David Johnson (c1825) and Sarah Bryant of Marion Co, SC

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A note about sources

I (Marty Grant) am a 3rd Great Grand Nephew of David Johnson.

David Johnson was born ca 1824/25 in Marion Dist, SC, probably in what is now Moody Township in the Temperance Hill vicinity. He is a proven son of Benjamin Johnson and Mary ---. David was named in the 1832 estate division of Benjamin Johnson.

David's father Benjamin Johnson died ca 1826/1830 in Marion Dist, SC. His estate was divided on 2 Apr 1832, and David Johnson was named among the heirs. The land involved was too small to be divided, so it was sold, and the money divided among the heirs. (Marion Co, SC Ordinary's Real Estate Book 1826-1843 pg 54, as published in the Pee Dee Queue)

W.W. Sellers mentioned David Johnson in his book A History of Marion County, South Carolina by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902, but didn't give very much information, but is interesting, none the less.

Pg 540 "In former times there was another family of Johnsons in the Temperance Hill and Buck Swamp region, of prominence and standing, but by death and emigration they have dwindled to only a few. Old Enos Tart's wife, "Susannah," was a daughter of one of these old Johnsons. The mother of old John and Absalom Turbeville was another daughter, and, doubtless there were others of that generation, but the writer has not been able to get them in any traceable shape. The late Samuel, Carey and David Johnson were descendants, also Hardy and Zeno, and, perhaps others, all from the same stock. These descendants, as known to the writer, are and were good, honest men, respectable citizens all of them. Samuel Johnson, whose wife was a Turbeville and still survives, was a most excellent citizen, died childless. Carey and David had families, more or less large also Hardy and Zeno...."

David Johnson married Sarah Bryant sometime before 1850 in Marion Dist, SC. She was a daughter of John M. Bryant and Jane Drew (Per Sellers, page 198).

David Johnson and family were listed on the 1850 census in Marion District, SC. He was listed next door to his brother Asa Johnson, and they seemed to be in the Reaves Township area. Sarah's brother Solomon Bryant was residing with them.

(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)

1850 MARION DIST, SC Page 69B   House/Family # 1031/1036

JOHNSON DAVID         25 M W FARMER                 500 MARION               1824/1825
JOHNSON SARAH         23 F W                            MARION               1826/1827
BRYANT SOLOMON        22 M W LABORER                    MARION               1827/1828

David Johnson and family were listed on the 1860 census in Marion Dist, SC. They still seemed to be in Reaves Township, based on their neighbors. He wasn't listed near any other Johnson families at this time.

(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)

1860 MARION DIST, SC Page 12    House/Family #  172/ 172 -- MARION Twp

JOHNSON DAVID         35 M W FARMER            4000   100 SC                   1824/1825
JOHNSON SARAH         30 F W                              SC                   1829/1830
JOHNSON M F            9 F W                              SC                   1850/1851
JOHNSON SHEROD         7 M W                              SC                   1852/1853
JOHNSON B              5 M W                              SC                   1854/1855
JOHNSON D A            3 M W                              SC                   1856/1857
JOHNSON T              2 M W                              SC                   1857/1858
JOHNSON F          10/12 M W                              SC                   1859/1860
JOHNSON YOUNG      10/12 M W                              SC                   1859/1860

For the Civil War, David Johnson enlisted in Gregg's Battery, Co. D, Manigault's Battalion Artillery. (Per Sellers, page 617).

David Johnson and family were listed in Reaves Township for the 1870 census. No other Johnson families were listed very close by.

(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)

1870 MARION CO, SC Page 253   House/Family #   26/  26--REEVES Twp

JOHNSON DAVID         47 M W FARMER                2000   500 SC              1822/1823
JOHNSON SARAH         43 F W KEEPING HOUSE                    SC              1826/1827
JOHNSON MARY F        19 F W AT HOME                          SC              1850/1851
JOHNSON SHERIDAN      17 M W AT HOME                          SC              1852/1853
JOHNSON BENJAMIN      16 M W AT HOME                          SC              1853/1854
JOHNSON DAVID         14 M W AT HOME                          SC              1855/1856
JOHNSON TILITHA       12 F W AT HOME                          SC              1857/1858
JOHNSON FRANK         10 M W AT HOME                          MARION          1859/1860
JOHNSON YOUNG         10 M W AT HOME                          MARION          1859/1860
JOHNSON ANNA           8 F W AT HOME                          MARION          1861/1862
JOHNSON ADAREZA        6 F W AT HOME                          MARION          1863/1864
JOHNSON BRYANT         4 M W AT HOME                          MARION          1865/1866

David Johnson and family were still in Reaves Township for the 1880 census. I don't have that listing  typed up yet, but will get it soon.

David Johnson died on 6 Dec 1894 (per Simeon Campbell, page 43). I have his wife Sarah's death date as 8 Apr 1931, making her over 100 years old when she died. I'm not sure what the source of that date is.


David Johnson and Sarah Bryant had 10 children, proven by the 1850, 1860, 1870 and 1880 census records. I have birth and death dates for many of them, but I'm not sure of my sources for those, I'll have to dig through my old notes to find out. I'm sure they were shared with me by someone, though I may have gotten some of them from the cemetery records.

I'll provide a detailed outline of David and Sarah's children later on.


Researcher List

Persons researching this family (click here for data on how to get on or off of this list):


1. David1 Johnson (Pvt) , born 1824/25 in Marion Dist, SC; died 6 Dec 1894 in Marion Co, SC, son of Benjamin Johnson (Pvt) and Mary (---) . He married abt 1849 in Marion Dist, SC Sarah Bryant , born 1826/27 in Marion Dist, SC; died 8 Apr 1931, daughter of John Miller Bryant and Jane Drew .

Children of David Johnson (Pvt) and Sarah Bryant were as follows:


Generation 2

3. Sherwood J2 Johnson (David1), born 25 Feb 1853 in Marion Dist, SC; died 14 Aug 1918. He married (1) in 1870/77 in Marion Co, SC Mary Hardy , born 1863/64 in Marion Dist, SC; (2) in Marion Dist, SC Charlotte A Hardy , born 1859 in Marion Dist, SC.

Children of Sherwood J Johnson and Mary Hardy were as follows:

7. Franklin2 Johnson (David1), born 15 Jul 1859 in Marion Dist, SC; died 31 Oct 1930. He married on 7 Jun 1880 in Marion Co, SC Margaret Jane Bryant , born 27 May 1860 in Marion Dist, SC; died 23 Feb 1940, daughter of Pinkney Bryant and Charlotte Johnson .

Children of Franklin Johnson and Margaret Jane Bryant were as follows:

9. Anne2 Johnson (David1), born 1861/62 in Marion Dist, SC. She married in 1870/80 in Marion Co, SC Milton F Price , born 1857/58 in Marion Dist, SC.

Children of Anne Johnson and Milton F Price were as follows:



martygrant.com: Home > Genealogy > Johnson > Families > David