey Co., NC pg 266
Wm Davis age 100+ (bef 1740)
Analysis (who each person might be):
1m 100+ (bef 1740) = William Davis (1730/40)
1m 30-39 (1800/1810) = William Davis (1809) son-in-law
1m 20-29 (1810/1820) = Alfred Vaughn (1815) gr-son*
1m 15-19 (1820/1825) = ?
1m 5-9 (1830/1835) = George W. Davis (1833) gr-son
2m 0-4 (1835/1840) = 1. John H. Davis (1835) gr-son
"m 0-4 (1835/1840) = 2. William N. Davis (1837) gr-son
1f 70-79 (1760/1770) = Frances Carpenter Davis (1771) wife
1f 30-39 (1800/1810) = Rachel Davis Davis (1810) daughter
1f 15-19 (1820/1825) = Eleanor Vaughn (1823) or Nancy Vaughn (1824) gr-daus*
1f 0-4 (1835/1840)= Frances E. Davis (1839) gr-dau.
* Not certain if the Vaughn's were here, but they fit and they were not with their mother in 1840.;
!OBITUARY:"Uncle Jake Carpenter's Anthology of Death" - (some punctuation added) "Franky Davis, his wife (Wm Davis) age 87 dide Sep 10 1842. She had nirv, fite wolves all nite at shogar camp to save her caff, throde fier chuns to save caff. the camp wars haf mil from home, noe she must have nirv to fite wolf all nite."
!TOMBSTONE:Avery Co, NC Davis Cemetery, Original marker is a field stone, a newer marker was placed for her and her husband, next to her grave "Cpl William Davis, 2nd NC Regt 1778-1781 Born ca 1727 Died Oct 5, 1841 .. Franky Carpenter Weatherman Davis Born 1755 Died Sep 10, 1842";
!REFERENCE:"A History of Watauga County, North Carolina. with Sketches of Prominent Families" by John Preston Arthur. Richmond: Everett Waddey Co. 1915.
p. 67
William Davis.--What?-- Hero: Patriot: Let us see. His grave is near the road in front of the Gen. Albertus Childs' house on Three Mile Creek, now owned and occupied by Robert Moseley. Two common "mountain rocks" mark the place of his burial. Two other graves beside his are similarly designated. No munificent government, proud of his record, has "sought his frailties: or his virtues "to disclose." Why? For he was a soldier of the Revolutionary War as well as those over whose ashes grave-stones have been erected. Who knows? Probably a bit of red-tape was missing somewhere. maybe his name does not appear on any roster or muster roll. Yet, in the congressional Library, at the nation's capital, is an allegorical painting called "History." It represents a gray-haired sire telling the story of the past to his son, and this son selling the same story with additions to his son, and so on down the line till the printed page is reached. The name of that oral story is "Tradition." Well, tradition says that William Davis was not only a brave soldier, but a mighty hunter as well, when the wilderness was to be conquered and weaklings stayed at home and sneered at the illiterate and lowly. Davis came to America with William Wiseman and William Penley long before the Revolution. He settled first in Virginia and afterwards came to Ashe County, where he married Frances Carpenter, sister of the first Jacob Carpenter. Then he moved to what is still called Davis Mountain, near Crossnore, on the upper waters of Linville River. When the game was exhausted there, he moved to Three Mile Creek and built four log houses "all in a row," with communicating doors between and a chimney at each end. Standing before a blazing fire in one end of the house, with the three intervening doors open, one looks through four large, low-ceiled comfortable rooms to cherry-red flames leaping up the chimney at the father end--one of the "fairest pictures of calm content that mortal ever saw." The date of the building of this old structure is recorded on one of the inside logs, but it has been ceiled over and cannot now be seen. But it was made there many, many years ago. The present Jacob Carpenter, his grand-nephew, of Altamont, knows the date of his birth and death, but they would cost the United States some "good money" to have them carved on a 12 X 24 inch stone. Davis died November 18, 1841, when 114 years of age. Still, as he had no middle name, it does seem that the Government, with a big G, might "sort of look after" uncle Billy, who fought his battles for him before Uncle Sam was born, he having been shot through the hips at King's Mountain. His wife, who sleeps beside him, was certainly a heroine, whether Uncle Billy was a hero or not, for on one occasion, in February, while in a sugar camp on Davis Mountain, he had to be away from her on a cold night. One of her cows found a calf that night, and Mrs. Davis brought it to camp with her and fought off the wolves with fire-brands till morning.
p. 225
William Davis, a soldier of the Revolution, stole his wife, a Carpenter, from Ashe, and settled at what is still called the Davis Mountain, now the Monroe Franklin place, and which Warsaw Clark now owns, one mile and a half above the Crossnore place, where Kate, the five year old daughter of Davis, is buried under an apple tree. It is said that he first gave the name of the Cow Camp to a creek of that name which runs into the Toe River because of the fact, that, having no feed for his cattle, he camped near them on that creek and supplied them with lin tree limbs, called laps, from the time the buds began to swell till the grass came.;