Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)

Rabun Co, GA



Matches 1 to 50 of 182

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID   Tree 
1 Anderson, Margaret  24 Dec 1824I12739 Marty and Karla Grant 
2 Barnes, Hester Ann  2 Jan 1859I118423 Marty and Karla Grant 
3 Barnes, Latha Malissa  1860/1861I118432 Marty and Karla Grant 
4 Barnes, Rachel  1855/1856I118431 Marty and Karla Grant 
5 Bradley, Martin A  14 Jun 1854I105835 Marty and Karla Grant 
6 Briggs, Edward Jordan  1853/1854I20294 Marty and Karla Grant 
7 Briggs, Lucinda S  1845/1846I38240 Marty and Karla Grant 
8 Briggs, Rebecca P  1849I38241 Marty and Karla Grant 
9 Briggs, Sarah J  1840/1841I38239 Marty and Karla Grant 
10 Briggs, William G  1838/1839I38238 Marty and Karla Grant 
11 Burton, Amanda  1847/1848I38254 Marty and Karla Grant 
12 Burton, Ary  1841/1842I38250 Marty and Karla Grant 
13 Burton, Jacob S  1842/1843I38251 Marty and Karla Grant 
14 Burton, Job  1844/1845I38252 Marty and Karla Grant 
15 Burton, John M  1846/1847I38253 Marty and Karla Grant 
16 Burton, Leander T  1837/1838I38247 Marty and Karla Grant 
17 Burton, Nancy M  1839/1840I38248 Marty and Karla Grant 
18 Burton, Narsissa A  1840/1841I38249 Marty and Karla Grant 
19 Carpenter, David N  1868/1869I62885 Marty and Karla Grant 
20 Carpenter, Hulda E  1855/1856I62918 Marty and Karla Grant 
21 Carpenter, Isaac Nelson  26 Apr 1854I62911 Marty and Karla Grant 
22 Carpenter, Logan S  1858/1859I62883 Marty and Karla Grant 
23 Carpenter, William J  1863/1864I62884 Marty and Karla Grant 
24 Carter, Atha Arta  1835/1836I7391 Marty and Karla Grant 
25 Carter, Catherine M  1841/1842I12760 Marty and Karla Grant 
26 Carter, Clara  1839/1840I7389 Marty and Karla Grant 
27 Carter, Daniel C P  1833/1834I7392 Marty and Karla Grant 
28 Carter, George W  1846/1847I12755 Marty and Karla Grant 
29 Carter, James Wiley  25 Nov 1825I6418 Marty and Karla Grant 
30 Carter, Jane  1828/1829I7395 Marty and Karla Grant 
31 Carter, Jesse P  1843/1844I12759 Marty and Karla Grant 
32 Carter, John  1827/1828I7396 Marty and Karla Grant 
33 Carter, Josiah  1837/1838I7390 Marty and Karla Grant 
34 Carter, Lavina A  1840/1841I12761 Marty and Karla Grant 
35 Carter, Lemuel C  1844/1845I12758 Marty and Karla Grant 
36 Carter, Mary Ann  1830/1831I7394 Marty and Karla Grant 
37 Carter, Nancy A M  1848/1849I12754 Marty and Karla Grant 
38 Carter, Nancy M  1847/1848I12757 Marty and Karla Grant 
39 Carter, Rebecca L  1825/1826I7387 Marty and Karla Grant 
40 Carter, Samuel  1832/1833I7393 Marty and Karla Grant 
41 Carter, Sarah Adeline  20 Sep 1828I6420 Marty and Karla Grant 
42 Carter, William J W  1848/1849I12756 Marty and Karla Grant 
43 Cathey, Chincey C  1877/1878I53549 Marty and Karla Grant 
44 Cathey, Eliza A  1858/1859I53535 Marty and Karla Grant 
45 Cathey, James E  1855/1856I53539 Marty and Karla Grant 
46 Cathey, James F  1876/1877I53545 Marty and Karla Grant 
47 Cathey, John L  1853/1854I53538 Marty and Karla Grant 
48 Cathey, Leonard W  1871/1872I53543 Marty and Karla Grant 
49 Cathey, Martha J  1863/1864I53541 Marty and Karla Grant 
50 Cathey, Martha L  1874/1875I53544 Marty and Karla Grant 

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Matches 1 to 50 of 143

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID   Tree 
1 Julia M  1948I54207 Marty and Karla Grant 
2 Lavina  26 Apr 1918I28858 Marty and Karla Grant 
3 Margaret  17 Jun 1859I47186 Marty and Karla Grant 
4 Margaret  1860/1870I53534 Marty and Karla Grant 
5 Nancy M  1860/1870I103978 Marty and Karla Grant 
6 Rachel  Aft 1900I96333 Marty and Karla Grant 
7 Rebecca  1870/1880I73682 Marty and Karla Grant 
8 Rebecca  Aft 1880I14192 Marty and Karla Grant 
9 Allen, George Washington  Aft 1880I9105 Marty and Karla Grant 
10 Barnes, Ann  Aft 1860I118427 Marty and Karla Grant 
11 Barnes, George  1860/1870I118424 Marty and Karla Grant 
12 Barnes, Latha Malissa  Aft 1880I118432 Marty and Karla Grant 
13 Barnes, Mary Jane  Aft 1860I118429 Marty and Karla Grant 
14 Barnes, Rachel  Aft 1860I118431 Marty and Karla Grant 
15 Barnes, Sarah  Aft 1860I118428 Marty and Karla Grant 
16 Brown, Mary  27 Feb 1833I4277 Marty and Karla Grant 
17 Carter, Edward  11 Mar 1838I4276 Marty and Karla Grant 
18 Carter, Grace  1838I4307 Marty and Karla Grant 
19 Carter, Gracie Miranda  29 Oct 1845I6419 Marty and Karla Grant 
20 Carter, James Wiley  6 Aug 1880I6418 Marty and Karla Grant 
21 Carter, Jesse  26 Feb 1871I4278 Marty and Karla Grant 
22 Carter, Lavina  1843/1850I6415 Marty and Karla Grant 
23 Carter, Nancy Ann  Aft 1860I94708 Marty and Karla Grant 
24 Carter, Thomas W  11 Mar 1889I6417 Marty and Karla Grant 
25 Cathey, Eliza A  Aft 1860I53535 Marty and Karla Grant 
26 Cathey, Elizabeth A  20 Dec 1905I6243 Marty and Karla Grant 
27 Cathey, James E  Aft 1880I53539 Marty and Karla Grant 
28 Cathey, John L  Aft 1860I53538 Marty and Karla Grant 
29 Cathey, Sarah E  Aft 1870I53537 Marty and Karla Grant 
30 Cathey, William E V  Aft 1880I53536 Marty and Karla Grant 
31 Chastain, Nancy  1860/1865I26410 Marty and Karla Grant 
32 Collins, Jacob A  Aft 1870I75744 Marty and Karla Grant 
33 Collins, James H  Aft 1860I75740 Marty and Karla Grant 
34 Collins, John  Aft 1870I75743 Marty and Karla Grant 
35 Collins, Ruthy Marinda  Aft 1870I75746 Marty and Karla Grant 
36 Collins, Sarah A  Aft 1870I75741 Marty and Karla Grant 
37 Collins, Thomas  1865/1870I75735 Marty and Karla Grant 
38 Collins, Thomas A  Aft 1860I75745 Marty and Karla Grant 
39 Collins, William D  Aft 1860I75742 Marty and Karla Grant 
40 Cunningham, Toby Charles  24 Mar 1996I109758 Marty and Karla Grant 
41 Daves, Julian C  Aft 1910I75207 Marty and Karla Grant 
42 Dickerson, Obediah Terry  Sep 1873I115309 Marty and Karla Grant 
43 Dillard, James  18 Jul 1861I115310 Marty and Karla Grant 
44 Dillard, John  5 Jun 1842I115302 Marty and Karla Grant 
45 Dillard, Mary  Aug 1873I115308 Marty and Karla Grant 
46 Dillingham, William  Apr 1895I116416 Marty and Karla Grant 
47 Duncan, Mary "Polly"  1829/1830I10844 Marty and Karla Grant 
48 Dunlap, Olive  Aft 1880I72829 Marty and Karla Grant 
49 Foster, Elizabeth  Aft 1860I115705 Marty and Karla Grant 
50 Garrett, Cynthia  Aft 1880I26420 Marty and Karla Grant 

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Matches 1 to 50 of 50

   Family    Marriage    Family ID   Tree 
1 Barnes / Selby  1850/1856F32892 Marty and Karla Grant 
2 Berrong / Grist  23 Dec 1869F14977 Marty and Karla Grant 
3 Burton / Moore  24 Jul 1836F13277 Marty and Karla Grant 
4 Carter / Beck  3 Feb 1829F4215 Marty and Karla Grant 
5 Carter / Burch  20 May 1857F2815 Marty and Karla Grant 
6 Carter / Capps  13 Apr 1858F4670 Marty and Karla Grant 
7 Carter / Gross  29 Dec 1835F2813 Marty and Karla Grant 
8 Carter / Lovell  21 Jan 1858F27272 Marty and Karla Grant 
9 Carter / Pinson  22 Feb 1825F2816 Marty and Karla Grant 
10 Carter / Watts  24 Jan 1843F4219 Marty and Karla Grant 
11 Cathey /   1860/1870F18147 Marty and Karla Grant 
12 Cathey / Carter  27 Feb 1837F2333 Marty and Karla Grant 
13 Cathey / Davis  1850/1859F3239 Marty and Karla Grant 
14 Cathey / Jones  Bef 1850F3238 Marty and Karla Grant 
15 Chastain / Carter  22 Aug 1823F4214 Marty and Karla Grant 
16 Cofee / Carter  31 Dec 1833F4218 Marty and Karla Grant 
17 Collins / Darnell  Bef 1835F19424 Marty and Karla Grant 
18 Corn / Carter  10 Nov 1836F4216 Marty and Karla Grant 
19 Dillingham / Conley  15 Apr 1844F32153 Marty and Karla Grant 
20 Dunlap / Beck  1877/1878F1154 Marty and Karla Grant 
21 Forrester / Moore  Aft 1850F16942 Marty and Karla Grant 
22 Garland / Grist  10 Feb 1856F9851 Marty and Karla Grant 
23 Garland / Grist  5 Sep 1867F14976 Marty and Karla Grant 
24 Gilbert /   1876/1877F23769 Marty and Karla Grant 
25 Gilbert /   1898/1899F27642 Marty and Karla Grant 
26 Graham / Shaynes  19 Apr 1832F4112 Marty and Karla Grant 
27 Grist / Stroud  Bef 1836F14975 Marty and Karla Grant 
28 Hedden / Brown  Bef 1851F33263 Marty and Karla Grant 
29 Henslee / Gillespie  12 May 1856F12001 Marty and Karla Grant 
30 Keener / Cathey  1860/1870F4108 Marty and Karla Grant 
31 Lovell /   Bef 1831F21963 Marty and Karla Grant 
32 Lovell /   1850/1854F13746 Marty and Karla Grant 
33 Moore /   Bef 1838F16938 Marty and Karla Grant 
34 Morgan / Carter  18 Mar 1832F4217 Marty and Karla Grant 
35 Pack / Foster  Bef 1849F31919 Marty and Karla Grant 
36 Pendergrass / Carter  5 Oct 1840F3176 Marty and Karla Grant 
37 Pendergrass / Carter  15 Oct 1846F4222 Marty and Karla Grant 
38 Price /   Bef 1860F29140 Marty and Karla Grant 
39 Price / Gillespie  1865/1870F29141 Marty and Karla Grant 
40 Queen / Stewart  25 Apr 1839F11621 Marty and Karla Grant 
41 Rickman / Sitton  F30713 Marty and Karla Grant 
42 Robinson / Carnes  23 Jun 1895F15540 Marty and Karla Grant 
43 Steel / Gross  8 Jul 1841F5241 Marty and Karla Grant 
44 Stewart / Grist  19 Apr 1848F26422 Marty and Karla Grant 
45 Stroud /   Bef 1830F14345 Marty and Karla Grant 
46 Stroud / Carter  20 Sep 1836F206 Marty and Karla Grant 
47 Tanner /   1889/1890F12439 Marty and Karla Grant 
48 Trusty / Lail  1850/1852F29341 Marty and Karla Grant 
49 Trusty / Shelton  14 Jan 1844F29340 Marty and Karla Grant 
50 Worley / Carter  8 Aug 1857F27273 Marty and Karla Grant 

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