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I (Marty Grant) am a 5th Great Grandnephew of Clementine Grant.

Clementine Grant was born ca 1755/60 in VA, perhaps Louisa County. She is a proven child of William Grant and Mary of Rutherford Co, NC. Her estimated birth years could easily be off, so don't rely on it.

Clementine's father William Grant moved to what is now Rutherford Co, NC around 1771. It seems that the rest of the family joined them a year or two later, since William's younger son Thomas was born in VA ca 1773 (per the 1850 and 1860 census).

Clementine Grant never married, but had at least six children born out of wedlock. Her name appeared in the Rutherford Co, NC Court minutes several times on charges of bastardy. Her oldest known child was Francis "Franky" Pearson. Franky was born ca 1776/77 in NC (per the 1850 census) or VA (per the 1860 census). I think NC is the more likely birth place for her.

Clementine was probably at home with her father William Grant for the 1790 census. He had four females listed with him, one of which was probably his wife Mary, one of the others was surely Clementine, and the other two were probably Franky and Susan, Clementine's two oldest daughters (both born before 1790).

Frank Block found many of the early Court records for Clementine. There may be others that he and I both missed. In October 1791 term of Rutherford Co, NC:

"the court allowed Clemy GRANT, 14.0.0 for the Maintenance of a base born child that William MUSICK is supposed to be the reputed father by the name of Mary and that Notice issue for him to appear at next & shew cause if any he has why execution should not issue against him for the same"

This record shows that Clementine had a child named Mary born ca October 1791 or before. William Musick, the reputed father, was associated with Charles Grant and was in trouble with him in the Morgan District court records. William Musick married Winifred Hannon just after this.

Clementine was named in her father William Grant's will (1794) and this is what was said:

... Item It is my desire that the land whereon I now live after my wife's death be the property of my son Thomas Grant and his heirs forever and my desire is that my daughter Clemy Grant should have a right to live on the said land with my wife and son if they can't agree to build her a house for herself. ...

I don't know if Clementine got her own house or else lived with relatives, but she was never listed as a head of household on any census, so it is likely she lived with family members.

Clementine was probably with her mother Mary in the 1800 census as Mary had a full household. Mary had one female age 45+ (born before 1755) which was Mary herself, one female age 26-44 (born 1755/1774) which must be Clementine, one female age 16-25 (1774/84) which must be Franky Pearson (1777), one female 10-15 (1784/90) which is probably Susan Grant (who's birth is either 1780 or 1790 or in between), and two females under 10 (1790/1800) one of which was Mary Grant (1790) and the other is unknown.

James Love made his Will on 19 Sep 1802 in Rutherford Co, NC and made this bequeath:

... I give unto James the son of Clementina Grant the sum of $50 ...

It isn't known why James Love left James Grant anything, but it can easily be inferred that James Love was the father of James Grant, or perhaps the grandfather.

Mary was back in Court in April 1805 when her brother Alexander Grant and James Boyle made a bond of 75 pounds each assuring the county:

"... that the following children of Clemmy Grant, Viz, Mary and James Washington shall not become chargeable to the County ..."

We know that Mary Grant was born before October 1791 per an earlier court record, and that James Washington Grant (now he has a middle name) was born before September 1802 per James Love's Will.

Clementine Grant was not listed on the 1810 census, but I think she may be residing with Elijah Dalton who married her daughter Mary Grant in 1809. Elijah's household data isn't consistent with what we know, but there do seem to be some errors with it, so I don't know if we can rely on it. The most interesting thing is that he had 4 females aged 45 and up (born before 1765) but no one his own wife's age. The 4 females were probably lumped into one group by mistake. They could be: Clementine (1755/60), Susan (c1780), Mary (1790) and possibly even Mary (c1735), widow of William Grant Sr. There is no way to be sure of any of that though.

On 6 Jul 1818 Clementine was again mentioned in Court for a bastard child. Robert H. Taylor returned the bond. I don't know which child this is in reference to, but I'd bet it was for Mira Grant born ca 1810. (Rutherford Co, NC Court Minutes 1818-1819 pg 154)

I didn't find any record of Clementine in the 1820 census, nor find a likely place for her in any other households.  She was dead by July 1825 per the following court record:

The grand jury presented the following children as fit objects of the care of the court and recommend they be brought into court and bound out: ... Three children of Clemmy Grant, deceased at Andrew Grant's, ... two girl children of Susanna Grant .... (Rutherford Co, NC Court Minutes 1825-1830 pg 15)

These three children of Clemy and two of Susan would have been under 21, so born between ca 1804 and 1825. One of Clementine's surely is Mira Grant born ca 1810. I don't know who the other two were.

So the records above clearly prove that Clementine had several children, but only Mary and James Washington Grant are proven by name. However, James W. Grant died intestate and with no heirs (he may have married, but he apparently had no children. His estate records (1841) show his siblings as his heirs. Here are the informative parts of his Estate file:

6 Nov 1841 Rutherford Co, NC Estates B-167 In Persuance of a commision to us directed 
to settle with John TOMBERLIN, administrator of James GRANT, deceased, do report and 
find that the amount of sale is as follows:
Amount of Sale:                    436.57
Cash on hand:                        3.77
Commision allowed Administrator:    22.00
A.G. LOGAND ack of ricpt              .46
M. Daniel HALLOWAYS ricpt           20.53
McENTIR & WALTONS acpt & ricpt       5.01
James M. LOGAN acpt & ricpt         10.00
Clerks Fees                          1.75
Auctioneer                           2.00
John TOMBERLIN acpt                 24.00
A.G. LOGAND ack of ricpt              .46
M. Daniel HALLOWAYS ricpt           20.53
McENTIR & WALTONS acpt & ricpt       5.01
James M. LOGAN acpt & ricpt         10.00
Clerks Fees                          1.75
Auctioneer                           2.00
John TOMBERLIN acpt                 24.00
Malinda GRANT acpt & Ricpt          10.00
Commisioners Fees                    3.00
We find Thos. GRANT, Susan GRANT, Miry HEAD, Polly DALTON & Franky PEARSON,
brothers and sisters of deceased, consequently equal shares $68.29. Nov 6,
1841. S: Thos Jefferson, W.B. Rutherford, Francis A. Littlejohn,
Commisioners. Recvd of John TOMBERLIN administrator, three dollars, our fees
as commissioners this 6 Nov 1841. Thos Jefferson W.B. Rutherford, Francis A.

The first record of his estate was dated September 1840. The record quoted above clearly shows the family of Clementine Grant. There might have been other siblings, but they either were dead by 1840, or no longer living in Rutherford County and were left out (as often happens with estates). I don't yet know who the Malinda Grant was who was paid $ 10.00. She might be the same Malinda who married James Grant (son of Thomas Sr) in 1844.



The six children of Clementine Grant are proven by Court records and the Estate file of James Grant. If there were any additional children, they have not yet been identified. 

Francis "Franky" Pearson (c1777-1861)

Susan Grant (c1780-after 1860)

Mary "Polly" Grant (c1790-1880/1900)

James Washington Grant (c1790/1800-1840)

Thomas Grant (c1801-after 1870)

Elmira "Mira" Grant (c1810-1870/80)  

Frances "Franky" Grant Pearson was born ca 1776/77 in North Carolina (per the 1850 census) or in Virginia (per the 1860 census). If she were born in North Carolina, then she was likely born in the Mountain Creek vicinity of Tryon County (now Rutherford County). If born in Virginia, then perhaps in Louisa County. The Virginia birth seems more likely, as both of her surviving children list her birth place as "Virginia" on their 1880 census entries.

Frances (like all of her siblings) was born out of wedlock, and her father is unknown. However, since she used the surname "Pearson" that may mean that her father was a Pearson, or else that she married a Mr. Pearson early on, who died, or left, and she continued having children out of wedlock, giving them his surname. I can't say which scenario is more likely. Legally, a child born out of wedlock is to have the mother's maiden name, (if the mother is single), or the mother's married name, if the mother is widowed or married, but the child does not belong to the husband. It is not be unheard of for an out of wedlock child to take the name of the father, especially if he acknowledged the child was his. However, it usually wasn't done that way, and the child took the mother's name.

Frances ("Franky") was probably home with her mother and grandparents for the 1790 census. She would have been about 13 years old then. William Grant (her grandfather) was listed in Rutherford County, North Carolina for that census, and he had four females with him who were likely: Mary (his wife), Clementine (daughter), Franky (Clementine's daughter) and Susan (Clementine's daughter).

Franky was probably home with her mother and widowed grandmother for the 1800 census. Franky would have been about 23 years old by this time. Mary Grant (Franky's grandmother) was listed as head of household on the 1800 census in Rutherford County, North Carolina. Mary had a full household, including several females of  varying ages, one of which is very likely to be granddaughter Franky Grant. There was a female aged 45 and up (born before 1755), which was Mary herself; one female age 26-44 (born ca 1755/74), which must be Clementine Grant; one female age 16-25 (born ca 1774/84) which is probably Franky. Younger girls were present also, probably sister Susan and Mary and another one.

If Franky ever married, it was sometime in the 1800-1808 timeframe, for she had her first child ca 1808, who had the "Pearson" surname. Assuming that "Pearson" was not Franky's own surname, then she married an unknown Mr. Pearson in that timeframe, probably in Rutherford County. There was a John Pearson who married Margaret Grant in 1807. Margaret is a first cousin to Franky, (and daughter of Andrew Grant) so perhaps her husband John is closely related to Franky's Mr. Pearson.

If Franky was indeed married to a Mr. Pearson, he either died, or they separated very quickly, for she was listed as head of household on the 1810 census. She had some "extra" people with her, whom I believe could be her sister Susan Grant and some of Susan's children. Unfortunately this census was alphabetical, so I can't tell who Franky's neighbors were, nor were she lived approximately (though probably in the Mountain Creek area). Other Pearsons listed that year were Lewis Pearson and John Pearson (married to Margaret Grant).

1810 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1810 Rutherford Co, NC pg 128 Frances Pearson 20000-20020
2 Male(s) 0-9         (1800-1810)	Son? Nephew?
					Son? Nephew?
2 Female(s) 26-44     (1765-1784)	Frances GRANT Pearson (1776/77) d/o Clementine
					Susan GRANT (1779/80) sister
2 Female(s) 0-9       (1800-1810)	Celia PEARSON (1807/08) daughter
					Margaret C. L. GRANT (1809/10) daughter of Susan

Franky continued to have children after the apparent death or departure of her husband (assuming she was ever married). She and her sister Susan Grant followed in their mother's footsteps in this regard, both having several children out of wedlock.

I was unable to locate Franky on the 1820 or 1830 census, though I'm sure she was still in Rutherford County during those years. She was probably residing with other relatives, and enumerated with their households, though I have yet to find any known relations who had "extra" people with them in 1820 or 1830 who might be Franky and family.

The 1840 census reveals two households that might both be Franky's. She was apparently enumerated twice for some reason (a common census error), or else there was another Franky Pearson in the county at that time. The first entry has an abbreviated name, that on close inspection looks like Frs which of course could be an abbreviation for "Frances", however, it could also be a "K" instead of an "S", (meaning Frederick), but it looks like an "S" to me. She was a few houses from Elijah Dalton (husband of Mary Grant, Franky's sister).

1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1840 Rutherford Co, NC pg 337 Frs Pearson 0000100000000-0000010100000
1 Male(s) 20-29        (1810-1820)	John PEARSON (1813/14) son
1 Female(s) 50-59      (1780-1790)	Frances GRANT Pearson (1776/77) d/o Clementine
1 Female(s) 30-39      (1800-1810)	Celia PEARSON (1807/08) daughter


The other entry in 1840 was many pages away, but apparently the same family. This entry had her just a few houses from brother Thomas Grant.

1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1840 Rutherford Co, NC pg 346 Franky Pearson 0000100000000-0000110010000
1 Male(s) 20-29        (1810-1820)	John PEARSON (1813/14) son
1 Female(s) 60-69      (1770-1780)	Frances GRANT Pearson (1776/77) d/o Clementine
1 Female(s) 30-39      (1800-1810)	Celia PEARSON (1807/08) daughter
1 Female(s) 20-29      (1810-1820)	Nancy PEARSON (1815/16) daughter

On 6 Nov 1841, Frances Grant Pearson and her siblings were named as heirs in the estate of their brother James Grant, deceased. The estate record gave his heirs as: "Thomas Grant, Susan Grant, Miry Head, Polly Dalton and Franky Pearson, brothers and sisters of the deceased...". (Rutherford Co, NC Estates Book B page 167).

Franky was listed on the 1850 census in Rutherford Co, NC in Polk District with her son John Pearson as head of household. Her son's John's wife Clarkie was there as was Franky's unmarried daughter Celia Pearson.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 RUTHERFORD CO, NC Page 241   House/Family #  161/ 161  - POLK DISTRICT Twp

PEARSON JOHN          26 M W FARMER                 250 NC                   1823/1824
PEARSON FRANCIS       73 F W                            NC                   1776/1777
PEARSON SELA          42 F W                            NC                   1807/1808
PEARSON CLARKA        26 F W                            NC                   1823/1824

Polk County was formed in 1855 from a portion of western Rutherford County, including the section where Franky and family lived.

Franky and daughter Celia were listed on the 1860 census in Polk County, in Cooper's Gap Township. Son John Pearson was next door.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 POLK CO, NC Page 137   House/Family #  620/ 591 -- COOPER'S GAP Twp

PIERSON FRANCES       82 F W                    250   196 VA                   1777/1778
PIERSON CELY          52 F W                              NC                   1807/1808

Franky made her Will in Polk County in 1861. I don't have a copy of this yet. I'm told it names her son John, and daughters Celia and Nancy Gibbs. It is recorded in Will Book 1 page 187. Does anyone have a copy or a transcript?

Apparently the above Will, or the subsequent probate records show that Frances died on 8 Jun 1861 in Polk County, North Carolina.

Her Will and the various census records seem to show that she only had three children:

Celia Pearson, born ca 1808, still single as of 1860.

John Pearson, born ca 1814. Married Clarky Ann Slaton on or after 25 Aug 1840 (Marriage bond) in Rutherford Co, NC. They had no children as of 1850 or 1860 or 1880 census. They were in Rutherford in 1850 and 1880, Polk in 1860. I don't have them in 1870 yet.

Nancy Pearson, born ca 1816, married William Gibbs (c1807), lived in Rutherford County, Green Hill Township (Mountain Creek area).

Susan Grant was born ca 1779/80 in NC, probably Rutherford County. Her father is currently unknown. Susan never married, but had several children out of wedlock. See her own page for additional information. 

Mary "Polly" Grant was born ca 1790 in Rutherford Co, NC. She was named in two separate Court records by name (in 1791 and 1805) as a child of Clementine. One shows that William Musick was her reputed father.

She married Elijah Dalton on or about 4 Jan 1809.

See their own page for additional information on them. 

James Washington Grant was born ca 1790/1800 in Rutherford Co, NC. His father is unknown, but it could be James Love who died in 1802, for he named James W. Grant in his Will, but stated no relationship to him.

James may have married Nancy Tomerlin in 1818 (or it was some other James).

See their own page for additional information on their family.

Thomas Grant was born ca 1801 in Rutherford Co, NC. His father is unknown.

He obtained a marriage bond in Rutherford Co, NC on 30 Jun 1827 to marry Catherine Humphries. John Head was the bondsman. John Head had already married Thomas' sister Mira Grant a few years earlier (see below).

See their own page for additional information on their family.

Mira Grant was born ca 1810 in Rutherford Co, NC. She married John Head on or about 19 Apr 1822 in Rutherford Co, NC. Her brother James Grant was the bondsman.  

See their own page for additional information on their family. 

Researcher List

Persons researching this family (click here for data on how to get on or off of this list:

Register Report

1. Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant , born 1755/60 in VA; died bef Jul 1825 in Rutherford Co, NC, daughter of William Grant Sgt  and Mary Morris .  She married Not married (---) ? .


      Children of Clementine "Clemy" Grant and (---) ? were as follows:

+    2          i      Frances "Franky"2 Grant , born 1776/77 in VA; died 8 Jun 1861 in Polk Co, NC.  She married (---) Pearson .

+    3          ii      Susan2 Grant , born 1779/80 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 10 Jan 1878 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married (---) ? .

+    4          iii      Mary "Polly"2 Grant , born 1789/90 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1880/1900 in Polk Co, NC.  She married Elijah Dalton .

      5          iv      James Washington2 Grant , born 1790/1800 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1840 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married on 13 Oct 1818 in Rutherford Co, NC Nancy Tomerlin , born 1790/1800 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1830/40 in Rutherford Co, NC.

+    6          v      Thomas2 Grant , born 1800/01 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Cocke Co, TN.  He married Catherine Humphries .

+    7          vi      Elmira2 Grant , born 1809/10 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC.  She married John A Head .


Generation 2


2. Frances "Franky"2 Grant  (Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1776/77 in VA; died 8 Jun 1861 in Polk Co, NC.  She married in 1800/08 in Rutherford Co, NC (---) Pearson , died bef 1810 in Rutherford Co, NC.


      Children of Frances "Franky" Grant and (---) Pearson were as follows:

      8          i      Celia3 Pearson , born 1807/08 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1860.

      9          ii      John3 Pearson , born 1813/14 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married on 25 Aug 1840 in Rutherford Co, NC Clarky Ann Slaton , born 1823/24 in NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.

+    10         iii      Nancy3 Pearson , born 1815/16 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1911 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married William Gibbs .



3. Susan2 Grant  (Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1779/80 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 10 Jan 1878 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married Not married (---) ? .


      Children of Susan Grant and (---) ? were as follows:

+    11         i      Margaret C L3 Grant , born 1809/10 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married Aaron Nix .

+    12         ii      Nancy Malinda3 Grant , born 1822/23 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC.  She married James M Grant .

+    13         iii      William Colin3 Grant , born 6 Jun 1824 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 22 Sep 1891 in Henderson Co, NC.  He married Sarah Elizabeth Freeman .

+    14         iv      Mary3 Grant , died in Amarillo, TX.  She married (---) White .

      15         v      Sarah3 Grant .  She married in Rutherford Co, NC (---) Bowman .



4. Mary "Polly"2 Grant  (Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1789/90 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1880/1900 in Polk Co, NC.  She married on 4 Jan 1809 in Rutherford Co, NC Elijah Dalton , born 1785/86 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1880/1900 in Polk Co, NC, son of William Dalton Pvt  and Charlotte Johnson .


      Children of Mary "Polly" Grant and Elijah Dalton were as follows:

+    16         i      Mary Matilda3 Dalton , born 1821/22 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1870 in Polk Co, NC.  She married Leonard D Johnson .

      17         ii      J O3 Dalton , born 1828/29 in Rutherford Co, NC.



6. Thomas2 Grant  (Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1800/01 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Cocke Co, TN.  He married on 30 Jun 1827 in Rutherford Co, NC Catherine Humphries , born 1808/09 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1870/80 in Sevier Co, TN, daughter of Robert Humphries  and Elizabeth Wren .


      Children of Thomas Grant and Catherine Humphries were as follows:

+    18         i      Robert N3 Grant Private , born 1828/29 in Rutherford Co, NC; died abt 1865 in Cherokee Co, NC.  He married Elizabeth Ann (---) .

      19         ii      James3 Grant , born 1833/34 in Rutherford Co, NC.

+    20         iii      Martin3 Grant , born 1835/36 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married Lila (---) .

+    21         iv      Dianna Harriett A3 Grant , born 1840/41 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married unknown.

      22         v      Sarah A3 Grant , born 1847/48 in Rutherford Co, NC.



7. Elmira2 Grant  (Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1809/10 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC.  She married on 19 Apr 1822 in Rutherford Co, NC John A Head , born 1799/1800 in Rutherford Co, NC; died Aug 1859 in Rutherford Co, NC, son of Phillip Head  and Mary Tanner .


      Children of Elmira Grant and John A Head were as follows:

+    23         i      James3 Head , born 1819/20 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married Lurany Elvira Keeter .

+    24         ii      Phillip3 Head , born 1833/34 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1860.  He married Lucy (---) .

+    25         iii      J Elbert3 Head , born 1835/36 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married Susannah Keeter .

+    26         iv      Almina3 Head , born 1837/38 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC.  She married ? (---) .

+    27         v      Cynthia C3 Head , born 1839/40 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC.  She married John Lackey .

      28         vi      Mary3 Head , born 1840/41 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC.

      29         vii      Nancy3 Head , born 1847/48 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC.


Generation 3


10. Nancy3 Pearson  (Frances "Franky"2 Grant, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1815/16 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1911 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married in 1840/50 in Rutherford Co, NC William Gibbs , born 1806/07 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1873 in Rutherford Co, NC.


      Children of Nancy Pearson and William Gibbs were as follows:

      30         i      Mary4 Gibbs , born 1836/37 in Rutherford Co, NC.

+    31         ii      John4 Gibbs , born 1837/38 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married Susan E (---) .

      32         iii      Adaline4 Gibbs , born 1839/40 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      33         iv      Rebecca4 Gibbs , born 1841/42 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      34         v      Frances4 Gibbs , born 1843/44 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      35         vi      James4 Gibbs , born 1845/46 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      36         vii      Henry4 Gibbs , born 1847/48 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      37         viii      Celia4 Gibbs , born 1850/51 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      38         ix      William4 Gibbs , born 1851/52 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      39         x      Nancy A4 Gibbs , born 1853/54 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      40         xi      Elizabeth4 Gibbs , born 1855/56 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      41         xii      Andrew4 Gibbs , born 1860/61 in Rutherford Co, NC.



11. Margaret C L3 Grant  (Susan2 Grant, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1809/10 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married on 11 Dec 1834 in Rutherford Co, NC Aaron Nix , born bef 1813 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1848/50 in Rutherford Co, NC, son of William Nix  and Jane Anderson .


      Children of Margaret C L Grant and Aaron Nix were as follows:

+    42         i      Jonathan P4 Nix , born 1836/37 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married Mary Emily Freeman .

      43         ii      Margaret4 Nix , born 1837/38 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      44         iii      William4 Nix , born 1840/41 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      45         iv      Susan4 Nix , born 1847/48 in Rutherford Co, NC.



12. Nancy Malinda3 Grant  (Susan2 Grant, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1822/23 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC.  She married on 19 Sep 1844 in Rutherford Co, NC James M Grant , born 1813/14 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC, son of Thomas Grant  and Amy Coxey .


      Children of Nancy Malinda Grant and James M Grant were as follows:

      46         i      Amy4 Grant , born 1842/43 in McDowell Co, NC.

      47         ii      Joshua4 Grant , born 1843/44 in McDowell Co, NC.

      48         iii      Mary E4 Grant , born 1845/46 in McDowell Co, NC.

+    49         iv      Joseph G4 Grant , born May 1849/50 in McDowell Co, NC.  He married Martha J (---) .

      50         v      Nancy Abigail4 Grant , born 1850/51 in McDowell Co, NC.

      51         vi      Martha S4 Grant , born 1852/53 in McDowell Co, NC.

      52         vii      William H4 Grant , born 1862/63 in McDowell Co, NC.



13. William Colin3 Grant  (Susan2 Grant, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 6 Jun 1824 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 22 Sep 1891 in Henderson Co, NC.  He married on 3 Jan 1847 in Henderson Co, NC Sarah Elizabeth Freeman , born 2 Nov 1829 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 23 May 1897 in Henderson Co, NC, daughter of Dobson Burroughs Freeman  and Elvira Catherine Watkins .


      Children of William Colin Grant and Sarah Elizabeth Freeman were as follows:

+    53         i      Burrow Eaves4 Grant , born 19 Jun 1848 in Henderson Co, NC; died 15 Apr 1918 in Cordova, Walker Co, AL.  He married Martha Jane Elizabeth Sinclair .

      54         ii      Nancy Clementine4 Grant , born 12 Apr 1850 in Henderson Co, NC; died 3 Apr 1863 in Henderson Co, NC.

      55         iii      Sarah Elizabeth4 Grant , born 22 Dec 1852 in Henderson Co, NC; died 4 Mar 1853 in Henderson Co, NC.

+    56         iv      William Sylvanus "Van"4 Grant , born 19 Jul 1854 in Henderson Co, NC; died 27 Mar 1925 in Henderson Co, NC.  He married Sarah Elizabeth Wilkey .

+    57         v      John Gaston4 Grant Congressman , born 1 Jan 1858 in Henderson Co, NC; died 21 Jun 1923 in Henderson Co, NC.  He married Zsa Edney .

      58         vi      Marshall King Larkin4 Grant , born 18 Aug 1860 in Henderson Co, NC; died 18 Aug 1860 in Henderson Co, NC.

      59         vii      Markus Lenoir4 Grant , born 18 Apr 1862 in Henderson Co, NC; died 18 Apr 1862 in Henderson Co, NC.

      60         viii      Rufus Iracal4 Grant , born 11 May 1864 in Henderson Co, NC; died May 1940.  He married on 23 Dec 1888 in Henderson Co, NC Mary Jane Michael .



14. Mary3 Grant  (Susan2 Grant, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), died in Amarillo, TX.  She married bef 1850 in Rutherford Co, NC (---) White , died in Amarillo, TX.


      Children of Mary Grant and (---) White were as follows:

      61         i      Grace4 White , born in Rutherford Co, NC; died in Amarillo, TX.  She married in TX (---) Cook .



16. Mary Matilda3 Dalton  (Mary "Polly"2 Grant, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1821/22 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1870 in Polk Co, NC.  She married on 5 Sep 1839 in Rutherford Co, NC Leonard D Johnson .


      Children of Mary Matilda Dalton and Leonard D Johnson were as follows:

      62         i      Mary A4 Johnson , born 1839/40 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Polk Co, NC.

      63         ii      Elizabeth4 Johnson , born 1841/42 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      64         iii      Rebecca4 Johnson , born 1843/44 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      65         iv      John4 Johnson , born 1853/54 in Polk Co, NC.



18. Robert N3 Grant Private  (Thomas2, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1828/29 in Rutherford Co, NC; died abt 1865 in Cherokee Co, NC.  He married in 1849/50 in Cherokee Co, NC Elizabeth Ann (---) , born 1826/27 in GA; died aft 1872 in Cherokee Co, NC.


      Children of Robert N Grant Private and Elizabeth Ann (---) were as follows:

      66         i      Mary4 Grant , born 1850 in Cherokee Co, NC.  She married (1) on 7 Jan 1871 in Cherokee Co, NC Lewis Roberts ; (2) Cal Queen .

      67         ii      Thomas4 Grant , born 1851/52 in Cherokee Co, NC.

+    68         iii      James W4 Grant , born 1853/54 in Cherokee Co, NC; died 1929 in Dallas, Paulding Co, GA.  He married Susan Temples .

+    69         iv      Rachel L4 Grant , born 1857/58 in Haywood Co, NC; died 1898 in Gilmer Co, GA; buried in Pleasant Grove Cem, Gilmer Co, GA.  She married James Samuel Mullins .

      70         v      Catherine4 Grant , born 1860/61 in Haywood Co, NC.  She married aft 1880 in Cherokee Co, NC Jasper Young .

      71         vi      Jasper4 Grant , born 1864/65 in Haywood Co, NC.



20. Martin3 Grant  (Thomas2, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1835/36 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married in 1860/70 in Cocke Co, TN Lila (---) , born 1832/33 in TN.


      Children of Martin Grant and Lila (---) were as follows:

      72         i      Martha M4 Grant , born 1862/63 in Cocke Co, TN.



21. Dianna Harriett A3 Grant  (Thomas2, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1840/41 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married unknown.


      Children of Dianna Harriett A Grant were as follows:

      73         i      Elizabeth4 Grant , born 1867/68 in Sevier Co, TN.



23. James3 Head  (Elmira2 Grant, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1819/20 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married on 13 Sep 1855 in Rutherford Co, NC Lurany Elvira Keeter , born 1829/30 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC, daughter of Ichabod Keeter  and Martha "Patsy" (---) .


      Children of James Head and Lurany Elvira Keeter were as follows:

      74         i      John J4 Head , born 1858/59 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      75         ii      Samuel4 Head , born 1859/60 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      76         iii      Mary J4 Head , born 1861/62 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      77         iv      James C4 Head , born 1863/64 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      78         v      Mirah E4 Head , born 1866/67 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      79         vi      Feddy A4 Head , born 1868/69 in Rutherford Co, NC.



24. Phillip3 Head  (Elmira2 Grant, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1833/34 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1860.  He married in 1850/57 in Rutherford Co, NC Lucy (---) , born 1838/39 in Rutherford Co, NC.


      Children of Phillip Head and Lucy (---) were as follows:

      80         i      George4 Head , born 1856/57 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      81         ii      Mary4 Head , born 1859/60 in Rutherford Co, NC.



25. J Elbert3 Head  (Elmira2 Grant, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1835/36 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married on 7 Jan 1858 in Rutherford Co, NC Susannah Keeter , born 1830/31 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC, daughter of Ichabod Keeter  and Martha "Patsy" (---) .


      Children of J Elbert Head and Susannah Keeter were as follows:

      82         i      Isham4 Head , born 1857/58 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      83         ii      Mira4 Head , born 1859/60 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1860/70 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      84         iii      Jason4 Head , born 1859/60 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      85         iv      John4 Head , born 1861/62 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      86         v      Phillip4 Head , born 1864/65 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      87         vi      Samfes4 Head , born 1866/67 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      88         vii      Noah A4 Head , born 1868/69 in Rutherford Co, NC.



26. Almina3 Head  (Elmira2 Grant, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1837/38 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC.  She married Not married ? (---) .


      Children of Almina Head and ? (---) were as follows:

      89         i      Mary Ann4 Head , born 1860/61 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      90         ii      Priscilla L4 Head , born 1869/70 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      91         iii      William4 Head , born 1873/74 in McDowell Co, NC.



27. Cynthia C3 Head  (Elmira2 Grant, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1839/40 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC.  She married in 1860/63 in Rutherford Co, NC John Lackey , born 1839/40 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC.


      Children of Cynthia C Head and John Lackey were as follows:

      92         i      Hulda4 Lackey , born 1862/63 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      93         ii      John M4 Lackey , born 1864/65 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      94         iii      George G4 Lackey , born 1867/68 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      95         iv      Ella J4 Lackey , born 1872/73 in McDowell Co, NC.

      96         v      Cora G4 Lackey , born 1874/75 in McDowell Co, NC.

      97         vi      Edward Lee4 Lackey , born 1876/77 in McDowell Co, NC.

      98         vii      Zebulon V4 Lackey , born 1876/77 in McDowell Co, NC.


Generation 4


31. John4 Gibbs  (Nancy3 Pearson, Frances "Franky"2 Grant, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1837/38 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married aft 1860 in Rutherford Co, NC Susan E (---) , born 1846/47 in NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.


      Children of John Gibbs and Susan E (---) were as follows:

      99         i      Mary N P5 Gibbs , born 1865/66 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      100       ii      William S W5 Gibbs , born 1868/69 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      101       iii      James R G5 Gibbs , born 1870/71 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      102       iv      John H P5 Gibbs , born 1871/72 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      103       v      Susan A E5 Gibbs , born 1874/75 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      104       vi      Andrew B F5 Gibbs , born 1878/79 in Rutherford Co, NC.



42. Jonathan P4 Nix  (Margaret C L3 Grant, Susan2 Grant, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1836/37 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married aft 1850 in Rutherford Co, NC Mary Emily Freeman , born 24 Nov 1834 in Rutherford Co, NC, daughter of Dobson Burroughs Freeman  and Elvira Catherine Watkins .


      Children of Jonathan P Nix and Mary Emily Freeman were as follows:

      105       i      Marshall5 Nix , born in Rutherford Co, NC.

      106       ii      Sarah "Sally"5 Nix , born in Rutherford Co, NC.



49. Joseph G4 Grant  (Nancy Malinda3 Grant, Susan2 Grant, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born May 1849/50 in McDowell Co, NC.  He married in 1880 in McDowell Co, NC Martha J (---) , born Mar 1865 in McDowell Co, NC.


      Children of Joseph G Grant and Martha J (---) were as follows:

      107       i      Lueler E5 Grant , born Oct 1889 in McDowell Co, NC.



53. Burrow Eaves4 Grant  (William Colin3, Susan2 Grant, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 19 Jun 1848 in Henderson Co, NC; died 15 Apr 1918 in Cordova, Walker Co, AL.  He married on 9 Mar 1873 in Buncombe Co, NC Martha Jane Elizabeth Sinclair , born 8 Jun 1848 in Anson Co, NC; died 3 Nov 1917 in Cordova, Walker Co, AL, daughter of John Alford Augustos Sinclair  and Susan Dunn .


      Children of Burrow Eaves Grant and Martha Jane Elizabeth Sinclair were as follows:

      108       i      Mary Elizabeth5 Grant , born 22 Sep 1874 in Henderson Co, NC; died 13 Dec 1942 in Hartsville, Darlington Co, SC.

      109       ii      Susan Mondella5 Grant , born 27 Dec 1875 in Henderson Co, NC; died 17 Aug 1967 in Augusta, GA.

      110       iii      Molcy May5 Grant , born 1 May 1879 in Henderson Co, NC; died 18 Jun 1956.

      111       iv      William James Alexander5 Grant , born 27 Sep 1880 in Henderson Co, NC; died 11 Jul 1955 in Fort Mill, York Co, SC.

      112       v      Clarence Larkin5 Grant , born 10 Jun 1882 in Henderson Co, NC; died 23 Jun 1935 in Union, Union Co, SC.

      113       vi      Mattie Lexine5 Grant , born 10 Jul 1884 in Henderson Co, NC; died Apr 1915 in Anderson Co, SC.



56. William Sylvanus "Van"4 Grant  (William Colin3, Susan2 Grant, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 19 Jul 1854 in Henderson Co, NC; died 27 Mar 1925 in Henderson Co, NC.  He married on 18 Dec 1874 in Henderson Co, NC Sarah Elizabeth Wilkey , born 1854/55 in NC.


      Children of William Sylvanus "Van" Grant and Sarah Elizabeth Wilkey were as follows:

      114       i      John Verner5 Grant , born 1879 in Henderson Co, NC.

      115       ii      Lilly L5 Grant , born 1875/76 in Henderson Co, NC.

      116       iii      Nancy L5 Grant , born 1877/78 in Henderson Co, NC.

      117       iv      James Wilkey5 Grant , born 13 Sep 1884 in Asheville, Buncombe Co, NC.



57. John Gaston4 Grant Congressman  (William Colin3, Susan2 Grant, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1 Jan 1858 in Henderson Co, NC; died 21 Jun 1923 in Henderson Co, NC.  He married on 30 Mar 1876 in Henderson Co, NC Zsa Edney , born 1856/57 in NC.


      Children of John Gaston Grant Congressman and Zsa Edney were as follows:

      118       i      Ada L5 Grant , born 1877/78 in Henderson Co, NC.

      119       ii      Luna A5 Grant , born 1879 in Henderson Co, NC.



68. James W4 Grant  (Robert N3, Thomas2, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1853/54 in Cherokee Co, NC; died 1929 in Dallas, Paulding Co, GA.  He married in 1878 in Cherokee Co, NC Susan Temples , born 1856/57 in GA; died in Dallas, Paulding Co, GA.


      Children of James W Grant and Susan Temples were as follows:

      120       i      Cora Bell5 Grant , born Aug 1879 in GA.



69. Rachel L4 Grant  (Robert N3, Thomas2, Clementine "Clemy"1 Grant), born 1857/58 in Haywood Co, NC; died 1898 in Gilmer Co, GA; buried in Pleasant Grove Cem, Gilmer Co, GA.  She married in 1870/78 in Cherokee Co, NC James Samuel Mullins , born 1856/57; died in Gilmer Co, GA.


      Children of Rachel L Grant and James Samuel Mullins were as follows:

      121       i      Mary5 Mullins , born 1877/78 in Cherokee Co, NC.

      122       ii      Martha5 Mullins .

      123       iii      Addie5 Mullins , born 25 Aug 1882 in Ellijah, Gilmer Co, GA.

      124       iv      Jackson5 Mullins , born in Ellijah, Gilmer Co, GA; died Child in Gilmer Co, GA.

      125       v      Becky5 Mullins .

      126       vi      Magdalen5 Mullins , born in Ellijah, Gilmer Co, GA; died Child in Ellijah, Gilmer Co, GA.

      127       vii      Sarah Nettie5 Mullins . Home > Genealogy > Grant > Families > Clementine