Notes |
- !NOTES:I have no direct proof, but it looks like James would most likely be a son of Simeon Pack.
1. Simeon was in 1790 Spartanburg (where James was in 1800).
2. Simeon had a son James's age with him in 1790, gone by 1800.
3. No other options;
!NOTES:Geneanet entry for James Pack shows many children. No documentation included though. What are sources? I believe most on this list belong to John Pack instead, but can't prove it.
James Pack 1720 (no way) - 1835 Washington Co., TN (no way), son of Rebecca J. Pack 1737-1803, also no way as she's younger than her supposed son.
& Elizabeth Betsy Lowerey 1772 - 1839 McMinn Co., TN
Mary Marthilda (c1805) m --- Hart
Cynthia (c1808-1881 Hamilton Co., TN) m ?
Janette Jane 1804 Sumner TN - 1862 Ivy Log, Union Co., GA.
Jeremiah 1794 Sumner Co., TN - 1873 Monroe, Overton Co., TN m Mary Gregory 7 Mar 1809 Rutherford.
Jeremiah (again) 1787 - 1873 Monroe Co., TN
John Alexander no data
Smith Green 1801 Rowan NC - 1866 Dallas Co, MO
Thomas 1805 - aft 1880
Thomas 1796 TN - 1850 Cherokee Nation.
William no data;
!CENSUS:1800 Spartanburg Dist., SC p. 329
James Pack age 16-25 (1774/84)
!CENSUS:1810 x
!CENSUS:1820 Pendleton Dist., SC pg 205 James Pack age 26-44 (1775/94)
!LAND GRANT:6 Oct 1829 Buncombe Co., NC No 1152
James Pack, 100a Entry No 3250
On the N Side of the Blue Ridge on the waters of Mud Creek
Elias Pack, Daniel Cocksey, CC;
!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co., NC pg 228 James Pack age 50-59 (1770/80)
!CENSUS:1840 Macon Co., NC pg 163 James Pack age 60-69 (1770/80)
!CENSUS:1850 x