Matthew H. Watson (1813) and Celia Easterling of Marion and Dillon Co, SC Home > Genealogy > Watson > Matthew

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I (Marty Grant) am not related to Matthew Watson as far as I know.

Matthew H. Watson was born 12 Sep 1813 per his parents Family Bible. He was born in Marion District, SC. I don't know what his "H" middle initial stands for, though his mother was a Hayes, so it could be for "Hayes".

Matthew is a proven son of Isham Watson and Mary Hayes, as named in their family bible.

Matthew seems to have been home with his parents for the 1820 census, aged "under 10" (born ca 1810/20).

In 1830, Matthew seems to have still been home with his parents. aged 15-19 (born ca 1810/15).

Matthew Watson married Celia Easterling in "1839" according to Sellers. Their marriage (but not the date) is proven by her father's Probate records. She was born ca 1817 in Marion District, daughter of James Easterling and Sarah ---. 

Matthew Watson was listed on the 1840 census in Marion District. He was just a few houses from his grandfather Barnabas Watson. Matthew was listed next to William Bryant and Theophilus Turner.

1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 141 Matthew Watson 0000100000000-1000100000000
1 Male(s) 20-29        (1810-1820)	Matthew H. WATSON (1813) s/o Isham
1 Female(s) 20-29      (1810-1820)	Celia EASTERLING Watson (c1817) wife
1 Female(s) 0-4        (1835-1840)	Martha E. WATSON (1839/40) daughter

Matthew and family were listed on the 1850 census in Marion District. He was not listed near any other Watsons. They were just a few houses from Celia's parents.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 MARION DIST, SC Page 88    House/Family # 1327/1332 --  Twp

WATSON MATTHEW        37 M W FARMER                1500 MARION               1812/1813
WATSON CELIA          33 F W                            MARION               1816/1817
WATSON MARTHA         10 F W                            MARION               1839/1840
WATSON DAVID           9 M W                            MARION               1840/1841
WATSON SARAH           8 F W                            MARION               1841/1842
WATSON LEVINA          6 F W                            MARION               1843/1844
WATSON ISAM            3 M W                            MARION               1846/1847
WATSON MARY            2 F W                            MARION               1847/1848
WATSON SILAS           0 M W 6/12                       MARION               1849/1850

In 1860, Matthew and family were still in Marion District, just two houses from James Watson (1815), his brother.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 MARION DIST, SC Page 20    House/Family #  291/ 290 -- MARION Twp   P.O.

WATSON MATHEW         47 M W FARMER           10000  9000 SC                   1812/1813
WATSON CELIA          43 F W                              SC                   1816/1817
WATSON M E            21 F W                              SC                   1838/1839
WATSON D E            19 M W                              SC                   1840/1841
WATSON L J            14 F W                              SC                   1845/1846
WATSON J E            12 M W                              SC                   1847/1848
WATSON M C            12 F W                              SC                   1847/1848
WATSON S M            10 M W                              SC                   1849/1850
WATSON A               8 F W                              SC                   1851/1852
WATSON E C             6 M W                              SC                   1853/1854
WATSON C M             4 F W                              SC                   1855/1856
WATSON W R A           2 M W                              SC                   1857/1858

Matthew and family were listed on the 1870 census in Marion County, in Moody Township.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 MARION CO, SC Page 234B  House/Family #  150/ 152--MOODY'S Twp

WATSON MATTHEW        58 M W FARMER                8000  1500 SC              1811/1812
WATSON CELIA          53 F W KEEPING HOUSE                    SC              1816/1817
WATSON ISHAM          23 M W FARM LABOR                       SC              1846/1847
WATSON SILAS          20 M W FARM LABOR                       SC              1849/1850
WATSON ENOS           17 M W FARM LABOR                       SC              1852/1853
WATSON HORTENSIA      14 F W AT SCHOOL                        SC              1855/1856
WATSON ROBERT         12 M W AT HOME                          SC              1857/1858

Matthew and family were still in Moody Township for the 1880 census. ** I don't have this entry typed up yet.

Matthew H. Watson made his Will on 16 Jan 1885, naming his wife Celia, and "my children" who were not named. He did name his son David E. Watson as Executor.  He died on 26 Feb 1885 (per tombstone). In the probate record, heirs were named, including David E. Watson, A. R. Pitman and wife Martha, Isham E. Watson, Tracy R. Fore, M. C. Fore, S. M. Watson, Enos C. Watson, T. J. Bass and wife Hortentia and Robert A. Watson. Several grandchildren were also named: Nancy, Elma, Pearl, Myrtle and Matthew W. McNeill (parents not named).  The same record reports that Celia Watson, widow of Matthew, died on 14 Jan 1893. However, her tombstone gives 21 Jan 1893 as her date of death. (Probate Roll # 2012, published in "Probate Records, Marion County, South Carolina Volume III", by Lucille Utley, Danny Smith, 1985).

Matthew and Celia and many of their children are buried at the Antioch Cemetery in Marion County near Sellers.


Matthew and Celia had eleven children per the various census records. The probate records names the surviving heirs as of 1885 including they married, and W. W. Sellers also mentioned this family in his book "A History of Marion County, South Carolina".

Researcher List

Persons researching this family :

Register Report

1. Matthew H1 Watson , born 12 Sep 1813 in Marion Dist, SC; died 26 Feb 1885 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Antioch Cem, Marion Co, SC, son of Isham Watson  and Mary Hayes .  He married in 1839 in Marion Dist, SC Celia Easterling , born 24 Jul 1817 in Marion Dist, SC; died 14 Jan 1893 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Antioch Cem, Marion Co, SC, daughter of James Easterling  and Sarah (---) .


      Children of Matthew H Watson and Celia Easterling were as follows:

      2          i      Martha E2 Watson , born 1839/40 in Marion Dist, SC.  She married in 1860/70 in Marion Dist, SC Alfred R Pitman Rev , died in NC.

+    3          ii      David E2 Watson , born 11 Jan 1841 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1 Feb 1915 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Antioch Cem, Marion Co, SC.  He married Rosabella Bass .

      4          iii      Sarah T2 Watson , born 1841/42 in Marion Dist, SC; died 18 Oct 1856 in Marion Dist, SC; buried in Antioch Cem, Marion Co, SC.

+    5          iv      Levina J2 Watson , born 1843/44 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1880 in Robeson Co, NC.  She married D Y McNeill .

+    6          v      Isham E2 Watson , born 1847 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1922 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Antioch Cem, Marion Co, SC.  He married Beulah Emanuel .

+    7          vi      Mary Catherine2 Watson , born 1849 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1920 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Antioch Cem, Marion Co, SC.  She married Tracy R Fore .

+    8          vii      Silas M2 Watson , born 1849/50 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married Susan A Page .

+    9          viii      Hortensia2 Watson , born 1851/52 in Marion Dist, SC.  She married Thomas J Bass .

      10         ix      Enos Covington2 Watson , born 17 Sep 1853 in Marion Dist, SC; died 4 Dec 1921 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Antioch Cem, Marion Co, SC.  He married in 1870/80 in Marion Co, SC Theodocia Emanuel , born 25 Feb 1858 in Marion Dist, SC; died 23 Mar 1896 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Antioch Cem, Marion Co, SC.

      11         x      C M2 Watson , born 1855/56 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1860 in Marion Dist, SC.

+    12         xi      William Robert A2 Watson , born 27 Aug 1858 in Marion Dist, SC; died 19 Apr 1890 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Antioch Cem, Marion Co, SC.  He married T A Walling .


Generation 2


3. David E2 Watson  (Matthew H1), born 11 Jan 1841 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1 Feb 1915 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Antioch Cem, Marion Co, SC.  He married in 1860/66 in Marion Dist, SC Rosabella Bass , born 26 Jun 1846 in Marion Dist, SC; died 19 Jan 1916 in Dillon Co, SC; buried in Bass Cem, Dillon Co, SC, daughter of Joseph D Bass  and Amelia Moody .


      Children of David E Watson and Rosabella Bass were as follows:

      13         i      Joseph Bass3 Watson , born 12 Dec 1866 in Marion Dist, SC; died 20 Aug 1888 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Bass Cem, Dillon Co, SC.

      14         ii      Matthew3 Watson , born May 1870 in Marion Co, SC.

      15         iii      Cleveland3 Watson , born 1872/73 in Marion Co, SC.

      16         iv      Lilly3 Watson , born Dec 1879 in Marion Co, SC.



5. Levina J2 Watson  (Matthew H1), born 1843/44 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1880 in Robeson Co, NC.  She married in 1860/70 in Marion Dist, SC D Y McNeill , born 1826/27 in Robeson Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Robeson Co, NC.


      Children of Levina J Watson and D Y McNeill were as follows:

      17         i      Nancy3 McNeill , born 1871/72 in Robeson Co, NC.

      18         ii      Elma J3 McNeill , born 1874/75 in Robeson Co, NC.

      19         iii      Pearl3 McNeill , born 1876/77 in Robeson Co, NC.

      20         iv      Myrtle3 McNeill , born 1878/79 in Robeson Co, NC.

      21         v      Matthew W3 McNeill , born aft 1880 in Robeson Co, NC.



6. Isham E2 Watson  (Matthew H1), born 1847 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1922 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Antioch Cem, Marion Co, SC.  He married in 1870/79 in Marion Co, SC Beulah Emanuel , born 13 Jan 1860 in Marion Dist, SC; died 11 Feb 1906 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Antioch Cem, Marion Co, SC.


      Children of Isham E Watson and Beulah Emanuel were as follows:

      22         i      Robert E3 Watson , born 1878/79 in Marion Co, SC.



7. Mary Catherine2 Watson  (Matthew H1), born 1849 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1920 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Antioch Cem, Marion Co, SC.  She married in 1870/71 in Marion Co, SC Tracy R Fore , born 1845 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1932 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Antioch Cem, Marion Co, SC, son of Thomas Fore  and Rebecca Gasque .


      Children of Mary Catherine Watson and Tracy R Fore were as follows:

      23         i      Celia M3 Fore , born 1870/71 in Marion Co, SC.

      24         ii      William E3 Fore , born 1875/76 in Marion Co, SC.

      25         iii      (---)3 Fore , born 1880 in Marion Co, SC.



8. Silas M2 Watson  (Matthew H1), born 1849/50 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married in 1870/74 in Marion Co, SC Susan A Page , born 1850/51 in Marion Dist, SC, daughter of William J Page  and M J (---) .


      Children of Silas M Watson and Susan A Page were as follows:

      26         i      Marvel L3 Watson , born 1873/74 in Marion Co, SC.

      27         ii      Evee G3 Watson , born 1874/75 in Marion Co, SC.

      28         iii      Sally P3 Watson , born 1876/77 in Marion Co, SC.

      29         iv      Anner B3 Watson , born 1876/77 in Marion Co, SC.



9. Hortensia2 Watson  (Matthew H1), born 1851/52 in Marion Dist, SC.  She married in 1870/78 in Marion Co, SC Thomas J Bass , born 1850/51 in Marion Dist, SC, son of Joseph D Bass  and Amelia Moody .


      Children of Hortensia Watson and Thomas J Bass were as follows:

      30         i      Carl3 Bass , born 1877/78 in Marion Co, SC.

      31         ii      Tracy3 Bass , born 1878/79 in Marion Co, SC.

      32         iii      Luther3 Bass , born aft 1880 in Marion Co, SC.

      33         iv      Thomas3 Bass , born aft 1880 in Marion Co, SC.



12. William Robert A2 Watson  (Matthew H1), born 27 Aug 1858 in Marion Dist, SC; died 19 Apr 1890 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Antioch Cem, Marion Co, SC.  He married aft 1880 in Marion Co, SC T A Walling .


      Children of William Robert A Watson and T A Walling were as follows:

      34         i      Celia3 Watson , born 9 Feb 1889 in Marion Co, SC; died 15 Nov 1890 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Antioch Cem, Marion Co, SC. Home > Genealogy > Watson > Matthew