James Turner (c1830) and Telatha Turner of Marion Co, SC

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I (Marty Grant) don't know how (or if) I'm related to James and Telatha Turner, but I am very interested in them though.

James Turner was born ca 1829/30, presumably in Marion District, SC, but I don't know which region. He was not found on the 1850 census, unless he is the same James Turner who was listed then and married to "Desda" with a small child named Elizabeth. That James (of 1850) and his family were no where to be found in 1860. This James under study here is about the same age and could be the same man, assuming his wife and small child died between 1850 and 1860.

In 1860 James Turner was residing with Zilpha Shelly age 60, perhaps his mother, Aunt or other relative. He was not very far from members of the Stephen Turner family.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 MARION DIST, SC Page 131B  House/Family # 2036/2006 -- MARION Twp

SHELLY ZILPHA         60 F W FARMER             200   100 SC                   1799/1800
TURNER JAMES          30 M W FARM LABOR                   SC                   1829/1830

By 1870 James Turner had married Telatha Turner, probably a cousin, and a daughter of Stephen Turner. In 1870 they were listed next door to her parents. I have no direct proof that James' wife Telatha is the same as Stephen Turner's daughter Telatha Turner, but it seems that way based on some evidence I'm going to present. To back that up a little, Stephen's daughter Telatha (with him in 1860) was not with him in 1870, and here was this Telatha, wife of James, living next door. By 1880 James was dead, and Telatha, now an apparent widow, was back home with her father, but with the "Turner" surname still, so that makes it look like the same person in each case.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 MARION CO, SC Page 142   House/Family #   55/  55--LEGETT Twp

TURNER JAMES          46 M W FARMER                           SC              1823/1824
TURNER TILATHA        26 F W KEEPING HOUSE                    SC              1843/1844

James apparently died before 1880, as he wasn't found on the 1880 census, and Telatha was back home with her parents at that time. Her marital status was listed as "Single" on this census though (a common enough mistake).

1880 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1880 MARION CO, SC Page 179B  House/Family #   212/ 212 -- LEGETTE Twp

TURNER STEPHEN Sr    W M  64    M                      SC  SC  SC  1815/1816
TURNER MARY A        W F  62 WF M                      SC  SC  SC  1817/1818
TURNER TALATHY       W F  35 D  S                      SC  SC  SC  1844/1845
TURNER MARIAH        W F  30 D  S                      SC  SC  SC  1849/1850
TURNER SUSAN         W F  25 D  S                      SC  SC  SC  1854/1855
TURNER CATHREN       W F  23 D  S                      SC  SC  SC  1856/1857
TURNER ELLEN         W F   9 D  S                      SC  SC  SC  1870/1871
TURNER JOHN          W M   7 GS S                      SC  SC  SC  1872/1873
TURNER JAMES         W M   5 GS S                      SC  SC  SC  1874/1875
TURNER NOAH          W M   2 GS S                      SC  SC  SC  1877/1878

The youngest "daughter" of Stephen and Mary is actually a granddaughter, and I think she is probably a child of James and Telatha, but I have no direct proof of that. The three grandchildren of Stephen and Mary are children of their unmarried daughter Susan Turner. Stephen Turner Jr, Telatha's brother, has an "adopted son" named William G. Turner age 5 (c1874/75) with him in 1880. I think this could be another child of James and Telatha, but have no proof of that either.

I didn't find Telatha, nor any of her suspected children on the 1900 census in Marion.


James Turner and Telatha Turner are probably the parents of Ellen Turner, ca 1870/71, and possibly William G. Turner, ca 1874/75 no real proof that either of these are theirs though. View the Register Report for their names and other info.

Researcher List

Persons researching this family :

Register Report

1. James1 Turner , born 1829/30 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1870/80 in Marion Co, SC He married in 1860/70 in Marion Dist, SC Telatha Turner , born 1840/41 in Marion Dist, SC, daughter of Stephen Turner and Mary Ann Cooper .

Children of James Turner and Telatha Turner were as follows:

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