William Grant and Mary of Rutherford Co, NC |
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Contents: Children | Researcher List | Register Report |
Revision History: 3 May 2008 Reformatted by Marty Grant. |
William Grant was probably born ca 1720 to ca 1735. The first
sure record we have for William is his inclusion on a 1771 Tryon Co, NC
Jury. Assuming he was at least 21 then, he was born 1750 or before.
Since we also know that several of his proven children were born in the
1750's and 1760's, then it seems likely that he was born at least 1735
or earlier. We have no way to know for sure, so ca 1725 is what I'm
using just as a reference point. This would make him about 70 when he
died in 1795.
William Grant may have been born somewhere in VA. In the 1720's there were a few Grants in several Virginia Counties, including Prince William, King George, Stafford, Fauquier, Norfolk and others. It is also possible that William Grant came over from Scotland in the 1730's, 1740's or 1750's. During this time many Scots came to America, including many named William Grant. Read my commentary on possible origins for William Grant We have found no records in Virginia that can be conclusively identified as our William Grant. We have tried to backtrack his origins by comparing him to his peers and possible relatives in Rutherford Co, NC. This leads us back to several Virginia Counties, but especially Albemarle, Louisa and Brunswick. Many of the early Rutherford Co, NC leading families came from these counties, and William Grant was associated with all of those people. I have a strong suspicion that William is a brother or close relative of Alexander Grant Sr of Goochland, Louisa and Fluvanna Co, VA who was there in the 1740's through early 1780's. William Grant married Mary "Polly" --- probably in the 1750's, and probably in VA. Her maiden name is unknown, but the three strongest possibilities are Morris, Dalton or Bradley. William Grant was referred to as an Uncle of John Dalton (1758-1838) a son of David Dalton and (unknown) in John's Revolutionary War Pension application (S1755) in which the following statement was made (thanks to Norman Davis for the transcript): He states that he was born in Albemarle County State of Virginia on the 3rd day of October 1758 -- That he has no record of his age -- but has the account given by his parents & believe it true -- He has seen a record of his age kept by his Uncle William Grant, but which he understands was distroyed or carried off by the Indians who killed two of Grant's family & plundered his home in North Carolina about the year 1782. This proves he is referring to the same William Grant being discussed here, since he mentioned the plundering of the Grant home in 1782, which event is also recorded in the North Carolina Legislative Papers (Box # L.P. 45, May 1782) "A list of the kiled and Wounded by the Indians in the County of Rutherford". The list contained several names, among them William Grant and Elisabeth Grant". This confirms that John Dalton was referring to the same William Grant family. This brings up the obvious question: How was William Grant an Uncle of John Dalton. Here are the possibilities:
Any of the above would make William Grant and Uncle of John Dalton. There is also the possibility that "Uncle" was used in a friendly way, like some people call a family friend "Uncle", even though he isn't related. However, I doubt that is the case here, for in those days kinship, and heirship was a legal matter, and not generally trivialized. And since the record of John Dalton's birth was kept by William Grant, that implies a close relationship. Frank Block theorized that William Grant and David Dalton married Morris sisters. He based this on several things, but mainly on two items:
Frank's theory is a good one, and may be the best we will ever find. However, I'd like to pick it a part a little (sorry Frank!), just to play devils advocate. First of all, the name Morris isn't used in the Grant family or Dalton family until later generations. None of William Grant's or David Dalton's children were named "Morris". William Grant had two children to marry Morris' (Elizabeth Grant m James Morris in 1783, Alexander Grant m Susanna Morris in 1782). Alexander named a son Morris Grant (c1800/05), but he was probably named after Susanna. He was the only "Morris" in this generation (grandsons of William and Mary). In the next generation there were more, but there had been other Morris - Grant marriages, and in each case, they account for the naming pattern. In the Dalton family, one of David's sons (Thomas Dalton) married Elizabeth Morris. They named one of their children "Thomas Morris Dalton". William Dalton (son of David) apparently named a son "Morris Dalton". I don't know who this one was named for. The rest were several generations down the line. Okay, the naming pattern doesn't really prove anything, but is strongly suggestive. It would seem the Morris, Grant and Dalton families were closely associated. John Morris died in 1780 at the Battle of Kings Mountain. He was on the wrong side, serving with the Tories. This normally resulted in confiscation of all of his assets, however, it seems that William Grant took in all of John's children, and was appointed their guardian, and he also was ordered to take control over John's property, real and personal. As far as we can tell, this property was never confiscated. These events lead Frank to his theory that John Morris was somehow related to William Grant. I agree that it looks that way. Exactly how they are related though is another matter. John Morris could be a brother-in-law, or a nephew of William Grant. There is no way to be sure without further records being located. The above makes a good case for their being some kind of early Morris connection to the Grant family, but I don't think it proves that Mary, wife of William Grant was a Morris. Frank Block never claimed it was proven, just a good possibility, and I agree. I located a curious record in the Morgan District Superior Court Minutes. Rutherford County was part of Morgan District until the district was abolished. Here is the record: From "Morgan District, NC Superior Court of Law and Equity Book I, Estates Records 1779-1806" by Weynette Parks Haun. Book 1 page 66 - March 1787 John Goodbread vs heirs of John Bradley, decd. Alex. McDaniel, William Grant, Anna Hampton (wife of Jonathan Hampton, Esq), Susanna Eves (Wife of William Eves). 10 Mar 1787. This seems to say that William Grant was an heir of John Bradley. However, upon closer study this document doesnt claim those are heirs of John Bradley, merely persons who, for some reason or another, owed the estate. David Dalton named his oldest (or 2nd oldest) son "Bradley Dalton". Bradley was born ca 1755 in Albemarle Co, VA, so that shows an early connection between the Dalton and Bradley families as well. So we don't know what Mary's maiden name was. It was either Morris, Dalton or Bradley or perhaps something else that we haven't even considered yet. It is also possible that Mary was a 2nd wife of William, and that the connection to the Dalton, Bradley and Morris families was via William's first wife. This is speculative, of course. There was a William Grant listed in early Mecklenburg Co, NC records in the 1760's. At this time, the area now known as Rutherford County was part of Mecklenburg, so it is possible that this is the same William Grant, but I don't believe it is. On 3 and 4 June 1763 a William Grant witnessed a deed between John Armstrong and wife Mary to William Morrison for land on Kuykendall's creek. The other witness was Robert Walter. (Mecklenburg Co, NC Deed Book 1 page 716). On 28 Sep 1764 William Grant witnessed a deed between Andrew Cathey and wife Martha to Thomas Yates for land "south side of Cataba River". Other witnesses were Richard Barry and William Campbell. (Mecklenburg Co, NC Deed Book 1 page 567). On 25 Oct 1764 William Grant witnessed a deed between John Wilkins and wife Rachel to Joanna Humphries for land on the south side of Catawba River. Other witnesses were George Walker and William Haggerty. (Mecklenburg Co, NC Deed Book 2 page 560). I personally don't think the above records are our William Grant. First of all, the land being sold was not in the Rutherford County area, although Mecklenburg included Rutherford at that time (Tryon County was formed in 1768 from Mecklenburg, and in 1779 Rutherford was created from Tryon). At that time (early 1760's) Mecklenburg County was huge and included a large part of upper South Carolina as well. Another factor for me not thinking that was our William, is that Thomas Grant, one of William's youngest children, was born ca 1772 in Virginia (per the 1850 and 1860 census), and William's granddaughter Franky Pearson was born ca 1777 in VA (per the 1860 census, 1850 census lists "NC"). Other records show William in Tryon County by 1771, so that makes it seem real likely that he came to NC without his family and they joined him later (a common practice in those days, especially in a dangerous frontier area). The Dalton family also remained partly in VA and finally came to Rutherford in the 1780's. I could be wrong, and the William Grant in Mecklenburg is indeed ours, but I'd need more proof to change my mind. The first sure record we have is William Grant's inclusion on a January 1771 Jury list in Tryon Co, NC. He was listed several times in the 1770's in Tryon Co, NC court records. William Grant was listed on an undated Tryon County Tax List (ca 1776 - 1780) as William Grant, with 2 males age 16 to 60, 4 males under 16, 3 females age 16-60, and 2 females under 16. No blacks. Without knowing the precise year this list was made, it is hard to properly analyse. Assuming it is dated 1776, we come up with this: 1776 Tryon Co, NC William Grant 2-4-3-2-0 Analysis: 2 Male(s) 16 to 60 (c1716-c1760) William GRANT (c1720) Alexander Grant (c1755/65) son 4 Male(s) under 16 (c1760-c1776) William Grant son Andrew Grant (c1755/65) son Charles Grant son Thomas Grant (c1773) son 3 Female(s) 16 to 60 (c1716-c1760) Mary (---) Grant wife Elizabeth Grant (bef 1755) daughter? Clementine Grant (c1755/60) daughter 2 Female(s) under 16 (c1760-c1776) Elizabeth Grant (grand-daughter?) Francis "Franky" Grant Pearson (c1776/77) gr-dau Most of the eligible Grant men, as well as the Daltons, Morris, and others, served in the American Revolution. William Grant, and his sons William Jr, and Alexander, enlisted in Captain Robert Porter's Tryon County company on 21 Oct 1777. All three were listed on the roster dated 30 Oct 1777. William Grant Sr was a Sergeant, William Jr and Alexander were privates. They served for 71 days in this company. It isn't known if they served additional time in other companies. During the Revolutionary war, neighbors turned on neighbors. Those with loyalty to England and the King were called Tories or Loyalists. In some cases it really did become "brother against brother", just like later in the American Civil War. North Carolina passed laws stating that any proven Tories would have their property confiscated. Sometimes an accusation was enough. As in all wars, terrible things took place, from thievery to murder. The records show that John Morris died 1780 and was accused of being a Tory. Thomas Morris was appointed administrator of his estate, but for some reason he resigned, or was removed, and William Grant became administrator. He also became guardian to John Morris' children. In Court minutes in the early 1780's, William Grant was often listed as a Justice. In Jan 1781 he was elected a ranger for the county (responsible for stray animals). Besides the normal problems of a war, including the divided loyalties of the populace, those on the frontier had another problem: The Indians. The British recruited the Indians, including the Cherokee, with promises of stopping the westward expansion of the white settlers. The Indians caused quite a few problems in the frontier regions during the Revolution. One or several, such incidents resulted in many injuries and deaths in Rutherford Co, NC. I already mentioned two sources showing that an Indian attack in 1782 resulted in the deaths of two of William Grant's family members, namely William Grant (Jr) and Elisabeth Grant. They are mentioned by John Dalton in his Pension application, and their names are listed in the NC Legislative papers. It seems clear that the "William Grant" named was William Grant Jr, son of William Sr. However, the identity of Elizabeth has been of some debate. At a glance, I assumed she was another child of William Grant Sr. However, Frank Block suggested that she could also have been the wife of William Grant Jr. This could easily be true as well. Another possibility is that she was a granddaughter of William Grant. If so, she could be a child of Clementine Grant, who had several children already by that time. The 1782 Rutherford Co, NC tax list shows William Grant with 300 acres of land. Alexander Grant is also listed, with no land. In the Court minutes for July 1782, Susanna Morris, and John Morris, both being of proper age, chose William Grant as their guardian. I think "proper age" means over age 14. They were listed as orphans of John Morris, decd. In the same court session William Grant was ordered to take into his possession Thomas Morris, Jean Morris, William Morris, James Morris, Francis Morris, George Morris, and Elizabeth Morris, also orphans of John Morris, decd. And in the same session William Grant was ordered to take in all the real and personal estate of John Morris, decd (presumably on behalf of the children, since this land was subject to confiscation). On 20 Mar 1783 Andrew Hampton deeded to 350 acres to William Grant, apparently as guardian of John Morris children. (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book A/D page 189). On 11 Oct 1783 William Grant received three land grants from the State of North Carolina, one for 150 acres, another for 50 acres, both on Grants Creek of Cove Creek and another 100 acres "on his own line". (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book A/D page 263, 264). Throughout the 1780's, William Grant was listed in the Court minutes of Rutherford County as a Justice, and in other ways. On 31 Dec1788 William Grant, Jeremiah Smith, Charles Grant and David Macky witnessed the Will of Edward Hagon. Hagon was also listed on that 1782 report of killed and wounded, as having been wounded in the Indian attack. (Rutherford Co, NC Wills and Miscellaneous Records Book A page 34). In the 1790 census, William Grant was listed in the 1st Company, next to his son Andrew Grant on one side, and David Miller on the other. I'm quite sure all of these folks lived in Rutherfordton at this time. The neighbors all listed nearby were all part of the early Rutherford County "Court House gang" as some call them. Members of the various committees, juries, officers of the court and so forth. 1790 census analysis (based on available evidence): 1790 Rutherford Co, NC pg 116 William Grant 3-1-4-0-0 Analysis: 3 Male(s) 16 and Up (before 1774) William GRANT (c1720) Charles GRANT (bef 1774) son Thomas GRANT (1772/73) son 1 Male(s) under 16 (1774/1790) Archibald GRANT (1774/84) son 4 Female(s) any age (before 1790) Mary MORRIS Grant (bef 1755) wife Clementine GRANT (1755/60) daughter Franky PEARSON (1776/77) d/o Clementine Susan GRANT (1779/80) d/o Clementine On 9 Mar 1790 William Grant, Esquire sold 200 acres to John Crawford. I don't have a detailed description of the land to determine where it was, or when it was obtained. (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book 22/23 page 298). On 28 Apr 1791 James Kilpatrick sold land to William Grant. (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book 7 page 146). On 14 Oct 1791 William Grant sold 100 acres on Grants creek to James Morris. This deed was signed by both William Grant and Mary (X) Grant. The witnesses were Samuel Lusk, and Jonas Bedford Jr. James Morris and his wife Elizabeth sold this land in 1798. I'm fairly sure this is the James Morris who married Elizabeth Grant in 1783. (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book 6 page 306). On 9 Oct 1792 a William Grant "Jr" witnessed the will of Thomas Donaldson in Rutherford Co, NC. It could be a misread "Sr" instead. The only other William in Rutherford County at this time was about 3 years old. So if this isn't our William, then I don't know who he is. I haven't seen this Will. It isn't listed in the Wills and Miscellaneous Records, so it must be a loose Will at the archives. This reference was sent to me by someone many years ago, and I don't remember who sent it. On 9 Oct 1794 William Grant made his own Will. For some reason it wasn't filed in the Wills and Miscellaneous records, but the original is on file at the North Carolina State Archives in Raleigh: In the name of God Amen, This ninth day of October one thousand seven hundred and ninty (sic) four, I William Grant of the County of Rutherford and State of North Carolina being in great afflictions but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to Almighty God for the same, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die Do make and ordain this my last will and Testament. First, recomending (sic) my soul to God who gave it and my body to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my Executors and as touching such worldly Estate which it hath pleased Got to bless me with I give and dispose of in the manner and form following that is to say Item I give to my beloved wife Mary all of my estate both real and personal as she may think she stands in need of after my lawful debts are paid [faded] in her life, and the rents arising from my lot and houses in Rutherfordton to be for my wife's and my afflicted son Archible Grant suport (sic) during her life. Item It is my desire that the land whereon I now live after my wife's death be the property of my son Thomas Grant and his heirs forever and my desire is that my daughter Clemy Grant should have a right to live on the said land with my wife and son if they can't agree to build her a house for herself. Item I give unto my son Charles Grant [torn and faded in fold of paper] to be raised out of the [faded]. My wish is that my lotts (sic) at the upper end of [torn and faded] and house lott (sic) my tract of land on the waters of Mountain Creek near James Boyls with the rest of my Estate that my wife dont (sic) want be sold by my executors and the money arising therefrom to pay my lawful debts and after the death of my wife all the Estate with my house and lotts in Rutherfordton to be sold and the money arising therefrom to be equally divided between Alexander Grant, Andrew Grant, Thomas Grant, Archible Grant, and Clemy Grant to them and their heirs forever. And I do appoint Stephen Willis, Richard Lewis, Alexander Grant my Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all other wills by me made rattifieing (sic) and confirming this to be my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above writen (sic). Signed Seald (sic) and acknowledged by me. William Grant {Seal} Anthony Gilkey, proved by his oath Sarah Hamilton, proved by her oath. Written on the back of Will: William Grant Last Will and Testament Proved in open court, January Term 1795 & Copy given to Executors. William Grant did not name Elizabeth Grant Morris as a daughter. This could mean that either she was dead, or that she wasn't his daughter, or that he left her out because he had already given her something. He did deed some land to James Morris in 1791, however, it wasn't a deed of gift. William Grant also left out his son William Grant (Jr) whom we know was already dead (d 1782). Since he wasn't named, we can assume he left no heirs (though that may not be the case). Showing that the wheels of government moved slow in those days also, William Grant received a State Land Grant on 14 Jul 1796 for 150 acres on Mountain Creek. It wasn't unusual for a deceased person to receive a State Grant, as he probably entered the land (applied for it) several years before he died. (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book M/Q page 323). The 1800 census shows that William's wife Mary was still living and in Rutherford County. She was listed as head of household with a large family (mostly grandchildren, I believe). Unfortunately, the 1800 census was alphabetized, so we can't determine who Mary's neighbors were at that time. 1800 census analysis (based on available evidence): 1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 112 Mary Grant 11110-21111-0-0 Analysis: 1 Male(s) 26-44 (1755-1774) Thomas GRANT (1772/73) son 1 Male(s) 16-25 (1774-1784) Archibald GRANT (1774/84) son 1 Male(s) 10-15 (1784-1790) Unknown Son or grandson? (1784/90) 1 Male(s) 0-9 (1790-1800) James W. GRANT (1790/1800) s/o Clemy 1 Female(s) 45 & up (before 1755) Mary (MORRIS?) Grant (bef 1755) 1 Female(s) 26-44 (1755-1774) Clementine GRANT (1755/60) daughter 1 Female(s) 16-25 (1774-1784) Francis PEARSON (1776/77) d/o Clemy 1 Female(s) 10-15 (1784-1790) Susan GRANT (1779/80) gr-dau (d/o Clemy) 2 Female(s) 0-9 (1790-1800) Mary GRANT (1789/90) gr-dau (d/o Clemy) Unknown Granddaughter? (1790/1800) Mary died sometime after 1800, but probably before 8 Dec 1817, for on that date Richard Lewis, surviving Executor of William Grant, deceased, sold William Grant's remaining land on Mountain Creek to Isaac Craton. Since Mary was to have all the land until her death, then at her death all of it except that which went to Thomas was to be sold and divided up among their children. (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book 29/31 page 393). However, we can probably narrow down her date of death a little more. We can be positive she died between 1800 and 1817, but she may have died between 1800 and 1810. Mary wasn't listed as a head of household in 1810, meaning she was dead, or living with someone else. Since it was most likely she would be living with a child (if she was still living), then she should be with one of her sons or daughters. Alexander was dead, but his widow Susanna was listed as head of household. However she had no extra women with her. Andrew and Thomas both were heads of household in 1810, neither had an extra older woman with them. Clementine was not listed on the 1810 census, but I think that she was one of the 4 women listed with Elijah Dalton in 1810. He married Clementine's daughter Mary Grant in 1809. His 1810 household contained 4 women age 45 and up (born before 1765), however, there were no women listed in Mary's age group, and we know she was alive then, so we can assume that not all 4 of those women were really over 45. However, this could easily be: Mary Morris Grant (bef 1755), Clementine Grant (c1755/60), Mary Grant Dalton (1790) and one other older woman. This is speculative, so I'm not committed to the idea that these are all the Grant's living with Elijah Dalton, though I do think it is quite likely. In any event we can be sure that Mary died between 1800 and 1817.
Children of William Grant and Mary. All
but two of William Grant and Mary's children are proven by his Will of
1. Elizabeth Grant (bef 1755-aft 1800) 2. Alexander Grant (c1755/61-c1805/06) 3. William Grant Jr (bef 1762-1782) 4. Clementine Grant (c1755/60-bef 1825) 5. Andrew Grant (c1755/65-c1825/30) 6. Charles Grant (c1760/67-after 1798) |
Elizabeth Grant born before 1755 probably in VA. She married James Morris on or about 8 Jan 1783. The marriage bond was in Rutherford Co, NC and the bondsman was John Henson. See her own page for additional information. |
Alexander Grant was born ca 1755/65, probably in VA. He married Susanna Morris around 1783. He is a proven child of William and Mary, as he was named in William's Will (1794). See his own page for additional information. |
William Grant
(Jr) was born ca 1762 or before (a guestimate), presumably in
He left us very few records. He was probably just coming of age when he was killed during an Indian attack in 1782. For the Revolutionary War, he enlisted in Captain Robert Porter's Tryon County company in 1777 with his brother Alexander and their father William Sr. He served as a Private for 71 days. It isn't known if he served additional time after that. His name was listed on the May 1782 list of killed and wounded (discussed above) along with an Elizabeth Grant, who some think was his wife, though it is quite possible he wasn't married. His Revolutionary War service (1777), and his death (1782) are the only records we have for him. If Elizabeth (who was also killed in 1782) was his wife, it would seem they died without leaving any children, or at least we have no record of any. Nor are their any "miscellaneous" Grants born around that time who are unaccounted for. I have also theorized that the Elizabeth Grant who died in 1782 was William's sister, and not his wife, and that Elizabeth Grant, who married James Morris in 1783 was his wife instead. If so, then William died leaving a widow Elizabeth, but no children. See her page for more on her. |
Clementine Grant was born ca 1755/60, probably in VA. She is a proven child of William and Mary, as she was named in William's Will (1794). See her own page for additional information. |
Andrew Grant was born ca 1755/65, probably in VA. He married Martha Mackey in 1788. He is a proven child of William and Mary, as he was named in William's Will (1794). See his own page for additional information. |
Charles Grant was born before 1774, probably in VA. He married Sarah Wyatte ca 1795/98. He is a proven child of William and Mary, as he was named in William's Will (1794). See his own page for additional information. |
Thomas Grant was born ca 1773/74 in VA. He married Amy Coxey in 1801. He is a proven child of William and Mary |
Archibald Grant probably never married. The only record we find on him is in his father William Grant's Will (1794) in which he mentioned "my afflicted son Archible Grant". Since "afflicted" could mean several things, we have to speculate on what happened to him. He could have been physically or mentally disabled, or perhaps he was just very sick, and died soon after this. No records were found on him other than being named in his father's will. |
Researcher List
Register Report |
First Generation 1. William Grant was born about 1725 in VA. He died in Jan 1795 in Rutherford Co, NC. William married Mary before 1755 in Orange Co, VA. Mary was born about 1735 in VA. She died in 1800/1810 in Rutherford Co, NC. They had the following children. 2 F i. Elizabeth Grant was born before 1755 in Orange Co, VA. She died after 1800 in Rutherford Co, NC. Elizabeth married James Morris, son of Morris, on 8 Jan 1783 in Rutherford Co, NC. James was born in 1755/1758 in VA. He died after 1800 in Rutherford Co, NC. + 3 M ii. Alexander Grant was born in 1755/1761. He died in 1805/1806. 4 M iii. William Grant was born before 1761 in Orange Co, VA. He died in May 1782 in Rutherford Co, NC. William married Elizabeth before 1782 in Rutherford Co, NC. Elizabeth died in May 1782 in Rutherford Co, NC. + 5 F iv. Clementine "Clemy" Grant was born in 1755/1760. She died before Jul 1825. + 6 M v. Andrew Grant was born in 1755/1765. He died in 1825/1830. + 7 M vi. Charles Grant was born before 1770. He died before 14 Oct 1805. + 8 M vii. Thomas Grant was born in 1772/1773. He died in 1860/1870. 9 M viii. Archibald Grant was born in 1774/1784 in Rutherford Co, NC. He died after 1800 in Rutherford Co, NC. Second Generation 3. Alexander Grant (William) was born in 1755/1761 in Orange Co, VA. He died in 1805/1806 in Rutherford Co, NC. Alexander married Susanna Morris, daughter of John Morris and Martha "Patsy" Powell, in 1782/1788 in Rutherford Co, NC. Susanna was born in 1765/1768 in VA or NC. She died about Mar 1825 in Rutherford Co, NC. They had the following children. 10 F i. Margaret "Peggy" Grant was born in 1788 in Rutherford Co, NC. She died on 10 Sep 1845 in Buncombe Co, NC. Margaret married James Morgan, son of Permenter Morgan and Gracie Jones, on 17 Dec 1802 in Rutherford Co, NC. James was born on 27 Oct 1780 in Rutherford Co, NC. He died on 25 Oct 1854 in Buncombe Co, NC. He was buried in Miller Cem, Buncombe Co, NC. 11 M ii. William Grant was born in 1788/1789 in Rutherford Co, NC. He died on 16 Nov 1853 in McDowell Co, NC. William married Sarah "Sally" Elms, daughter of John Elms and Nancy Harris, on 2 Mar 1813 in Rutherford Co, NC. Sarah was born on 13 Jan 1797 in Rutherford Co, NC. She died on 23 Dec 1879 in McDowell Co, NC. She was buried in Providence Methodist Cem, McDowell Co, NC. 12 F iii. Mary "Polly" Grant was born in 1793 in Rutherford Co, NC. She died in 1827/1829 in Rutherford Co, NC. Mary married Jesse Morgan, son of Permenter Morgan and Gracie Jones, on 1 Dec 1809 in Rutherford Co, NC. Jesse was born on 28 Oct 1785 in Rutherford Co, NC. He died on 30 Oct 1858 in Buncombe Co, NC. He was buried in Hominy Bapt Ch, Candler, Buncombe Co, NC. 13 M iv. John Grant was born in 1794/1800 in Rutherford Co, NC. He died on 29 Dec 1848 in Blount Co, TN. John married Sarah "Sally" Morris, daughter of Henry Morris and Catherine Walton Goodbread, on 15 Dec 1822 in Rutherford Co, NC. Sarah was born in 1800/1810 in Rutherford Co, NC. She died on 22 Sep 1841 in Blount Co, TN. She was buried in Chilhowee Cem, Blount Co, TN. 14 M v. Morris Grant was born in 1800/1805 in Rutherford Co, NC. He died before 1823 in Rutherford Co, NC. 15 M vi. James Grant was born in 1802/1804 in Rutherford Co, NC. He died after 1840 in Rutherford Co, NC. James married Sarah "Sally" Elliott, daughter of William Elliott, on 16 Dec 1825 in Rutherford Co, NC. Sarah was born in 1800/1810 in Rutherford Co, NC. She died after 1840 in Rutherford Co, NC. 16 F vii. Martha "Patsy" Grant was born on 25 Jul 1805 in Rutherford Co, NC. She died on 27 Feb 1879 in Jackson Co, NC or Swain Co, NC. Martha married James Holland Bradley, son of Isaac Bradley and Ann Allison, on 20 Feb 1827 in Rutherford Co, NC. James was born on 12 Aug 1802 in Rutherford Co, NC. He died on 30 Jul 1843 in Haywood Co, NC (now Swain Co, NC). 5. Clementine "Clemy" Grant (William) was born in 1755/1760 in Orange Co, VA. She died before Jul 1825 in Rutherford Co, NC. Clementine was in a non-marital relationship with ? in Not Married. They had the following children. 17 F i. Frances "Franky" Grant was born in 1776/1777 in Orange Co, VA. She died on 8 Jun 1861 in Polk Co, NC. Frances married Pearson before 1802 in Rutherford Co, NC. Pearson died before 1810 in Rutherford Co, NC. 18 F ii. Susan Grant was born in 1779/1780 in Rutherford Co, NC. She died after 10 Jan 1878 in Rutherford Co, NC. Susan was in a non-marital relationship with ? in Not Married. 19 F iii. Mary "Polly" Grant was born in 1789/1790 in Rutherford Co, NC. She died in 1880/1900 in Polk Co, NC. Mary married Elijah Dalton, son of William Dalton Pvt and Charlotte Johnson, on 4 Jan 1809 in Rutherford Co, NC. Elijah was born in 1785/1786 in Rutherford Co, NC. He died in 1880/1900 in Polk Co, NC. 20 M iv. James Washington Grant was born in 1790/1800 in Rutherford Co, NC. He died in 1840 in Rutherford Co, NC. James married Nancy Tomberlin on 13 Oct 1818 in Rutherford Co, NC. Nancy was born in 1790/1800 in Rutherford Co, NC. She died in 1830/1840 in Rutherford Co, NC. 21 M v. Thomas Grant was born in 1800/1801 in Rutherford Co, NC. He died after 1880 in Cocke Co, TN. Thomas married Catherine Humphries, daughter of Robert Humphries and Elizabeth Wren, on 30 Jun 1827 in Rutherford Co, NC. Catherine was born in 1808/1809 in Rutherford Co, NC. She died in 1870/1880 in Sevier Co, TN. 22 F vi. Elmira Grant was born in 1800/1810 in Rutherford Co, NC. She died on 1 Feb 1894 in Rutherford Co, NC. Elmira married John A Head, son of Phillip Head and Mary Tanner, on 19 Apr 1822 in Rutherford Co, NC. John was born in 1799/1800 in Rutherford Co, NC. He died in Aug 1859 in Rutherford Co, NC. 6. Andrew Grant (William) was born in 1755/1765 in Orange Co, VA. He died in 1825/1830 in Rutherford Co, NC. Andrew married Martha Mackey, daughter of Alexander Mackey and ?, on 18 Dec 1788 in Rutherford Co, NC. Martha was born in 1755/1760 in Ireland or Albemarle Co, VA. She died in Feb 1850 in Macon Co, NC. They had the following children. 23 F i. Margaret "Peggy" Grant was born in 1788/1790 in Rutherford Co, NC. She died after 1849 in Henderson Co, NC. Margaret married John Pearson on 24 Apr 1807 in Rutherford Co, NC. John was born in 1784/1790 in Rutherford Co, NC. He died on 22 May 1848 in Henderson Co, NC. 24 M ii. Charles B Grant was born in 1790/1795 in Rutherford Co, NC. He died on 31 Dec 1867 in Macon Co, NC. Charles married Mary "Polly" Morris, daughter of Micajah Morris Pvt and Sarah Moore, on 8 Feb 1821 in Rutherford Co, NC. Mary was born about 1800 in Rutherford Co, NC. She died in 1880/1900 in Swain Co, NC. 25 F iii. Elizabeth "Betsy" Grant was born in 1798/1799 in Rutherford Co, NC. She died in 1860/1865 in Macon Co, NC. Elizabeth was in a non-marital relationship with ? in Not Married. 26 M iv. Andrew Grant was born in 1799/1800 in Rutherford Co, NC. He died in 1860/1880 in Henderson Co, NC. Andrew married Sarah "Sally" Decker on 30 Oct 1823 in Rutherford Co, NC. Sarah was born in 1810/1811 in Rutherford Co, NC. She died after 1880 in Henderson Co, NC. 27 F v. Sarah "Sally" Grant was born in 1807/1808 in Rutherford Co, NC. She died in 1870/1880 in Sevier Co, TN. Sarah married Matthew Vance, son of John Vance, on 9 Feb 1821 in Rutherford Co, NC. Matthew was born in 1790/1800 in SC. He died in 1840/1850 in Sevier Co, TN. 28 F vi. Lou Grant was born in 1804/1810 in Rutherford Co, NC. She died after 1820 in Rutherford Co, NC. Lou was in a non-marital relationship with Keeter in Not Married. Keeter died in TN. 29 M vii. Thomas B Grant was born in 1804/1810 in Rutherford Co, NC. He died in 1845 in Macon Co, NC. Thomas married Mary "Polly" Miller, daughter of Joseph Miller and Sarah Cox, in 1833 in Macon Co, NC. Mary was born in 1813/1814 in Buncombe Co, NC. She died in 1889 in Swain Co, NC. 30 M viii. Grant was born in Rutherford Co, NC. He died before 1824 in Rutherford Co, NC. Grant was in a non-marital relationship with ? in Not Married. 7. Charles Grant (William) was born before 1770 in Orange Co, VA. He died before 14 Oct 1805 in Christian Co, KY. Charles married Sarah Wyatt about 1795/1798 in Lincoln Co, NC. Sarah was born in Lincoln Co, NC. They had the following children. 31 M i. David Grant was born in 1797/1798 in Christian Co, KY. He died after 1850 in Graves Co, KY. David married Anna before 1828 in Trigg Co, KY. Anna was born in 1797/1798 in VA. She died after 1850 in Graves Co, KY. 32 M ii. William Grant was born in 1798/1805. He died after 1815 in Rutherford Co, NC. 33 M iii. Alexander Grant was born in 1795/1805. He died after 1815 in Rutherford Co, NC. 8. Thomas Grant (William) was born in 1772/1773 in Orange Co, VA. He died in 1860/1870 in Buncombe Co, NC. Thomas married Amy Coxey on 5 Aug 1801 in Rutherford Co, NC. Amy was born in 1778/1779 in Rutherford Co, NC. She died in 1850/1860 in Buncombe Co, NC. They had the following children. 34 M i. Andrew Grant was born on 4 Apr 1810 in Rutherford Co, NC. He died on 3 Oct 1855 in Buncombe Co, NC. He was buried in Cane Creek Cem, Buncombe Co, NC. Andrew married Sarah Whitaker, daughter of Joshua Whitaker and Nancy Childers, in 1830/1833 in Buncombe Co, NC. Sarah was born on 12 Jun 1812 in Buncombe Co, NC. She died on 13 May 1883 in Buncombe Co, NC. She was buried in Cane Creek Cem, Buncombe Co, NC. 35 M ii. Alexander Grant was born in 1810/1811 in Rutherford Co, NC. He died after 1880 in Polk Co, TN. Alexander married Susan Sumner in 1830/1831 in Buncombe Co, NC. Susan was born in 1814/1815 in Buncombe Co, NC. She died after 1880 in Polk Co, TN. 36 M iii. James M Grant was born in 1813/1814 in Rutherford Co, NC. He died in 1880/1900 in McDowell Co, NC. James married Mary Trantham, daughter of Joseph Trantham and Mary Whitaker, in 1840/1843 in Buncombe Co, NC. Mary was born in 1822 in Buncombe Co, NC. She died in 1844 in Buncombe Co, NC. James also married Nancy Malinda Grant, daughter of ? and Susan Grant, on 19 Sep 1844 in Rutherford Co, NC. Nancy was born in 1822/1823 in Rutherford Co, NC. She died after 1910 in McDowell Co, NC. 37 F iv. Elizabeth Grant was born in 1825/1826 in Buncombe Co, NC. She died after 1880 in Buncombe Co, NC. 38 F v. Abigail Grant was born in 1829/1830 in Buncombe Co, NC. She died after 1880 in Buncombe Co, NC. Abigail married ? in Not Married. 39 M vi. Grant.
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