Charles B. Grant (c1790/95) and Mary Morris of Rutherford, Macon and Swain Co, NC and Monroe Co, TN Home > Genealogy > Grant > Families > Charles

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I (Marty Grant) am a 4th Great Grandnephew of Charles B. Grant.

Charles B. Grant was born ca 1790-1795. I can't narrow down Charles' birth date any better than ca 1790-1795 due to his inconsistent ages in the various census records. The 1850 census gives him as age 60 (born ca 1789/90), but the 1860 gives him age 65 (ca 1794/95). Backing up to 1840 he was age 50-59 (ca 1780/90) and in 1830 he was age 30-39 (ca 1790/1800). If we say he was born ca 1790 that fits 1830, 1840 and 1850, but not 1860. So to be safe, I'm listing ca 1790/1795 as the range.

Charles was born in Rutherford County, North Carolina, as proven by the 1850 and 1860 census which gave his county of birth.

I don't know what the "B" stands for in Charles name. The death certificate of one of Charles' sons (George Carson Grant) states that his father was named "Charles F. Grant" (thanks to Marian Fox for that info). Marian Fox also stated that family tradition among George C. Grant's descendants said that Charles' middle name was "Francis", which would fit with an "F" middle initial. The "B" initial comes from the 1860 census (Macon Co, NC), and that is the first (and only) record I ever found showing Charles with any middle initial at all (during his lifetime, anyway). Since George C. Grant's death certificate was dated 1927, this was so long after the fact, it can't be considered primary evidence in regards to Charles' middle name, however it could be correct. Death Certificates are notoriously inaccurate, especially in regards to the names of the parents of the deceased. I'll leave it up to the reader to decide which initial to use. Charles' brother Thomas also had a "B" middle initial, so it seems to be a trend.

I'm reasonably sure that Charles is a child of Andrew Grant and Martha Mackey, though I don't have absolute proof. Andrew Grant was the bondsman for Charles' marriage to Mary Morris, so that is my primary connection between them. There are lots of other bits of circumstantial evidence connecting them as well. (These are summarized on Andrew Grant's page).

Charles was presumably named for his Uncle Charles Grant.

Charles would have been 5 to 10 years old by the time of the 1800 census. Andrew Grant did have several sons aged "Under 10", or born ca 1790/1800. One of them was very likely Charles B. Grant.

Charles would have been 15 to 20 years old by the time of the 1810 census. Andrew Grant had no apparent sons that age with him in 1810, but he did have 3 sons in the age 10-15 category (born ca 1794/1800) which is close enough to probably include Charles.

Charles Grant enlisted as a Private in Captain John Moore's Company in Rutherford Co, NC on 20 Feb 1815 and served until 6 Mar 1815. This was just after the end of the War of 1812. Years later, his widow Mary applied for a pension based on this service (see below) but was rejected due to the War being over when he served.

Charles would have been 25 to 30 years old by the time of the 1820 census. Andrew Grant had an apparent son aged 26-44 (born 1775/94) with him in 1820, and this is very likely Charles.

On 8 Feb 1821 Charles Grant obtained a marriage bond in Rutherford County to marry Polly Morris (Mary "Polly" Morris). His father Andrew Grant was the bondsman. In Mary's Widow's Pension Application (1879) she claimed to have married Charles in February 1819, and that Thomas Edwards, Justice of the Peace performed the marriage. She also claimed that her name at marriage was "Mary Morris" and that neither she nor Charles had been married before, and that she hadn't remarried since his death. Obviously she remembered the year of their marriage wrong. Mary Morris was born ca 1799/1803 (based on several conflicting census records) in Rutherford County. I believe that she is a daughter of Micajah Morris and Sarah Moore.

That they were married by Thomas Edwards would seem to prove that Charles and Mary lived in the area now known as Green Hill Township in Rutherford Co, NC, as that is where Thomas Edwards lived, and he was a neighbor of several of the Grants there.

Charles Grant was listed on the 1830 census in Rutherford Co, NC. Unfortunately, this census was alphabetical, so I can't tell who his neighbors were.

1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1830 Rutherford County, NC pg 451 Charles Grant 0100010000000-2000100000000
1 Male(s) 30-39        (1790-1800)	Charles B. GRANT (1790/95) s/o Andrew
1 Male(s) 5-9          (1820-1825)	James M. GRANT (1824/25) son
1 Female(s) 20-29      (1800-1810)	Mary MORRIS Grant (1799/1803) wife
2 Female(s) 0-4        (1825-1830)	Nancy B. GRANT (1828) daughter
					Sarah A. GRANT (1830) daughter

Charles Grant and family moved west to Macon County, North Carolina ca 1833 and settled somewhere on or near Mill Creek, which if it is the same Mill Creek found today, it is just west of Franklin on the North side of Cartoogechaye Creek.

Charles Grant was listed on the Voter list for the 1835 12th District Congressional election. He was listed as a voter in Franklin Precinct in Macon Co, NC.

On 28 Oct 1836 Charles Grant entered 81 1/2 acres in "District 9, Tract 9" in Macon Co, NC. I didn't find any record of this land actually being granted to him, but apparently it was for he later sold this land (in 1840).

On 7 Apr 1838 Charles Grant enlisted in Captain Isaac Truitt's Company of Macon Co, NC Militia for the Indian Removal. 

On 22 May 1840 Charles Grant sold 81 1/2 acres of land in "Section 9, District 9" to his brother-in-law Henry Burnette (Henry was married to Rachel Morris, sister of Charles' wife Mary Morris). This deed was witnessed by Charles' brother Thomas B. Grant(Macon Co, NC Deed Book C page 1167).

Charles Grant was listed on the 1840 census in Macon Co, NC. His mother Martha Grant and his brother Thomas B. Grant were also listed, but not on the same page, nor particularly close by. However his mother Martha was listed near Henry Burnett who was living on the land Charles had just sold him, and one of Martha's other neighbors was Lenoir McGaughy who was also Charles' neighbor in 1850, indicating they were all in the same area in 1840 even though not listed together. (A typical census anomaly). Charles' neighbors in 1840 included (on either side of him): Hillory Scott and Daniel Jarrott. Also nearby were David Elder, Nathan Tabor, Jackson Welch, William Cabe, John Cabe and Barbara Hefley. Of these, several owned land on Mill Creek, and other land not near there. So I can't be totally sure where Charles was at this time, but I suspect he was still on or near Mill Creek.

1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1840 Macon County, NC pg 144 Charles Grant 2101000100000-0022001000000
1 Male(s) 50-59        (1780-1790)	Charles B. GRANT (1790/95) s/o Andrew
1 Male(s) 15-19        (1820-1825)	James M. GRANT (1824/25) son m 1845
1 Male(s) 5-9          (1830-1835)	William H. GRANT (1832/33) son
2 Male(s) 0-4          (1835-1840)	Henry B. GRANT (1836) son
					George C. GRANT (1838) son
1 Female(s) 40-49      (1790-1800)	Mary MORRIS Grant (1799/1800) wife
2 Female(s) 15-19      (1820-1825)	Daughter? (1820/25) * Not in 1830
					Daughter? (1820/25) * Not in 1830
2 Female(s) 10-14      (1825-1830)	Nancy B. GRANT (1828) daughter m 1844
					Sarah A. GRANT (1830) daughter

On 21 Jan 1841, Charles Grant made a deed of gift to his son James Grant for a variety of livestock. (Macon Co, NC Deed Book C page 1246)

Charles Grant was listed on the 1850 census in Macon Co, NC, in Tennessee Valley District (which included most of the county at the time, and also included part of Swain County). His real estate value was listed as "0" which is consistent with the lack of deeds. So he owned no land (though the 1860 census showed him with land).

Fortunately for us, the Macon County census enumerator took the extra time to find out the County of birth for everyone, and not just the State like so many others did. This clearly shows Charles and his wife Mary and their oldest child still at home (Sarah) were all born in Rutherford Co, NC.

Based on his neighbors in 1850, it looks like Charles Grant might have moved between 1840 and 1850. Since he didn't own any property, it is hard to say exactly where he lived, but based on his neighbors, we can pin it down somewhat. In 1850 his neighbor on one side was Josiah B. Lackey and on the other side was John Shope Sr. Henry Burnett was just two houses away, as was Moses Mayfield. All of these were land owners. We already know that Henry Burnette owned the 81 1/2 acres that Charles Grant formerly owned, probably on Mill Creek. Josiah B. Lackey also was on Mill Creek. I think even though Thomas B. Grant and Martha Grant were not listed close to Charles in 1840, they were all in the same area then, and that the meanderings of the census taker took him to the same "hollers" in different orders in 1840 than in 1850. My reason for believing this is that of Charles' neighbors in 1850, several of them were neighbors of Thomas B. Grant in 1840, and several of Martha Grant in 1840. In other words, he probably didn't move at all, but was always in the Mill Creek area.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 MACON CO, NC Page 330   House/Family #  205/ 209 -- TENNESSEE VALLEY Twp

GRANT CHARLES         60 M W SHOEMAKER                  RUTHERFORD CO, NC    1789/1790
GRANT POLLY           50 F W                            RUTHERFORD CO, NC    1799/1800
GRANT SARAH           19 F W                            RUTHERFORD CO, NC    1830/1831
GRANT WILLIAM         17 M W LABORER                    MACON CO, NC         1832/1833
GRANT HENRY           14 M W                            MACON CO, NC         1835/1836
GRANT GEORGE          12 M W                            MACON CO, NC         1837/1838

The 1850 Agricultural Census shows Charles Grant with 25 acres "improved" land (meaning something was being done with it) and 200 acres of "unimproved" land (meaning it was woods, or just being left alone). That is 225 acres total, but this doesn't mean he owned it, he was probably renting it from someone.

Charles was listed on the 1860 census in Macon Co, NC, this time in Cowee District. (Mill Creek was only 5 miles from Cowee Creek). This census lists his name as "Charles B. Grant" and this is the only record found (within his lifetime) showing a middle initial of any kind. His neighbors in 1860 were roughly the same ones as in 1850, so he apparently didn't move (or didn't move far) between 1850 and 1860. Interestingly, this census shows Charles with $1000 worth of Real property. I found no deeds showing him obtaining any land, so I don't know where it came from.  Like the 1850 census, the 1860 census taker gave the actual county of birth instead of just the state.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 MACON CO, NC Page 286   House/Family #  801/ 817 -- COWEE Twp

GRANT CHARLES B       65 M W FARMER            1000   214 RUTHERFORD CO, NC    1794/1795
GRANT MARY            57 F W                              RUTHERFORD CO, NC    1802/1803
GRANT GEORGE C        21 M W LABORER                      MACON CO, NC         1838/1839

Charles Grant died on 31 Dec 1867 in Macon Co, NC according to his wife Mary in her Pension papers (1879). I don't know where he was buried, but it was probably somewhere in the Mill Creek area.

After Charles' death, Mary lived with various children until her death. In 1870 she was with her son William Grant in Monroe Co, TN. Thanks to Gene Brakebill for pointing out to me where they were that year.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 MONROE CO, TN Page 32    House/Family #   18/  18--DISTRICT 4 Twp

GRANT WILLIAM         31 M W FARMER                           NC              1838/1839
GRANT ELIZABETH       23 F W                                  NC              1846/1847
GRANT CHARLIE          9 M W                                  NC              1860/1861
GRANT ANNIE            7 F W                                  NC              1862/1863
GRANT JOHN             4 M W                                  NC              1865/1866
GRANT SAM              3 M W                                  TN              1866/1867
GRANT MARY            65 F W                                  NC              1804/1805

By 1879 Mary Morris Grant was back in NC, living in Swain County with her daughter Sarah Grant Lackey and her husband Hiram Lackey.

Mary Morris Grant applied for a Widows Pension based on Charles' War of 1812 service. Her Pension application was WO # 37870. The papers are on file at the National Archives.

In the Pension papers, she stated Charles Grant was a Private in John Moore's Militia from Rutherford Co, NC from 20 Feb 1815 to 6 Mar 1815. Her pension was rejected due to the Peace Treaty already having been signed by his enlistment date.

As part of the Pension application, she gave several bits of useful information.  On her claim dated 9 Sep 1879 in Swain Co, NC, she claimed she was 79 years old (born ca 1799/1800) and that she was the widow of Charles Grant. And that she and he were married Feb 1819 in Rutherford Co, NC by Thomas Edwards, JP. That her maiden name was Mary Morris, and that neither she nor Charles had been married previous to their marriage, and that she had not married since his death on 31 Dec 1867 in Macon County. As character witnesses, John Dehart, age 74, and J. P. Grant age 34 signed for her. John Dehart claimed to have known Mary for 40 years, and J.P. Grant claimed to have known her for 25 years. John Dehart was her neighbor at some point, and J. P. Grant (John Patton Grant) was her nephew, a son of Thomas B. Grant (both John P. Grant and Thomas B. Grant are my ancestors).

Mary was listed on the 1880 census in Swain Co, NC living with her daughter Sarah Grant Lackey in Charleston Township. This is the area including Bryson City and east of there up to the former Ocunalufty Township.

1880 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1880 SWAIN CO, NC Page 171   House/Family #   138/ 138 -- CHARLESTON Twp

LAKEY H W            W M  51 HD M FARMER               NC  NC  NC  1828/1829
LAKEY SARAH A        W F  54 WF M KEEPING HOUSE        NC  NC  NC  1825/1826
LAKEY DORA P         W F  19 D  S AT HOME              NC  NC  NC  1860/1861
LAKEY WATISTALL      W M  17 S  S LABORER              NC  NC  NC  1862/1863
LAKEY CEPHUS T       W M  16 S  S LABORER              NC  NC  NC  1863/1864
LAKEY FERANNA        W F  13 D  S AT HOME              NC  NC  NC  1866/1867
LAKEY LENORAH        W F  10 D  S                      NC  NC  NC  1869/1870
LAKEY BOWMAN         W M   3 GS S                      NC  NC  NC  1876/1877
GIBBY A              W M  20 SL M AT HOME              NC  NC  NC  1859/1860
GIBBY ALETHA J       W M  20 WF M AT HOME              NC  NC  NC  1859/1860
GIBBY SARAH A        W F   0 D  S 2/12 APR 1880        NC  NC  NC  1879/1880
GRANT MARY           W F  86 ML W AT HOME              NC  NC  NC  1793/1794

Mary died sometime between 1880 and 1900, presumably in Swain County, NC. I don't know where she might have been buried, though probably somewhere in Swain County. 


Charles and Mary's children are mostly all proven by the 1850 and 1860 census as well as by deed and one by circumstantial evidence. I'm sure this is a complete listing, excluding any that might have died young.

James Morris Grant (c1825-1904)

Nancy B. Grant (c1828-after 1900)

Sarah A. Grant (c1831-after 1910)

William H. Grant (c1833-1875)

Henry Burnett Grant (1836-1882)

George Carson Grant (1838-1927)  

James Morris Grant was born ca 1824/25 in Rutherford Co, NC. He is a proven child of Charles and Mary as he was deeded property in a deed from Charles Grant in 1841 which named him as his son.

He married Nancy B. Mayfield 1845 in Macon Co, NC. They moved to Cherokee Co, NC for a few years, then to Monroe Co, TN for a few years, and finally to McMinn Co, TN. See his own page for additional information.  

Nancy B. Grant was born ca 1827/28 (per 1850 census), and possibly in the month of April (per 1900 census, which gave her birth as "Apr 1844"). She was most likely born in Rutherford Co, NC.

Nancy is not a proven child of Charles and Mary, but it seems highly likely that she is their daughter. The main evidence is that James M. Grant (a proven child of Charles) was the bondsman for her marriage. Secondary evidence is that Charles did have a daughter that age per the early census records.

Nancy would have been about 2 years old by the 1830 census, and Charles B. Grant did have an apparent daughter age "under 5" (born ca 1825/30) in 1830.

She would have been about 12 years old for the 1840 census, and Charles did have an apparent daughter aged 10-14 that year (born ca 1825/30).

On 12 Nov 1844 Thomas Davis obtained a marriage bond in Macon Co, NC to marry Nancy Grant. James M. Grant (her brother) was the bondsman. Thomas W. Davis was born ca 1823/24, presumably in Haywood Co, NC and that is where they lived after marriage, in Waynesville. The Thomas Davis family was written up in the book The Annals of Haywood County, North Carolina, by W. C. Allen (1935) on pages 496 to 500. This article included data on many of the children of Thomas and Nancy, and much of the initial data that I have in my files was due to this article.

The above mentioned article gives Thomas W. Davis' parents as David Davis and Sarah ---. I have not seen any direct evidence of that connection, but it could be right. Thomas Davis' brother-in-law was Peter Davis (married to Sarah Davis) who was a neighbor of the Grants in Macon Co, NC and was associated with them, so that is presumably how Thomas and Nancy met.

Thomas and Nancy were listed on the 1850 census in Haywood Co, NC.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 HAYWOOD CO, NC Page 200B  House/Family #  946/ 972

DAVIS THOMAS          26 M W MECANIC                    NC                   1823/1824
DAVIS NANCY           22 F W                            NC                   1827/1828
DAVIS JOHN M           5 M W                            NC                   1844/1845
DAVIS WILLIAM          3 M W                            NC                   1846/1847
DAVIS MARION           2 M W                            NC                   1847/1848
DAVIS MONTIVILLE       1 M W                            NC                   1848/1849

They were still in Haywood for the 1860 census, listed with post office of Ivy Hill. Most of the older children's ages were all wrong, though the younger ones were correct (or close).

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 HAYWOOD CO, NC Page 343   House/Family #  330/ 330 -- DIVISION 37 Twp  IVY HILL P.O.

DAVIS THOMAS          37 M W CARPENTER          150   500 NC                   1822/1823
DAVIS NANCY B         27 F W DOMESTIC                     NC                   1832/1833
DAVIS JOHN M          13 M W                              NC                   1846/1847
DAVIS WILLIAM         10 M W                              NC                   1849/1850
DAVIS MARION           9 M W                              NC                   1850/1851
DAVIS MONTERVILLE      7 M W                              NC                   1852/1853
DAVIS LUIZA            6 F W                              NC                   1853/1854
DAVIS ROXILLA          5 F W                              NC                   1854/1855
DAVIS CLARISY          4 F W                              NC                   1855/1856
DAVIS DOCTOR           3 M W                              NC                   1856/1857

They were still in Haywood for the 1870 census, in Waynesville Township.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 HAYWOOD CO, NC Page 217   House/Family #   44/  44--WAYNESVILLE Twp

DAVIS T W             50 M W FARMER & BLACKSMITH   2000   872 NC              1819/1820
DAVIS NANCY E         41 F W KEEPING HOUSE                    NC              1828/1829
DAVIS WELBORN         23 M W WORKS ON FARM                    NC              1846/1847
DAVIS MONTRAVILLE     20 M W WORKS ON FARM                    NC              1849/1850
DAVIS ROXANA          18 F W AT HOME                          NC              1851/1852
DAVIS CLARISSA        16 F W AT HOME                          NC              1853/1854
DAVIS MARY E          15 F W AT HOME                          NC              1854/1855
DAVIS DOCTOR          12 M W WORKS ON FARM                    NC              1857/1858
DAVIS LAURA            9 F W                                  NC              1860/1861
DAVIS MARTHA           8 F W                                  NC              1861/1862
DAVIS WALTER           5 M W                                  NC              1864/1865
DAVIS EFFA             4 F W                                  NC              1865/1866

They were in Fines Creek Township for the 1880 census, or at least I think it is them. Thomas was listed as "Thomas W. Davis" age 57, which works, but his wife was listed as "Martha" age 48. None of the children were at home, but were scattered among various older siblings. I'm fairly sure this is the right Thomas, though I can't explain why Nancy's name was given wrong. ** I don't have this entry typed up yet.

Thomas W. Davis died between 1880 and 1900 in Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina. I don't know where he is buried.

Nancy was still living in 1900 in Haywood Co, NC, or so I'm told. ** I haven't seen the listing yet.

Nancy died sometime after 1900, presumably in Haywood County.

Thomas and Nancy had 12 children, as proven by the 1850 through 1870 census records. Their spouses were identified in the book I mentioned above, and I've been able to confirm some of that via census and marriage records. The children of the children I have gathered from census records.

Sarah A. Grant was born ca 1830/31 (per 1850 census) in Rutherford Co, NC (per 1850 and 1860 census). She is a proven child of Charles and Mary as she was living with them in 1850, and her mother Mary was with her in 1880.

Sarah was apparently home with her parents in 1840 (age 10-14, born ca 1825/30), and still home in 1850 ("Sarah" age 19, born Rutherford).

On 5 Nov 1859 Hiram Lackey obtained a marriage bond in Macon Co, NC to marry Sarah Grant. G. C. Grant (her brother George C. Grant) was the bondsman. They were married on 6 Nov 1859 by Samuel Gibson, Minister. Hiram W. Lackey was born January 1833. His 1900 census entry gives his birth as "Jan 1837", but the 1837 does not work with most of his early census entries, so the 1860 and 1870 census records for him agree with a birth of ca 1832/33, so I'm assuming January 1833 is a likely birth date for him. He was born in Buncombe County (per the 1860 census). I don't know who his father is, but I believe his mother was Nancy (---) Lackey who was widowed before 1850, and had lived in McDowell, Burke and Buncombe Counties before coming to Macon.

Hiram and Sarah were listed on the 1860 census in Macon Co, NC in Tennessee Valley District. They were next door to Josiah B. Lackey, probably a close relative of Hiram's, and also just two houses from Sarah's brother Henry B. Grant. An apparent brother, William J. Lackey was living with them.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 MACON CO, NC Page 262   House/Family #  474/ 486 -- TENNESSEE VALLEY Twp

LACKEY HIRAM W        27 M W FARMER                   117 BUNCOMBE CO, NC      1832/1833
LACKEY SARAH A        29 F W                              RUTHERFORD CO, NC    1830/1831
LACKEY ALETHA J        0 F W 3/12                         MACON CO, NC         1859/1860
LACKEY WILLIAM J      21 M W LABORER                      BUNCOMBE CO, NC      1838/1839

In 1870 they were still in Macon Co, NC but in Cowee Township, just four houses from Sarah's brother George C. Grant.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 MACON CO, NC Page 284B  House/Family #   39/  39--COWEE Twp

LAKEY H W             37 M W FARMER                 300   400 NC              1832/1833
LAKEY SARAH A         41 F W                                  NC              1828/1829
LAKEY ALLETHA J       10 F W                                  NC              1859/1860
LAKEY INDIA N P        9 F W                                  NC              1860/1861
LAKEY WAIGHTSELL A     6 M W                                  NC              1863/1864
LAKEY CEFHAS T         5 M W                                  NC              1864/1865
LAKEY HIXANNAH         3 F W                                  NC              1866/1867
LAKEY LEONARA          0 F W 10/12                            NC              1869/1870

By 1880 they were in Swain Co, NC in Charleston Township. I don't know if the section of Macon they lived in became Swain (in 1871) or if they actually moved to Swain County.  Sarah's widowed mother Mary Morris Grant was living with them.

1880 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1880 SWAIN CO, NC Page 171   House/Family #   138/ 138 -- CHARLESTON Twp

LAKEY H W            W M  51 HD M FARMER               NC  NC  NC  1828/1829
LAKEY SARAH A        W F  54 WF M KEEPING HOUSE        NC  NC  NC  1825/1826
LAKEY DORA P         W F  19 D  S AT HOME              NC  NC  NC  1860/1861
LAKEY WATISTALL      W M  17 S  S LABORER              NC  NC  NC  1862/1863
LAKEY CEPHUS T       W M  16 S  S LABORER              NC  NC  NC  1863/1864
LAKEY FERANNA        W F  13 D  S AT HOME              NC  NC  NC  1866/1867
LAKEY LENORAH        W F  10 D  S                      NC  NC  NC  1869/1870
LAKEY BOWMAN         W M   3 GS S                      NC  NC  NC  1876/1877
GIBBY A              W M  20 SL M AT HOME              NC  NC  NC  1859/1860
GIBBY ALETHA J       W M  20 WF M AT HOME              NC  NC  NC  1859/1860
GIBBY SARAH A        W F   0 D  S 2/12 APR 1880        NC  NC  NC  1879/1880
GRANT MARY           W F  86 ML W AT HOME              NC  NC  NC  1793/1794

They were still in Swain County in 1900, listed in Nantahala Township, so it seems they moved around a little bit.

1900 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The birth dates given in 1900 were part of the original census record)
1900 SWAIN CO, NC Page  House/Family #   60/  61--NANTAHALA Twp

LAKEY HIRAM W                  HD W M MAY 1837  63 M 40       NC  NC  UN  FARMER
LAKEY SARAH                    WF W F --- 1831  69 M 40  6  4 NC  NC  NC
LAKEY ANNA V                   GD W F MAY 1883  17 S          NC  NC  NC  

Hiram W. Lackey died between 1900-1910, presumably in Swain County.

Sarah was listed on the 1910 census in Swain Co, NC in Nantahala Township, residing with a grandchild.

1910 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1910 SWAIN CO, NC Page  House/Family # 169/ 169--NANTAHALA Twp

HYDE FRANCIS         HD M W 24 M 1  5       NC  NC  NC  FARMER               1885/1886
HYDE VICTORY         WF F W 26 M 1  5  2  1 NC  NC  NC                       1883/1884
HYDE FLORENCE        D  F W  0 S            NC  NC  NC  7/12                 1909/1910
LAKEY SALLIE         GM F W 86 W       6  3 NC  NC  NC                       1823/1824
JENKINS HATTIE       AD F W  8 S            NC  NC  NC  ADOPTED              1901/1902

Sarah Grant Lackey died sometime after 1910.  

Hiram and Sarah had 6 children together, all proven by the various census records.

William H. Grant was born ca 1832/33 in Macon Co, NC. He is a proven child of Charles and Mary as he was living with them in 1850, and his mother Mary was living with him in 1870.

He married Elizabeth Jane Gibson 1858 in Macon Co, NC.

See his own page for additional information.  

Henry Burnett Grant was born 1836 in Macon Co, NC. He is a proven child of Charles and Mary as he was living with them in 1850.

He married Elizabeth C. Morrison 1857 in Macon Co, NC. See his own page for additional information.

George Carson Grant was born 14 Dec 1838 in Macon Co, NC. He is a proven child of Charles and Mary as he was living with them in 1850 and 1860.

He married Myra Elvira Queen 1861 in Macon Co, NC. They moved to MO. See his own page for additional information.  

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Register Report

1. Charles B1 Grant , born 1790/95 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 31 Dec 1867 in Macon Co, NC, son of Andrew Grant  and Martha Mackey .  He married on 8 Feb 1821 in Rutherford Co, NC Mary "Polly" Morris , born 1799/1803 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1880/1900 in Swain Co, NC, daughter of Micajah Morris Pvt  and Sarah Moore .


      Children of Charles B Grant and Mary "Polly" Morris were as follows:

+    2          i      James Morris2 Grant , born 1824/25 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1904 in McMinn Co, TN.  He married Nancy Burnum Mayfield .

+    3          ii      Nancy B2 Grant , born Apr 1827/28 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1900 in Waynesville, Haywood Co, NC.  She married Thomas W Davis .

+    4          iii      Sarah A2 Grant , born 1830/31 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1910 in Swain Co, NC.  She married Hiram W Lackey .

+    5          iv      William H2 Grant , born 1832/33 in Macon Co, NC; died 1 Jul 1875 in Sweetwater, Monroe Co, TN.  He married Elizabeth Jane Gibson .

+    6          v      Henry Burnette2 Grant Pvt , born 1836 in Macon Co, NC; died 1882 in Graham Co, NC; buried in Lower Yellow Cr, Graham Co, NC.  He married Elizabeth C Morrison .

+    7          vi      George Carson2 Grant Pvt , born 14 Dec 1838 in Macon Co, NC; died 14 Jan 1927 in Garfield, Whitman Co, WA.  He married Myra Elvira Queen .


Generation 2


2. James Morris2 Grant  (Charles B1), born 1824/25 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1904 in McMinn Co, TN.  He married on 6 Dec 1845 in Macon Co, NC Nancy Burnum Mayfield , born 1826/27 in Haywood Co, NC (now Macon Co, NC); died aft 1880 in McMinn Co, TN, daughter of Moses Mayfield  and Martha (---) .


      Children of James Morris Grant and Nancy Burnum Mayfield were as follows:

+    8          i      Wilburn Moses3 Grant , born 1845/46 in Cherokee Co, NC; died 1901 in Meigs Co, TN.  He married Callie (---) .

      9          ii      John A3 Grant , born 1847/48 in Cherokee Co, NC.

      10         iii      Harvey D3 Grant , born 1850/51 in Cherokee Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Cherokee Co, NC.

      11         iv      Lenora3 Grant , born 1853/54 in Cherokee Co, NC; died aft 1870 in McMinn Co, TN.

      12         v      Texanna3 Grant , born 1858/59 in Cherokee Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Cherokee Co, NC.

      13         vi      Eugenia3 Grant , born 1861/62 in Cherokee Co, NC.

      14         vii      Joanna3 Grant , born 1862/63 in Cherokee Co, NC.

      15         viii      Ida3 Grant , born 1867/68 in Monroe Co, TN.

      16         ix      James B3 Grant , born 1870/71 in Monroe Co, TN.



3. Nancy B2 Grant  (Charles B1), born Apr 1827/28 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1900 in Waynesville, Haywood Co, NC.  She married on 12 Nov 1844 in Macon Co, NC Thomas W Davis , born 1823/24 in Haywood Co, NC; died 1880/1900 in Waynesville, Haywood Co, NC, son of David Davis  and Sarah (---) .


      Children of Nancy B Grant and Thomas W Davis were as follows:

+    17         i      John Milas3 Davis , born 1844/45 in Haywood Co, NC; died in Waynesville, Haywood Co, NC.  He married Adaline Elizabeth Cagle .

      18         ii      Wilburn3 Davis D. Sheriff , born 1846/47 in Haywood Co, NC.

+    19         iii      Marion F3 Davis , born 1847/48 in Haywood Co, NC; died in Waynesville, Haywood Co, NC.  He married Sarah Elizabeth Underwood .

+    20         iv      Leonidas Montraville3 Davis , born 1848/49 in Haywood Co, NC.  He married Mary Elizabeth Hawkins .

+    21         v      Mary Louisa3 Davis , born 1853/54 in Haywood Co, NC.  She married Robert T Underwood .

+    22         vi      Roxilla3 Davis , born 1854/55 in Haywood Co, NC.  She married Pinkney M Farmer .

+    23         vii      Clarissa J3 Davis , born 1855/56 in Haywood Co, NC.  She married William R Ferguson .

      24         viii      David "Doctor"3 Davis , born 1856/57 in Haywood Co, NC.

+    25         ix      Laura3 Davis , born 1860/61 in Haywood Co, NC.  She married Phidelia Crawford .

+    26         x      Martha "Mattie"3 Davis , born Jun 1862 in Haywood Co, NC; died Apr 1896 in Haywood Co, NC.  She married Benjamin Franklin Rhinehart .

+    27         xi      Walter3 Davis , born 1864/65 in Haywood Co, NC.  He married (---) ? .

      28         xii      Effie E3 Davis , born 1865/66 in Haywood Co, NC.  She married aft 1880 in Haywood Co, NC (---) Ferguson .



4. Sarah A2 Grant  (Charles B1), born 1830/31 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1910 in Swain Co, NC.  She married on 6 Nov 1859 in Macon Co, NC Hiram W Lackey , born Jan 1833 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 1900/10 in Swain Co, NC, son of (---) Lackey  and Nancy (---) .


      Children of Sarah A Grant and Hiram W Lackey were as follows:

+    29         i      Aletha J3 Lackey , born Apr 1860 in Macon Co, NC.  She married Nathan A Gibby .

      30         ii      India N P3 Lackey , born 1860/61 in Macon Co, NC.

+    31         iii      Waightsell Avery3 Lackey , born 1863/64 in Macon Co, NC.  He married Cordelia Ellen Gibby .

      32         iv      Cephas T3 Lackey , born 1864/65 in Macon Co, NC.  He married on 10 Oct 1889 in Swain Co, NC Amanda Marr , born 1861/62, daughter of Thomas Marr  and Elizabeth (---) .

      33         v      Hixannah3 Lackey , born 1866/67 in Macon Co, NC.

      34         vi      Lenora3 Lackey , born 1869 in Macon Co, NC.



5. William H2 Grant  (Charles B1), born 1832/33 in Macon Co, NC; died 1 Jul 1875 in Sweetwater, Monroe Co, TN.  He married on 11 May 1858 in Macon Co, NC Elizabeth Jane Gibson , born 9 Jun 1840 in Haywood Co, NC; died 25 Jun 1938 in Macon Co, NC, daughter of John Stewart Gibson  and Martha Ann Carroll .


      Children of William H Grant and Elizabeth Jane Gibson were as follows:

+    35         i      Charles T3 Grant , born Feb 1860 in Macon Co, NC.  He married Nancy Ann Shepherd .

+    36         ii      Eliza Ann3 Grant , born 19 Apr 1862 in Macon Co, NC; died 9 Aug 1925 in Macon Co, NC; buried in Liberty Cem, Macon Co, NC.  She married (1) Barnett J Hurst ; (2) Joseph Henry Hurst .

+    37         iii      John S3 Grant , born 23 May 1865 in Macon Co, NC; died 10 Sep 1888 in Macon Co, NC; buried in Liberty Cem, Macon Co, NC.  He married Carrie Ann Hurst .

+    38         iv      Samuel Edward3 Grant , born 30 Apr 1868 in Monroe Co, TN; died 18 Sep 1939 in Greenville, Greenville Co, SC; buried in Springwood Cem, Greenville Co, SC.  He married (1) Mary Raby ; (2) Callie D Bradley .

      39         v      Margaret Caroline "Callie"3 Grant , born 1871/72 in Monroe Co, TN; died 18 Mar 1890 in Trigonia, TN.



6. Henry Burnette2 Grant Pvt  (Charles B1), born 1836 in Macon Co, NC; died 1882 in Graham Co, NC; buried in Lower Yellow Cr, Graham Co, NC.  He married on 12 Aug 1857 in Macon Co, NC Elizabeth C Morrison , born 23 Oct 1835 in Macon Co, NC; died 26 Apr 1924 in Swain Co, NC; buried in Bryson City Cem, Swain Co, NC, daughter of William Morrison  and Susannah Queen .


      Children of Henry Burnette Grant Pvt and Elizabeth C Morrison were as follows:

+    40         i      Virgil Ervin3 Grant , born 22 May 1858 in Macon Co, NC; died 22 Jul 1930 in Blount Co, TN; buried in Mt Lebanon Cem, Blount Co, TN.  He married Martha Ann Nelson .

+    41         ii      Varnal Moody3 Grant , born 28 Sep 1859 in Macon Co, NC; died 27 Apr 1950 in Swain Co, NC; buried in Bryson City Cem, Swain Co, NC.  He married Sarah Elizabeth Potts .

+    42         iii      Randall Vaney3 Grant , born 1860/61 in Macon Co, NC; died abt 1912 in OK.  He married Rhoda J Rickman .

      43         iv      Henrietta Paralee3 Grant , born 4 Feb 1863 in Macon Co, NC; died 12 Oct 1924 in Swain Co, NC; buried in Bryson City Cem, Swain Co, NC.  She married (1) on 15 Apr 1894 in Graham Co, NC Thomas Vance Shope , born Jan 1859 in NC; died 1910/20 in Swain Co, NC, son of Jacob Shope  and Elizabeth Ann Shuler ; (2) in 1918/20 in Swain Co, NC Oliver Perry Williams Rev , born 24 Apr 1859 in Monroe Co, TN; died 19 Feb 1935 in Swain Co, NC; buried in Bryson City Cem, Swain Co, NC.

      44         v      Vance Monroe3 Grant , born 1864/65 in Macon Co, NC; died Aug 1905 in Asher, AR.

+    45         vi      Marion Kimsey3 Grant , born 20 Mar 1868 in Macon Co, NC; died 22 Apr 1960 in Blount Co, TN; buried in Magnolia Cem, Maryville, Blount Co, TN.  He married Julia Ann Shope .

+    46         vii      Artie Morrison3 Grant , born 2 May 1870 in Macon Co, NC; died 16 Apr 1918 in Morganton, Burke Co, NC; buried in Bryson City Cem, Swain Co, NC.  She married Oliver Perry Williams Rev .

+    47         viii      Doctor Sydney3 Grant , born 3 Sep 1872 in Macon Co, NC; died 22 Jul 1931 in Swain Co, NC; buried in Bryson City Cem, Swain Co, NC.  He married Lucy Alice Snyder .

+    48         ix      Robert Sylvester3 Grant , born 14 Oct 1875 in Macon Co, NC; died 14 Oct 1918 in Graham Co, NC; buried in Graham Co, NC.  He married Josephine Williams .



7. George Carson2 Grant Pvt  (Charles B1), born 14 Dec 1838 in Macon Co, NC; died 14 Jan 1927 in Garfield, Whitman Co, WA.  He married on 18 Aug 1861 in Macon Co, NC Myra Elvira Queen , born 18 Jul 1845 in Macon Co, NC; died 25 Jan 1908 in Garfield, Whitman Co, WA, daughter of John William Queen  and Martha Hickey .


      Children of George Carson Grant Pvt and Myra Elvira Queen were as follows:

      49         i      Kancy C3 Grant , born 1861/62 in Macon Co, NC.  She married bef 1880 in Greene Co, MO J W Prophet , born 1857/58 in MO.

      50         ii      William Sherman3 Grant , born 1864/65 in TN.

      51         iii      Tennie3 Grant , born 1866/67 in TN.  She married aft 1880 in Greene Co, MO L M Bingham .

      52         iv      John M3 Grant , born 21 Aug 1869 in TN; died 31 Mar 1925.

      53         v      Thomas Ulysses3 Grant , born 1870/71 in Greene Co, MO.

      54         vi      Charles3 Grant , born 27 Aug 1872; died 15 Dec 1942.

      55         vii      James Wilbur3 Grant , born 3 Jun 1875 in Greene Co, MO.

      56         viii      G Frank3 Grant , born 1877/78 in Greene Co, MO.

+    57         ix      Dolphus Doolan3 Grant , born 30 Jun 1889 in Springfield, MO; died 18 Nov 1947 in Spokane, WA.  He married unknown.

      58         x      Effie3 Grant , born aft 1880.  She married (---) Ogle .


Generation 3


8. Wilburn Moses3 Grant  (James Morris2, Charles B1), born 1845/46 in Cherokee Co, NC; died 1901 in Meigs Co, TN.  He married in 1870/73 in Meigs Co, TN Callie (---) , born 1849/50 in GA.


      Children of Wilburn Moses Grant and Callie (---) were as follows:

      59         i      Glennie4 Grant , born 1872/73 in Meigs Co, TN.

      60         ii      Harvey4 Grant , born 1874/75 in Meigs Co, TN.

      61         iii      Hugh4 Grant , born 1877/78 in Meigs Co, TN.

      62         iv      Florence4 Grant , born 1878/79 in Meigs Co, TN.

+    63         v      James Morris4 Grant , born 1879 in Meigs Co, TN; died 1964.  He married Lucy Catherine Shelton .



17. John Milas3 Davis  (Nancy B2 Grant, Charles B1), born 1844/45 in Haywood Co, NC; died in Waynesville, Haywood Co, NC.  He married in 1860/68 in Haywood Co, NC Adaline Elizabeth Cagle , born 1849/50 in NC.


      Children of John Milas Davis and Adaline Elizabeth Cagle were as follows:

      64         i      Charles C4 Davis , born 1867/68 in Haywood Co, NC.

      65         ii      James Robert4 Davis , born 1869 in Haywood Co, NC.

      66         iii      John L4 Davis , born 1871/72 in Haywood Co, NC.

      67         iv      Cora E4 Davis , born 1873/74 in Haywood Co, NC.

      68         v      Emma J4 Davis , born 1875/76 in Haywood Co, NC.

      69         vi      Jeremiah4 Davis , born 1878/79 in Haywood Co, NC; died 1935 in Canton, Haywood Co, NC.

      70         vii      Erastus H4 Davis , born 1880 in Haywood Co, NC.

      71         viii      William4 Davis , born in Haywood Co, NC.

      72         ix      Theodore4 Davis , born in Haywood Co, NC.

      73         x      Thomas4 Davis , born in Haywood Co, NC.



19. Marion F3 Davis  (Nancy B2 Grant, Charles B1), born 1847/48 in Haywood Co, NC; died in Waynesville, Haywood Co, NC.  He married in 1870/76 in Haywood Co, NC Sarah Elizabeth Underwood , born 1854/55 in NC.


      Children of Marion F Davis and Sarah Elizabeth Underwood were as follows:

      74         i      James B4 Davis , born 1875/76 in Haywood Co, NC.

      75         ii      Bertha M4 Davis , born 1877/78 in Haywood Co, NC.

      76         iii      Pythagoras4 Davis , born 1880 in Haywood Co, NC.

      77         iv      Junius4 Davis , born in Haywood Co, NC.

      78         v      R V4 Davis , born in Haywood Co, NC.

      79         vi      Carl4 Davis , born in Haywood Co, NC.

      80         vii      Daisy4 Davis , born in Haywood Co, NC.



20. Leonidas Montraville3 Davis  (Nancy B2 Grant, Charles B1), born 1848/49 in Haywood Co, NC.  He married on 13 Sep 1869 in Haywood Co, NC Mary Elizabeth Hawkins , born 1854/55 in NC, daughter of B F Hawkins  and M A (---) .


      Children of Leonidas Montraville Davis and Mary Elizabeth Hawkins were as follows:

      81         i      James F4 Davis , born 1870/71 in Haywood Co, NC.  He married in Haywood Co, NC Lillie Cagle .

      82         ii      Thomas L4 Davis , born 1874/75 in Haywood Co, NC.

      83         iii      Gerald C4 Davis , born 1877/78 in Haywood Co, NC.

      84         iv      Homer4 Davis , born in Haywood Co, NC.

      85         v      Agnes4 Davis , born in Haywood Co, NC.

      86         vi      Lawrence4 Davis , born in Haywood Co, NC.

      87         vii      Mark4 Davis , born in Haywood Co, NC.

      88         viii      Edgar4 Davis , born in Haywood Co, NC.

      89         ix      Josephine4 Davis , born in Haywood Co, NC.

+    90         x      James M4 Davis , born in Haywood Co, NC; died 1987 in Waynesville, Haywood Co, NC.  He married Ruth Grant .



21. Mary Louisa3 Davis  (Nancy B2 Grant, Charles B1), born 1853/54 in Haywood Co, NC.  She married in 1870/71 in Haywood Co, NC Robert T Underwood , born 1846/47 in NC.


      Children of Mary Louisa Davis and Robert T Underwood were as follows:

      91         i      Lillie T4 Underwood , born 1870/71 in Haywood Co, NC.

      92         ii      James P4 Underwood , born 1871/72 in Haywood Co, NC.

      93         iii      Mary J4 Underwood , born 1872/73 in Haywood Co, NC.

      94         iv      William T4 Underwood , born 1874/75 in Haywood Co, NC.

      95         v      Nancy M4 Underwood , born 1875/76 in Haywood Co, NC.

      96         vi      Iola4 Underwood , born 1878/79 in Haywood Co, NC.



22. Roxilla3 Davis  (Nancy B2 Grant, Charles B1), born 1854/55 in Haywood Co, NC.  She married in 1870/72 in Haywood Co, NC Pinkney M Farmer , born 1850/51 in NC.


      Children of Roxilla Davis and Pinkney M Farmer were as follows:

      97         i      William P4 Farmer , born 1871/72 in Haywood Co, NC.

      98         ii      Charles M4 Farmer , born 1873/74 in Haywood Co, NC.

      99         iii      Henry M4 Farmer , born 1875/76 in Haywood Co, NC.

      100       iv      Aletha V4 Farmer , born 1878/79 in Haywood Co, NC.



23. Clarissa J3 Davis  (Nancy B2 Grant, Charles B1), born 1855/56 in Haywood Co, NC.  She married in 1870/73 in Haywood Co, NC William R Ferguson , born 1846/47 in NC.


      Children of Clarissa J Davis and William R Ferguson were as follows:

      101       i      Ivy F4 Ferguson , born 1872/73 in Haywood Co, NC.

      102       ii      Julia C4 Ferguson , born 1877/78 in Haywood Co, NC.

      103       iii      Zebulon Vance4 Ferguson , born 1878/79 in Haywood Co, NC.



25. Laura3 Davis  (Nancy B2 Grant, Charles B1), born 1860/61 in Haywood Co, NC.  She married in 1870/78 in Haywood Co, NC Phidelia Crawford , born 1857/58 in NC.


      Children of Laura Davis and Phidelia Crawford were as follows:

      104       i      James4 Crawford , born 1877/78 in Haywood Co, NC.

      105       ii      Pinkney4 Crawford , born 1880 in Haywood Co, NC.



26. Martha "Mattie"3 Davis  (Nancy B2 Grant, Charles B1), born Jun 1862 in Haywood Co, NC; died Apr 1896 in Haywood Co, NC.  She married on 16 Dec 1880 in Haywood Co, NC Benjamin Franklin Rhinehart , born Jun 1853.


      Children of Martha "Mattie" Davis and Benjamin Franklin Rhinehart were as follows:

      106       i      Charles Floyd4 Rhinehart , born Apr 1883 in Haywood Co, NC.

      107       ii      Claude K4 Rhinehart Lt , born Jul 1889 in Haywood Co, NC.

      108       iii      Carter Lee4 Rhinehart Cpt , born Oct 1891 in Haywood Co, NC; died in Canton, Haywood Co, NC.

      109       iv      Bessie L4 Rhinehart , born Jul 1893 in Haywood Co, NC.

      110       v      Bertha Iola4 Rhinehart , born Feb 1896 in Haywood Co, NC.



27. Walter3 Davis  (Nancy B2 Grant, Charles B1), born 1864/65 in Haywood Co, NC.  He married aft 1880 in Haywood Co, NC (---) ? .


      Children of Walter Davis and (---) ? were as follows:

      111       i      Frank4 Davis Dr , born in Haywood Co, NC; died in Asheville, Buncombe Co, NC.

      112       ii      Nettie4 Davis , born in Haywood Co, NC.



29. Aletha J3 Lackey  (Sarah A2 Grant, Charles B1), born Apr 1860 in Macon Co, NC.  She married on 10 Jul 1879 in Swain Co, NC Nathan A Gibby , born Nov 1859 in Macon Co, NC; died 1900/10 in Swain Co, NC, son of Elisha Gibby  and Mary Jenkins .


      Children of Aletha J Lackey and Nathan A Gibby were as follows:

      113       i      Sarah A4 Gibby , born Apr 1880 in Swain Co, NC.

      114       ii      James W4 Gibby , born Aug 1883 in Swain Co, NC.

      115       iii      Lenora4 Gibby , born Jun 1886 in Swain Co, NC.

      116       iv      Texanna4 Gibby , born Oct 1887 in Swain Co, NC.

      117       v      Maud A4 Gibby , born Mar 1893 in Swain Co, NC.

      118       vi      Gertie L4 Gibby , born Feb 1894 in Swain Co, NC.

      119       vii      Nancy A4 Gibby , born Jul 1896 in Swain Co, NC.

      120       viii      William H4 Gibby , born Dec 1899 in Swain Co, NC.

      121       ix      Duca4 Gibby , born 1901/02 in Swain Co, NC.



31. Waightsell Avery3 Lackey  (Sarah A2 Grant, Charles B1), born 1863/64 in Macon Co, NC.  He married Cordelia Ellen Gibby , born 1866/67 in Macon Co, NC, daughter of Elisha Gibby  and Mary Jenkins .


      Children of Waightsell Avery Lackey and Cordelia Ellen Gibby were as follows:

      122       i      Marietta Josephine4 Lackey , born 13 Nov 1888 in Webster, Jackson Co, NC.



35. Charles T3 Grant  (William H2, Charles B1), born Feb 1860 in Macon Co, NC.  He married on 18 Sep 1881 in Macon Co, NC Nancy Ann Shepherd , born 1861/62 in Macon Co, NC.


      Children of Charles T Grant and Nancy Ann Shepherd were as follows:

+    123       i      William H4 Grant , born 1882/83 in Macon Co, NC.  He married Pearl Holden .

+    124       ii      John T4 Grant , born 1884/85 in Macon Co, NC.  He married Rhoda Kalter .

+    125       iii      Harley Clinton4 Grant , born 1886/87 in Macon Co, NC.  He married Kate Lou Sutton .

+    126       iv      Mary Jane4 Grant , born 1888/89 in Macon Co, NC.  She married Thomas Bellamy .

+    127       v      Elias Edward4 Grant , born 1890/91 in Macon Co, NC.  He married Jessie Holden .

      128       vi      Maggie J4 Grant , born 1895/96 in Monroe Co, TN.  She married Maine Ervin .

+    129       vii      Robert Lee4 Grant , born 1898/99 in Monroe Co, TN.  He married Mary Smith .



36. Eliza Ann3 Grant  (William H2, Charles B1), born 19 Apr 1862 in Macon Co, NC; died 9 Aug 1925 in Macon Co, NC; buried in Liberty Cem, Macon Co, NC.  She married (1) on 20 Jan 1881 in Macon Co, NC Barnett J Hurst , born 17 Jan 1859 in Macon Co, NC; died 1 Aug 1889 in Macon Co, NC; buried in Liberty Cem, Macon Co, NC, son of Joseph Bernard Hurst  and Margaret L Raby ; (2) in 1892/93 in Macon Co, NC Joseph Henry Hurst , born 20 Mar 1867 in Macon Co, NC; died 12 Jul 1943 in Macon Co, NC; buried in Liberty Cem, Macon Co, NC, son of Joseph Hurst  and Martha Dalton .


      Children of Eliza Ann Grant and Joseph Henry Hurst were as follows:

      130       i      Sarah4 Hurst , born 11 Jan 1890 in Macon Co, NC; died 30 Oct 1977 in Macon Co, NC; buried in Liberty Cem, Macon Co, NC.  She married in Macon Co, NC Walter L Potts , born 27 Oct 1888 in Macon Co, NC; died 28 Dec 1954 in Macon Co, NC; buried in Liberty Cem, Macon Co, NC, son of John T Potts  and Alice Shepherd .

      131       ii      Frank W4 Hurst , born 16 Feb 1893 in Macon Co, NC; died 30 Oct 1970 in Macon Co, NC; buried in Liberty Cem, Macon Co, NC.

      132       iii      Samuel E4 Hurst , born 1894/95 in Macon Co, NC.

      133       iv      Myrtle4 Hurst , born 1897/98 in Macon Co, NC.

      134       v      Lou Etta M4 Hurst , born 4 Mar 1900 in Macon Co, NC; died 27 Sep 1924 in Macon Co, NC; buried in Liberty Cem, Macon Co, NC.  She married in Macon Co, NC William Lloyd Potts .



37. John S3 Grant  (William H2, Charles B1), born 23 May 1865 in Macon Co, NC; died 10 Sep 1888 in Macon Co, NC; buried in Liberty Cem, Macon Co, NC.  He married on 27 Dec 1885 in Macon Co, NC Carrie Ann Hurst , born 12 Jun 1864 in Macon Co, NC; died 26 Sep 1888 in Macon Co, NC; buried in Liberty Cem, Macon Co, NC, daughter of Joseph Bernard Hurst  and Margaret L Raby .


      Children of John S Grant and Carrie Ann Hurst were as follows:

      135       i      Lelia Etta4 Grant , born 1886 in Macon Co, NC; died Dec 1941 in Swain Co, NC.  She married on 23 Jul 1905 in Macon Co, NC Jesse C Patterson , born Feb 1882 in Macon Co, NC; died Jan 1963, son of Jerry Monroe Patterson  and Julia A Kerr .

      136       ii      John Franklin4 Grant , born 2 Apr 1887 in Macon Co, NC.  He married on 1 Sep 1907 in Macon Co, NC Jennie Tallent , born 1888/89 in Macon Co, NC.



38. Samuel Edward3 Grant  (William H2, Charles B1), born 30 Apr 1868 in Monroe Co, TN; died 18 Sep 1939 in Greenville, Greenville Co, SC; buried in Springwood Cem, Greenville Co, SC.  He married (1) in 1880/98 in Jackson Co, NC Mary Raby , died bef 23 Nov 1898; (2) on 23 Nov 1898 in Jackson Co, NC Callie D Bradley , born 13 May 1877 in Jackson Co, NC; died 1 Aug 1970 in Greenville Co, SC; buried in Springwood Cem, Greenville Co, SC, daughter of Harrison Bradley  and Angeline Bryson .


      Children of Samuel Edward Grant and Callie D Bradley were as follows:

      137       i      Bessie Lee4 Grant , born 13 Sep 1900 in Franklin, Macon Co, NC; died 12 Oct 1955 in Greenville, SC.  She married Clarence Coleman .

      138       ii      Janie4 Grant , born 5 Jul 1902 in Franklin, Macon Co, NC; died 24 Nov 1924 in Greenville, SC.

      139       iii      Kittie4 Grant , born 13 Jul 1904 in Franklin, Macon Co, NC; died 5 Apr 1974 in Greenville, SC.  She married Ralph Taylor Rev .

+    140       iv      William Foy4 Grant , born 13 May 1906 in Franklin, Macon Co, NC; died 20 Apr 1984 in Spartanburg, SC.  He married (1) Oice Mae Ford ; (2) Audrey Silvers .

      141       v      Harrison Troy4 Grant , born 13 May 1906 in Franklin, Macon Co, NC; died in Greenville, SC.  He married (---) Hughes .

      142       vi      Pearl4 Grant , born 14 Apr 1908 in Franklin, Macon Co, NC; died 18 May 1977 in Greenville, SC.  She married (---) Parkins .

      143       vii      Clifford B4 Grant , born in Franklin, Macon Co, NC.  He married (---) Wagner .

      144       viii      Beulah Faye4 Grant , born in Franklin, Macon Co, NC.  She married (---) Merrill .

      145       ix      Eula Mae4 Grant , born in Franklin, Macon Co, NC.  She married (---) Tarrant .



40. Virgil Ervin3 Grant  (Henry Burnette2, Charles B1), born 22 May 1858 in Macon Co, NC; died 22 Jul 1930 in Blount Co, TN; buried in Mt Lebanon Cem, Blount Co, TN.  He married on 17 Mar 1884 in Blount Co, TN Martha Ann Nelson , born 21 Nov 1861 in Blount Co, TN; died 22 Jan 1945 in Blount Co, TN; buried in Mt Lebanon Cem, Blount Co, TN, daughter of James Leonard Nelson  and Sarah Cuthbertson .


      Children of Virgil Ervin Grant and Martha Ann Nelson were as follows:

      146       i      Laura Etheleen4 Grant , born 3 Jan 1885 in Blount Co, TN; died 21 Feb 1974 in Blount Co, TN; buried in Clarks Grove Cem, Blount Co, TN.

      147       ii      James Henry4 Grant , born 4 Mar 1887 in Blount Co, TN; died 25 Aug 1890 in Blount Co, TN; buried in Chilhowee Bap., Blount Co, TN.

+    148       iii      Bertha Mae4 Grant , born 4 Apr 1887 in Blount Co, TN; died 7 Apr 1940 in Blount Co, TN; buried in Clarks Grove Cem, Blount Co, TN.  She married James Bascom Harrison .

      149       iv      Sarah Elizabeth4 Grant , born 17 Nov 1888 in Blount Co, TN; died 27 Feb 1958 in Blount Co, TN; buried in Mt Lebanon Cem, Blount Co, TN.

      150       v      Nola Catherine4 Grant , born 27 Mar 1890 in Blount Co, TN; died 22 Mar 1937 in Blount Co, TN; buried in Mt Lebanon Cem, Blount Co, TN.

+    151       vi      David Sydney4 Grant , born 11 Jan 1892 in Blount Co, TN; died 19 Jul 1925 in Cherokee Co, NC; buried in Sunset Cem, Cherokee Co, NC.  He married Irene Wells .

+    152       vii      Grace4 Grant , born 11 Sep 1893 in Blount Co, TN; died 19 Jun 1945 in Blount Co, TN; buried in Mt Lebanon Cem, Blount Co, TN.  She married Clifford Sanderson Brakebill .

      153       viii      Roy McKinley4 Grant Cpl , born 14 Apr 1895 in Blount Co, TN; died 20 Jul 1919 in Blount Co, TN; buried in Clarks Grove Cem, Blount Co, TN.

      154       ix      Morris Hobert4 Grant Pvt , born 17 Dec 1897 in Blount Co, TN; died 1 Apr 1963 in Blount Co, TN; buried in Clarks Grove Cem, Blount Co, TN.

+    155       x      Josephine Nelda4 Grant , born 18 Dec 1898 in Blount Co, TN; died 1986 in Glastonbury, CT; buried in Clarks Grove Cem, Blount Co, TN.  She married William Samuel Polk .

+    156       xi      Beaulah Jewel4 Grant , born 2 Oct 1900 in Blount Co, TN; died 5 Nov 1972 in Maryville, Blount Co, TN; buried in Grandview Cem, Blount Co, TN.  She married Jesse Carson Gillespie .

+    157       xii      Charles Clarence4 Grant , born 18 Sep 1902 in Blount Co, TN; died Jan 1973 in Detroit, MI.  He married Florence Mitten .

      158       xiii      Frederick Ervin4 Grant , born 14 Jan 1905 in Blount Co, TN; died 20 Aug 1906 in Blount Co, TN; buried in Chilhowee Bap., Blount Co, TN.

+    159       xiv      John Floyd4 Grant , born in Blount Co, TN; died in CA.  He married Grace Catherine Spangler .



41. Varnal Moody3 Grant  (Henry Burnette2, Charles B1), born 28 Sep 1859 in Macon Co, NC; died 27 Apr 1950 in Swain Co, NC; buried in Bryson City Cem, Swain Co, NC.  He married on 7 Oct 1881 in Macon Co, NC Sarah Elizabeth Potts , born 19 Mar 1860 in Macon Co, NC; died 10 Oct 1959 in Swain Co, NC; buried in Bryson City Cem, Swain Co, NC, daughter of William F Potts  and Amanda Elizabeth Morrison .


      Children of Varnal Moody Grant and Sarah Elizabeth Potts were as follows:

+    160       i      Ara Belle4 Grant , born 22 Jun 1882 in Swain Co, NC; died 28 Dec 1956 in NC.  She married Thomas Milton Battles .

+    161       ii      Rosa Lee4 Grant , born 11 Dec 1883 in Swain Co, NC.  She married William Allen Hyde .

      162       iii      Cody Lou Ellyn4 Grant , born 17 Jun 1885 in Swain Co, NC; died 22 Sep 1960 in Swain Co, NC; buried in Bryson City Cem, Swain Co, NC.

      163       iv      Ollie May4 Grant , born 25 Mar 1887 in Swain Co, NC; died 9 Jul 1906 in Swain Co, NC; buried in Bryson City Cem, Swain Co, NC.

+    164       v      William Perry4 Grant , born 19 Dec 1889 in Swain Co, NC.  He married Katie Meadows .

+    165       vi      Doctor Sydney4 Grant , born 6 Feb 1892 in Swain Co, NC; died Mar 1984 in Bryson City, Swain Co, NC.  He married Ellen Woody .

      166       vii      Floyd Fred4 Grant , born 12 Sep 1893 in Swain Co, NC.  He married on 14 Oct 1922 Annie Snyder .

+    167       viii      Icy Elvira4 Grant , born 16 Jun 1895 in Swain Co, NC.  She married Robert Lonas Snyder .

+    168       ix      Edna Paralee4 Grant , born 28 May 1898 in Swain Co, NC.  She married James q Barlow .

+    169       x      Dora4 Grant , born in Bryson City, Swain Co, NC.  She married Pat C Scroggs .



42. Randall Vaney3 Grant  (Henry Burnette2, Charles B1), born 1860/61 in Macon Co, NC; died abt 1912 in OK.  He married on 7 Jul 1881 in Macon Co, NC Rhoda J Rickman , born 1859 in Macon Co, NC, daughter of William C Rickman  and Naomi Rickman .


      Children of Randall Vaney Grant and Rhoda J Rickman were as follows:

+    170       i      Ida4 Grant , died in Bartlesville, OK.  She married (---) Morrison .

      171       ii      Hattie4 Grant .

      172       iii      Artie4 Grant .

+    173       iv      Nettie4 Grant .  She married (---) Birdsong .

      174       v      Annie4 Grant .

      175       vi      Rosa4 Grant , died Child.

      176       vii      Mettie4 Grant , died Child.

      177       viii      Carrie4 Grant .

+    178       ix      Harley Lyle4 Grant , born 12 Jun 1882.  He married unknown.



45. Marion Kimsey3 Grant  (Henry Burnette2, Charles B1), born 20 Mar 1868 in Macon Co, NC; died 22 Apr 1960 in Blount Co, TN; buried in Magnolia Cem, Maryville, Blount Co, TN.  He married on 4 Dec 1887 in Graham Co, NC Julia Ann Shope , born 7 Nov 1870 in Cherokee Co, NC (now Graham Co, NC); died 31 Oct 1916 in Blount Co, TN; buried in Magnolia Cem, Maryville, Blount Co, TN, daughter of Jacob Shope  and Elizabeth Ann Shuler .


      Children of Marion Kimsey Grant and Julia Ann Shope were as follows:

+    179       i      Nora Cordelia4 Grant , born 25 May 1888 in Graham Co, NC; died 4 Feb 1932 in Blount Co, TN; buried in Magnolia Cem, Maryville, Blount Co, TN.  She married William Jesse Spradlin .

      180       ii      William Pearly4 Grant , born 18 May 1890 in Graham Co, NC; died 18 Dec 1968 in Blount Co, TN; buried in Magnolia Cem, Maryville, Blount Co, TN.  He married (1) Marie (---) ; (2) Ida (---) , died in FL.

      181       iii      Thomas Vance4 Grant , born 14 Oct 1892 in Graham Co, NC; died 20 Apr 1955 in San Diego, CA.  He married in Blount Co, TN Marie H Hitch , born 15 Oct 1896 in Blount Co, TN; died 18 Jan 1977 in Blount Co, TN.

+    182       iv      Lucille4 Grant , born 6 Sep 1895 in Graham Co, NC; died 21 Sep 1990 in Maryville, Blount Co, TN; buried in Clarks Grove Cem, Blount Co, TN.  She married Bronce J Moss .

      183       v      Novella Jane4 Grant , born 28 Jan 1898 in Graham Co, NC; died Jul 1975 in Phoenix, AZ.  She married (1) in 1925 in Blount Co, TN John Francis ; (2) in 1945 in OH Richard Hoover .

      184       vi      Elizabeth "Bessie"4 Grant , born 7 Dec 1899 in Graham Co, NC; died Mar 1980 in Loudon Co, TN.  She married in Blount Co, TN Joe H Conner .

      185       vii      Edwin4 Grant , born 30 Jul 1904 in Graham Co, NC; died abt 1976 in Oak Ridge, TN.  He married in OH Ruth Shelley .

      186       viii      Mary Etta4 Grant , born 18 Jan 1907 in Graham Co, NC; died 3 Apr 1934 in Blount Co, TN; buried in Magnolia Cem, Blount Co, TN.  She married on 21 Nov 1930 in Knox Co, TN Richard Woodby .

      187       ix      Jacob Henry4 Grant , born 15 Sep 1909 in Graham Co, NC; died 5 Dec 1967 in Blount Co, TN.  He married in Blount Co, TN Katherine George , born 24 Nov 1907 in Blount Co, TN; died 30 Sep 1990.

      188       x      Stella4 Grant , born in Blount Co, TN.  She married in Blount Co, TN Joe Mullins .

+    189       xi      Zella "Dot"4 Grant , born 12 Sep 1912 in Blount Co, TN; died 27 Jun 1971 in Akron, OH.  She married (1) Morris Eugene Fisher ; (2) Paul Looney .



46. Artie Morrison3 Grant  (Henry Burnette2, Charles B1), born 2 May 1870 in Macon Co, NC; died 16 Apr 1918 in Morganton, Burke Co, NC; buried in Bryson City Cem, Swain Co, NC.  She married on 29 Sep 1887 in Graham Co, NC Oliver Perry Williams Rev , born 24 Apr 1859 in Monroe Co, TN; died 19 Feb 1935 in Swain Co, NC; buried in Bryson City Cem, Swain Co, NC.


      Children of Artie Morrison Grant and Oliver Perry Williams Rev were as follows:

      190       i      Fred F4 Williams , born 26 Jul 1888 in Graham Co, NC; died in Easley, SC.

      191       ii      Robert Earle4 Williams , born 8 Sep 1890 in Graham Co, NC.

      192       iii      Claud Cordell4 Williams , born 19 Nov 1891 in Swain Co, NC; died in Bryson City, Swain Co, NC.

      193       iv      William Wayne4 Williams , born 12 Jul 1895 in Graham Co, NC; died in Asheville, Buncombe Co, NC.

      194       v      Mary4 Williams , born in Swain Co, NC.



47. Doctor Sydney3 Grant  (Henry Burnette2, Charles B1), born 3 Sep 1872 in Macon Co, NC; died 22 Jul 1931 in Swain Co, NC; buried in Bryson City Cem, Swain Co, NC.  He married on 1 Feb 1894 in Graham Co, NC Lucy Alice Snyder , born 8 May 1877 in Graham Co, NC; died 27 Aug 1962 in Swain Co, NC; buried in Bryson City Cem, Swain Co, NC, daughter of Alec Snyder  and Martha Millsaps .


      Children of Doctor Sydney Grant and Lucy Alice Snyder were as follows:

+    195       i      Henry Pearson4 Grant , born 14 Nov 1894 in Graham Co, NC; died 29 May 1980 in Maryville, Blount Co, TN; buried in Magnolia Cem, Blount Co, TN.  He married Isabelle Butler .

+    196       ii      Magnolia4 Grant , born 22 Nov 1897 in Graham Co, NC.  She married Jennings Bryan McGuire .

+    197       iii      Nelly4 Grant , born 13 Oct 1900 in Graham Co, NC.  She married George A Morrow .

+    198       iv      Roy R4 Grant , born in Bryson City, Swain Co, NC.  He married Essie Hinkle .

+    199       v      Thadeus Alexander4 Grant , born 12 Dec 1906 in Bryson City, Swain Co, NC; died 16 Aug 1984 in Macon Co, NC; buried in Wells Grove Cem, Macon Co, NC.  He married Knight Jo Franklin .

+    200       vi      Edith Belle4 Grant , born in Bryson City, Swain Co, NC.  She married H Glenn Walls .

+    201       vii      Lillian Nell4 Grant , born in Bryson City, Swain Co, NC.  She married (1) E Goforth Duncan ; (2) Kenneth Massey .

+    202       viii      James Judd4 Grant , born in Swain Co, NC.  He married Hazel Winnifred Sherrill .

+    203       ix      Pauline Imogene4 Grant , born in Swain Co, NC.  She married (1) Millard J Walls ; (2) James Van Horn .



48. Robert Sylvester3 Grant  (Henry Burnette2, Charles B1), born 14 Oct 1875 in Macon Co, NC; died 14 Oct 1918 in Graham Co, NC; buried in Graham Co, NC.  He married on 4 Aug 1900 in Graham Co, NC Josephine Williams , born 26 Apr 1882 in Graham Co, NC; died 3 May 1964 in Graham Co, NC; buried in Graham Co, NC, daughter of Andrew C Williams  and Jane Shope .


      Children of Robert Sylvester Grant and Josephine Williams were as follows:

+    204       i      Ivalee4 Grant , born 6 Sep 1900 in Graham Co, NC; died 16 Jul 1970 in Graham Co, NC; buried in Mountain Cr Cem, Graham Co, NC.  She married Fred Fulton Beasley .

+    205       ii      Ethel4 Grant , born 12 Jun 1902 in Swain Co, NC.  She married Grady Horney .

+    206       iii      Delia Paralee4 Grant , born in Swain Co, NC.  She married (1) Fred Mynatt Milligan ; (2) Earnest Thompson .

+    207       iv      Mary Jane4 Grant , born in Swain Co, NC.  She married George F Murphy .

+    208       v      Arthur Franklin4 Grant , born 22 Feb 1910 in Swain Co, NC; died 1985 in Tapoca, Graham Co, NC.  He married Myrtle Stewart .

+    209       vi      Robert Sylvester4 Grant , born 1 Jul in Graham Co, NC; died 15 Aug 1978 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married Beatrice Linn .

+    210       vii      McWalker "Mack"4 Grant .  He married Bertha Duvall .

      211       viii      Henry Foster4 Grant , born in Rocky Point, Swain Co, NC.  He married Ruth Marcus .



57. Dolphus Doolan3 Grant  (George Carson2, Charles B1), born 30 Jun 1889 in Springfield, MO; died 18 Nov 1947 in Spokane, WA.  He married unknown.


      Children of Dolphus Doolan Grant were as follows:

      212       i      Evelyn Dolphine4 Grant , born 11 Sep 1916; died 14 Dec 1993.

      213       ii      Theda Loretta4 Grant , born 1918; died 1986.

      214       iii      Robert Warren4 Grant , born 1923; died 1973.

      215       iv      Darrel Dean4 Grant , born 1933; died 1986. Home > Genealogy > Grant > Families > Charles