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I (Marty Grant) am not related to the Richard H. Grant family as far as I know. I am very interested in him though.
Richard H. Grant was born ca 1815/16 (per 1850 census) or 8 Jul 1816 (source?) in North Carolina. He may have been born in Craven County, for that is where his parents were living as of 1820, though they lived in Onslow County before and after that.
I have him listed as a son of Solomon Elliott Grant and Frances Hatch based on an Article # 236 by Roger Kammerer, in Heritage of Onslow Co, NC. I haven't seen what proof was used to place Richard as a son of Solomon though, so I'll just take it on faith for right now. The same article gives his full name as "Richard Hatch Grant" and birth date of 8 Jul 1816.
Richard would have been about 3 years old by the time of the 1820 census, and his father (in Craven County that year) had three apparent sons in the "under 10" age group (born ca 1810/20), one of them certainly was Richard.
Richard would have been about 13 years old by the time of the 1830 census, and his father (in Onslow County that year) had two apparent sons in the 10-14 age group (born ca 1815/20), one of them certainly was Richard.
Richard would have been about 23 years old by the time of the 1840 census, and his father (in Onslow County that year) had one apparent sons in the 20-29 age group (born ca 1810/20), probably Richard. I also noted (by accident) that Richard H. Grant was the Census taker for Onslow County in 1840, and his name was at the top of every page. He was not listed as a head of household anywhere, so I'm reasonably sure he was the one still at home with his parents.
Sometime just before 30 Apr 1844, Richard H. Grant married Melvina A. Gauze in Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. This was reported in the "Raleigh Register" newspaper of that date. No actual marriage date was listed. Melvina was born ca 1827/28 (per 1850 census) in North Carolina, possibly in Brunswick County, as there were a number of Gauze families there for the 1830 census. I don't know who her parents are.
Richard and family were listed on the 1850 census in New Hanover Co, NC. His brother Reuben Grant was residing with them.
1850 NEW HANOVER CO, NC Page 400 House/Family # 2/2 -- WILMINGTON Twp GRANT R H 34 M W MERCHANT 7500 NC 1815/1816 GRANT M A 22 F W NC 1827/1828 GRANT L F E 5 F W NC 1844/1845 GRANT T B 3 M W NC 1846/1847 GRANT REUBEN 41 M W CLERK NC 1808/1809
In 1860 Richard and Melvina were still in New Hanover Co, NC and listed in Wilmington Township. A "Martha Grant" was listed after Richard's children, and her age was 15, She could be a niece. Richard's brother Benjamin L. Grant had a daughter named Martha who would have been 15 in 1860, and she wasn't found elsewhere, so it could be her.
1860 NEW HANOVER CO, NC Page 412 House/Family # 1238/1227 -- WILMINGTON Twp GRANT R H 43 M W FARMER 24000 38400 NC 1816/1817 GRANT MALVINA 33 F W NC 1826/1827 GRANT LIZZIE 15 F W NC 1844/1845 GRANT EUGENIA 10 F W NC 1849/1850 GRANT ELLEN 4 F W NC 1855/1856 GRANT OSCAR 2 M W NC 1857/1858 GRANT MARTHA 15 F W NC 1844/1845
Richard Grant had plenty of property in 1850 and 1860, so there should be deed records for him. I'll try to get those later on.
Richard and family were still in New Hanover for the 1870 census and listed in Harnet Township.
1870 NEW HANOVER CO, NC Page 242B House/Family # 128/ 128--HARNETT Twp GRANT RICHARD 54 M W FARMER 17000 5000 NC 1815/1816 GRANT MELVENA 43 F W KEEPING HOUSE NC 1826/1827 GRANT EUGENIE 18 F W AT HOME NC 1851/1852 GRANT ELLER 13 F W AT HOME NC 1856/1857 GRANT LUNEY 6 F W NC 1863/1864 GRANT OSKER 11 M W NC 1858/1859 GRANT MURRY 8 M W NC 1861/1862 GRANT WILLIAM 4 M W NC 1865/1866 GAUSE J F 21 M W NC 1848/1849
According to Roger's work, Richard H. Grant died in New Hanover County on 28 Feb 1876.
Melvina and her younger children were listed together on the 1880 census in New Hanover County. ** I don't have this entry typed up yet.
Persons researching this family (click here for data on how to get on or off of this list:
Richard and Melvina had at least nine children per the various census records. So far I have very little additional data on any of them.
1. Richard Hatch1 Grant, born 8 Jul 1816 in Craven Co, NC; died 28 Feb 1876 in New Hanover Co, NC, son of Solomon Elliott Grant and Frances Hatch. He married in Apr 1844 in Wilmington, New Hanover Co, NC Melvina A Gauze, born 1827/28 in NC; died aft 1880 in New Hanover Co, NC.
Children of Richard Hatch Grant and Melvina A Gauze were as follows:
2 i Lizzie F E2 Grant, born 1844/45 in New Hanover Co, NC; died aft 1860 in New Hanover Co, NC.
3 ii T B2 Grant, born 1846/47 in New Hanover Co, NC; died aft 1850 in New Hanover Co, NC.
4 iii Eugenia2 Grant, born 1849/50 in New Hanover Co, NC; died aft 1870 in New Hanover Co, NC.
5 iv Ellen2 Grant, born 1855/56 in New Hanover Co, NC; died aft 1870 in New Hanover Co, NC.
6 v Oscar2 Grant, born 1857/58 in New Hanover Co, NC; died aft 1870 in New Hanover Co, NC.
7 vi Joseph Murray2 Grant, born 1861/62 in New Hanover Co, NC.
8 vii Lula L2 Grant, born 1863/64 in New Hanover Co, NC.
9 viii William H2 Grant, born 1865/66 in New Hanover Co, NC.
10 ix George M2 Grant, born 1870/71 in New Hanover Co, NC. Home > Genealogy > Grant > Families > Richard