Susan Grant (c1780) of Rutherford Co, NC Home > Genealogy > Grant > Families > Susan


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I (Marty Grant) am a 1st cousin 6 times removed to Susan Grant.

Special thanks to Don Grant Sr, Don Grant Jr and Bobby Richardson for data shared on this family.

Susan Grant was born ca 1779/80 (per 1860 census) in Rutherford Co, NC, probably in the Mountain Creek area (modern Green Hill Township).

Susan Grant is daughter of Clementine Grant, and like her siblings, born out of wedlock. Her father is unknown. The proof of Susan's relationship to Clementine is based on she and her siblings being named in an 1841 estate record as siblings of James Grant, deceased. James was also a proven child of Clementine as named in court records, so by extrapolation, the others all belong to Clementine as well. Clementine was often in court for bastardy.

Clementine Grant never appeared on a census record, so presumably, she was always residing with other family members, and was never the head of her own household (or at least she wasn't during census years), even though she raised 6 children, so that makes it difficult to pinpoint where Susan was living for various census records.

Susan Grant would have been about 10 years old or under by the time of the 1790 census. However, Clementine's location that year is unproven, but I strongly feel she was living with her parents. William Grant (her grandfather) was listed in Rutherford County, North Carolina for that census, and he had four females with him who were likely: Mary (his wife), Clementine (daughter), Franky (Clementine's daughter) and Susan (Clementine's daughter).

Susan was probably home with her mother and widowed grandmother for the 1800 census. Susan would have been about 20 years old by this time. Mary Grant (Susan's grandmother) was listed as head of household on the 1800 census in Rutherford County, North Carolina. Mary had a full household, including several females of  varying ages, one of which is very likely to be granddaughter Susan Grant. There was a female aged 45 and up (born before 1755), which was Mary herself; one female age 26-44 (born ca 1755/74), which must be Clementine Grant; one female age 16-25 (born ca 1774/84) which is probably Franky Grant, and one girl age 10-14 (born ca 1784/90), which is probably Susan, though the ages don't all agree.

Susan Grant never married, but apparently had several children out of wedlock. We haven't found them all, but she was in court at least once (in 1825), which referred to her two girl children.

Susan may be living with her sister Franky Pearson in 1810 in Rutherford Co, NC, but there is no way to be sure that is her in that household, but it seems a reasonable assumption. Here is the entry so you can judge for yourself.

1810 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1810 Rutherford Co, NC pg 128 Frances Pearson 20000-20020
2 Male(s) 0-9         (1800-1810)	Son? Nephew?
					Son? Nephew?
2 Female(s) 26-44     (1765-1784)	Frances GRANT Pearson (1776/77) d/o Clementine
					Susan GRANT (1779/80) sister
2 Female(s) 0-9       (1800-1810)	Celia PEARSON (1807/08) daughter
					Margaret C. L. GRANT (1809/10) daughter of Susan

I didn't find any likely households for her in 1820, so I don't know where Susan and children were living then. They were probably in the same place as mother Clementine, brother James, sister Franky Pearson, sister Mary Dalton, and brother Thomas, none of whom were found on the 1820 census.

Susan Grant and children were mentioned in a July 1825 court record in Rutherford County:

The grand jury presented the following children as fit objects of the care of the court and recommend they be brought into court and bound out: ... Three children of Clemmy Grant, deceased at Andrew Grant's, ... two girl children of Susanna Grant .... (Rutherford Co, NC Court Minutes 1825-1830 pg 15)

These three children of Clemy and two of Susan would have been under 21, so born between ca 1804 and 1825. I think that one of those girls of Susan's was Margaret C.L. Grant (c1809/10), and the other Malinda Grant (c1822/23), though I have no direct proof that either of those two are actually Susan's daughters.

Susan Grant was not listed on the 1830 census, at least not as a head of household. She was probably residing with other relatives, though I don't know which ones.

On 4 Oct 1833, Susan Grant was listed as a purchaser in the estate sale of Phillip Head. Phillip was the father of several illegitimate children born to other women, and it has been speculated that he is the father of one or more of Susan's children as well. (Rutherford Co, NC Estates Book A page 108)

Susan Grant was not listed on the 1840 census, at least not as a head of household. She was probably residing with other relatives, though I don't know which ones.

On 6 Nov 1841, Susan Grant and her siblings were named as heirs in the estate of their brother James Grant, deceased. The estate record gave his heirs as: "Thomas Grant, Susan Grant, Miry Head, Polly Dalton and Franky Pearson, brothers and sisters of the deceased...". (Rutherford Co, NC Estates Book B page 167).

Susan Grant was listed on the 1850 census in Rutherford Co, NC as a head of household, and Irvin Humphries was residing with her. He was a son of Barbara Humphries d 1833 and Phillip Head (who also died in 1833). He was born out of wedlock, and had two siblings (William Alberto Humphries, and Phillip Wesley Humphries), also illegitimate. Apparently Susan Grant took in Irvin Humphries after the death of Barbara and raised him as her own son. More on that later. This makes more sense if Irvin was a half-brother to one or more of Susan's own children (both having Phillip Head as a father). Susan's possible daughter Margaret was next door and Susan's sister Mira Head was two houses away. This was the Mountain Creek area (now Green Hill Township). Susan Grant had $25 worth of land. I don't know where she got that, as no deeds were found for her. She may have received it in an estate settlement (most of the early estate records for Rutherford are lost).

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 RUTHERFORD CO, NC Page 325B  House/Family # 1359/1404 -- MOUNTAIN CREEK Twp

GRANT SUSAN           60 F W                         25 NC                   1789/1790
UMPHRIES ERVIN        17 M W                            NC                   1832/1833

In the 1860 census Susan Grant was residing with T. F. (Thomas Flack) Edwards, 48 and Nancy (Bowman) Edwards, age 30. Don Grant Jr speculates that Nancy could be Susan's granddaughter, and this makes sense, for family tradition (as told to me by Don Grant Sr and Bobby Richardson) refers to a Sarah Grant who married a Bowman. Nancy Bowman Edwards could be their daughter. Susan's adopted son Irvin Humphries was next door. 

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 RUTHERFORD CO, NC Page 337   House/Family #  884/ 884 -- MOUNTAIN CREEK DIST Twp  RUTHERFORDTON P.O.

EDWARDS T F           48 M W                    170  1500 NC                   1811/1812
EDWARDS NANCY         30 F W                              NC                   1829/1830
EDWARDS DEBORAH       12 F W                              NC                   1847/1848
EDWARDS JOHN          10 M W                              NC                   1849/1850
EDWARDS ELIAS          8 M W                              NC                   1851/1852
EDWARDS COLUMBUS       5 M W                              NC                   1854/1855
EDWARDS SILAS          3 M W                              NC                   1856/1857
EDWARDS MARY           0 F W 2/12                         NC                   1859/1860
GRANT SUSAN           80 F W                     50   100 NC                   1779/1780

I didn't find Susan Grant listed anywhere on the 1870 census. I assumed that she had died in the 1860-70 timeframe, but Don Grant Jr found a land deed from Susan Grant dated 10 Jan 1878 selling land in Rutherford County. This means that she was either missed on the 1870 census, or that the date of the deed is incorrect. I have not attempted to confirm that date yet. It is possible it was written earlier (pre 1870) and not recorded until 1878, for that happens once in awhile.

I did not find Susan on the 1880 census either, so I'm sure she was dead by then, or she would have been 100 years old (possible, but unlikely).


Susan Grant had two daughters per the 1825 court case mentioned earlier. Unfortunately their names were not given. None of the children listed below are proven to belong to Susan. They are all placed with her based on proximity and circumstantial evidence. Descendants of William Colin Grant remember him having a sister Sarah Bowman and a sister Mary White. That makes for three children. We don't know for sure that they belong to Susan, but it seems likely. Susan raised Irvin Humphries as her own son, though it is thought that he was not her biological son, but she raised him after the death of his mother, possibly in childbirth. Keep in mind this list of children for Susan Grant is unproven, but, in my opinion, highly likely.

Margaret C. L. Grant (c1810)

Nancy Malinda Grant (c1823)

William Colin Grant (1824)

Mary Grant (Mary Elvira Grant (c1816)

Sarah Grant

Irvin Humphries (c1833)

Margaret C. L. Grant was born ca 1809/10 (per 1850 census) in Rutherford Co, NC, probably in the Mountain Creek area. I don't know what the "C. L." initials might stand for. I have no direct evidence that she is Susan's daughter, but she was living next door to Susan in 1850, and she did name a child "Susan". In later years she lived very close to William C. Grant, another suspected child of Susan, and one of Margaret's sons married a sister of William's wife. These are the only facts I have that ties Margaret in with Susan, though they are certainly useful and compelling. Assuming that Susan is her mother, I have no clue who her father might have been.

Since Susan Grant was not listed on the 1810, 1820 or 1830 census, then I have no way of tracking whether or not she had a daughter Margaret's age with her those years. However, if Margaret was her daughter, then she certainly was home those years.

On 11 Dec 1834, Aaron Nix obtained a marriage bond in Rutherford County to marry "Margaret C. L. Grant". Samuel H. Nix was the bondsman. (Samuel was Aaron's brother). Aaron Nix was probably born ca 1800-1810 or thereabouts. He is a proven son of William Nix and Jane Anderson.

I searched through the 1840 census of Rutherford County several times, and was unable to locate Aaron Nix that year.

Aaron Nix died sometime before 1850, for Margaret was listed as head of household on the 1850 census, an apparent widow. Her last child was born ca 1848, so that means Aaron probably died between ca 1848 and 1850 in Rutherford County.

Margaret was listed on the 1850 census next door to her probable mother Susan Grant, and also next to Mira Grant Head (her mother's sister).

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 RUTHERFORD CO, NC Page 325   House/Family # 1358/1403  - MOUNTAIN CREEK DIST Twp

NIX MARGARET          40 F W                            NC                   1809/1810
NIX JONATHAN          13 M W                            NC                   1836/1837
NIX MARGARET          12 F W                            NC                   1837/1838
NIX WILLIAM            9 M W                            NC                   1840/1841
NIX SUSAN              2 F W                            NC                   1847/1848

I didn't find Margaret, nor any of her children in 1860, at least not in Rutherford County, North Carolina, or anywhere else nearby. She was probably still around somewhere in this area though, probably in neighboring Henderson County where she was found later.

I did not find her in 1870 either. She may have been in Henderson County then.

In 1880 she was in Henderson County, North Carolina in Edneyville Township just two houses from brother William C. Grant. She was listed as age 80, with daughter Mira (age 22) with her. This "daughter" could be a granddaughter instead, as she was born well after the death of her husband (though she could still be a daughter, just with a different father). ** I don't have this entry typed up yet.

I have no data on her after 1880.

Nancy Malinda Grant was born ca 1822/23 (per 1850 census) in Rutherford Co, NC, probably in the Mountain Creek area.

I have no good proof that Malinda Grant was a child of Susan Grant, but I don't know where else to place her. She was mentioned in the Estate papers of James W. Grant (her Uncle) as receiving $10.00 for some reason, but not named as an heir of James. However, her being mentioned there makes me believe she was closely related to this branch of the family, so placing her with Susan makes some sense. However, it is entirely possible that she is not Susan's child. If so, I don't know where she belongs.

Nancy Malinda Grant married her cousin James M. Grant (c1814)  in 1844. They lived in McDowell County after marriage.

See their own page for additional information.

William Colin Grant was born 6 Jun 1824 in Rutherford Co, NC. He married Sarah Elizabeth Freeman in 1847. They lived in neighboring Henderson County most of their married lives.

I don't have any direct proof that he is a child of Susan Grant, but I came to that conclusion awhile back, based on no other options. Don Grant Jr and Sr and Bobby Richardson have also found the same to be likely, though none of us have found conclusive proof. See his own page for more information about him and his family.

Mary Grant was born in Rutherford Co, NC. Descendants of William Colin Grant told Don or Bobby that William had a sister named Mary White, and a sister named Sarah Bowman. Mary married a Mr. White and at some point moved to Floyd Co, GA and later to Hill Co, TX. Mary had a daughter named Grace White who married a Mr. Cook and they lived in Amarillo, TX.

I did find a Rutherford Co, NC marriage bond for an Alfred White to an Alvira Grant dated 10 Apr 1843, with Andrew Tomerlin as bondsman. If this is the same person, then perhaps her name is "Mary Alvira Grant".

Recently, Don Grant Jr has found data that seems to confirm that Alvira is the same person as "Mary" (i.e. Mary Alvira Grant), and that she is probably part of this family. He found that everything about her fit, except the places she was supposed to live. Instead of Georgia and Texas, he found that they went to Moultrie County, Illinois. Alvira did have the daughter Grace White Cook, so it all seems to be proof that Alvira and "Mary" are the same person.

Alfred White was born ca 1818/19 (per 1850 census) in North Carolina, presumably in Rutherford County. I don't know who his parents are. He and Alvira had several children born in North Carolina, the last born ca 1849, so they probably moved to Illinois shortly after the birth of that child.

They were on the 1850 census in Moultrie County, Illinois. No other Grants were there that year, though a few Whites were, perhaps related to Alfred.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 MOULTRIE CO, IL Page       House/Family #  287/ 287  -  Twp

WHITE ALFRED          31 M W                            NC                   1818/1819
WHITE ELMYRA          34 F W                            NC                   1815/1816
WHITE LUCINDA J        5 F W                            NC                   1844/1845
WHITE ALPHA A          4 F W                            NC                   1845/1846
WHITE MARY E           3 F W                            NC                   1846/1847
WHITE NANCY E          1 F W                            NC                   1848/1849

They were still there  in Moultrie for the 1860 census. Again, no Grants in the county.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 MOULTRIE CO, IL Page 40    House/Family #  278/ 275 -- TWP 14 RANGE 5 E Twp  SULLIVAN P.O.

WHITE ALFRED          40 M W FARMER                   300 NC                   1819/1820
WHITE ALVIRA          41 F W                              NC                   1818/1819
WHITE LUCINDA J       16 F W                              NC                   1843/1844
WHITE ALPHA A         14 M W                              NC                   1845/1846
WHITE MARY C          13 F W                              NC                   1846/1847
WHITE NANCY C         12 F W                              NC                   1847/1848
WHITE MARTHA A         5 F W                              IL                   1854/1855
WHITE THEOMA C         0 F W 11/12                        IL                   1859/1860

I have no data on them after this.

Sarah Grant was born in Rutherford Co, NC. Descendants of William Colin Grant told Don Grant Sr and  Bobby Richardson that William C. had a sister named Mary White, and a sister named Sarah Bowman.

From this we only know that Sarah Grant married a Mr. Bowman, we don't know who. I didn't find any marriage records that could be them. I do have one Sarah Grant (born ca 1822/23) in Rutherford who I've never been able to identify. She married Ransom Painter (Panther) on 2 Sep 1838. This could be the same person, if the "Bowman" marriage was incorrect. I just don't know though. However, in 1860 Susan Grant was living with the Thomas F. Edwards and Nancy (Bowman) Edwards family. Nancy was born ca 1829, so it is very conceivable that she is a daughter of Sarah Grant Bowman, and therefore, Susan's granddaughter.

Assuming that Nancy Bowman Edwards is a daughter of this Sarah Grant Bowman, then Sarah would have to have been married prior to ca 1829, and therefore probably born ca 1815 or earlier. As I mentioned, there are no recorded marriages for any male Bowman and a female Grant, so their marriage (like so many others) was not listed in the county records. However, we can probably make some educated guesses. There is a widow Sarah Bowman (maiden name unknown) in 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850 and 1860 Rutherford County census. She was born ca 1791 (per 1850 census) or ca 1788 (per 1860 census), so it is unlikely that she is the daughter of Susan Grant as she is just too old to belong to her, being only 10 years difference in their ages. I found no other Sarah Bowman on the 1850 census, at least not in Rutherford County.

There were no Bowman's in Rutherford County in 1790.

In 1800 there was only William Bowman (bef 1755) (31001-31110-0-1) with several sons, one of whom could easily be Sarah Grant's future husband.

By the 1810 census there was only Mary Bowman (1765/84) (perhaps William's widow) (01210-12010) and Hinson (or Vinson) Bowman (00101-11001), too old to be one of William's sons, and probably not the husband of Sarah Grant, as his wife seems to be too old to be her.

In 1820 there were two Mary Bowman's and Sarah Bowman's listed in Rutherford. They were probably duplicates, and not different people. One Mary Boman (bef 1775) (000010-00001) was next to Sarah Boman (1775/94) (100000-30010), (probably not Sarah Grant Bowman). The other Mary Boman was several pages away from these two, and had the same enumerations (000010-00001) and was next to Sarah Bowman (100000-30010). Since both Marys and both Sarahs are identical, I am sure this is just a census duplication. This Sarah Bowman (1775/94) is most likely the same Sarah that was born ca 1791. She is either a widow of a Mr. Bowman, or a single mother.

In 1830 there was only Sarah Bowman and Eli Bowman listed in Rutherford County. Sarah Bowman (1790/1800) (001-001101) is obviously the same Sarah from 1830. She had no "new" children since 1820, so that leads one to believe she is a widow instead of single mother. Eli Bowman (1790/1800) (000011-1011) was the other Bowman listed this year. Note that he had an apparent daughter born ca 1825/30 which matches Nancy Bowman (c1829) who is a suspected grand-daughter of Susan Grant. One could guess that Eli Bowman might be husband of Sarah Grant, however marriage records reveal that Eli Bowman married Catherine McHan in 1828.

In 1840, there was Eli Bowman and Sarah Bowman only (as in 1830). Eli Bowman (1780/90) (which is older than he was in 1830) (01000001-21101). Sarah Bowman (1790/1800) (0001-0000101) was listed two houses from Thomas Grant (who would be her uncle if this is Sarah Grant Bowman). She was next door to Thomas Edwards (1781) who's son Thomas F. Edwards married Nancy Bowman in 1847, and whom Susan Grant was residing in 1860.

In 1850, the only "Sarah" Bowman in Rutherford was obviously the same one who was listed in 1820, 1830 and 1840. Her age was 59, or born ca 1790/91. This is consistent with her 1820-1840 census ages. If it were only off slightly, say if she were born ca 1794 instead, she could be Susan Grant's daughter, since Susan would have been about 14 years old then. Sarah was living with John Flack, 44, and Martha Flack, 34, obviously her daughter. A marriage bond for John Flack and Martha Bowman shows they married in 1846.

In 1860, Sarah was still with the John Flack family, and she was even older (72), or born ca 1787/88.

The above records don't really seem to leave room for this Sarah Bowman to be the mother of Nancy Bowman Edwards (c1829), nor is Sarah's age compatible with being the daughter of Susan Grant (c1780), so I can only conclude she is not Susan's daughter, but she obviously lived in the same area as the Grants.

That leaves us at "square one" in identifying Sarah Grant Bowman and her husband and children. A distinct possibility is that she died after childbirth with Nancy (ca 1829), and therefore was gone from the record after that. (This is assuming that Nancy is actually her daughter).

There is an "unattached" Sarah Grant in Rutherford County, who was born ca 1823 who married Ransom Painter in 1838. She had no known connection to any Bowmans, so this may not be her. Of course it is possible that the family tradition about her husband was in error, and this is indeed the sister of William C. Grant. Sarah's husband (Ransom Painter) was a nephew of Phillip Head whom we know was associated with the Grants and related families (See Irvin Humphries entry below). This does make her an attractive addition to the Susan Grant family, in spite of the contradictory family tradition. She was listed with her husband on the 1840 and 1850 census in Rutherford County. By 1860 she was widowed, and listed in neighboring Polk County, and by 1870 back in Rutherford County. I did not find her in 1880.

Irvin Humphries was born ca 1832/33 in Rutherford Co, NC. His mother was Barbara Humphries who died in Oct 1833 very shortly after Irvin was born (perhaps in childbirth). His father was allegedly Phillip Head, who also died in 1833. Barbara's sister Catherine Humphries had married Susan Grant's brother Thomas Grant in 1827, so it is clear the families were acquainted with one another. Perhaps for this reason, or for other reasons, Susan Grant took in Irvin Humphries and raised him as her own son.

Irvin was living with Susan in the 1850 census, and next door to her in the 1860 census. Billy Childers, a Humphries researcher, and relative of Irvin Humphries, shared a letter with me that Irvin wrote to Susan while he was away fighting the Civil War. He called her "mother". It was a short letter, but quite interesting.

He eventually married Elizabeth --- in the late 1860's and raised his own family.

One additional reason for Irvin being raised by Susan Grant may be that he was a half-brother to one or more of Susan's children, seeing as how Phillip Head could be the father of at least one of her children.

Researcher List

Persons researching this family (click here for data on how to get on or off of this list:

Register Report

1. Susan1 Grant , born 1779/80 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 10 Jan 1878 in Rutherford Co, NC, daughter of (---) ?  and Clementine "Clemy" Grant .  She married Not married (---) ? .


      Children of Susan Grant and (---) ? were as follows:

+    2          i      Margaret C L2 Grant , born 1809/10 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Henderson Co, NC.  She married Aaron Nix .

+    3          ii      Alvira2 Grant , born 1815/16 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Moultrie Co, IL.  She married Alfred White .

+    4          iii      Sarah2 Grant .  She married (---) Bowman .

+    5          iv      Nancy Malinda2 Grant , born 1822/23 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC.  She married James M Grant .

+    6          v      William Colin2 Grant , born 6 Jun 1824 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 22 Sep 1891 in Henderson Co, NC.  He married Sarah Elizabeth Freeman .


Generation 2


2. Margaret C L2 Grant  (Susan1 Grant), born 1809/10 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Henderson Co, NC.  She married on 11 Dec 1834 in Rutherford Co, NC Aaron Nix , born bef 1813 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1848/50 in Rutherford Co, NC, son of William Nix  and Jane Anderson .


      Children of Margaret C L Grant and Aaron Nix were as follows:

+    7          i      Jonathan P3 Nix , born 1836/37 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married Mary Emily Freeman .

      8          ii      Margaret3 Nix , born 1837/38 in Rutherford Co, NC.

+    9          iii      William3 Nix , born 1840/41 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married Minerva J (---) .

      10         iv      Susan3 Nix , born 1847/48 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      11         v      Mira A3 Nix , born 1857/58 in Rutherford Co, NC.



3. Alvira2 Grant  (Susan1 Grant), born 1815/16 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Moultrie Co, IL.  She married on 10 Apr 1843 in Rutherford Co, NC Alfred White , born 1818/19 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Moultrie Co, IL.


      Children of Alvira Grant and Alfred White were as follows:

      12         i      Lucinda J3 White , born 1844/45 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      13         ii      Alpha A3 White , born 1845/46 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      14         iii      Mary E3 White , born 1846/47 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      15         iv      Nancy E3 White , born 1848/49 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      16         v      Martha A3 White , born 1854/55 in Moultrie Co, IL.

      17         vi      Theoma C3 White , born 1859 in Moultrie Co, IL.



4. Sarah2 Grant  (Susan1 Grant).  She married in Rutherford Co, NC (---) Bowman .


      Children of Sarah Grant and (---) Bowman were as follows:

+    18         i      Nancy3 Bowman , born 1828/29 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married Thomas F Edwards .



5. Nancy Malinda2 Grant  (Susan1 Grant), born 1822/23 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC.  She married on 19 Sep 1844 in Rutherford Co, NC James M Grant , born 1813/14 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC, son of Thomas Grant  and Amy Coxey .


      Children of Nancy Malinda Grant and James M Grant were as follows:

      19         i      Amy3 Grant , born 1842/43 in McDowell Co, NC.

      20         ii      Joshua3 Grant , born 1843/44 in McDowell Co, NC.

      21         iii      Mary E3 Grant , born 1845/46 in McDowell Co, NC.

+    22         iv      Joseph G3 Grant , born May 1849/50 in McDowell Co, NC.  He married Martha J (---) .

      23         v      Nancy Abigail3 Grant , born 1850/51 in McDowell Co, NC.

      24         vi      Martha S3 Grant , born 1852/53 in McDowell Co, NC.

      25         vii      William H3 Grant , born 1862/63 in McDowell Co, NC.



6. William Colin2 Grant  (Susan1 Grant), born 6 Jun 1824 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 22 Sep 1891 in Henderson Co, NC.  He married on 3 Jan 1847 in Henderson Co, NC Sarah Elizabeth Freeman , born 2 Nov 1829 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 23 May 1897 in Henderson Co, NC, daughter of Dobson Burroughs Freeman  and Elvira Catherine Watkins .


      Children of William Colin Grant and Sarah Elizabeth Freeman were as follows:

+    26         i      Burrow Eaves3 Grant , born 19 Jun 1848 in Henderson Co, NC; died 15 Apr 1918 in Cordova, Walker Co, AL.  He married Martha Jane Elizabeth Sinclair .

      27         ii      Nancy Clementine3 Grant , born 12 Apr 1850 in Henderson Co, NC; died 3 Apr 1863 in Henderson Co, NC.

      28         iii      Sarah Elizabeth3 Grant , born 22 Dec 1852 in Henderson Co, NC; died 4 Mar 1853 in Henderson Co, NC.

+    29         iv      William Sylvanus "Van"3 Grant , born 19 Jul 1854 in Henderson Co, NC; died 27 Mar 1925 in Henderson Co, NC.  He married Sarah Elizabeth Wilkey .

+    30         v      John Gaston3 Grant Congressman , born 1 Jan 1858 in Henderson Co, NC; died 21 Jun 1923 in Henderson Co, NC.  He married Zsa Edney .

      31         vi      Marshall King Larkin3 Grant , born 18 Aug 1860 in Henderson Co, NC; died 18 Aug 1860 in Henderson Co, NC.

      32         vii      Markus Lenoir3 Grant , born 18 Apr 1862 in Henderson Co, NC; died 18 Apr 1862 in Henderson Co, NC.

      33         viii      Rufus Iracal3 Grant , born 11 May 1864 in Henderson Co, NC; died May 1940.  He married on 23 Dec 1888 in Henderson Co, NC Mary Jane Michael .


Generation 3


7. Jonathan P3 Nix  (Margaret C L2 Grant, Susan1 Grant), born 1836/37 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married aft 1850 in Rutherford Co, NC Mary Emily Freeman , born 24 Nov 1834 in Rutherford Co, NC, daughter of Dobson Burroughs Freeman  and Elvira Catherine Watkins .


      Children of Jonathan P Nix and Mary Emily Freeman were as follows:

      34         i      Marshall4 Nix , born in Rutherford Co, NC.

      35         ii      Sarah "Sally"4 Nix , born in Rutherford Co, NC.



9. William3 Nix  (Margaret C L2 Grant, Susan1 Grant), born 1840/41 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married bef 1868 in Henderson Co, NC Minerva J (---) , born 1848/49 in NC.


      Children of William Nix and Minerva J (---) were as follows:

      36         i      Elender D4 Nix , born 1867/68 in Henderson Co, NC.

      37         ii      Carron W4 Nix , born 1871/72 in Henderson Co, NC.

      38         iii      Benjamin C4 Nix , born 1872/73 in Henderson Co, NC.

      39         iv      Nancy J4 Nix , born 1874/75 in Henderson Co, NC.

      40         v      Columbus L4 Nix , born 1877/78 in Henderson Co, NC.

      41         vi      Matilda A4 Nix , born 1880 in Henderson Co, NC.



18. Nancy3 Bowman  (Sarah2 Grant, Susan1 Grant), born 1828/29 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married on 12 Apr 1847 in Rutherford Co, NC Thomas F Edwards , born 1813/14 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC, son of Thomas Edwards  and Deborah Jane Flack .


      Children of Nancy Bowman and Thomas F Edwards were as follows:

      42         i      Deborah4 Edwards , born 1846/47 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      43         ii      John4 Edwards , born 1849/50 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      44         iii      Elias4 Edwards , born 1851/52 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      45         iv      Columbus4 Edwards , born 1854/55 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      46         v      Silas4 Edwards , born 1856/57 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      47         vi      Mary4 Edwards , born 1860 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      48         vii      Joseph4 Edwards , born 1863/64 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      49         viii      Lula4 Edwards , born 1865/66 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      50         ix      Cora4 Edwards , born 1870 in Rutherford Co, NC.



22. Joseph G3 Grant  (Nancy Malinda2 Grant, Susan1 Grant), born May 1849/50 in McDowell Co, NC.  He married in 1880 in McDowell Co, NC Martha J (---) , born Mar 1865 in McDowell Co, NC.


      Children of Joseph G Grant and Martha J (---) were as follows:

      51         i      Lueler E4 Grant , born Oct 1889 in McDowell Co, NC.



26. Burrow Eaves3 Grant  (William Colin2, Susan1 Grant), born 19 Jun 1848 in Henderson Co, NC; died 15 Apr 1918 in Cordova, Walker Co, AL.  He married on 9 Mar 1873 in Buncombe Co, NC Martha Jane Elizabeth Sinclair , born 8 Jun 1848 in Anson Co, NC; died 3 Nov 1917 in Cordova, Walker Co, AL, daughter of John Alford Augustos Sinclair  and Susan Dunn .


      Children of Burrow Eaves Grant and Martha Jane Elizabeth Sinclair were as follows:

      52         i      Mary Elizabeth4 Grant , born 22 Sep 1874 in Henderson Co, NC; died 13 Dec 1942 in Hartsville, Darlington Co, SC.  She married Will Johnson .

+    53         ii      Susan Mondella4 Grant , born 27 Dec 1875 in Henderson Co, NC; died 17 Aug 1967 in Augusta, GA.  She married John Sanders Cobb .

+    54         iii      Molcy May4 Grant , born 1 May 1879 in Henderson Co, NC; died 18 Jun 1956.  She married Murray Galloway .

+    55         iv      William James Alexander4 Grant , born 27 Sep 1880 in Henderson Co, NC; died 11 Jul 1955 in Fort Mill, York Co, SC.  He married Nannie Susan Zuber .

+    56         v      Clarence Larkin4 Grant , born 10 Jun 1882 in Henderson Co, NC; died 23 Jun 1935 in Union, Union Co, SC.  He married Ramoth Cook .

+    57         vi      Mattie Lexine4 Grant , born 10 Jul 1884 in Henderson Co, NC; died Apr 1915 in Anderson Co, SC.  She married Jessie Jewell .



29. William Sylvanus "Van"3 Grant  (William Colin2, Susan1 Grant), born 19 Jul 1854 in Henderson Co, NC; died 27 Mar 1925 in Henderson Co, NC.  He married on 18 Dec 1874 in Henderson Co, NC Sarah Elizabeth Wilkey , born 1854/55 in NC.


      Children of William Sylvanus "Van" Grant and Sarah Elizabeth Wilkey were as follows:

+    58         i      John Verner4 Grant , born 1879 in Henderson Co, NC.  He married unknown.

      59         ii      Lilly L4 Grant , born 1875/76 in Henderson Co, NC.

      60         iii      Nancy L4 Grant , born 1877/78 in Henderson Co, NC.

+    61         iv      James Wilkey4 Grant , born 13 Sep 1884 in Asheville, Buncombe Co, NC.  He married Nora Allen George .



30. John Gaston3 Grant Congressman  (William Colin2, Susan1 Grant), born 1 Jan 1858 in Henderson Co, NC; died 21 Jun 1923 in Henderson Co, NC.  He married on 30 Mar 1876 in Henderson Co, NC Zsa Edney , born 1856/57 in NC.


      Children of John Gaston Grant Congressman and Zsa Edney were as follows:

      62         i      Ada L4 Grant , born 1877/78 in Henderson Co, NC.

      63         ii      Luna A4 Grant , born 1879 in Henderson Co, NC. Home > Genealogy > Grant > Families > Susan