Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)

Towns Co, GA



Matches 1 to 50 of 343

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID   Tree 
1 Ada L  4 Feb 1881I7956 Marty and Karla Grant 
2 Emma  1861/1862I27508 Marty and Karla Grant 
3 Allen, Felix A  Apr 1870I16324 Marty and Karla Grant 
4 Allen, Reece  1857/1858I9100 Marty and Karla Grant 
5 Allen, William S  1867/1868I16323 Marty and Karla Grant 
6 Barnes, Cicero Roswell  21 Apr 1890I3634 Marty and Karla Grant 
7 Barnes, Florence A  1862/1863I54187 Marty and Karla Grant 
8 Barnes, Henry R James  1855/1856I8711 Marty and Karla Grant 
9 Barnes, William R Oliver  1860I8710 Marty and Karla Grant 
10 Brown, Frances L  1857/1858I73016 Marty and Karla Grant 
11 Brown, Hugh Addington  1 May 1867I30536 Marty and Karla Grant 
12 Brown, Lucinda  12 Oct 1861I104721 Marty and Karla Grant 
13 Brown, Martha Adaline  1860I73017 Marty and Karla Grant 
14 Brown, Mary Matilda  1855/1856I14509 Marty and Karla Grant 
15 Bryant, Kitty  1877/1878I28869 Marty and Karla Grant 
16 Bryant, Laura  Dec 1879I28870 Marty and Karla Grant 
17 Bryson, Andrew  1876/1877I49381 Marty and Karla Grant 
18 Bryson, Annie  Abt 1874I31332 Marty and Karla Grant 
19 Bryson, Dock Bailey  1870/1871I21585 Marty and Karla Grant 
20 Bryson, Elisha H  1870I28835 Marty and Karla Grant 
21 Bryson, Eugeno J  24 Jun 1861I21608 Marty and Karla Grant 
22 Bryson, Georgia Ann  1855/1856I12802 Marty and Karla Grant 
23 Bryson, Henry Elonzo  9 Apr 1890I30987 Marty and Karla Grant 
24 Bryson, Honor Elizabeth  19 May 1865I31327 Marty and Karla Grant 
25 Bryson, James Hardy  I31331 Marty and Karla Grant 
26 Bryson, Jewell P  22 Jun 1858I12801 Marty and Karla Grant 
27 Bryson, John A D  13 Mar 1869I21611 Marty and Karla Grant 
28 Bryson, John T  1867/1868I21584 Marty and Karla Grant 
29 Bryson, Judson Stephens  24 Aug 1879I28836 Marty and Karla Grant 
30 Bryson, Junieous Casinove  24 Dec 1863I21609 Marty and Karla Grant 
31 Bryson, Katie  26 Nov 1868I31329 Marty and Karla Grant 
32 Bryson, Kittie N J  6 Jun 1870I21612 Marty and Karla Grant 
33 Bryson, Laura H  1866/1867I21586 Marty and Karla Grant 
34 Bryson, Lola F  26 Dec 1866I21610 Marty and Karla Grant 
35 Bryson, Luella A  1864/1865I21583 Marty and Karla Grant 
36 Bryson, Martha Annie  22 Apr 1885I30986 Marty and Karla Grant 
37 Bryson, Mary A Ellen  9 Apr 1873I21613 Marty and Karla Grant 
38 Bryson, Thomas Marion  11 Jul 1867I31328 Marty and Karla Grant 
39 Bryson, Wellington S  1856/1857I7791 Marty and Karla Grant 
40 Bryson, William Sherrill  18 Jun 1861I21582 Marty and Karla Grant 
41 Campbell, Charles  Apr 1865I107704 Marty and Karla Grant 
42 Campbell, Major Gardner  1867/1868I107728 Marty and Karla Grant 
43 Carroll, Frank  Oct 1879I69245 Marty and Karla Grant 
44 Carroll, Fred  1874/1875I23142 Marty and Karla Grant 
45 Carroll, May  1876/1877I69244 Marty and Karla Grant 
46 Carson, Andrew J  Apr 1867I21581 Marty and Karla Grant 
47 Carson, James L  1862/1863I21580 Marty and Karla Grant 
48 Cathey, Alonzo R  1860I4285 Marty and Karla Grant 
49 Cathey, Celinda  1860I6429 Marty and Karla Grant 
50 Cathey, Elmira L  1877/1878I28825 Marty and Karla Grant 

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID   Tree 
1 Ada L  8 Sep 1903I7956 Marty and Karla Grant 
2 Anna M  Aft 1870I63459 Marty and Karla Grant 
3 Carrie C  1 Jul 2004I107716 Marty and Karla Grant 
4 Clarinda A  Aft 1870I27026 Marty and Karla Grant 
5 Edith  Aft 1860I4695 Marty and Karla Grant 
6 Elizabeth Frances  1880/1899I73696 Marty and Karla Grant 
7 Frances  Aft 1870I57109 Marty and Karla Grant 
8 Hassie  Aft 1920I96331 Marty and Karla Grant 
9 Jane  Aft 1860I4056 Marty and Karla Grant 
10 Jane  Aft 1880I54234 Marty and Karla Grant 
11 Jane A  Aft 1880I73192 Marty and Karla Grant 
12 Louisa  Aft 1910I101094 Marty and Karla Grant 
13 Margaret  Aft 1860I33205 Marty and Karla Grant 
14 Martha  17 May 1881I107723 Marty and Karla Grant 
15 Mary  Aft 1860I79338 Marty and Karla Grant 
16 Mary Delilah  1940I56169 Marty and Karla Grant 
17 Minty  Aft 1880I62310 Marty and Karla Grant 
18 Nancy Jane  23 Mar 1914I56166 Marty and Karla Grant 
19 Nancy M  Aft 1900I17228 Marty and Karla Grant 
20 Rebecca  Aft 1880I96993 Marty and Karla Grant 
21 Rebecca  Aft 1880I73182 Marty and Karla Grant 
22 Rebecca D  Aft 1880I79313 Marty and Karla Grant 
23 Sarah E  Aft 1880I25670 Marty and Karla Grant 
24 Sarah E  1900/1910I82824 Marty and Karla Grant 
25 Susannah  Aft 1870I52092 Marty and Karla Grant 
26 ?  Bef 1870I107172 Marty and Karla Grant 
27 Allen, George  Aft 1860I9102 Marty and Karla Grant 
28 Allen, Lucinda  Aft 1860I9103 Marty and Karla Grant 
29 Allen, Mericus  Aft 1860I9101 Marty and Karla Grant 
30 Allen, Reece  Aft 1860I9100 Marty and Karla Grant 
31 Allen, Thomas Kimsey  Aft 1870I9104 Marty and Karla Grant 
32 Barnes, Thelma Ruby  2 Feb 1922I3637 Marty and Karla Grant 
33 Beck, Nancy  15 Jun 1880I8687 Marty and Karla Grant 
34 Brittain, Amanda P  12 Oct 1886I111117 Marty and Karla Grant 
35 Brown, Clarinda  1876I28833 Marty and Karla Grant 
36 Brown, Humphrey Posey  1870/1880I57108 Marty and Karla Grant 
37 Bryson, Allen F  I9692 Marty and Karla Grant 
38 Bryson, Daniel  1860/1870I20059 Marty and Karla Grant 
39 Bryson, Eliza Jane  Aft 1860I9703 Marty and Karla Grant 
40 Bryson, Elizabeth Jane  29 May 1916I9211 Marty and Karla Grant 
41 Bryson, Eugeno J  23 Oct 1862I21608 Marty and Karla Grant 
42 Bryson, Fidelia Patton  Aft 1880I9668 Marty and Karla Grant 
43 Bryson, Jane Ann  Aft 1900I13173 Marty and Karla Grant 
44 Bryson, John  29 Jun 1874I4326 Marty and Karla Grant 
45 Bryson, John A D  5 Jul 1877I21611 Marty and Karla Grant 
46 Bryson, Katie  6 Dec 1869I31329 Marty and Karla Grant 
47 Bryson, Mangum H  9 Sep 1913I8959 Marty and Karla Grant 
48 Bryson, Margaret Catherine  1938I21720 Marty and Karla Grant 
49 Bryson, Robert Hamilton  1877/1880I9684 Marty and Karla Grant 
50 Bryson, Sarah Melvina  25 Sep 1898I8960 Marty and Karla Grant 

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Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID   Tree 
1 Lee, Thomas  I30405 Marty and Karla Grant 


Matches 1 to 50 of 86

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   Family    Marriage    Family ID   Tree 
1 Allen /   1860/1868F5526 Marty and Karla Grant 
2 Barrett / Bryson  Aft 1880F10248 Marty and Karla Grant 
3 Bowen / Garrett  19 Dec 1868F14510 Marty and Karla Grant 
4 Brittain / Hogan  1 Apr 1869F18816 Marty and Karla Grant 
5 Brock / Bryson  1850/1860F7181 Marty and Karla Grant 
6 Brown / Henderson  4 Jan 1885F2894 Marty and Karla Grant 
7 Bryant / Gilbert  24 Dec 1876F8652 Marty and Karla Grant 
8 Bryson /   Bef 1880F4883 Marty and Karla Grant 
9 Bryson /   1870/1880F10299 Marty and Karla Grant 
10 Bryson / Caldwell  Aft 1880F10249 Marty and Karla Grant 
11 Bryson / Corn  19 Aug 1860F5451 Marty and Karla Grant 
12 Bryson / Hardy  8 Nov 1860F7768 Marty and Karla Grant 
13 Bryson / Hooper  2 Nov 1879F1492 Marty and Karla Grant 
14 Bryson / Plott  Aft 1880F10250 Marty and Karla Grant 
15 Bryson / Self  Abt 1870F5840 Marty and Karla Grant 
16 Bryson / Underwood  7 May 1871F5819 Marty and Karla Grant 
17 Burrell / Stroud  Aft 1860F2585 Marty and Karla Grant 
18 Carroll /   1868/1869F3123 Marty and Karla Grant 
19 Carson / Bryson  1870/1880F7047 Marty and Karla Grant 
20 Cathey / Woods  1870/1872F2695 Marty and Karla Grant 
21 Cole / Bryson  1870/1880F1491 Marty and Karla Grant 
22 Cole / Carson  1870/1871F7210 Marty and Karla Grant 
23 Corn /   1860/1869F4672 Marty and Karla Grant 
24 Craine / Bryson  1870/1880F7046 Marty and Karla Grant 
25 Craine / Bryson  Aft 1880F10251 Marty and Karla Grant 
26 Dillingham / Wood  28 Dec 1871F21915 Marty and Karla Grant 
27 Ellis / Stephens  1860/1870F9783 Marty and Karla Grant 
28 Fincher / Bryson  F7769 Marty and Karla Grant 
29 Fouts / Tanner  1858/1859F1974 Marty and Karla Grant 
30 Garrett /   Bef 1860F12331 Marty and Karla Grant 
31 Gilbert /   Bef 1914F23775 Marty and Karla Grant 
32 Gilbert / Oshields  13 Mar 1898F23768 Marty and Karla Grant 
33 Grant / Warford  30 Jan 1890F2961 Marty and Karla Grant 
34 Griggs / Stewart  20 Jul 1890F2148 Marty and Karla Grant 
35 Hall / Bryson  9 Nov 1915F12985 Marty and Karla Grant 
36 Hall / Woodring  F11850 Marty and Karla Grant 
37 Haynes / Bryson  1860/1870F7048 Marty and Karla Grant 
38 Henslee /   1870/1878F13786 Marty and Karla Grant 
39 Hogan / Styles  1870/1877F1414 Marty and Karla Grant 
40 Hooper /   1860/1867F6854 Marty and Karla Grant 
41 Hughes / Thomas  1876/1877F21916 Marty and Karla Grant 
42 Kelly / Patterson  1868/1869F2580 Marty and Karla Grant 
43 Kelly / Stroud  12 Mar 1868F3575 Marty and Karla Grant 
44 Kimsey /   Bef 1858F4726 Marty and Karla Grant 
45 Kimsey /   1860/1864F7180 Marty and Karla Grant 
46 Lee / Stewart  8 Aug 1892F12436 Marty and Karla Grant 
47 Moore /   Abt 1857F4286 Marty and Karla Grant 
48 Moore /   Abt 1858F25958 Marty and Karla Grant 
49 Moore /   1860/1867F2082 Marty and Karla Grant 
50 Moore /   1860/1868F9759 Marty and Karla Grant 

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