Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)

Horry Co, SC



Matches 251 to 300 of 1151

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID   Tree 
251 Floyd, Golda Mae  1910I60425 Marty and Karla Grant 
252 Floyd, Hugh  1871/1872I65408 Marty and Karla Grant 
253 Floyd, Ida S  1876/1877I65409 Marty and Karla Grant 
254 Floyd, James  1872/1873I29615 Marty and Karla Grant 
255 Floyd, James  1917I63603 Marty and Karla Grant 
256 Floyd, James H  Aug 1893I66701 Marty and Karla Grant 
257 Floyd, James Houston  12 Jan 1904I19153 Marty and Karla Grant 
258 Floyd, Jennie  1873/1874I29621 Marty and Karla Grant 
259 Floyd, John F  1877/1878I65410 Marty and Karla Grant 
260 Floyd, John L  Mar 1887I76467 Marty and Karla Grant 
261 Floyd, John William  Oct 1884I28900 Marty and Karla Grant 
262 Floyd, Johnston  1875/1876I29620 Marty and Karla Grant 
263 Floyd, Joseph  Jan 1870I29616 Marty and Karla Grant 
264 Floyd, Julius  Oct 1886I29347 Marty and Karla Grant 
265 Floyd, Julius Thomas  12 Jan 1879I61410 Marty and Karla Grant 
266 Floyd, Kennedy M  1878/1879I29640 Marty and Karla Grant 
267 Floyd, Laura Jeanet  6 Oct 1932I48246 Marty and Karla Grant 
268 Floyd, Lawrence  Jan 1888I29399 Marty and Karla Grant 
269 Floyd, Louisa  1875/1876I29635 Marty and Karla Grant 
270 Floyd, M  Feb 1895I29350 Marty and Karla Grant 
271 Floyd, Mark  1878/1879I29619 Marty and Karla Grant 
272 Floyd, Mary  1871/1872I61402 Marty and Karla Grant 
273 Floyd, Mary J  1871/1872I29641 Marty and Karla Grant 
274 Floyd, Mary L  Nov 1891I29395 Marty and Karla Grant 
275 Floyd, Mattie J  Aug 1886I66698 Marty and Karla Grant 
276 Floyd, Maude A  10 Oct 1885I2796 Marty and Karla Grant 
277 Floyd, Minnie V  Apr 1897I66703 Marty and Karla Grant 
278 Floyd, Nancy Caroline  25 Jun 1915I56575 Marty and Karla Grant 
279 Floyd, Olia L  Jan 1895I76469 Marty and Karla Grant 
280 Floyd, Oliver  17 Dec 1873I65435 Marty and Karla Grant 
281 Floyd, Orilla  Sep 1887I29386 Marty and Karla Grant 
282 Floyd, Oscar  22 Jan 1883I116469 Marty and Karla Grant 
283 Floyd, Prudence  1873/1874I41530 Marty and Karla Grant 
284 Floyd, Purdee  Apr 1885I29394 Marty and Karla Grant 
285 Floyd, Rebecca  I1929 Marty and Karla Grant 
286 Floyd, Rebecca A  1871/1872I29645 Marty and Karla Grant 
287 Floyd, Retha Mae  25 Aug 1905I60423 Marty and Karla Grant 
288 Floyd, Robert Elbert  2 Sep 1893I111193 Marty and Karla Grant 
289 Floyd, Ruby E  Jun 1895I66702 Marty and Karla Grant 
290 Floyd, Sallie B  Jan 1875I29343 Marty and Karla Grant 
291 Floyd, Sarah J  Jul 1879I61405 Marty and Karla Grant 
292 Floyd, Victoria  Apr 1890I76468 Marty and Karla Grant 
293 Floyd, Walter  Feb 1882I29401 Marty and Karla Grant 
294 Floyd, William A  1870/1871I29328 Marty and Karla Grant 
295 Floyd, William Harvey  16 Feb 1894I111194 Marty and Karla Grant 
296 Floyd, William J  4 Feb 1877I61857 Marty and Karla Grant 
297 Floyd, William Pinkney  1868/1869I29784 Marty and Karla Grant 
298 Frye, Benjamim Franklin  20 Aug 1896I2793 Marty and Karla Grant 
299 Frye, Claudie M  Mar 1891I6354 Marty and Karla Grant 
300 Frye, Dock Benjamin  Sep 1895I66692 Marty and Karla Grant 

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Matches 251 to 300 of 1512

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID   Tree 
251 Cooper, M Ellen  23 May 1925I63851 Marty and Karla Grant 
252 Cooper, Peppy  Aft 1880I46491 Marty and Karla Grant 
253 Crawford, Abijah C  Aft 1900I52953 Marty and Karla Grant 
254 Crawford, Arthur H  Aft 1870I52821 Marty and Karla Grant 
255 Crawford, Arthur H  Aft 1900I52954 Marty and Karla Grant 
256 Crawford, Arthur Shepherd  1957I52964 Marty and Karla Grant 
257 Crawford, Arthur W  1975I52963 Marty and Karla Grant 
258 Crawford, Charlotte A  Aft 1870I52943 Marty and Karla Grant 
259 Crawford, Charlotte C  Aft 1860I52948 Marty and Karla Grant 
260 Crawford, Clarkey B  Aft 1900I52944 Marty and Karla Grant 
261 Crawford, David E  1860/1870I52942 Marty and Karla Grant 
262 Crawford, David Harrison  Aft 1870I52950 Marty and Karla Grant 
263 Crawford, Eliza E  Aft 1870I52947 Marty and Karla Grant 
264 Crawford, Elizabeth  Aft 1900I52941 Marty and Karla Grant 
265 Crawford, Ella Cally  19 Apr 1960I52811 Marty and Karla Grant 
266 Crawford, Holly Dayton  13 Dec 1964I52808 Marty and Karla Grant 
267 Crawford, Jimmie  22 Mar 1936I52832 Marty and Karla Grant 
268 Crawford, John D  9 Oct 1906I52955 Marty and Karla Grant 
269 Crawford, John R  18 Oct 1958I52965 Marty and Karla Grant 
270 Crawford, Joseph W  8 Jan 1945I52833 Marty and Karla Grant 
271 Crawford, Lutie Inez  20 Sep 1987I52967 Marty and Karla Grant 
272 Crawford, Margaret A  2 Mar 1909I28983 Marty and Karla Grant 
273 Crawford, Mary Ann  19 Oct 1895I63945 Marty and Karla Grant 
274 Crawford, Samuel D  10 Jul 1943I52829 Marty and Karla Grant 
275 Cribb, Emma J  14 Jul 1884I18159 Marty and Karla Grant 
276 Cribb, George E  6 Sep 1965I78183 Marty and Karla Grant 
277 Cribb, Henry Boyd  28 Jan 1945I42611 Marty and Karla Grant 
278 Cribb, Mary A  Aft 1880I18690 Marty and Karla Grant 
279 Davis, Ann Catherine  5 Oct 1906I44946 Marty and Karla Grant 
280 Davis, Mollie  5 Oct 1963I29248 Marty and Karla Grant 
281 Dewitt, Joseph G W  15 Apr 1896I65402 Marty and Karla Grant 
282 Dimery, Andrew  14 Feb 1934I43253 Marty and Karla Grant 
283 Dimery, Celia  27 Aug 1898I64942 Marty and Karla Grant 
284 Dimery, David D  24 Aug 1902I111755 Marty and Karla Grant 
285 Dimery, Elma J  12 Jul 1923I64987 Marty and Karla Grant 
286 Dimery, Jesse  19 Feb 1959I70384 Marty and Karla Grant 
287 Dimery, John D  15 May 1900I111751 Marty and Karla Grant 
288 Dimery, Mary  31 Oct 1929I111756 Marty and Karla Grant 
289 Dimery, PInkney  Aft 1870I111758 Marty and Karla Grant 
290 Dimery, Rhodia  17 Aug 1973I65078 Marty and Karla Grant 
291 Dimery, Robert  Aft 1870I111753 Marty and Karla Grant 
292 Dozier, Elizabeth  7 Jan 1976I32096 Marty and Karla Grant 
293 Dusenbury, James E  1905I63846 Marty and Karla Grant 
294 Edwards, Amanda Caroline  I2798 Marty and Karla Grant 
295 Edwards, Capitola  18 Oct 1948I6350 Marty and Karla Grant 
296 Edwards, Charles  Aft 1870I63935 Marty and Karla Grant 
297 Edwards, Coren E  I35152 Marty and Karla Grant 
298 Edwards, Daisy Mae  2 Oct 1938I34883 Marty and Karla Grant 
299 Edwards, Damarias  14 May 1932I1056 Marty and Karla Grant 
300 Edwards, Daniel  Aft 1870I63944 Marty and Karla Grant 

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Matches 251 to 300 of 316

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   Family    Marriage    Family ID   Tree 
251 Richardson / Rabon  15 Oct 1895F17402 Marty and Karla Grant 
252 Richardson / Roberts  F15551 Marty and Karla Grant 
253 Richardson / Roberts  F15552 Marty and Karla Grant 
254 Richardson / Roberts  F15555 Marty and Karla Grant 
255 Roberts /   F17430 Marty and Karla Grant 
256 Roberts /   1860/1870F29664 Marty and Karla Grant 
257 Roberts /   1860/1870F29665 Marty and Karla Grant 
258 Roberts /   1869/1870F16592 Marty and Karla Grant 
259 Roberts /   Aft 1874F15561 Marty and Karla Grant 
260 Roberts /   1870/1880F16590 Marty and Karla Grant 
261 Roberts /   1887/1888F16591 Marty and Karla Grant 
262 Roberts / Elvis  1860/1870F8557 Marty and Karla Grant 
263 Roberts / Gore  1870/1871F24322 Marty and Karla Grant 
264 Roberts / Johnson  Aft 1880F20154 Marty and Karla Grant 
265 Roberts / Johnson  1888/1889F12450 Marty and Karla Grant 
266 Roberts / Owens  Aft 1918F15567 Marty and Karla Grant 
267 Roberts / Richardson  F15546 Marty and Karla Grant 
268 Roberts / Richardson  F15556 Marty and Karla Grant 
269 Roberts / Roberts  1860/1869F7192 Marty and Karla Grant 
270 Roberts / Skipper  1903/1904F7190 Marty and Karla Grant 
271 Roberts / Watts  Bef 1879F23927 Marty and Karla Grant 
272 Rogers / Lane  1897/1898F29436 Marty and Karla Grant 
273 Sellers / James  Bef 1843F29705 Marty and Karla Grant 
274 Skipper /   1870/1875F12475 Marty and Karla Grant 
275 Skipper / Campbell  1870F14978 Marty and Karla Grant 
276 Skipper / Floyd  1860/1867F1950 Marty and Karla Grant 
277 Skipper / Graham  Aft 1880F12721 Marty and Karla Grant 
278 Skipper / Hardwick  1887/1888F12720 Marty and Karla Grant 
279 Skipper / Hardwick  1922/1923F344 Marty and Karla Grant 
280 Skipper / Johnson  F20746 Marty and Karla Grant 
281 Skipper / Johnson  1878/1879F18160 Marty and Karla Grant 
282 Skipper / Johnson  1883/1884F1952 Marty and Karla Grant 
283 Skipper / Johnson  1901/1902F347 Marty and Karla Grant 
284 Skipper / Johnson  Aft 1920F20184 Marty and Karla Grant 
285 Skipper / King  F10356 Marty and Karla Grant 
286 Skipper / Lewis  1879/1880F9129 Marty and Karla Grant 
287 Skipper / Rasberry  8 Feb 1911F657 Marty and Karla Grant 
288 Skipper / Richardson  F17422 Marty and Karla Grant 
289 Skipper / Roberts  1892/1893F17427 Marty and Karla Grant 
290 Skipper / Skipper  F9140 Marty and Karla Grant 
291 Skipper / Tindall  Aft 1934F12651 Marty and Karla Grant 
292 Stephens / Skipper  1880/1892F17425 Marty and Karla Grant 
293 Strickland / Floyd  F19630 Marty and Karla Grant 
294 Stroud /   1875/1876F19775 Marty and Karla Grant 
295 Sutton / Flowers  F17222 Marty and Karla Grant 
296 Tart / Edwards  Aft 1910F4181 Marty and Karla Grant 
297 Timmons / Edwards  1901/1906F4175 Marty and Karla Grant 
298 Tindal / Hucks  1910/1915F1932 Marty and Karla Grant 
299 Tindal / Parker  1881/1882F19452 Marty and Karla Grant 
300 Turner /   F13294 Marty and Karla Grant 

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