Joseph D. Johnson (c1811) and Frances Jennet (Davis) of Marion Co, SC Home > Genealogy > Johnson > Families > Joseph

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I (Marty Grant) don't know how, or if I'm related to Joseph D. Johnson, but I am very interested in him.

Joseph D. Johnson was born ca 1810/11 in Marion District, SC, perhaps in the Wahee or Brittons Neck section, but that is not known for sure. He is a proven son of James Johnson and Eliza Davis Johnson of Marion District. (His parents are proven by Marion County Equity Records). ("Marion County South Carolina Extracts from Equity Rolls", page 18, Roll # 55 by Lucille Utley)

His full name might have been "Joseph Davis Johnson", assuming he was named for his maternal grandfather Joseph Davis. However, I don't know for sure if his middle initial of "D" stood for "Davis", but it would make sense if it did.

W.W. Sellers mentioned Joseph's brother William R. Johnson in his book A History of Marion County, South Carolina by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902, but didn't give any information on Joseph, but did mention his parents:

"The late Dr. William R. Johnson, a leading and prominent man in his day, was born in this county, I think; his father was named Joseph, and lived in Wahee in 1843; suppose there were other children--one A.G. Johnson and another. Dr. Johnson's mother was a Miss Davis, I think, a sister of B.F. Davis' father, whose name, I think, was Benjamin; ..."
("A History of Marion County, South Carolina", 1902, page 538, by W. W. Sellers, Esq)

Sellers was incorrect about their father being named "Joseph". Marion Equity records dated 18 Feb 1832 prove that their father was James Johnson who died in the 1820's.

Joseph D. Johnson was apparently with his parents for the 1820 census (age "under 10", born ca 1810/20).

His father died in the 1820's, and I don't know where Joseph and his siblings were residing in 1830. I didn't find any indication of him on the 1830 census, so he was probably residing with relatives or some other family.

Joseph D. Johnson married Frances Jennet --- ca 1830/32. Several researchers have told me that she was a "Davis", but I don't know what the evidence for that is. It could be correct, and if so, probably shows they were cousins also, since Joseph's mother was a Davis.

On 18 Feb 1832, Joseph D. Johnson and his siblings filed suit in the Court of Equity in Marion District for partition of their father's estate. This record gives much family information, including proof that James Johnson was their father. ("Marion County South Carolina Extracts from Equity Rolls", page 72, Roll # 226, by Lucille Utley)

Joseph D. Johnson, William R. Johnson and others were all named in the Estate records of their brother James Johnson who died in 1836 leaving his siblings as heirs:

14 Dec 1836 Estate of James Johnson, minor. Joseph D. Johnson, vs. Wiley Johnson and other heirs of James Johnson, minor, deceased. Petition. To Edward B. Wheeler, Ordy of Marion District. The petition of Joseph D. Johnson showeth that his brother James Johnson died Intestate leaving as his heirs at law your petitioner, William Johnson, Wiley Johnson, Laura Durant (infant daughter of my deceased sister Susan B. Durant) and Abraham Johnson. There are eight negroes belonging to the estate of the above said James Johnson, decd and your petitioner together with the rest of the heirs is desirous of having each their portion of the said estate to which they are severally entitled. He therefore prays that a writ of partition do issue (to divide the same) to the following persons as commissioners to wit Stephen Godbold Sr, John A. Cherry, Robert Harlee, William G. Singletary and Thomas Evans and your petitioner will ever pray etc. 14 Dec 1836 Joseph D. Johnson.

The same vs. the same, Writ in partition to Messrs Stephen Godbold Sr, William G. Singletary, John A. Cherry, Robert Harlee and Thomas Evans You are hereby authorized and empowered to divide amongst Joseph D. Johnson, William R. Johnson, Wiley G. Johnson, Abraham G. Johnson and Laura Durant the following property to wit: negroes Maria, Cate, Tom, Elza, Edmund, Lucy and Harry in equal shares ....

(Marion Dist, SC Ordinary's Real Estate Book 1826-1843 pg 33 as published in the Pee Dee Queue)

They were listed on the 1840 census in Marion District. They weren't near any other Johnson families, and their neighbors don't seem to be the same ones he had in 1850, so they may have moved between 1840 and 1850, or else this is just a common census quirk.

1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1840 Marion District, SC pg 175 Joseph D. Johnson  1200100000000-0100100000000
1 Male(s) 20-29        (1810-1820)	Joseph D. JOHNSON (1810/11) s/o James
2 Male(s) 5-9          (1830-1835)	James JOHNSON (1831/32) son
					William JOHNSON (1832/33) son
1 Male(s) 0-4          (1835-1840)	Edward JOHNSON (1834/35) son
1 Female(s) 20-29      (1810-1820)	Frances Jennet (Davis?) Johnson (1811/12) wife
1 Female(s) 5-9        (1830-1835)	Daughter? (1830/35) --> gone by 1850

For the 1850 census, Joseph D. Johnson was still in Marion, but not near any other Johnson families. They seemed to be in the Brittons Neck area.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 MARION DIST, SC  Page 8     House/Family #  108/ 109

JOHNSON JOSEPH D      39 M W FARMER                 800 MARION               1810/1811
JOHNSON JENNET        38 F W                            MARION               1811/1812
JOHNSON JAMES         18 M W NONE                       MARION               1831/1832
JOHNSON WILLIAM       17 M W NONE                       MARION               1832/1833
JOHNSON EDWARD        15 M W NONE                       MARION               1834/1835
JOHNSON DANIEL        12 M W                            MARION               1837/1838
JOHNSON JOSEPH         9 M W                            MARION               1840/1841
JOHNSON THOMAS         7 M W                            MARION               1842/1843
JOHNSON MARIAH         5 F W                            MARION               1844/1845
JOHNSON MARY           2 F W                            MARION               1847/1848

On 31 Jul 1850, James C. Thomas filed suit in the Court of Equity pertaining to the estate of Joseph Davis, deceased (grandfather of Joseph D. Johnson). This suit contains a fairly complete outline of Joseph Davis' family, including the Johnsons. ("Marion County South Carolina Extracts from Equity Rolls", page18, Roll # 55, by Lucille Utley)

Joseph D. Johnson and family were still in Brittons Neck for the 1860 census, but for some reason, Joseph's wife was listed as head of household, though he was still living. This may indicate that he was in bad health or something, or may not mean anything at all.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 MARION DIST, SC Page 4B    House/Family #   55/  55 -- BRITTON'S NECK Twp

JOHNSON FRANCIS J     49 F W FARMER            3000  6000 SC                   1810/1811
JOHNSON JOSEPH D      50 M W                              SC                   1809/1810
JOHNSON DAVID         22 M W FARM LABOR                   SC                   1837/1838
JOHNSON JOSEPH D Jr   18 M W FARM LABOR                   SC                   1841/1842
JOHNSON THOMAS H      17 M W                              SC                   1842/1843
JOHNSON MARY D        15 F W                              SC                   1844/1845
JOHNSON MARY H        11 F W                              SC                   1848/1849
JOHNSON SARAH D       10 F W                              SC                   1849/1850
JOHNSON MARY E        17 F W                              SC                   1842/1843

Joseph died between 1860 and 1870. His widow was listed as head of household on the 1870 census, still in Brittons Neck.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 MARION CO, SC Page 8B    House/Family #  128/ 134--BRITTON NECK Twp

JOHNSON JANE F        60 F W FARMER                 500   300 SC              1809/1810
JOHNSON MARY          23 F W TEACH SCHOOL                     SC              1846/1847
JOHNSON SARAH         18 F W AT HOME                          SC              1851/1852
JOHNSON JOSEPH        28 M W FARMER                           SC              1841/1842
JOHNSON CAROLINE      24 F W HOUSE KEEPING                    SC              1845/1846
JOHNSON THOMAS        27 M W FARM LABOR                       SC              1842/1843
ALLISON TOM           15 M B FARM LABOR                       SC              1854/1855

She was listed as head of household on the 1880 census, still in Brittons Neck.

1880 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1880 MARION CO, SC Page 17B   House/Family #    25/  25 -- BRITTONS NECK Twp

JOHNSON FRANCIS      W F  68    W FARMER               SC  SC  SC  1811/1812
JOHNSON MARY         W F  30 D  S AT HOME              SC  SC  SC  1849/1850
JOHNSON SARAH        W F  27 D  S AT HOME              SC  SC  SC  1852/1853

I didn't find her on the 1900 census, so she probably had died by then. 


Joseph D. Johnson and wife Frances Jennet --- had several children as proven by the 1840 through 1880 census records.

Unknown Daughter (c1830/35)

James Johnson (c1832)

William D. Johnson (c1833)

Edward Johnson (c1835)

David H. Johnson (1838)

Joseph D. Johnson (c1841)

Thomas H. Johnson (1843)

Mariah D. Johnson (c1845)

Mary H. Johnson (c1848)

Sarah D. Johnson (c1850) 

Unknown Daughter born ca 1830/35. She was with her parents for the 1840 census, but gone by 1850, so probably had married (or died) by then. 

James Johnson was born ca 1831/32 in Marion District, SC.  He was apparently with his parents for the 1840 census, and definitely with them in 1850.

He wasn't with them in 1860, nor found elsewhere in Marion. So he either died before 1860 or moved away. 

William D. Johnson was born ca 1832/33 in Marion District, SC. He was apparently with his parents for the 1840 census, and definitely with them in 1850.

William married Deborah --- before 1858 in Marion District. They were listed on the 1860 census in Marion District, not very close to any other Johnson families.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 MARION DIST, SC age 53    House/Family #  831/ 828 -- MARION Twp

JOHNSON WILLIAM D     28 M W FARMER                   500 SC                   1831/1832
JOHNSON D             22 F W                              SC                   1837/1838
JOHNSON J              2 F W                              SC                   1857/1858

They were in Wahee Township for the 1870 census not very close to any other Johnson families.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 MARION CO, SC Page 282B  House/Family #   55/  56--WAHEE Twp

JOHNSON WILLIAM D     38 M W FARMER                 500   505 SC              1831/1832
JOHNSON DEBORAH       27 F W KEEPING HOUSE                    SC              1842/1843
JOHNSON FLORENCE G    12 F W AT HOME                          SC              1857/1858
JOHNSON ELLEN D        7 F W AT HOME                          SC              1862/1863
JOHNSON DEBORAH Jr     0 F W 7/12 JAN                         SC              1869/1870

They were still in Wahee for the 1880 census, and again not very near any other Johnson families. I don't have this listing transcribed yet.

I didn't find William nor Deborah nor any of their children on the 1900 census, at least not in Marion County. 

Edward Johnson was born ca 1834/35 in Marion District, SC.  He was apparently with his parents for the 1840 census, and definitely with them in 1850. He wasn't with them in 1860, nor found elsewhere in Marion. So he either died before 1860 or moved away.

David H. Johnson was born October 1838 (per 1900 census) in Marion District, SC.  He didn't seem to be with his parents for the 1840 census, but he was with them in 1850 and 1860.

He married sometime just before 1860 to Mary Elizabeth ---. She was with him and his parents on the 1860 census, listed after everyone else.

For the 1870 census, David and Elizabeth were listed next door to David's widowed mother in Brittons Neck Township. An 11 year old Margaret Johnson was residing with them, but listed last, suggesting she wasn't their child. I'm not sure who she was, probably a niece.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 MARION CO, SC Page 8B    House/Family #  129/ 135--BRITTON NECK Twp

JOHNSON DAVID         36 M W FARMER                           SC              1833/1834
JOHNSON ELIZABETH M   27 F W HOUSE KEEPING                    SC              1842/1843
JOHNSON FRANCES J     10 F W AT HOME                          SC              1859/1860
JOHNSON SARAH D        8 F W AT HOME                          SC              1861/1862
JOHNSON MARY H         6 F W AT HOME                          SC              1863/1864
JOHNSON MARGARET      11 F W AT HOME                          SC              1858/1859

David and family were listed on the 1880 census in Brittons Neck township. They were not listed too near any other Johnson families.

1880 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1880 MARION CO, SC Page 29    House/Family #   242/ 242 -- BRITTONS NECK Twp

JOHNSON D H          W M  42    M WORKING ABOUT        SC  SC  SC  1837/1838
JOHNSON LIZZY        W F  35 WF M HOUSE KEEPING        SC  SC  SC  1844/1845
JOHNSON JENNETT      W F  20 D  S AT HOME              SC  SC  SC  1859/1860
JOHNSON SALLIE       W F  18 D  S AT HOME              SC  SC  SC  1861/1862
JOHNSON MAMIE        W F  15 D  S AT HOME              SC  SC  SC  1864/1865
JOHNSON LIZZY        W F  12 D  S AT HOME              SC  SC  SC  1867/1868
JOHNSON JIMY         W M   9 S  S                      SC  SC  SC  1870/1871
JOHNSON MINOR        W M   5 S  S                      SC  SC  SC  1874/1875
JOHNSON HENNIE?      W F   1 D  S                      SC  SC  SC  1878/1879

David and family were still in Brittons Neck for the 1900 census. I don't have this listing transcribed yet.

** I have not yet checked 1910 or later census records. 

Joseph D. Johnson was born ca 1840/41 in Marion District, SC.  He was with his parents for the 1850 and 1860 census.

He married sometime just before 1870 to Caroline ---. I don't know what her maiden name might have been.

For the 1870 census, Joseph and his wife Caroline were residing with Joseph's widowed mother in Brittons Neck Township.

Joseph and Caroline were still in Brittons Neck for the 1880 census, living next door to Joseph's brother Thomas Johnson.

1880 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1880 MARION CO, SC Page 18    House/Family #    41/  41 -- BRITTONS NECK Twp

JOHNSON JOSEPH       W M  39    M FARMER               SC  SC  SC  1840/1841
JOHNSON CARY         W F  38 WF M KEEPING HOUSE        NC  NC  NC  1841/1842
JOHNSON MAUD         W F   9 D  S                      SC  SC  NC  1870/1871
JOHNSON EDITH        W F   7 D  S                      SC  SC  NC  1872/1873
JOHNSON ELLEN        W F   4 D  S                      SC  SC  NC  1875/1876
JOHNSON ADALAID      W F   2 D  S                      SC  SC  NC  1877/1878

I didn't find Joseph nor any members of his family on the 1900 census in Marion County. 

Thomas H. Johnson was born April 1843 in Marion District, SC.  He was with his parents for the 1850 and 1860 census.

For the Civil War, I found a record for a "T. H. Johnson" who could be this same person. He was a Private in Company F, 10th Regiment Infantry. He was captured at Missionary Ridge. ("A History of Marion County, South Carolina", 1902, page 630 by W. W. Sellers, Esq)

Another Civil War record for a "T. H. Johnson" was in Company L, 10th Regiment of Infantry. This one was listed as a Corporal, and "promoted from ranks". I think both records might be for the same person, though with only initials, I can't be sure. ("A History of Marion County, South Carolina", 1902, page 599, by W. W. Sellers, Esq)

Thomas was home with his widowed mother for the 1870 census in Marion County.

Thomas H. Johnson married sometime just before 1874 to Mary ---. I don't know what her maiden name was.

Thomas and Mary were still in Brittons Neck for the 1880 census, living next door to Thomas' brother Joseph Johnson.

1880 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1880 MARION CO, SC Page 18    House/Family #    42/  42 -- BRITTONS NECK Twp

JOHNSON THOMAS       W M  37    M FARMER               SC  SC  SC  1842/1843
JOHNSON MARY         W F  27 WF M KEEPING HOUSE        SC  SC  SC  1852/1853
JOHNSON CHALMERS     W M   6 S  S AT HOME              SC  SC  SC  1873/1874
JOHNSON IRA          W F   4 D  S AT HOME              SC  SC  SC  1875/1876
JOHNSON MARY         W F   2 D  S AT HOME              SC  SC  SC  1877/1878
JOHNSON LOUISA       W F   0 D  S 6/12 ---             SC  SC  SC  1879/1880

Thomas and family were still in Brittons Neck for the 1900 census. ** I don't have this entry typed up yet.

Mariah D. Johnson was born ca 1844/45 in Marion District, SC.  She was with her parents for the 1850 and 1860 census. She was gone by 1870, so probably had married or died by then.


Mary H. Johnson was born ca 1847/48 in Marion District, SC.  She was with her parents for the 1850, 1860, 1870 and 1880 census. 

Sarah D. Johnson was born ca 1850 in Marion District, SC.  She was with her parents for the 1860, 1870 and 1880 census. 

Researcher List

Persons researching this family (click here for data on how to get on or off of this list):


Register Report

1. Joseph D1 Johnson , born 1810/11 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1860/70 in Marion Dist, SC, son of James Johnson  and Eliza Davis .  He married in 1830/32 in Marion Dist, SC Frances Jennet (---) , born 1811/12 in Marion Dist, SC.


      Children of Joseph D Johnson and Frances Jennet (---) were as follows:

      2          i      James2 Johnson , born 1831/32 in Marion Dist, SC.

+    3          ii      William D2 Johnson , born 1832/33 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married Deborah (---) .

      4          iii      Edward2 Johnson , born 1834/35 in Marion Dist, SC.

+    5          iv      David H2 Johnson , born Oct 1838 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1900 in Marion Co, SC.  He married Mary Elizabeth (---) .

+    6          v      Joseph D2 Johnson , born 1840/41 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married Caroline (---) .

+    7          vi      Thomas H2 Johnson (Pvt) , born Apr 1843 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married Mary F (---) .

      8          vii      Mariah D2 Johnson , born 1844/45 in Marion Dist, SC.

      9          viii      Mary H2 Johnson , born 1847/48 in Marion Dist, SC.

      10         ix      Sarah D2 Johnson , born 1849/50 in Marion Dist, SC.


Generation 2


3. William D2 Johnson  (Joseph D1), born 1832/33 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married in 1850/58 in Marion Dist, SC Deborah (---) , born 1837/38 in Marion Dist, SC.


      Children of William D Johnson and Deborah (---) were as follows:

      11         i      Florence G3 Johnson , born 1857/58 in Marion Dist, SC.

      12         ii      Ellen D3 Johnson , born 1862/63 in Marion Dist, SC.

      13         iii      Deborah3 Johnson , born Jan 1870 in Marion Co, SC.

      14         iv      Hampton3 Johnson , born 1872/73 in Marion Co, SC.

      15         v      Joseph3 Johnson , born 1874/75 in Marion Co, SC.



5. David H2 Johnson  (Joseph D1), born Oct 1838 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1900 in Marion Co, SC.  He married in 1859/60 in Marion Dist, SC Mary Elizabeth (---) , born Oct 1842 in Marion Dist, SC.


      Children of David H Johnson and Mary Elizabeth (---) were as follows:

      16         i      Frances Jennett3 Johnson , born 1859/60 in Marion Dist, SC.

      17         ii      Sarah D3 Johnson , born 1861/62 in Marion Dist, SC.

      18         iii      Mary H3 Johnson , born 1863/64 in Marion Dist, SC.

+    19         iv      Elizabeth3 Johnson , born Feb 1870 in Marion Dist, SC.  She married unknown.

      20         v      James3 Johnson , born 1870/71 in Marion Co, SC.

      21         vi      Minor3 Johnson , born 1874/75 in Marion Co, SC.

      22         vii      Henrietta3 Johnson , born Feb 1879 in Marion Co, SC.

      23         viii      Verdy B3 Johnson , born Jul 1886 in Marion Co, SC.



6. Joseph D2 Johnson  (Joseph D1), born 1840/41 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married in 1860/70 in Marion Dist, SC Caroline (---) , born 1845/46 in Marion Dist, SC.


      Children of Joseph D Johnson and Caroline (---) were as follows:

      24         i      Maud3 Johnson , born 1870/71 in Marion Co, SC.

      25         ii      Edith3 Johnson , born 1872/73 in Marion Co, SC.

      26         iii      Ellen3 Johnson , born 1875/76 in Marion Co, SC.

      27         iv      Adalaid3 Johnson , born 1877/78 in Marion Co, SC.



7. Thomas H2 Johnson (Pvt)  (Joseph D1), born Apr 1843 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married in 1871/72 in Marion Co, SC Mary F (---) , born Aug 1849 in Marion Dist, SC.


      Children of Thomas H Johnson (Pvt) and Mary F (---) were as follows:

      28         i      Chalmers3 Johnson , born 1873/74 in Marion Co, SC.

      29         ii      Ira3 Johnson , born 1875/76 in Marion Co, SC.

      30         iii      Mary N3 Johnson , born May 1878 in Marion Co, SC.

      31         iv      Louisa3 Johnson , born 1879/80 in Marion Co, SC.

      32         v      Annie L3 Johnson , born Apr 1881 in Marion Co, SC.

      33         vi      Lola B3 Johnson , born Oct 1883 in Marion Co, SC.

      34         vii      Henry L3 Johnson , born Jun 1886 in Marion Co, SC.

      35         viii      Harriet L3 Johnson , born Jul 1888 in Marion Co, SC.

      36         ix      Alice M3 Johnson , born Jan 1891 in Marion Co, SC.


Generation 3


19. Elizabeth3 Johnson  (David H2, Joseph D1), born Feb 1870 in Marion Dist, SC.  She married in Not married  unknown.


      Children of Elizabeth Johnson were as follows:

      37         i      Hattie L4 Johnson , born Jun 1890 in Marion Co, SC.

      38         ii      Lex B4 Johnson , born Dec 1891 in Marion Co, SC.

      39         iii      Minnie4 Johnson , born Aug 1894 in Marion Co, SC.

      40         iv      Wilson4 Johnson , born Jan 1898 in Marion Co, SC. Home > Genealogy > Johnson > Families > Joseph