Thomas Grant (c1801) and Catherine Humphries of Rutherford, Cherokee and Haywood Co, NC and Sevier Co, TN Home > Genealogy > Grant > Families > Thomas


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I (Marty Grant) am a 1st cousin, 6 times removed of Thomas Grant.

Thomas Grant was born ca 1800/1801 in Rutherford Co, NC. Three of his four census entries support this approximate birth date, but the 1850 census gives his age as 51, or born ca 1798/99. I think that one is in error. 

Thomas Grant is a son of Clementine Grant, a single mother of Rutherford Co, NC. I don't know who Thomas' father might have been; I've found no records indicating who he was. Thomas Grant is a proven brother of James W. Grant, a proven child of Clementine, so that also proves Thomas as a child of Clementine.

It appears that Clementine was residing with her oldest child Franky Pearson for the 1810 census in Rutherford Co, NC. It can't be proven that it was her, but Franky's household had several extra people, and it is a good fit. This household contained two males under 10 (born ca 1800/10), and this is probably Thomas Grant and his brother James W. Grant. I can't be sure of that, but it seems likely.

I didn't find Clementine, nor Thomas Grant on the 1820 census, nor any indication where she might have been living, though it is highly likely that she and her children were living with someone in Rutherford County.

Thomas Grant obtained a marriage bond in Rutherford Co, NC on 30 Jun 1827 to marry Catherine Humphries. John Head (Thomas' brother-in-law) was the bondsman.  Catherine Humphries (or "Humphreys") was born ca 1808/09 (per 1850 census). She is a proven daughter of Robert Humphries and Elizabeth Wrenn, for Catherine's son Robert Grant was named in Robert Humphries Will as his grandson.

I was not able to locate Thomas Grant on the 1830 census. There was a Thomas Grant in the 1830 census in Rutherford, but that was the elder Thomas Grant (c1773). I've analyzed his close neighbors, and they are all the same people known to live near the elder Thomas Grant in Buncombe County. It seems, that for some reason, part of his section of Buncombe County was listed as part of Rutherford in 1830 (this was a bordering area). In any event, the Thomas Grant of 1830 Rutherford is not the one under study here. Another Thomas Grant was listed in 1830 Burke Co, NC, and some have suggested that is this Thomas, but I feel strongly that it is not. I'm sure that Thomas of Burke in 1830 is my ancestor Thomas B. Grant who was known to live there at that time. This leaves no record of Thomas Grant and Catherine Humphries on the 1830 census. It seems possible, and likely, that they were either missed, or that they were residing with another family. Since this family was known to have moved around a lot in later years, they could have very easily moved out of state for a brief time around 1830. Thomas' mother Clementine was dead prior to 1830, but his in-laws, Robert and Elizabeth Humphries were still living in 1830. Perhaps coincidental, or perhaps not, I was unable to locate them in 1830 as well. It is possible that the community they all lived in was missed by the census taker. Perhaps this had to do with some confusion about the Rutherford - Buncombe border at the time, or for other reasons.

On 16 Dec 1831 Thomas Grant made an entry (claim) for land in Rutherford County, for 100 acres on the waters of Mountain Creek adjoining Robert Humphries (his father-in-law) and David Miller and Charles Lewis. (Rutherford Co, NC Land Entries 1826-1834 # 1131).

I didn't find any record of the above land entry actually being granted to Thomas Grant, so it is possible that his claim was rejected.

Thomas Grant (as well as his sister-in-law Dianah Humphries, and father-in-law Robert Humphries, and brother-in-law John Head) was named in the Estate record of Jacob Michal, deceased in October 1834 in the accounts section, meaning he owed money to the deceased. (Rutherford Co, NC Estates Book A page 193)

Thomas Grant was listed on the 1840 census in Rutherford Co, NC. Thomas' sister Franky Pearson was listed very close by. No one else nearby (on the same page) was a known relative of theirs. Thomas had an older woman, age 70-79 (born ca 1760/70) with him in 1840. I don't know who this is. Usually one could assume an older woman living with a family would be the mother of the husband or of the wife, but in this case I don't think it is either one. We know that Thomas' mother Clementine Grant was dead before 1825, and that Thomas' wife Catherine's parents were both still living at this time, so it probably isn't Catherine's mother, unless for some reason, she and her husband (Robert Humphries) were in separate households for some reason. This could be the case. Catherine's sister Diannah Humphries seem to be with them as well, as she was for many years after. Diannah already being there by 1840, may be an indication that the older woman was indeed Elizabeth Wrenn Humphries, her and Catherine's mother. I did not find Robert Humphries listed anywhere else in 1840, so perhaps he was here with Thomas also, but not enumerated for some reason.

1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1840 Rutherford County, NC pg 346 Thomas Grant 1110010000000-1010101001000
1 Male(s) 30-39        (1800-1810)	Thomas GRANT (1800/01) s/o Clementine
1 Male(s) 10-14        (1825-1830)	Robert N. GRANT (1828/29) son
1 Male(s) 5-9          (1830-1835)	James GRANT (1833/34) son
1 Male(s) 0-4          (1835-1840)	Martin GRANT (1835/36) son
1 Female(s) 70-79      (1760-1770)	Mother-in-law?
1 Female(s) 40-49      (1790-1800)	Dianah HUMPHRIES (1797/98) sister-in-law
1 Female(s) 20-29      (1810-1820)	Catherine HUMPHRIES Grant (1808/09) wife
1 Female(s) 10-14      (1825-1830)	Daughter? (1825/30) --> gone by 1850
1 Female(s) 0-4        (1835-1840)	Daughter? (1835/40) --> gone by 1850

That same year (1840), sometime in the fall, Thomas Grant was named as a purchaser at the estate sale of his brother James Grant in his estate division in Rutherford Co, NC. (Rutherford Co, NC Estate Book B page 40).

On 6 Nov 1841 Thomas Grant was named again in the estate records of James Grant, this time listed as a sibling and heir of James Grant. (Rutherford Co, NC Estate Book B page 167) 

On 23 Aug 1844 Robert Humphries (father of Catherine) made his Will in Rutherford Co, NC. He left property to various grandchildren and to a couple of his daughters, but did not name all his children. He left 25 acres to his grandson Robert Grant (son of Thomas and Catherine), and also left 25 acres to daughter Diannah Humphries, and 50 acres to grandson William A. McFaddin (aka William A. Humphries). He left additional property to other heirs, but I mention these three specifically for a reason. Refer to the 1849 deed below for more information. (Rutherford Co, NC Will Book E page 143).

On 19 Sep 1844, either this Thomas Grant, or his Uncle Thomas Grant of Buncombe County was the bondsman for the marriage of James Grant and Malinda Grant in Rutherford Co, NC. James Grant was a son of the elder Thomas, but Malinda Grant was a close relative of the younger Thomas, and quite possibly his own daughter, but probably a niece instead. That is the reason I'm not sure which Thomas was the bondsman.

On 30 Jan 1849 Thomas Grant, William Humphries (listed as "Umphries") and Diannah Humphries, all of Rutherford Co, NC, sold 100 acres to Henderson Hayes for $150. The land adjoined the "widow Keeter". This land is (I believe) the combined 50 acres, 25 acres and 25 acres left by Robert Humphries to his daughter Diannah, and to his grandsons William A. McFaddin (aka Humphries) and Robert Grant. Why Thomas Grant was selling his sons inheritance, I can't explain. Robert was either 20 or 21 in early 1849, so it is possible this was done with his consent, but the deed doesn't say so. (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book 45 page 698).

The 1849 deed above seems to represent Thomas Grant cutting ties with Rutherford County, for about this time they moved westward a few counties to Cherokee County, NC. Thomas had a cousin there already (James M. Grant), but I don't know if they were acquainted or not. I'd guess that they didn't know each other prior to being in the same county, though I have no way of knowing if they lived near each other or not in Cherokee County. James lived in the Notla area in 1850, and moved to Murphy (the county seat) by 1860. James was a Merchant. Thomas, in 1850, seemed to live in Murphy township as well, so they could certainly have gotten to know each other.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 CHEROKEE CO, NC Page 30B   House/Family #  394/ 394

GRANT THOMAS          51 M W FARMER                     NC                   1798/1799
GRANT CATHERINE       41 F W                            NC                   1808/1809
GRANT ROBERT          21 M W FARMER                     NC                   1828/1829
GRANT ELIZABETH       23 F W                            NC                   1826/1827
GRANT JAMES           16 M W FARMER                     NC                   1833/1834
GRANT MARTIN          14 M W                            NC                   1835/1836
GRANT DIANNA           9 F W                            NC                   1840/1841
GRANT SARAH A          2 F W                            NC                   1847/1848
HUMPHRIES DIANNA      52 F W                            NC                   1797/1798

On 16 Feb 1857 J. R. Love of Haywood Co, NC sold 100 acres to Thomas Grant and son Robert N. Grant in Haywood County on the south side of Jonathan's Creek. (Haywood Co, NC Deed Book I page 25)

Thomas Grant and family and his married son Robert Grant all apparently moved to Haywood about the time of the above deed. They were still there by the time of the 1860 census living side by side 

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 HAYWOOD CO, NC Page 679   House/Family #  835/ 835

GRANT THOMAS          58 M W MILLER                       NC                   1801/1802
GRANT CATHERINE       44 F W                              NC                   1815/1816
GRANT MARTIN          20 M W                              NC                   1839/1840
GRANT DIANNA          18 F W                              NC                   1841/1842
GRANT SARAH           12 F W                              NC                   1847/1848
HUMPHRIES DIANNA      57 F W                              NC                   1802/1803

Apparently they moved to Sevier County, Tennessee (a North Carolina border county) before 1870. I'm not sure why they moved there, but they were listed on the 1870 census there in the 1st District.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 SEVIER CO, TN Page 337B  House/Family #  122/ 122--DISTRICT 1 Twp

GRANT THOMAS          69 M W FARM LABORER                 100 NC              1800/1801
GRANT KATHARINE       64 F W KEEPING HOUSE                    NC              1805/1806
GRANT DINER H A       28 F W Without Occupation               NC              1841/1842
GRANT SARAH J         19 F W Without Occupation               NC              1850/1851
GRANT ELIZABETH        2 F W                                  TN              1867/1868

Catherine Humphries Grant died sometime between 1870 and 1880, either in Sevier or Cocke County, Tennessee.

Thomas Grant was listed on the 1880 census in Cocke County next door to son Martin Grant. ** I don't have this entry typed up yet.

The 1880 census record is the last I have found Thomas Grant.


Thomas Grant and Catherine Humphries had several children, many proven by the 1850 and 1860 census. They had a few other children per the 1840 census, and these aren't positively identified yet.

Unknown Daughter (c1825/30)

Robert N. Grant (c1829-1865)

James Grant (c1834)

Martin Grant (c1836)

Unknown Daughter (c1835/40)

Dianna Grant (c1841)

Sarah A. Grant (c1848)

Unknown Daughter was born ca 1825/1830, presumably in Rutherford Co, NC. Since her parents were married in 1827, we can probably narrow her birth date down to ca 1827/1830. This child was with Thomas Grant for the 1840 census, but gone by 1850, so probably had married or died by then.  So far I have no clues who this is. The 1850 census shows an Elizabeth Grant age 23 (c1826/27) residing with Thomas in Cherokee Co, NC, but she isn't his daughter, but the wife of son Robert N. Grant, and they had just married. (Either that, or I'm mistaken, and Elizabeth (c1827) is indeed Thomas' daughter, and Robert married his wife shortly after the census taker came around in 1850).

Robert N. Grant was born ca 1828/1829, presumably in Rutherford Co, NC. He was home with his parents for the 1850 census in Cherokee Co, NC, as was his new wife Elizabeth whom he had apparently just married shortly before the census was taken.

See his own page for additional information about Robert Grant's family.

James Grant was born ca 1833/34 in Rutherford Co, NC. He was home with his parents for the 1850 census in Cherokee Co, NC but not with them in 1860, nor anywhere else in Western NC. He would have been around 26 years old, so he had probably left home for another state, though it is also possible that he died prior to 1860.

Martin Grant was born ca 1835/36 in Rutherford Co, NC. He was home with his parents in 1850 Cherokee Co, NC and with them in 1860 Haywood Co, NC. 

Martin Grant married Lila --- before ca 1863, probably in Cocke County, Tennessee.

I found Martin Grant on the 1870 census in Cocke Co, TN. His entry was so dim, that I couldn't make out the names or ages of his wife and three children (all daughters, I think).

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 COCKE CO, TN Page 458B  House/Family #    8/   8--DISTRICT 10 Twp

GRANT MARTIN          34 M W FARMER                           NC              1835/1836
GRANT ???             34 F W                                  TN              1835/1836
GRANT ??               0 F W                                  TN              1869/1870
GRANT ??               0 F W                                  TN              1869/1870
GRANT ??               0 F W                                  TN              1869/1870

Martin Grant was listed on the 1880 census in Cocke County next door to his father Thomas Grant. ** I don't have this entry typed up yet.

The 1880 census record is the last I have found Martin Grant.

Unknown Daughter was born ca 1835/1840. She was home with her parents for the 1840 census, but not with them in 1850 meaning she had married or died by then. It is possible that this is daughter Dianna Grant, born ca 1840/41, if her birth date was in 1840.

Dianna Harriett A. Grant was born ca 1840/41 in Rutherford Co, NC. She was most likely named for her Aunt Diannah Humphries who lived with the family for many years. Dianna Grant was with her parents for the 1850 and 1860 census and also in 1870 and 1880.

She may be the mother of young Elizabeth Grant, born ca 1868 in Sevier Co, TN, who was with her in 1870 and 1880.

Sarah A. Grant was born ca 1847/48 in Rutherford Co, NC (or possibly in Cherokee Co, NC). She was home with her parents for the 1850 and 1860 and 1870 census. She was not home in 1880, so perhaps married or dead by then.

Researcher List

Persons researching this family (click here for data on how to get on or off of this list:

Register Report

1. Thomas1 Grant , born 1800/01 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Cocke Co, TN, son of (---) ?  and Clementine "Clemy" Grant .  He married on 30 Jun 1827 in Rutherford Co, NC Catherine Humphries , born 1808/09 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1870/80 in Sevier Co, TN, daughter of Robert Humphries  and Elizabeth Wren .


      Children of Thomas Grant and Catherine Humphries were as follows:

+    2          i      Robert N2 Grant Private , born 1828/29 in Rutherford Co, NC; died abt 1865 in Cherokee Co, NC.  He married Elizabeth Ann (---) .

      3          ii      James2 Grant , born 1833/34 in Rutherford Co, NC.

+    4          iii      Martin2 Grant , born 1835/36 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married Lila (---) .

+    5          iv      Dianna Harriett A2 Grant , born 1840/41 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married unknown.

      6          v      Sarah A2 Grant , born 1847/48 in Rutherford Co, NC.


Generation 2


2. Robert N2 Grant Private  (Thomas1), born 1828/29 in Rutherford Co, NC; died abt 1865 in Cherokee Co, NC.  He married in 1849/50 in Cherokee Co, NC Elizabeth Ann (---) , born 1826/27 in GA; died aft 1872 in Cherokee Co, NC.


      Children of Robert N Grant Private and Elizabeth Ann (---) were as follows:

      7          i      Mary3 Grant , born 1850 in Cherokee Co, NC.  She married (1) on 7 Jan 1871 in Cherokee Co, NC Lewis Roberts ; (2) Cal Queen .

      8          ii      Thomas3 Grant , born 1851/52 in Cherokee Co, NC.

+    9          iii      James W3 Grant , born 1853/54 in Cherokee Co, NC; died 1929 in Dallas, Paulding Co, GA.  He married Susan Temples .

+    10         iv      Rachel L3 Grant , born 1857/58 in Haywood Co, NC; died 1898 in Gilmer Co, GA; buried in Pleasant Grove Cem, Gilmer Co, GA.  She married James Samuel Mullins .

      11         v      Catherine3 Grant , born 1860/61 in Haywood Co, NC.  She married aft 1880 in Cherokee Co, NC Jasper Young .

      12         vi      Jasper3 Grant , born 1864/65 in Haywood Co, NC.



4. Martin2 Grant  (Thomas1), born 1835/36 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married in 1860/70 in Cocke Co, TN Lila (---) , born 1832/33 in TN.


      Children of Martin Grant and Lila (---) were as follows:

      13         i      Martha M3 Grant , born 1862/63 in Cocke Co, TN.



5. Dianna Harriett A2 Grant  (Thomas1), born 1840/41 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married unknown.


      Children of Dianna Harriett A Grant were as follows:

      14         i      Elizabeth3 Grant , born 1867/68 in Sevier Co, TN.


Generation 3


9. James W3 Grant  (Robert N2, Thomas1), born 1853/54 in Cherokee Co, NC; died 1929 in Dallas, Paulding Co, GA.  He married in 1878 in Cherokee Co, NC Susan Temples , born 1856/57 in GA; died in Dallas, Paulding Co, GA.


      Children of James W Grant and Susan Temples were as follows:

      15         i      Cora Bell4 Grant , born Aug 1879 in GA.



10. Rachel L3 Grant  (Robert N2, Thomas1), born 1857/58 in Haywood Co, NC; died 1898 in Gilmer Co, GA; buried in Pleasant Grove Cem, Gilmer Co, GA.  She married in 1870/78 in Cherokee Co, NC James Samuel Mullins , born 1856/57; died in Gilmer Co, GA.


      Children of Rachel L Grant and James Samuel Mullins were as follows:

      16         i      Mary4 Mullins , born 1877/78 in Cherokee Co, NC.  She married in Gilmer Co, GA Marion Lee Cantrell .

      17         ii      Martha4 Mullins .  She married in Gilmer Co, GA Luther Mulkey .

      18         iii      Addie4 Mullins , born 25 Aug 1882 in Ellijah, Gilmer Co, GA.  She married in 1898 in Gilmer Co, GA William Bedford Hall .

      19         iv      Jackson4 Mullins , born in Ellijah, Gilmer Co, GA; died Child in Gilmer Co, GA.

      20         v      Becky4 Mullins .  She married in Gilmer Co, GA Asbury Northern Mullinax .

      21         vi      Magdalen4 Mullins , born in Ellijah, Gilmer Co, GA; died Child in Ellijah, Gilmer Co, GA.

      22         vii      Sarah Nettie4 Mullins .  She married (1) in Gilmer Co, GA Jasper Reed ; (2) in Gilmer Co, GA James Oliver Thompson . Home > Genealogy > Grant > Families > Thomas