Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)

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Brunswick Co, NC



Matches 1 to 50 of 351

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID   Tree 
1 Anne S  1828/1829Brunswick Co, NC I82180 Marty and Karla Grant 
2 Emma J  1821/1822Brunswick Co, NC I82262 Marty and Karla Grant 
3 Nancy  1824/1825Brunswick Co, NC I82216 Marty and Karla Grant 
4 Ballard, Bessie  May 1889Brunswick Co, NC I81850 Marty and Karla Grant 
5 Ballard, John D  Feb 1887Brunswick Co, NC I81851 Marty and Karla Grant 
6 Beaty, Frank  Sep 1854Brunswick Co, NC I85744 Marty and Karla Grant 
7 Bell, Mary  1805/1806Brunswick Co, NC I82205 Marty and Karla Grant 
8 Bennett, Anna Eliza  May 1822Brunswick Co, NC I81949 Marty and Karla Grant 
9 Benton, Adaline J  1857/1858Brunswick Co, NC I100956 Marty and Karla Grant 
10 Benton, Alice Ella  25 Oct 1897Brunswick Co, NC I82019 Marty and Karla Grant 
11 Benton, Ancrum Jethro  19 Aug 1882Brunswick Co, NC I81891 Marty and Karla Grant 
12 Benton, Ancrum S  26 Oct 1859Brunswick Co, NC I81899 Marty and Karla Grant 
13 Benton, Anna M  1865/1866Brunswick Co, NC I100954 Marty and Karla Grant 
14 Benton, Annie B  1902/1903Brunswick Co, NC I81993 Marty and Karla Grant 
15 Benton, Asa W  14 Aug 1867Brunswick Co, NC I81923 Marty and Karla Grant 
16 Benton, Bessie  May 1889Brunswick Co, NC I81893 Marty and Karla Grant 
17 Benton, Blanchie Mae  10 Jul 1895Brunswick Co, NC I81972 Marty and Karla Grant 
18 Benton, Carrie L  Sep 1887Brunswick Co, NC I81937 Marty and Karla Grant 
19 Benton, Daniel L  1853/1854Brunswick Co, NC I100953 Marty and Karla Grant 
20 Benton, David Erastus  7 Jun 1890Brunswick Co, NC I82016 Marty and Karla Grant 
21 Benton, Della  May 1888Brunswick Co, NC I81894 Marty and Karla Grant 
22 Benton, Emaline J  1857/1858Brunswick Co, NC I100955 Marty and Karla Grant 
23 Benton, Eugene S  Oct 1897Brunswick Co, NC I81892 Marty and Karla Grant 
24 Benton, Henry  1851/1852Brunswick Co, NC I100952 Marty and Karla Grant 
25 Benton, Hettie G  1905/1906Brunswick Co, NC I81992 Marty and Karla Grant 
26 Benton, James T  1865/1866Brunswick Co, NC I81922 Marty and Karla Grant 
27 Benton, James W  Oct 1841Brunswick Co, NC I81921 Marty and Karla Grant 
28 Benton, John N  1847/1848Brunswick Co, NC I100950 Marty and Karla Grant 
29 Benton, Joseph S  1873/1874Brunswick Co, NC I81925 Marty and Karla Grant 
30 Benton, Kinney  Aug 1893Brunswick Co, NC I82018 Marty and Karla Grant 
31 Benton, Lowry W  Oct 1892Brunswick Co, NC I82017 Marty and Karla Grant 
32 Benton, Lucy L  1907/1908Brunswick Co, NC I81991 Marty and Karla Grant 
33 Benton, Marena Isabelle  Mar 1882Brunswick Co, NC I81936 Marty and Karla Grant 
34 Benton, Margaret A  1877/1878Brunswick Co, NC I81927 Marty and Karla Grant 
35 Benton, Martha V  1842/1843Brunswick Co, NC I100949 Marty and Karla Grant 
36 Benton, Martin  Jan 1887Brunswick Co, NC I81895 Marty and Karla Grant 
37 Benton, Matilda J  17 Feb 1877Brunswick Co, NC I81926 Marty and Karla Grant 
38 Benton, Nellie  Jul 1895Brunswick Co, NC I81957 Marty and Karla Grant 
39 Benton, Olivia Jane  25 Mar 1885Brunswick Co, NC I81890 Marty and Karla Grant 
40 Benton, Robert Edward  23 Oct 1899Brunswick Co, NC I82020 Marty and Karla Grant 
41 Benton, Rosa Lena  1861/1862Brunswick Co, NC I81930 Marty and Karla Grant 
42 Benton, Sarah Caroline  1850Brunswick Co, NC I100951 Marty and Karla Grant 
43 Benton, Thaddeus F  Sep 1885Brunswick Co, NC I81896 Marty and Karla Grant 
44 Benton, Thomas B  Apr 1870Brunswick Co, NC I81924 Marty and Karla Grant 
45 Benton, Thomas C Z  1856/1857Brunswick Co, NC I100961 Marty and Karla Grant 
46 Bernard, Heppy  1794/1804Brunswick Co, NC I82289 Marty and Karla Grant 
47 Brinson, Sarah  Bef 1801Brunswick Co, NC I100091 Marty and Karla Grant 
48 Buie, Asa W  1861/1862Brunswick Co, NC I82280 Marty and Karla Grant 
49 Collum, Ann Eliza  1862/1863Brunswick Co, NC I81864 Marty and Karla Grant 
50 Collum, Daniel Andrew  Jan 1856Brunswick Co, NC I81906 Marty and Karla Grant 

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID   Tree 
1 ?  Aft 1800Brunswick Co, NC I89872 Marty and Karla Grant 
2 Ann  Aft 1817Brunswick Co, NC I82156 Marty and Karla Grant 
3 Ann Eliza  Aft 1880Brunswick Co, NC I82127 Marty and Karla Grant 
4 Anna  Aft 1880Brunswick Co, NC I82199 Marty and Karla Grant 
5 Anne S  Aft 1861Brunswick Co, NC I82180 Marty and Karla Grant 
6 Catherine  Aft 1880Brunswick Co, NC I82273 Marty and Karla Grant 
7 Eleanor  Aft 1806Brunswick Co, NC I100084 Marty and Karla Grant 
8 Eleanor  Aft 1860Brunswick Co, NC I82188 Marty and Karla Grant 
9 Emma J  Aft 1880Brunswick Co, NC I82262 Marty and Karla Grant 
10 Fannie G  Aft 1880Brunswick Co, NC I82130 Marty and Karla Grant 
11 Frances  Aft 1860Brunswick Co, NC I85433 Marty and Karla Grant 
12 Isabelle  Aft 1860Brunswick Co, NC I111373 Marty and Karla Grant 
13 Jane  Aft 1765Brunswick Co, NC I111487 Marty and Karla Grant 
14 Julie  Aft 1880Brunswick Co, NC I82198 Marty and Karla Grant 
15 Marinda A  1880/1883Brunswick Co, NC I81976 Marty and Karla Grant 
16 Martha  Aft 1860Brunswick Co, NC I82241 Marty and Karla Grant 
17 Mary  Aft 1860Brunswick Co, NC I82148 Marty and Karla Grant 
18 Mary C  Aft 1880Brunswick Co, NC I82277 Marty and Karla Grant 
19 Mary E  Aft 1860Brunswick Co, NC I100948 Marty and Karla Grant 
20 Nancy  Aft 1870Brunswick Co, NC I82216 Marty and Karla Grant 
21 Rebecca  1845/1850Brunswick Co, NC I81932 Marty and Karla Grant 
22 Sarah  Aft 1860Brunswick Co, NC I82101 Marty and Karla Grant 
23 Sarah  Aft 1880Brunswick Co, NC I82147 Marty and Karla Grant 
24 Sarah C  1890/1900Brunswick Co, NC I100932 Marty and Karla Grant 
25 Susan  Aft 1870Brunswick Co, NC I111330 Marty and Karla Grant 
26 ?  Bef 1765Brunswick Co, NC I77988 Marty and Karla Grant 
27 ?  Bef 1850Brunswick Co, NC I82257 Marty and Karla Grant 
28 Arthur, Elizabeth Jane  Aft 1870Brunswick Co, NC I82219 Marty and Karla Grant 
29 Ballard, Bessie  Aft 1900Brunswick Co, NC I81850 Marty and Karla Grant 
30 Ballard, John D  Aft 1900Brunswick Co, NC I81851 Marty and Karla Grant 
31 Ballard, John P  1910/1920Brunswick Co, NC I81907 Marty and Karla Grant 
32 Beaty, Frank  Aft 1900Brunswick Co, NC I85744 Marty and Karla Grant 
33 Bell, Mary  Aft 1860Brunswick Co, NC I82205 Marty and Karla Grant 
34 Bennett, Anna Eliza  Aft 1910Brunswick Co, NC I81949 Marty and Karla Grant 
35 Benton, Adaline J  Aft 1860Brunswick Co, NC I100956 Marty and Karla Grant 
36 Benton, Ancrum S  3 May 1917Brunswick Co, NC I81899 Marty and Karla Grant 
37 Benton, Anna M  Aft 1860Brunswick Co, NC I100954 Marty and Karla Grant 
38 Benton, Annie B  Aft 1910Brunswick Co, NC I81993 Marty and Karla Grant 
39 Benton, Asa W  21 May 1914Brunswick Co, NC I81923 Marty and Karla Grant 
40 Benton, Bessie  Aft 1900Brunswick Co, NC I81893 Marty and Karla Grant 
41 Benton, Blanchie Mae  6 Aug 1967Brunswick Co, NC I81972 Marty and Karla Grant 
42 Benton, Carrie L  Aft 1910Brunswick Co, NC I81937 Marty and Karla Grant 
43 Benton, Daniel L  Aft 1860Brunswick Co, NC I100953 Marty and Karla Grant 
44 Benton, Della  Aft 1900Brunswick Co, NC I81894 Marty and Karla Grant 
45 Benton, Emaline J  Aft 1860Brunswick Co, NC I100955 Marty and Karla Grant 
46 Benton, Eugene S  Aft 1900Brunswick Co, NC I81892 Marty and Karla Grant 
47 Benton, Henry  Aft 1860Brunswick Co, NC I100952 Marty and Karla Grant 
48 Benton, Hettie G  Aft 1910Brunswick Co, NC I81992 Marty and Karla Grant 
49 Benton, James T  Aft 1880Brunswick Co, NC I81922 Marty and Karla Grant 
50 Benton, James W  1900/1910Brunswick Co, NC I81921 Marty and Karla Grant 

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Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID   Tree 
1 Johnson, William T  Brunswick Co, NC I81885 Marty and Karla Grant 


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   Family    Marriage    Family ID   Tree 
1 ? / Davis  Brunswick Co, NC F30702 Marty and Karla Grant 
2 Ashe / Davis  Bef 1812Brunswick Co, NC F23518 Marty and Karla Grant 
3 Ballard /   Bef 1872Brunswick Co, NC F23462 Marty and Karla Grant 
4 Ballard / Collum  30 May 1883Brunswick Co, NC F23440 Marty and Karla Grant 
5 Beaty / Watson  1898/1899Brunswick Co, NC F24975 Marty and Karla Grant 
6 Benton /   Bef 1842Brunswick Co, NC F28716 Marty and Karla Grant 
7 Benton / Cain  Bef 1856Brunswick Co, NC F23459 Marty and Karla Grant 
8 Benton / Mintz  6 Feb 1890Brunswick Co, NC F23472 Marty and Karla Grant 
9 Benton / Watson  4 Jun 1860Brunswick Co, NC F23465 Marty and Karla Grant 
10 Benton / Watson  9 Feb 1881Brunswick Co, NC F23458 Marty and Karla Grant 
11 Bernard / Davis  Bef 1817Brunswick Co, NC F23514 Marty and Karla Grant 
12 Brinson / Gause  Bef 1806Brunswick Co, NC F28530 Marty and Karla Grant 
13 Buie / Davis  15 Oct 1860Brunswick Co, NC F23540 Marty and Karla Grant 
14 Burch / Davis  6 Apr 1825Brunswick Co, NC F23554 Marty and Karla Grant 
15 Collum / Flowers  27 Aug 1893Brunswick Co, NC F23441 Marty and Karla Grant 
16 Collum / Gainey  21 Sep 1878Brunswick Co, NC F23435 Marty and Karla Grant 
17 Collum / Robbins  26 Mar 1880Brunswick Co, NC F23439 Marty and Karla Grant 
18 Collum / Watson  22 Dec 1845Brunswick Co, NC F23445 Marty and Karla Grant 
19 Cribb / Fowler  1801Brunswick Co, NC F4955 Marty and Karla Grant 
20 Dail / Davis  25 May 1866Brunswick Co, NC F23558 Marty and Karla Grant 
21 Daniel / Sessions  12 Jul 1825Brunswick Co, NC F23500 Marty and Karla Grant 
22 Davis /   Brunswick Co, NC F23498 Marty and Karla Grant 
23 Davis /   Brunswick Co, NC F30699 Marty and Karla Grant 
24 Davis /   1790/1800Brunswick Co, NC F23501 Marty and Karla Grant 
25 Davis /   8 May 1828Brunswick Co, NC F23555 Marty and Karla Grant 
26 Davis /   1830/1840Brunswick Co, NC F23537 Marty and Karla Grant 
27 Davis /   1840/1849Brunswick Co, NC F23521 Marty and Karla Grant 
28 Davis /   1840/1849Brunswick Co, NC F23532 Marty and Karla Grant 
29 Davis /   Bef 1868Brunswick Co, NC F23504 Marty and Karla Grant 
30 Davis /   Bef 1869Brunswick Co, NC F23503 Marty and Karla Grant 
31 Davis /   1860/1870Brunswick Co, NC F23539 Marty and Karla Grant 
32 Davis /   Bef 1872Brunswick Co, NC F23526 Marty and Karla Grant 
33 Davis /   1870/1875Brunswick Co, NC F23538 Marty and Karla Grant 
34 Davis /   Bef 1880Brunswick Co, NC F23525 Marty and Karla Grant 
35 Davis / Bell  9 Jan 1821Brunswick Co, NC F23527 Marty and Karla Grant 
36 Davis / Bernard  6 Jan 1819Brunswick Co, NC F23542 Marty and Karla Grant 
37 Davis / Bunting  18 Oct 1866Brunswick Co, NC F23562 Marty and Karla Grant 
38 Davis / Cratch  16 Oct 1839Brunswick Co, NC F23546 Marty and Karla Grant 
39 Davis / Davis  30 May 1866Brunswick Co, NC F23559 Marty and Karla Grant 
40 Davis / Gause  Bef 1801Brunswick Co, NC F23520 Marty and Karla Grant 
41 Davis / Green  10 Oct 1866Brunswick Co, NC F23550 Marty and Karla Grant 
42 Davis / Hankins  13 Dec 1866Brunswick Co, NC F23563 Marty and Karla Grant 
43 Davis / Holden  21 Nov 1867Brunswick Co, NC F23564 Marty and Karla Grant 
44 Davis / McKay  30 Dec 1861Brunswick Co, NC F23548 Marty and Karla Grant 
45 Davis / Morse  10 May 1828Brunswick Co, NC F23565 Marty and Karla Grant 
46 Davis / Morse  1830/1835Brunswick Co, NC F23556 Marty and Karla Grant 
47 Davis / Robinson  11 Nov 1853Brunswick Co, NC F23534 Marty and Karla Grant 
48 Davis / Savage  19 Mar 1863Brunswick Co, NC F23566 Marty and Karla Grant 
49 Davis / Sellers  8 Sep 1866Brunswick Co, NC F23549 Marty and Karla Grant 
50 Davis / Sessions  29 Apr 1806Brunswick Co, NC F23497 Marty and Karla Grant 

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