Notes |
- !CENSUS:1810;
!DEED:18 Jun 1833 Buncombe Co., NC Deed Book 19, p 246
John Pack and Polly Pack his wife of Buncombe to Charles Greer (no residence listed), for $50, land in Buncombe on the North Side of Little Mud Creek between said Greer and Edward Shipman and the south side of Shoal Creek ... 50 acres.
S: John (his mark) Pack
S: Polly (her mark) Pack
Witnesses: Lincoln Fullam, Jordan Holcombe;
!CENSUS:1840 Rutherford Co., NC p. 329
Jno Pack age 20-29 (1810/20)
* If this is the same John, why isn't he with his wife? Were they separated? Who is the older woman with him on this census? Sister? Mother?
* Since John wasn't named as Mary/Polly's husband on an 1834 deed among the Fletcher heirs, it would seem they were separated by then.
!CENSUS:1850 x
!DEED:12 Apr 1852 Henderson Co., NC, Estate Records - Polly Pack 1852
Also Deed Book 5, p. 76.
John Pack and his son Henry W. Pack, the legal heirs of Polly Pack deceased, both of Henderson Co., NC, to John Brown of same place.
$195 waters of Little Mud Creek being the whole of tract or parcel of land conveyed in the year 1820 by Reubin Fletcher to his daughter Polly Fletcher, bounded by lands of Col. M. R. Singleton, James Drake and others ... 100a.
S: John (his mark) Pack, H. W. Pack.
Wit: Henry J. Farmer;
!CENSUS:1860 Henderson Co., NC Hendersonville PO # 1057/1057
John Pack 50 Day Labor $50/30 NC
Henry 27 Day Labor NC;