Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)

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Buncombe Co, NC



Matches 201 to 250 of 3641

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID   Tree 
201 Bowen, Adaline  1861/1862Buncombe Co, NC I74144 Marty and Karla Grant 
202 Bowen, Alice S  Nov 1869Buncombe Co, NC I74148 Marty and Karla Grant 
203 Bowen, Charles  1865/1866Buncombe Co, NC I74145 Marty and Karla Grant 
204 Bowen, Jane  1871/1872Buncombe Co, NC I74149 Marty and Karla Grant 
205 Bowen, Jennie M  Apr 1892Buncombe Co, NC I74153 Marty and Karla Grant 
206 Bowen, Jesse  1857/1858Buncombe Co, NC I74143 Marty and Karla Grant 
207 Bowen, John C  Jan 1885Buncombe Co, NC I74151 Marty and Karla Grant 
208 Bowen, Lilly  1873/1874Buncombe Co, NC I74150 Marty and Karla Grant 
209 Bowen, Lizzie  May 1882Buncombe Co, NC I61932 Marty and Karla Grant 
210 Bowen, Lula B  Feb 1890Buncombe Co, NC I74152 Marty and Karla Grant 
211 Bowen, Marion Lafayette  Jan 1866/1867Buncombe Co, NC I74147 Marty and Karla Grant 
212 Boyd, Caroline  1831/1832Buncombe Co, NC I38747 Marty and Karla Grant 
213 Boyd, Daniel A  1839/1840Buncombe Co, NC I71764 Marty and Karla Grant 
214 Boyd, Doctor  1852/1853Buncombe Co, NC I71768 Marty and Karla Grant 
215 Boyd, Elizabeth A  1838/1839Buncombe Co, NC I71763 Marty and Karla Grant 
216 Boyd, Henry T  1846/1847Buncombe Co, NC I71766 Marty and Karla Grant 
217 Boyd, James M  1843/1844Buncombe Co, NC I71765 Marty and Karla Grant 
218 Boyd, John P  1836/1837Buncombe Co, NC I71761 Marty and Karla Grant 
219 Boyd, Mary M  1837/1838Buncombe Co, NC I71762 Marty and Karla Grant 
220 Boyd, Sarah M  1824/1825Buncombe Co, NC I32630 Marty and Karla Grant 
221 Boyd, W Hardy  1854/1855Buncombe Co, NC I71769 Marty and Karla Grant 
222 Boyd, William M  1848/1849Buncombe Co, NC I71767 Marty and Karla Grant 
223 Bradley, Elias Alexander  1845/1846Buncombe Co, NC I73433 Marty and Karla Grant 
224 Bradley, Elizabeth M  1847/1848Buncombe Co, NC I73434 Marty and Karla Grant 
225 Bradley, John G  1851/1852Buncombe Co, NC I73436 Marty and Karla Grant 
226 Bradley, John Mangus  16 Jul 1860Buncombe Co, NC I118565 Marty and Karla Grant 
227 Bradley, Joseph  1855/1856Buncombe Co, NC I73438 Marty and Karla Grant 
228 Bradley, Juthia Louisa  1843/1844Buncombe Co, NC I73432 Marty and Karla Grant 
229 Bradley, Laura Marintha  25 Jan 1875Buncombe Co, NC I118567 Marty and Karla Grant 
230 Bradley, Margaret Catherine  9 Oct 1856Buncombe Co, NC I118563 Marty and Karla Grant 
231 Bradley, Martha J  1861/1862Buncombe Co, NC I118621 Marty and Karla Grant 
232 Bradley, Martha Jane  1857/1858Buncombe Co, NC I73439 Marty and Karla Grant 
233 Bradley, Mary C  1849Buncombe Co, NC I73435 Marty and Karla Grant 
234 Bradley, Naomi  1853/1854Buncombe Co, NC I73437 Marty and Karla Grant 
235 Bradley, Sarah Lucinda  28 Jan 1860Buncombe Co, NC I73405 Marty and Karla Grant 
236 Bradley, William  1863/1864Buncombe Co, NC I73440 Marty and Karla Grant 
237 Brady, Deborah  1847/1848Buncombe Co, NC I106296 Marty and Karla Grant 
238 Brank, Charles Dennis  4 Feb 1962Buncombe Co, NC I3234 Marty and Karla Grant 
239 Brank, David V  1843/1844Buncombe Co, NC I61940 Marty and Karla Grant 
240 Brank, Eliza J  1844/1845Buncombe Co, NC I120528 Marty and Karla Grant 
241 Brank, Elmira A  1860/1861Buncombe Co, NC I61945 Marty and Karla Grant 
242 Brank, Flora  1836/1837Buncombe Co, NC I61937 Marty and Karla Grant 
243 Brank, Frank Carrol  26 Apr 1954Buncombe Co, NC I3231 Marty and Karla Grant 
244 Brank, Frank Roberts  25 Feb 1903Buncombe Co, NC I21057 Marty and Karla Grant 
245 Brank, Hannah L  Apr 1869Buncombe Co, NC I61948 Marty and Karla Grant 
246 Brank, Hannah Ruth  Dec 1893Buncombe Co, NC I61960 Marty and Karla Grant 
247 Brank, John  1834/1835Buncombe Co, NC I61944 Marty and Karla Grant 
248 Brank, Joseph  1856/1857Buncombe Co, NC I61941 Marty and Karla Grant 
249 Brank, Katie Grace  Sep 1898Buncombe Co, NC I61962 Marty and Karla Grant 
250 Brank, Larry Lavern  30 Jun 1957Buncombe Co, NC I3232 Marty and Karla Grant 

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Matches 201 to 250 of 2966

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID   Tree 
201 Barnard, Job  Aft 1860Buncombe Co, NC I75602 Marty and Karla Grant 
202 Barnard, Job L  Aft 1880Buncombe Co, NC I75614 Marty and Karla Grant 
203 Barnard, Joseph  Aft 1880Buncombe Co, NC I75600 Marty and Karla Grant 
204 Barnard, Joseph H  Aft 1870Buncombe Co, NC I75607 Marty and Karla Grant 
205 Barnard, Joseph H  Aft 1880Buncombe Co, NC I75609 Marty and Karla Grant 
206 Barnard, Mary  Aft 1860Buncombe Co, NC I75603 Marty and Karla Grant 
207 Barnard, Mary L  Aft 1880Buncombe Co, NC I75611 Marty and Karla Grant 
208 Barnard, Norman F  Aft 1870Buncombe Co, NC I75606 Marty and Karla Grant 
209 Barnard, William D  Aft 1880Buncombe Co, NC I75612 Marty and Karla Grant 
210 Barnard, William T  Aft 1880Buncombe Co, NC I75585 Marty and Karla Grant 
211 Barnett, Elizabeth Matilda  Aft 1880Buncombe Co, NC I81338 Marty and Karla Grant 
212 Barnett, Ralph Maxwell  2 Jul 1971Buncombe Co, NC I9592 Marty and Karla Grant 
213 Bartlett, Elbert S S  Aft 1850Buncombe Co, NC I103699 Marty and Karla Grant 
214 Bartlett, Emaline  Aft 1850Buncombe Co, NC I103700 Marty and Karla Grant 
215 Battle, James Lloyd  28 Sep 1976Buncombe Co, NC I23336 Marty and Karla Grant 
216 Battle, Nettie Ivalee  7 May 1976Buncombe Co, NC I23328 Marty and Karla Grant 
217 Battle, Thomas Milton  Aft 1930Buncombe Co, NC I10044 Marty and Karla Grant 
218 Baxter, Martha  4 Nov 1923Buncombe Co, NC I67000 Marty and Karla Grant 
219 Baxter, Martha Jane  11 May 1945Buncombe Co, NC I62326 Marty and Karla Grant 
220 Baxter, Sarah E  29 Jul 1960Buncombe Co, NC I66996 Marty and Karla Grant 
221 Bell, John  29 Oct 1864Buncombe Co, NC I120928 Marty and Karla Grant 
222 Bell, Lydia  7 Jan 1883Buncombe Co, NC I120929 Marty and Karla Grant 
223 Bell, Robert  20 Apr 1882Buncombe Co, NC I120916 Marty and Karla Grant 
224 Bird, Charles  Aft 1860Buncombe Co, NC I75560 Marty and Karla Grant 
225 Bird, Elizabeth  Aft 1850Buncombe Co, NC I28495 Marty and Karla Grant 
226 Bird, Ellen  Aft 1860Buncombe Co, NC I75562 Marty and Karla Grant 
227 Bird, Laura  Aft 1860Buncombe Co, NC I75561 Marty and Karla Grant 
228 Bird, Mary  Aft 1860Buncombe Co, NC I75559 Marty and Karla Grant 
229 Black, Arry A  Aft 1880Buncombe Co, NC I95271 Marty and Karla Grant 
230 Black, Etta M  Aft 1880Buncombe Co, NC I95289 Marty and Karla Grant 
231 Black, Hester  Aft 1870Buncombe Co, NC I95290 Marty and Karla Grant 
232 Black, J N  Aft 1880Buncombe Co, NC I95270 Marty and Karla Grant 
233 Black, James M  Aft 1880Buncombe Co, NC I95291 Marty and Karla Grant 
234 Black, Joseph  Aft 1880Buncombe Co, NC I95485 Marty and Karla Grant 
235 Black, Mary  Aft 1900Buncombe Co, NC I74510 Marty and Karla Grant 
236 Black, Sarah J  Aft 1880Buncombe Co, NC I95288 Marty and Karla Grant 
237 Black, William  1885/1900Buncombe Co, NC I101211 Marty and Karla Grant 
238 Black, William H  Aft 1880Buncombe Co, NC I94788 Marty and Karla Grant 
239 Blackburn, Sarah  Aft 1880Buncombe Co, NC I26345 Marty and Karla Grant 
240 Blackwell, Agness  1850/1860Buncombe Co, NC I4395 Marty and Karla Grant 
241 Blackwell, Mary A  1867/1870Buncombe Co, NC I74790 Marty and Karla Grant 
242 Blackwell, S M  Aft 1864Buncombe Co, NC I79779 Marty and Karla Grant 
243 Blankenship, Arthur Lee  4 Dec 1991Buncombe Co, NC I48988 Marty and Karla Grant 
244 Blankenship, Charles James  15 Aug 2004Buncombe Co, NC I62320 Marty and Karla Grant 
245 Blankenship, Charlie Gustavus  23 Dec 1969Buncombe Co, NC I119334 Marty and Karla Grant 
246 Blankenship, Clarence  12 Dec 1997Buncombe Co, NC I48994 Marty and Karla Grant 
247 Blankenship, Claude Eugene  10 Dec 1957Buncombe Co, NC I119339 Marty and Karla Grant 
248 Blankenship, Clyde Phillip  11 Apr 1987Buncombe Co, NC I119337 Marty and Karla Grant 
249 Blankenship, Della Louise  7 Oct 1979Buncombe Co, NC I119335 Marty and Karla Grant 
250 Blankenship, Ethel Emiline  22 Aug 1956Buncombe Co, NC I119338 Marty and Karla Grant 

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Matches 201 to 250 of 938

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   Family    Marriage    Family ID   Tree 
201 Davis / Herron  Bef 1847Buncombe Co, NC F29045 Marty and Karla Grant 
202 Davis / Jones  Bef 1834Buncombe Co, NC F29055 Marty and Karla Grant 
203 Davis / Rhodes  1850/1859Buncombe Co, NC F29064 Marty and Karla Grant 
204 Davis / Roberts  Bef 1828Buncombe Co, NC F29047 Marty and Karla Grant 
205 Davis / Warren  Bef 1838Buncombe Co, NC F11634 Marty and Karla Grant 
206 Davis / Warren  21 Dec 1859Buncombe Co, NC F11323 Marty and Karla Grant 
207 Deaver / Keith  12 Mar 1829Buncombe Co, NC F5088 Marty and Karla Grant 
208 Debord / Glance  1820/1830Buncombe Co, NC F9908 Marty and Karla Grant 
209 Denny / Wright  Aft 1860Buncombe Co, NC F21743 Marty and Karla Grant 
210 Devlin / Morgan  Aft 1900Buncombe Co, NC F12352 Marty and Karla Grant 
211 Dickerson / Dillard  1810/1820Buncombe Co, NC F31802 Marty and Karla Grant 
212 Dillard / Gregory  1805Buncombe Co, NC F31801 Marty and Karla Grant 
213 Dillard / Lee  1800/1810Buncombe Co, NC F31830 Marty and Karla Grant 
214 Dillard / Love  1790/1791Buncombe Co, NC F2786 Marty and Karla Grant 
215 Dillingham / Barnard  Aft 1850Buncombe Co, NC F22142 Marty and Karla Grant 
216 Dockery / Lunsford  Bef 1830Buncombe Co, NC F2003 Marty and Karla Grant 
217 Dryman / Dillard  1800/1810Buncombe Co, NC F31811 Marty and Karla Grant 
218 Dryman / Morgan  27 Apr 1890Buncombe Co, NC F7525 Marty and Karla Grant 
219 Earwood / Lanning  3 Apr 1878Buncombe Co, NC F33250 Marty and Karla Grant 
220 Earwood / McDonald  1910/1914Buncombe Co, NC F18888 Marty and Karla Grant 
221 Earwood / Reed  26 Dec 1866Buncombe Co, NC F20869 Marty and Karla Grant 
222 Earwood / Trantham  Bef 1840Buncombe Co, NC F20855 Marty and Karla Grant 
223 Edmonds / Fox  1857/1858Buncombe Co, NC F19827 Marty and Karla Grant 
224 Edmonds / Hyatt  1880/1884Buncombe Co, NC F17349 Marty and Karla Grant 
225 Edmundson / Patton  1800/1810Buncombe Co, NC F14247 Marty and Karla Grant 
226 Edmundson / Patton  1800/1810Buncombe Co, NC F14252 Marty and Karla Grant 
227 Edwards / Morgan  16 Mar 1878Buncombe Co, NC F10621 Marty and Karla Grant 
228 Edwards / Trantham  Bef 1850Buncombe Co, NC F16778 Marty and Karla Grant 
229 Elkins / Dillard  Abt 1814Buncombe Co, NC F31812 Marty and Karla Grant 
230 Eller / Bradley  20 Oct 1876Buncombe Co, NC F1769 Marty and Karla Grant 
231 Eller / Hamilton  25 May 1855Buncombe Co, NC F10366 Marty and Karla Grant 
232 Eller / Patterson  Buncombe Co, NC F5895 Marty and Karla Grant 
233 Eller / Patterson  13 Aug 1857Buncombe Co, NC F5896 Marty and Karla Grant 
234 Embler / Warren  30 May 1880Buncombe Co, NC F30609 Marty and Karla Grant 
235 Erwin / Nicholson  19 Jan 1823Buncombe Co, NC F8175 Marty and Karla Grant 
236 Evans /   Bef 1820Buncombe Co, NC F24746 Marty and Karla Grant 
237 Evans /   Bef 1847Buncombe Co, NC F26296 Marty and Karla Grant 
238 Evans /   1847/1848Buncombe Co, NC F30474 Marty and Karla Grant 
239 Evans / ?  Bef 1810Buncombe Co, NC F25105 Marty and Karla Grant 
240 Evans / ?  Bef 1810Buncombe Co, NC F26297 Marty and Karla Grant 
241 Evans / Graham  Abt 1839Buncombe Co, NC F21 Marty and Karla Grant 
242 Evans / Walton  15 Sep 1885Buncombe Co, NC F45 African American 
243 Fisher / Bradley  10 Sep 1879Buncombe Co, NC F32973 Marty and Karla Grant 
244 Fore / Davis  Abt 1815Buncombe Co, NC F26393 Marty and Karla Grant 
245 Forster / Foster  Buncombe Co, NC F8183 Marty and Karla Grant 
246 Forster / Glance  Aft 1850Buncombe Co, NC F8182 Marty and Karla Grant 
247 Forster / Ratcliff  Buncombe Co, NC F8181 Marty and Karla Grant 
248 Forster / Wolf  1840/1844Buncombe Co, NC F8186 Marty and Karla Grant 
249 Fox / Blankenship  1897/1898Buncombe Co, NC F20832 Marty and Karla Grant 
250 Fox / Bowen  1883/1884Buncombe Co, NC F21994 Marty and Karla Grant 

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