Samuel Floyd and (---) and Mary of Horry and Marion Co., SC Home > Genealogy > Floyd > Families > Samuel

Contents: Children | Researcher List | Register Report

Revision History:

·        21 Feb 2008 - Created by Marty Grant.

Samuel Floyd (Jr) was born before 1755 (per his age on the 1800 census). His parents are unknown, nor is it known how he relates to the other Floyds of Horry County. There was an older Samuel Floyd in the region at the same time.

Samuel's first wife may have been named Ann Farrar (per Jana Followell Randall's posting on the Floyd section of Genforum). I don't know if there is a primary source for that name or not.

He is listed on the 1790 census in Georgetown District as Samuel Floyd Junr. There is also another Samuel listed. In those days Jr and Sr didn't signify father and son, but rather it was a common way to distinguish two people of the same name. Sr being the older man, Jr the younger. They could have been just months apart in age or perhaps many years.

1790 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1790 Georgetown District, Prince George Parish, SC pg 507 Samuel Floyd Junr 1-0-2-0-1
1 Male(s) 16 and Up (before 1774)     Samuel Floyd (bef 1755)
2 females (no ages)                   1-Mrs. Floyd (bef 1755), wife
                                      2-Avi Floyd (c1787) daughter

Samuel's 1st wife died sometime in the 1790's and he married second to Mary "Polly" (---), maiden name unknown. Her given name is proven in a deed from her stepson Francis Floyd in 1832. She was born ca 1774/84 or ca 1774/75 if one combines her 1800 census birth (1774/84) with her 1820 entry (before 1775).

Samuel Floyd was listed on the 1800 census in Georgetown District. He was again listed as Samuel Junr. He was listed near Francis Floyd, Frederick Floyd, and Samuel Senr.

1800 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1800 Georgetown Dist, Kingston Co., SC pg 774/388 Saml Floyd Junr 40001-10100-0-2
1 Male(s) 45 & up   (before 1755)     Samuel Floyd (bef 1755)
4 Male(s) 0-9         (1790-1800)     1-Francis Floyd (c1790) son
                                      2-Cornelius Floyd (1790/94) son
                                      3-Harmon Floyd (c1799) son
                                      4-Samuel Floyd (c1800) son
1 Female(s) 16-25     (1774-1784)     Mary (—) Floyd (1774/84) wife
1 Female(s) 0-9       (1790-1800)     Avi Floyd (c1787) daughter

Horry District was formed in 1801 from Georgetown District.

Samuel Floyd was mentioned in a plat (a land map) dated 11 Apr 1803 for Obediah Fatheree, 340 acres north east side of Drowning Creek, north side of Gapway Swamp in Gapway Island, bordering Joshua Bearfield, Joseph Prince, Samuel Floyed and Willis Rawls. (Horry Co., SC Plat Book A, page 31, Horry County Historical Society).

On 14 May 1803 several commissioners, including Samuel Floyd, were named in a deed to Thomas Crowson for Lots # 4 and # 5 in Conwayborough. (Horry Co., SC Deed Book A1, page 295, Horry County Historical Society).

Samuel was mentioned on a plat dated 18 Dec 1805 for Samuel Grainger and Hugh Floyd, 237 acres in Drowning Creek, bordered by Samuel Floyd, David Page and Drowning Creek. (Horry Co., SC Plat Book A, page 59b, Horry County Historical Society).

Samuel Floyd and Hugh Floyd were listed as administrators of the estate of Francis Floyd in a deed dated 20 Mar 1806 in Horry. (Horry Co., SC Deed Book A1, page 67, Horry County Historical Society).

There was only one Samuel Floyd listed on the 1810 census in Horry District. It appears to be the same man formerly listed as Samuel Jr. Since he was the only one now who was of age, there was no need for the "Jr" anymore.

1810 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1810 Horry Dist., SC pg 145/478 Samuel Floyd 02201-00010-0-9
1 Male(s) 45 and up    (bef 1765)     Samuel Floyd (bef 1755)
2 Male(s) 16-25       (1784-1794)     1-Francis Floyd (c1790) son
                                      2-Cornelius Floyd (1790/94) son
2 Male(s) 10-15       (1794-1800)     1-Harmon Floyd (c1799) son
                                      2-Samuel Floyd (c1800) son
1 Female(s) 26-44     (1765-1784)     Mary (—) Floyd (1774/84) wife  

Samuel Floyd is mentioned in a Marion Court record dated 5 Feb 1810 wherein James Floyd sued Isaac Hyott for debt. On 30 Jul 1808 Isaac Hyott signed a note to pay Samuel Floyd (or the bearer of the note) $285 in cash by the next January 1st. Samuel Floyd received $69 on 14 Feb 1809, and $20 on 24 Feb 1809. Apparently Samuel Floyd sold the note to James who was trying to collect the rest. (Lucille Utley and Teri Dalrymple, Marion County Court Records Court of Common Pleas 1788 to June 1861, Three Rivers Historical Society 2002.)

Samuel was mentioned in a plat dated 29 Nov 1811 for William Griffin and Meredith Watson for 917 acres on east side of Lumber River, formerly Drowning Creek, bordering Meridith Watson, Samuel Floyd, William Griffin, the river and vacant land. (Horry Co., SC Plat Book B, page 16, Horry County Historical Society).

A plat was made for Samuel Floyd on 2 May 1814 for 1,000 acres in All Saints, north east side of Waccamaw River bounded by Samuel Floyd's land and vacant land. (Horry Co., SC Plat Book B, page 39, Horry County Historical Society). The same plat was recorded again on page 41 or else he had another 1000 acres in the same place.

In Dec 1814 a plat was made for Richard Lewis for 1000 acres on Cart Wheel Bay and Molsey Bay adjoining Gilbert Johnston, Richard Lewis, Samuel Floyed, vacant land and Samuel Foxworth. (Horry Co., SC Plat Book B, page 48, Horry County Historical Society).

On 10 Feb 1815 a deed between Benjamin Arnett of NC to William Hill (of Marion, presumably) was proven before Samuel Floyd, QU (Justice of the Quorum). Witnesses were Theophilus Floyd and Harmon Floyd. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book G, page 149).

On 1 May 1816, Samuel Floyd, JQ (Justice of the Quorum) and Thomas Floyd witnessed a deed from George Ford of Marion District to James Campbell of same for land on Maidendown. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book F, page 434).

On 27 Jun 1817 a deed (dated 5 Dec 1816) between George Ford of Marion and Francis Floyd of Horry was proven before Samuel Floyd, JQ. Witnesses were Cornelius Floyd and Theophilus Floyd. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book O, page 410).

On 12 Apr 1818 Samuel Floyd deeded a slave (Edith) to his daughter Ara. I have not seen the original so I wonder if this actually says Avy or similar instead of Ara? The deed was witnessed by Francis Floyd and Cornelius Floyd. (Horry Co., SC Deed Book C1 page 64 Horry County Historical Society).

On 5 May 1818 A deed between Elizabeth Kersey and William Kersey of Horry to Abner Adams for slave (Ellick, age 9) was proven before Samuel Floyd, JQ of Horry. Witnesses were Patrick Lewis (son-in-law of Frederick Floyd) and Nathaniel Spivey. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book K, page 21).

There were two Samuels listed on the 1820 census in Horry, one listed as Jr, the other as Sr. Ours was now Sr as he was the older one.

1820 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1820 Horry Dist., SC pg 134/7 Samuel Floyd Senr 100101-00001 slaves=4210-4220
1 Male(s) 45 & up      (bef 1775)     Samuel Floyd (bef 1755)
1 male(s) 16-25        (1794/1804)    Either Harmon (1799) or Samuel (1800) sons
1 male(s) 0-9          (1810/20)      Grandson?
1 female(s) 45 & up    (bef 1775)     Mary (---) Floyd (1774/84) wife

On 20 Mar 1820 Samuel Floyd and George Ford witnessed a deed from James Johnston of Marion District to Francis Floyd of same place for 350 acres on Back Swamp, north side of Little Peedee River. It isn't clear whether this was Samuel the elder or his son Samuel (c1800) who witnessed the deed. He and George Ford witnessed another deed on the same date for the same parties, this one for livestock. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book I, pp. 205-206.)

On 1 Aug 1820 a plat was made for Meredith Watson and Eli Jernigan, 727 acres on Gapway Swamp bordering Edward Grantham, Pearce Griffin, Samuel Floyed and vacant land. (Horry Co., SC Plat Book C, page 16, Horry County Historical Society).

On 12 Mar 1821 Samuel Floyd Senr deeded land to his sons Harmon and Samuel Floyd.  Witnessed by Levi Alford and William Hill. (Horry Co., SC Deed Book C1 page 124 Horry County Historical Society).

On the same date (12 Mar 1821), Samuel Floyd deeded a slave (Mary) to his daughter Avy Johnston. Same witnesses as before. (Horry Co., SC Deed Book C1 page 125 Horry County Historical Society).

Samuel wasn't listed on the 1830 census in Horry or Marion, but he was still living at that time.

On 5 Mar 1832 Francis Floyd "for the love and good will that I bear towards my father I give and bequeath unto the lawful begotten heirs of that he shall begat by his wife Polly Floyd" he gave four slaves (Mingo, Viny, Luke and Hannah) to be equally divided between the heirs after the death of his father and and his wife Polly. He never mentioned his father's name in the deed, but it is pretty clear he was referring to Samuel. The deed was witnessed by Samuel Floyd Jr and Harmon Floyd. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book O, page 145)

A deed dated 12 Nov 1835 from Francis Floyd and Jesse Ford to Everet Nichols and Harmon Floyd was witnessed by Samuel Floyd and John Yelverton. Samuel wasn't listed as Jr or Sr which suggests that there was only one person of this name in the area at this time, so Samuel Sr was probably dead by then. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book Q page 48).

I didn't find Samuel or Mary on the 1840 census, nor on the 1850 census.

** I have not done a thorough search of Horry County records, so I would guess there is much to be found in Samuel Floyd's name among the deeds and other records of Horry.

Children of Samuel Floyd and 1st wife and Mary (---). There are three deeds that prove Samuel was the father of Avi Johnston, Samuel Floyd and Harmon Floyd. Francis Floyd and Cornelius Floyd seem to be his children as well, though I haven't seen absolute proof. There may be a daughter named Ann Floyd, but I've seen no evidence for her at all yet.

1.      Avi Floyd (c1787)

2.      Francis Floyd (c1790)

3.      Cornelius Floyd (1790/94)

4.      Harmon Floyd (c1799)

5.      Samuel Floyd (c1800)

Avi Floyd was born ca 1786/87 assuming she is the same person I found on the 1850 census in Lowndes Co., AL. I'm 75% sure that it is the same person.

She seems to be with her parents on the 1790 census, no age given (born before 1790) and still home in 1800, aged under 10 (1790/1800). Those two records don't agree with each other, but it is a common census problem.

On 12 Mar 1821 Samuel Floyd deeded property to his "daughter" Avy Johnston. Witnessed by Levi Alford and William Hill. (Horry Co., SC Deed Book C1 page 125 Horry County Historical Society).

The record doesn't list her husband, but I found there was a James Johnston associated with her brothers, and I also found a James and Avey Johnston on the 1850 census in Lowndes Co., AL, both age 63 and born in SC. I don't know if that is her or not but it is really good name and age-match. I'm working from the assumption that this is the right family. There may be solid evidence to confirm or refute this theory, but I haven't seen it yet.

James Johnston (aka Johnson) was born ca 1786/87 per his age on the 1850 census (63). He was born in South Carolina, presumably in old Georgetown District, though I don't know if in the part that later became Horry or Marion.

I don't know who his parents were. (See my Johnson pages for more on the Johnsons of Horry and Marion.)

It isn't sure when James and Avi married, but sometime before 1821 for certain. They may have married before 1810 because Avi no longer seems to be with her parents on that census. There was one James Johnson listed in Horry in 1810 and two in Marion. The one in Horry is too old to be the same James. The two in Marion were both of the correct age to be our James, but which one is the right one? One of them must be our James (c1787), the other is Col. James Johnson who died in the 1820's. Col. James married a Davis, and the James on page 6 is near several Davis families, so that is probably him, leaving the other one as probably ours.

1810 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1810 Horry Dist., SC pg 479/145 Jas Johnston 00101-01100-0-37
1810 Marion Dist., SC pg 6 Jas Johnston 10100-00100-0-7
1810 Marion Dist., SC pg 13 Jas Johnson 00200-00100-0-4
2 Male(s) 16-25       (1784-1794)     1-James Johnson (c1787)
                                      2-Brother? Brother-in-law?
1 Female(s) 16-25     (1784-1794)     Avi (Floyd) Johnson (c1787) wife

On 20 May 1816 George Ford of Marion District sold 350 acres to James Johnston for $1000. The land was on the north side of Little Pee Dee River on Back Swamp. Witnesses were Benjamin Lewis and Zachariah Oattes. It is possible this deed is for Col. James Johnston instead, but since this land is where the Floyds lived, I think not. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book O, page 412).

On 17 Mar 1820 James Johnston of Marion District sold George Ford a Negro girl named Hez, aged about 10 for $350. James signed the deed, no wife was mentioned. Witnesses were Francis Floyd (brother-in-law) and Mary Floyd (probably Francis's wife). (Marion Co., SC Deed Book I page 217).

On 20 Mar 1820 James Johnston of Marion sold Francis Floyd his 350 acres for $1000. Witnessed by Samuel Floyd (brother-in-law) and George Ford. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book I, page 205).

On that same date James Johnston sold Francis Floyd a bunch of livestock for $95. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book I, page 206).

The 1820 census shows one James Johnson in Horry and one in Marion. Unfortunately both of these censuses are alphabetical so I can't tell who their neighbors were to compare with the 1810 entries.  However, the enumerations for James in Marion clearly match the family of Col. James Johnston who died later in the 1820's. That leaves James in Horry. It isn't the same older James who was in Horry back in 1810, so it must be the same one we are seeking. The enumerations fit anyway. Deeds from March of this year put our James in Marion, but he could easily have been back in Horry when the census taker came around.

1820 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1820 Marion Dist., SC pg 15 James Johnson 400010-30010-0, slaves=3200-6410
1820 Horry Dist., SC pg 12 James Johnston 200010-21010-0, slaves=0010-0200
1 Male(s) 26-44       (1775-1794)     James Johnson (c1787)
2 Male(s) 0-9         (1810-1820)     1-Son?
1 Female(s) 26-44     (1775-1794)     Avi (Floyd) Johnson (c1787) wife
1 Female(s) 10-15     (1804-1810)     Daughter? (1804/10) * Not with family in 1810
2 Female(s) 0-9       (1810-1820)     1-Daughter?

They moved to Alabama in the 1820's, settling in what was then Lowndes County but is Crenshaw County today. (At least I believe this is the same James and Avi!)

They are listed on the 1830 census in Lowndes Co., AL. The enumerations are not a perfect match, but they were in this county for sure in 1840 and 1850 so this is probably them in 1830 as well, though there is room for doubt. There was a Jeremiah Johnson (1760/70) on the same page, relationship unknown.

1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1830 Lowndes Co., AL pg 275 James Johnson 2010010000000-1000010000000
1 Male(s) 30-39        (1790-1800)    James Johnson (c1787)
1 Male(s) 10-14        (1815-1820)    Son? (1815/20)
1 Male(s) 0-4          (1825-1830)    Windham Johnson (c1827) son
1 Female(s) 30-39      (1790-1800)    Avi (Floyd) Johnson (c1787) wife
1 Female(s) 0-4        (1825-1830)    Nancy J. Johnson (c1823) daughter

They were still in Lowndes for the 1840 census in fact there were five entries to choose from, James F. Johnson, J. Johnson, J. S. Johnson, James C. Johnson and James Johnson. Each of them was too old or too young except for the entry marked just as James Johnson which is a perfect match.

1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1840 Lowndes Co., AL pg 254 James Johnson 0011200100000-0001000100000
1 Male(s) 50-59        (1780-1790)    James Johnson (c1787)
2 Male(s) 20-29        (1810-1820)    1-Son?
1 Male(s) 15-19        (1820-1825)    Son?
1 Male(s) 10-14        (1825-1830)    Windham Johnson (c1827) son
1 Female(s) 50-59      (1780-1790)    Avi (Floyd) Johnson (c1787) wife
1 Female(s) 15-19      (1820-1825)    Nancy J. Johnson (c1823) daughter

They are still in Lowndes for the 1850 census: James Johnson, 63, Planter $800 born SC, Avey 63 born SC, Nancy 27 born SC, Wendham 23, Planter born AL.

They are in Lowndes for the 1860 census, listed in the Southern Division: Jas Johnson 74 Planter born SC, A. Johnson (female) 74, born SC,  N. J. Johnson (female) 30, born SC, Windom Johnson 26 Laborer, born AL.

They seem to have died in the 1860's because their two unmarried children Windham and Nancy were living together in Crenshaw Co., AL (formed 1866 from Lowndes): Windom Johnson 42, Farming, born AL, Nancy J. 50, Keeping House born SC.

Francis Floyd (c1790) Deeds in Horry and Marion suggest that Francis is a son of Samuel. See his own page for more on him.
Cornelius Floyd (1790/94). Deeds in Horry and Marion suggest that Cornelius is a son of Samuel. See his own page for more.
Harmon Floyd (c1799). An Horry County deed dated 12 Mar 1821 proves that Harmon is a son of Samuel. See his own page for more on him.
Samuel Floyd (c1800). An Horry County deed dated 12 Mar 1821 proves that Samuel is a son of Samuel. See his own page for more on him.
Researcher List

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Register Report

First Generation

1.     Samuel Floyd was born before 1755. He died after 1822 in Horry Dist, SC.

Samuel married ? before 1790 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Horry Co, SC). ? died in 1790/1800 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Horry Co, SC).

They had the following children.

+              2    F           i.    Avi Floyd was born in 1786/1787. She died in 1860/1870.

+              3    M        ii.    Francis Floyd was born in 1789/1790. He died after 1850.

+              4    M       iii.    Cornelius Floyd was born in 1790/1794. He died in 1826/1827.

Samuel also married Mary before 1799 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Horry Co, SC). Mary was born in 1774/1784. She died after 1832 in Horry Dist, SC.

They had the following children.

+              5    M       iv.    Harmon Floyd was born in 1798/1799. He died on 9 Mar 1865.

+              6    M        v.    Samuel Floyd was born in 1799/1800. He died in Jun 1860.

Second Generation

2.     Avi Floyd (Samuel) was born in 1786/1787 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Horry Co, SC). She died in 1860/1870 in Lowndes Co, AL (now Crenshaw Co, AL).

Avi married James Johnson in 1818/1820 in Horry Dist, SC. James was born in 1786/1787 in SC. He died in 1860/1870 in Lowndes Co, AL (now Crenshaw Co, AL).

They had the following children.

                7    F           i.    Nancy J Johnson was born in 1822/1823 in Marion Dist, SC. She died after 1870 in Crenshaw Co, AL.

                8    M        ii.    Windham Johnson was born in 1826/1827 in AL. He died after 1870 in Crenshaw Co, AL.

3.     Francis Floyd (Samuel) was born in 1789/1790 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Horry Co, SC). He died after 1850 in Smith Co, MS.

Francis married Mary before 1820 in Marion Dist, SC. Mary was born in 1799/1800 in SC. She died after 1850 in Smith Co, MS.

They had the following children.

                9    F           i.    Sarah Floyd was born in 1826/1827 in Marion Dist, SC. She died after 1860 in Smith Co, MS.

              10    M        ii.    Cornelius Floyd was born in 1828/1829 in Marion Dist, SC. He died after 1850 in Smith Co, MS.

              11    F         iii.    Mary Floyd was born in 1830/1831 in Marion Dist, SC. She died after 1860 in Smith Co, MS.

              12    F         iv.    Avi J Floyd was born in 1833/1834 in Marion Dist, SC. She died after 1860 in Smith Co, MS.

              13    M        v.    Charles Floyd was born in 1836/1837 in Marion Dist, SC. He died after 1850 in Smith Co, MS.

              14    F         vi.    Adeline Floyd was born in 1837/1838 in Marion Dist, SC. She died after 1850 in Smith Co, MS.

Adeline married C W Tullous in 1850/1860 in Smith Co, MS. C W Tullous was born in 1839/1840 in MS. He died after 1860 in Smith Co, MS.

              15    M      vii.    William Floyd was born in 1840/1841 in Smith Co, MS. He died after 1850 in Smith Co, MS.

              16    M     viii.    John Floyd was born in 1843/1844 in Smith Co, MS. He died after 1860 in Smith Co, MS.

4.     Cornelius Floyd (Samuel) was born in 1790/1794 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Horry Co, SC). He died in 1826/1827 in Marion Dist, SC.

Cornelius married Mary before 1815 in Marion Dist, SC. Mary was born in 1797/1798 in SC. She died in 1850/1860 in Smith Co, MS.

They had the following children.

              17    M         i.    Ann Eliza Floyd was born in 1815/1820 in Marion Dist, SC. He died after 1840 in Kemper Co, MS.

Ann married Jabez Hull before 1838 in Smith Co, MS. Jabez was born in 1790/1800. She died after 1840 in Kemper Co, MS.

              18    M        ii.    John M Floyd was born in 1817/1818 in Marion Dist, SC. He died after 1870 in Clarke Co, MS.

John married Ann J before 1845 in Smith Co, MS. Ann was born in 1825/1826 in SC. She died after 1870 in Clarke Co, MS.

              19    M       iii.    Wilson Owen Floyd was born in 1820/1825 in Marion Dist, SC. He died before Aug 1838 in Simpson Co, MS.

              20    M       iv.    Samuel H Floyd was born in 1822/1823 in Marion Dist, SC. He died in 1855/1860 in Smith Co, MS.

Samuel married Hariett before 1848 in Smith Co, MS. Hariett was born in 1824/1825 in NC. She died after 1860 in Smith Co, MS.

              21    M        v.    William Cornelius Floyd was born in 1825/1826 in Marion Dist, SC. He died after 1850 in Smith Co, MS.

William married Catherine before 1850 in Smith Co, MS. Catherine was born in 1831/1832 in MS. She died after 1850 in Smith Co, MS.

5.     Harmon Floyd (Samuel) was born in 1798/1799 in Marion Dist, SC. He died on 9 Mar 1865 in Marion Dist, SC.

Harmon married Ada before 1823 in Marion Dist, SC. Ada was born in 1809/1810 in Marion Dist, SC. She died after 1880 in Marion Co, SC.

They had the following children.

              22    M         i.    Charles Pinkney Floyd was born in 1822/1823 in Marion Dist, SC. He died on 11 Jun 1869 in Marion Co, SC.

Charles married Zilpha Roberts, daughter of Redden Roberts Pvt and Penelope Dawson, in 1850/1852 in Marion Dist, SC. Zilpha was born on 22 Nov 1823 in Marion Dist, SC. She died on 7 Aug 1903 in Marion Co, SC.

              23    F          ii.    Emaline Floyd was born in 1836/1837 in Marion Dist, SC. She died after 1850 in Marion Dist, SC.

              24    F         iii.    Amanda J Floyd was born in 1841/1842 in Marion Dist, SC. She died after 1860 in Marion Dist, SC.

              25    F         iv.    Lucy M Floyd was born in 1843/1844 in Marion Dist, SC. She died after 1880 in Marion Co, SC.

Lucy married James Williams in 1860/1867 in Marion Dist, SC. James was born in 1839/1840 in NC.

6.     Samuel Floyd (Samuel) was born in 1799/1800 in Horry Dist, SC. He died in Jun 1860 in Marion Dist, SC.

Samuel married Sarah A Adams, daughter of Abner Adams and Jane, before 1824 in Marion Dist, SC. Sarah was born in 1809/1810 in Marion Dist, SC. She died after 1870 in Marion Co, SC.

They had the following children.

              26    F           i.    Ann Floyd was born in 1823/1824 in Marion Dist, SC.

              27    M        ii.    Thomas C Floyd was born in 1824/1825 in Marion Dist, SC.

Thomas married Catherine in 1850/1860 in Marion Dist, SC. Catherine was born in 1841/1842 in NC.

              28    F         iii.    Susan Floyd was born in 1829/1830 in Marion Dist, SC.

              29    M       iv.    Samuel Floyd was born in 1834/1835 in Marion Dist, SC.

              30    M        v.    Harmon Floyd was born in 1837/1838 in Marion Dist, SC.

              31    M       vi.    Daniel A Floyd was born in 1842/1843 in Marion Dist, SC.

              32    M      vii.    Charles A Floyd was born in 1848/1849 in Marion Dist, SC.

              33    F       viii.    Frances C Floyd was born in 1850/1851 in Marion Dist, SC. Home > Genealogy > Floyd > Families > Samuel