Margaret Watson of Bladen Co., NC Home > Genealogy > Watson > Margaret Watson

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Revision History:

        4 Nov 2008 - Created by Marty Grant.

Margaret Watson was listed as a witness to the Will of Solomon Hufham on 26 Jul 1810 in Bladen. That is the only record I have for Margaret, and Im not sure who she is.

Mr. Hufhams Will also includes his mother (name not given) and his sisters Ann Hufham and Francis Hufham. Benjamin Lock was the other witness along with Margaret Watson.

It is my guess that Margaret is the wife of either William Watson (1770/74) or James Watson (c1778). Unfortunately I dont know which one. Ann Hufham was listed on the 1810 census in Bladen just a few houses from William and James Watson.

Children of Margaret Watson. Nothing is known of any children so far.
Researcher List

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Register Report
Nothing to report yet Home > Genealogy > Watson > Margaret Watson