Samuel Patterson (1805-1879) and Jane Moore and Margaret Anderson of Buncombe, Henderson, Transylvania and Macon Co, NC and Union Co, GA and Huerfano Co, CO | Home > Genealogy > Patterson > Families > Samuel |
Contents: Children | Researcher List | Register Report |
Revision History:
I (Marty Grant) am a 4th Great Grandson of Samuel Patterson and Jane Moore. Special thanks to Jon Chandler, Steve Kelly, Evelyn Miller, Sharon Welton and others for sharing information on this family and their descendants. Samuel Patterson was born 18 Mar 1805 (per tombstone) in North Carolina. His parents were in Rutherford Co., NC in 1800 but in Buncombe by 1810. I don't know which county Samuel was born in. If in Rutherford it was somewhere near Puzzle Creek. If in Buncombe it was in the section that later became Henderson County (1838) and even later became Transylvania County (1861). Samuel Patterson is probably a son of Samuel Patterson and Elizabeth ---. This is not proven but strongly supported by circumstantial evidence. Samuel is a proven brother to William Patterson (1795-1837) and to Mary Patterson Erwin (1800-1887). Their families all moved to Huerfano Co., CO together. William, Mary and Samuel (1805) are almost certainly children of the older Samuel. Family tradition among William's descendants show his father was named Samuel. Samuel (Jr) would have been about 5 years old for the 1810 census. The older Samuel had two apparent sons with him that year in Buncombe, aged under 10 (ca 1800/10). One of those is probably our Samuel. Samuel would have been about 15 for the 1820 census. Samuel (Sr) had two boys aged 10-15 (c1804/10) with him that year in Buncombe. In 1828, Macon County was formed from western Haywood County. Samuel's probable brother Matthew Patterson (c1790) was among the first citizens of the new county, and Samuel soon joined him there. On 8 Mar 1830, Samuel Patterson obtained a marriage bond in Macon Co, NC to marry Jane Moore, daughter of Joseph Moore (as stated on marriage bond). David Duckworth was the bondsman. Jane Moore was born ca 1814/15 somewhere in Tennessee, a daughter of Joseph Moore and Rebecca (---). Samuel Patterson was listed on the 1830 census in Macon Co, NC. He was next door to his brother-in-law Presley T. Moore who was next door to Joseph Moore. Samuel's neighbor on the other side was Ezekiel Akin. They seemed to be in the Toxaway area or close to it. 1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census) 1830 Macon Co, NC pg 12 Samuel Patterson 0000100000000-0001000000000 Analysis: 1 Male(s) 20-29 (1800-1810) Samuel Patterson (1805) 1 Female(s) 15-19 (1810-1815) Jane MOORE Patterson (1814/15) wife m 1830 Between ca 1835 and 1838, Samuel and his father-in-law Joseph Moore moved their families down into Union County, Georgia, which was not too far from where they had lived in NC. They settled in Gum Log District. In 1838 Samuel Patterson was apparently elected (or appointed) a Captain, and he commanded a company of Mounted Volunteers from Union Co, GA from 22 May 1838 through 14 Jul 1838. These facts are obtained from a Bounty request dated 3 Jun 1859:
The Pay Roll of Capt. Samuel Patterson's Company of Mounted Volunteers includes many familiar names including 3rd Sgt. John Patterson, 1st Cpl Joseph Patterson, and Pvt. Samuel Moore (brother-in-law) and others. Joseph (c1789) and John Patterson (c1798) were brothers and sons of John Patterson and Margaret Black, no known relation to our Pattersons. (Thanks to Julia Garland for sharing that pay roll). Samuel Patterson was listed on the 1840 census in Union Co, GA. He was next door to John B. Galaway and Porter Owenby. Father-in-law Joseph Moore was just a few houses away, as was brother-in-law Samuel Moore. Several members of the John and Margaret (Black) Patterson family were very nearby also. An older woman (born ca 1770/80) was residing with Samuel, , it is my belief that this is his widowed mother, Elizabeth (---) Patterson (1770/74), though there is no way to know for sure who it was. 1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census) 1840 Union Co, GA pg 3 Samuel Patterson 1100010000000-1000100010000 Analysis: 1 Male(s) 30-39 (1800-1810) Samuel PATTERSON (1805) 1 Male(s) 5-9 (1830-1835) Carroll Moore PATTERSON (1832) son 1 Male(s) 0-4 (1835-1840) Joseph Decatur PATTERSON (1836) son 1 Female(s) 60-69 (1770-1780) Elizabeth ___ Patterson (1770/75) mother 1 Female(s) 20-29 (1810-1820) Jane MOORE Patterson (1814/15) wife m 1830 1 Female(s) 0-4 (1835-1840) Amanda Demerris PATTERSON (1837) daughter "S. Patterson" was listed on a voter list dated 26 May 1849 for Gum Log District, Union Co, GA. Samuel and family were listed on the 1850 census in Union Co, GA. They were just three houses from John Patterson (1815) and wife Sarah Beasley who is not related as far as we can tell. Samuel's next door neighbors were the households of David Nichols and John Ballard. Brother-in-law Samuel Moore was not too many houses away. Jane's age was illegible. 1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census) (Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age) 1850 UNION CO, GA Page 215B House/Family # 187/ 187 -- 85TH DISTRICT Twp PATTERSON SAMUEL 44 M W FARMER 1800 NC 1805/1806 PATTERSON JANE 33 F W (AGE ILLEG) TN 1816/1817 PATTERSON CARROLL 17 M W NC 1832/1833 PATTERSON DECATOR 15 M W NC 1834/1835 PATTERSON AMANDA 13 F W GA 1836/1837 PATTERSON JULIUS 11 M W GA 1838/1839 PATTERSON MERCILLA 9 F W GA 1840/1841 PATTERSON NATHAN 6 M W GA 1843/1844 PATTERSON SARAH 4 F W GA 1845/1846 PATTERSON JULIAN 2 F W GA 1847/1848 PATTERSON SAMUEL 0 M W 6/12 GA 1849/1850 On 19 Aug 1854 Samuel Patterson of Union County sold land to John Dover of Murray Co., GA for $200. The land was described as 160 acres being Lot 152, 25th District, 2nd Section. Witnesses were B. L. Ledford and --- Chapman. (Deed Book K, page 112, not sure what county. Shared by Dennis Dover). Samuel and family were still in Union Co, GA for the 1860 census. They were next door to Samuel Moore (their nephew) and William Self. Brother-in-law Burton Moore was not too far away. 1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census) (Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age) 1860 UNION CO, GA Page 444 House/Family # 111/ 105 PATTERSON SAMUEL 55 M W FARMER 3000 500 NC 1804/1805 PATTERSON JANE 45 F W TN 1814/1815 PATTERSON JACKSON D 25 M W GA 1834/1835 PATTERSON JULIUS C 21 M W GA 1838/1839 PATTERSON NATHAN C 17 M W GA 1842/1843 PATTERSON SARAH 15 F W GA 1844/1845 PATTERSON JULIANN E 12 F W GA 1847/1848 PATTERSON LAYRA L D 6 F W GA 1853/1854 PATTERSON JANE E 2 F W GA 1857/1858 The Civil War affected Samuel's family. On 5 Feb 1861 Samuel Patterson was listed as Captain of a unit called "Union Invincibles", presumably a home guard unit. They must not have remained organized for long, for on 2 Sep 1861, Samuel Patterson was listed on the Roster of Eligible men from Gum Log District, in Union Co, GA. The war also caused other problems. Their son Julius C. Patterson died at Richmond in 1862. Their other sons, who were old enough, served, but the eldest son Carroll Moore Patterson, though he began the war in the Confederate Army, ended it in the Union Army. Apparently this caused a severe rift in the family, and it was never closed. Before, during, and after the war, men from Union Co, GA started exploring Colorado for settlement, and this included Samuel's son Joseph Decatur Patterson (a.k.a. "Kate" or "Cate" Patterson). In the 1860's, most of the family left Union Co, GA for Huerfano Co, Colorado in what was known as the "Georgia Colony." Samuel himself did not go right away. His wife Jane Moore Patterson died on 20 Jan 1867 in neighboring Cherokee Co, GA. I'm not sure why they were in that county, but her date and place of death were recorded in an affidavit by Julian Kelly in regards to a Widow's Pension application by Margaret Anderson Patterson (Samuel's 2nd wife) for Samuel's various war service. It was presumably after 1867 that Samuel moved to Colorado. However I have not been able to locate him on the 1870 census there, nor back in Georgia or elsewhere for that matter. It should be noted that many people are "missing" in 1870. It is one of the worst censuses there is for accuracy. Samuel was back in Union County in late 1870, for on 8 Sep 1870 he married Margaret "Peggy" Anderson there. Peggy was born 24 Dec 1824 in Rabun Co, GA. She was a child of Moses and Elizabeth (Moore) Anderson. Peggy was a 1st cousin to Samuel's first wife Jane Moore. Samuel and Margaret moved back to Huerfano Co, Colorado after their marriage. Samuel Patterson died on 13 Sep 1879 in Huerfano Co, CO. He is buried at the Georgia Colony Cemetery. I have several photo's of his tombstone. Margaret, age 43, was still in Huerfano Co, Colorado for the 1880 census living with her Gribble nieces and nephews. The head of household was Henry C. Gribble. His parents Ezekiel Gribble and Rebecca Erwin Gribble were living there also. Margaret was Henry's Step Great Aunt by marriage, and Rebecca's Aunt by marriage, Rebecca's mother (Mary Patterson Erwin) being a sister of Samuel Patterson. Margaret was listed as age 43, widowed, and "Aunt" to the head of household (Henry), born Georgia, father and mother born SC. Shortly after 1880 Margaret Anderson Patterson moved back to Union County, Georgia and remained there until her death. In the 1890's Margaret applied for a widows pension based on Samuel's Indian War service (of 1838). These records are quite informative, though do not provide any data on Samuel's parents or children. Margaret is listed on the 1900 census in Union Co., GA in Blairsville: Margaret Patterson, Head, Nov 1824, 75, widowed, 0 children, born GA-SC-SC; Elizer A. Reece, Niece, Dec 1875, 24 GA-GA-GA. Margaret Anderson Patterson died on 26 Jul 1909 in Union Co, GA. |
Children of Samuel Patterson and Jane Moore and Margaret Anderson. Samuel Patterson and Jane Moore had eleven children as proven by the 1850 and 1860 census records. Samuel and his second wife Margaret had no children together. |
Carroll Moore Patterson was born 7 Mar 1832 (per tombstone) in Macon Co, NC. He was apparently home with his parents for the 1840 census (age 5-9, born ca 1830/35), and was with them in 1850 ("Carroll", age 17). It seems clear that his middle name was in honor of his mother's family, but I don't know where the "Carroll" came from. There were several "Carroll" families in Macon Co, NC, though I don't know if they were related to the Pattersons. Samuel had a sister Sarah Patterson who married William Carroll in 1838, but that was six years after C. M. Patterson was born, so probably not the source of his name. Carroll M. Patterson married Lavina Elizabeth Cathey on 22 Dec 1861 in Union Co, GA. After the Civil War they moved to what is now Swain County, NC where they remained. See their own page for additional information. |
Joseph Decatur Patterson was born 18 Oct 1837 (per tombstone). This date conflicts with his sister Amanda's birth date, also in 1837. Early census records (1850 and 1860) show him born ca 1834/35, so I suspect his correct birth date might be 18 Oct 1834, as that would agree perfectly with his age in 1850 ("15") and 1860 ("25"). His obituary gives 18 Oct 1836 as his birth date as does his death certificate. He was born in Buncombe Co, NC per his death certificate, though it seems more likely he was actually born in Macon Co., NC. He was apparently home with his parents for the 1840 census age under 5, (born ca 1835/40), and was with them in 1850 ("Decator", age 15), and with them in 1860 ("Jackson D." age 25). It seems he was generally known by the nickname "Cate" or "Kate", short for Decatur. Joseph Decatur Patterson was probably named, in part, after his maternal grandfather Joseph Moore. He was instrumental in settling Huerfano County, Colorado, being a leader of the "Georgia Colony" that settled there. Much has been written about the Georgia Colony as well as his role in its founding. He married Martha Minerva Potts in Colorado on 13 Jul 1863. Martha was born 14 Apr 1847 somewhere in Tennessee. Her parents were Joshua and Nancy (---) Potts. She was with them in 1850 Walker Co., GA: Joshua Potts 23 GA; Nancy 30 TN; Martha M. 4 TN; Wm S. 1 GA; John 18 GA. That family had moved to McDonald Co., MO by 1860: J. P. Potts 33 GA; Nancy 40 TN; Martha 14 TN; Wm S. 11 GA; Mary E. 9; Malissa C. 6; Malinda C. 6; Nancy M. 2 MO. The Potts parents must have died because the younger children were living with the Pattersons in 1870 in Huerfano Co., CO: J. Decauter Patterson 33 GA; Minerva 24 GA; Emma 2 CO; Millicia Potts 14 GA; Malinda 14 GA; Matilda 12 GA; Samuel 7 GA. Decatur and family were listed on the 1880 census in Huerfano Co, Colorado. The Potts children were not with them at this point: Jos. D. Patterson 40 Cattle Broker, NC-NC-NC; Minerva 30 wife TN-GA-TN; Emma 12 dau, CO-NC-TN; Clemon 10 son; Jennie 6 dau; Gertrude 2 dau. At some point, they moved to Mancos, Montezuma County, Colorado and were listed there on the 1900 census: J. D. Patterson, Head, Oct 1836, 63 married 36 years NC-NC-NC, Gold Miner; M. M., wife Apr 1846, 54, 7 children born, 5 living GA-GA-GA; Merideth Elkins, son-in-law, Jun 1868, 31, married 5 years, VA-VA-VA, Mining Prospector; Jennie, dau Feb 1874, 26, 2 children born 2 living CO-NC-GA; Hazel, Grand daughter, Apr 1897, 3; Herald, grand son Sep 1899, 9/12. Joseph Decatur was still in Montezuma Co., CO for the 1910 census in Mancos Town. However his wife wasn’t listed with him: Joseph D. Patterson, Head, 73 married twice (!), 43 years, born NC-NC-NC, Miner – Quartz Mine; Mike McQuire, lodger, 44 widow, born Ire-Ire-Ire. Who was his other wife? Or was this an error? His wife was listed elsewhere in the same county in 1910: Martha M. Patterson, head, married once, 45 years, 8 children born, 5 living, TN-GA-TN; Clemon D., son 39 divorced CO-GA-TN. Joseph Decatur Patterson died on 9 Jan 1911 in Mancos, Montezuma Co., CO. He is buried at the Cedar Crown Cemetery. Martha is listed on the 1920 census in Montezuma County with her daughter in Mancos town: Tilden Cauley, head 42 CO-VA-MO; Nina L. wife 36 CO-GA-TN; Mabel G. dau 18 CO-CO-CO; B. Merle, dau 13; C. Everett son 2-10/12; Martha M. Patterson, mother-in-law, 75 widowed, TN-GA-TN. Martha Minerva Potts Patterson died on 23 Sep 1922. She is also buried at the Cedar Crown Cemetery. |
Amanda Demerris Patterson was born 22 Feb 1837 (source?) in Union Co., GA. She is apparently home with her parents in 1840, aged under 5 (1835/40), and with them in 1850 (“Amanda” age 13). She married Benjamin Franklin Chastain ca 1850/1853 in Union Co., GA (no marriage record found). Benjamin was born 9 Jul 1828 in Georgia (county unknown), a son of John Bunyan Chastain and Elizabeth Hudgins. He was with his parents in 1850 in Union Co., GA (“Ben” age 22, born GA). They are on the 1860 census in Union Co., GA: Ben Chastain 30 Farmer, born Unknown; Amanda 22, GA; Elizabeth J. 7; Mary M. C. 3; Saml D. 1; Emeline Wright 25 GA. They were in Huerfano Co., CO for the 1870 census: Benjamin Chastin 41 NC; Amanda D. 33 GA; Elizabeth W. 16; Mary M. A. 13; Samuel P. 10; Amanda Eveline 8; Julius Lee, 6. They were in Costilla Co., CO for the 1880 census next door to her 1st cousin William Patterson (c1828 NC) (son of William Patterson and Mary Glazner): F. Benjamin Chastain 53 Ranchman, GA-//-//; D. Amanda 43 wife GA-SC-SC; P. Samuel 21 son GA-GA-SC; J. Julius 16 son; S. Jeremiah 13 son; J. William 10 son; J. Henry 7 son CO-GA-SC; James 4 son; Samuel Chase 24 servant, Labourer, NY-NY-NY; Solon 26 servant, Teamster, NY-NY-NY. They are listed on the 1900 census in Placer Co., CA: Ben. F. Chastain, Head, Jul 1828, 71, married 48 years, GA-SC-SC, Farmer; Mandy D. wife Feb 1837, 63, 15 children born, 9 living, GA-NC-NC; Henry J. son May 1874, 26, CO-GA-GA; James H. son Nov 1876, 23; Frank S. son Jul 1880, 19. Amanda was listed on the 1910 census in Siskiyou Co., CA, Edgewood Township: Amanda Chastain, Head, 73 married 60 years, 15 children born, 9 living, GA-SC-SC. I didn't find Ben on this census. However, Tommy D. Wiggins wrote me and informed me that Ben was living in Placer Co., CA in 1910 with his son Henry. (Thanks for sharing that!) Benjamin F. Chastain died in Siskiyou Co., CA on 29 Sep 1917 in Callahan. Amanda was listed on the 1920 census in Siskiyou Co., CA, Edgewood Township, with her son Frank: Frank S. Chastain, Head, 39 single, CO-GA-GA, Farm Laborer; Amanda, mother, 83 widowed, GA-GA-GA. Amanda Patterson Chastain died on 17 May 1925 in San Francisco, CA. |
Julius C. Patterson was born ca 1838/39 in Union Co., GA. He doesn’t seem to be with his parents for the 1840 census for they only had one son under 5 (1835/40) and one 5-9 (1830/35), but they had three sons at the time to fit those age groups. No way to be sure which one wasn’t at home. He was with his parents for the 1850 census (“Julius” age 11), and with them in 1860 (“Julius C.” age 21). Julius C. Patterson enlisted as a Private on 31 Aug 1861 in Union Co., GA into Company K, 23rd Regiment. He died in the hospital at Richmond, Virginia on 5 Jul 1862. His effects were given to his brother-in-law B. F. Chastain who was in the same company as a 2nd Lieutenant. |
Mercilla Jane Patterson was born 14 Nov 1840 (source?) in Union Co., GA. She was with her parents for the 1850 census (“Mercilla” age 9). She married Charles M. Anderson on 18 Aug 1859 in Union Co., GA. He was born 21 Oct 1836 (source?) in Cherokee Co., GA (per 1860 census), a son of John and Flora (---) Anderson. They are listed on the 1860 census in neighboring Cherokee Co., NC in Fort Hembree District next door to his parents: Charles M. Anderson, 24 Farmer, born Cherokee Co., GA; Mercilla 20 born Union Co., GA. They were in Huerfano Co., CO for the 1870 census next door to her brother Decatur Patterson: Charles Anderson 33, Farm Tenant, born GA; Mirillia 30 GA; James 8 NC; Florence 7 GA; Victoria 3 NC; John Franklin 8/12 Oct, NC. They were still in Huerfano for the 1880 census, in Saint Clara Township: Charles Anderson 42 Farmer GA-NC-NC; Marcella J. 38 wife, GA-NC-NC; James 18 son NC-GA-NC; Florence 17 dau GA-GA-NC; Victory 14 dau NC-GA-NC; Samuel 7 son CO-NC-NC. Charles M. Anderson died on 19 Feb 1899 (source?) in Huerfano Co., CO. Mercilla is listed on the 1900 census in Huerfano with her daughter in Precinct 21: Lilias L. Huggins, head Sept 1873, 26 married 2 years, born Indian Territory-AR-AR, Farm Laborer; Annir, wife Dec 1880 19, 1 child born 1 living, born CO-GA-GA; Charley son Sep 1899 8/12 CO-IT-CO; Mirilia Anderson Mother-in-law Nov 1840, 59 widowed 7 children born, 5 living, GA-NC-NC; Joe Devine boarder, Jan 1860, 40 Single, France-France-France, Day Laborer. She was listed on the 1910 census in Huerfano, Santa Clara Township: M. J. Anderson, Head, 69 married once (should say widowed), 42 years, 7 children born, 4 living, GA-NC-NC; Florence daughter, 46 single GA-GA-GA; Grace grand daughter, 9 CO-CO-NM; Leona GD 7; Carra GD 4. She was on the 1920 census in Huerfano in Rouse Precinct with daughter Florence: William C. Axton, head, 52 married, MO-US-US, Mine Labor; Florence, wife 55, GA-GA-GA; Mercila Anderson, mother-in-law, 80 widow, GA-NC-NC. Mercilla Jane Patterson Anderson died in 1925 in Huerfano Co., CO. |
Nathan Cicero Patterson was born 14 Jan 1843 (source?) in Union Co., GA. He may have been named for his father’s brother Nathan Patterson (assuming they are indeed brothers). Nathan was with his parents in 1850 (“Nathan” age 6) and with them in 1860 (“Nathan” age 17). Nathan married Rhoda Jane Spears on 11 Mar 1867 in Cherokee Co., GA. Rhoda was born 14 Aug 1850 in SC, a child of Josiah Spears and Martha McKissick. They are listed on the 1870 census in Cherokee Co., GA, Lickskillet township two houses from her parents: Nathan Patterson 26 Farm Labor GA; Rhoda J. 20 SC; John H. 2 GA; Eleanor J. 2/12 Mar. I wasn’t able to find them on the 1880 census but they should have been in Huerfano Co., CO or somewhere near there. Rhoda Jane Spears Patterson died on 19 Mar 1892 in Huerfano Co., CO. Nathan is listed in Huerfano for the 1900 census: Nathan Patterson, Head, born ---, 57, widowed, GA-NC-TN; Pearl, daughter born ---, 11 CO-GA-SC. I wasn’t able to find Nathan on the 1910 census, though he should be in Huerfano or nearby. He was listed on the 1920 census in Huerfano with his daughter in La Veta: Elbert R. Kitchen, Head, 44, CO-NC-NC; Edna R. wife 30 CO-GA-GA; Muriel daughter, 12 CO-CO-CO; Nathan C. Patterson, Father-in-law, 77 widowed, GA-GA-NC. Nathan Cicero Patterson died on 18 May 1924 in Huerfano Co., CO. |
Sarah Rosetta Patterson was born ca 1845/46 (per 1850 census) in Union Co, GA. The only records I have for her so far show her simply as "Sarah", but someone else has shared her full name as "Sarah Rosetta", and gave me her birth date of 5 May 1845 and also gave me her death date. I'm not sure what the source for these dates are, but they are probably correct. Sarah was home with her parents for the 1850 census (“Sarah” age 4), and 1860 (“Sarah” age 15). Sarah was in nearby Clay County, NC in 1867, for on December 6th of that year she married William Simpson Kimsey there (I'm not sure of the source for this marriage date). This was just a few months after her mother had died, so perhaps she was residing with some relatives in that county. William was born ca 1843/44 in Georgia (perhaps Union County), a son of James Kimsey and Sarah Russell. He was home with his parents in Cherokee Co, NC in 1850. They are in Clay Co., NC for the 1870 census in Hayesville Township: William S. Kimsey 26, Farmer GA; Sarah R. 25; Martha C. 1 NC; James H. 3/12 March. I couldn’t find them on the 1880 census, but I think they were in Huerfano Co., CO by then. They are on the 1900 census in Huerfano: William Kimsey, head, born --- 1844, 56 married 32 years, GA-NC-NC, Farmer; Sarah wife --- 1845, 55, 11 children born 10 living GA-NC-SC; Docia dau --- 1883, 17 CO-GA-GA; Dora dau 1884 16; Charles son 1889 11; William son 1890 10. Sarah Rosetta Patterson Kimsey died in Huerfano on 9 Jul 1901. William is listed on the 1910 census in Huerfano living by himself: William S. Kimsey, head, 66, widowed, GA-NC-SC, Justice of the Peace. William died in Huerfano in 1913. |
Julia (or Julie) Ann Patterson was born 19 Oct 1849 (per Bill Barba], who also provided other details on this family like who Julie married, etc. Thanks Bill!). She was presumably born in Union Co., GA. She was home with her parents for the 1850 census (“Julie Ann” age 2) and 1860 (“Juliann E.” age 12). Julia Ann married Samuel B. Kelly ca 1868/69 (per 1900 census) in Towns Co., GA (per Bill Barba). Samuel was born 18 Mar 1846 (per Bill), in Georgia (per various census records). I think he is the same Samuel who is a son of John L. Kelly and Margaret (---). He was with his parents on the 1850 census in Union Co., GA ("Samuel" age 4, born GA). I think they were in the part of Union that became Towns in 1856. He was still with his parents on the 1860 census in Towns Co., GA ("Samuel" age 14, born GA). They were four houses from Sarah Patterson Carroll and family. Sarah was Julie's aunt, so that probably explains how Samuel and Julie might have met. Julie's father and most of her siblings moved to Colorado in the 1860's and 1870's. She remained in Georgia. I was unable to find the Kellys on the 1870 census (same as so many other members of this family). They were in Towns Co., GA in 1880. Towns is next door to Union and was formed from part of Union in 1856: Lower Hiwassee Dist 833 # 5/5, Samuel Kelly, 33 Farmer GA-NC-NC; Julia 29 wife Keeps House GA-SC-SC; Virgil 10 son Laborer GA-GA-GA; Laura 8 dau; Jane 7 dau; James 5 son; Minnie 4 dau; Samuel 1 son. On 13 May 1893 "Julian Kelly" age 43 of "Hiwassa, Towns Co, GA" made an affidavit for her step-mother Margaret Anderson Patterson, widow of Samuel Patterson. Margaret was applying for a widow's pension for Samuel's military service. I had this for years not realizing that this was their daughter! Silly me.
They are still in Towns for the 1900 census: 833 District G.M. # 75/76 Samuel B. Kelley, Head, Mar 1846, 54, Married 31 years, born GA-NC-NC, Blacksmith; Julia A. Wife Oct 1849, 50 Married 31 years, 10 children born, 8 living, GA-NC-NC; John V. Son Aug 1869 30 GA-GA-GA Farm Laborer; Laura dau Aug 1871 28; Jane dau May 1873 27; Samuel P. Dec 1878 21 Farm Laborer; Jake B. Son Jun 1881 18 Farm Laborer; Hassie Dau Sep 1884 15. They were in neighboring Union Co., GA for the 1910 census living in the Town of Blairsville, # 9/9 Samuel B. Kelley, 62 married once, 35 years, born GA-SC-SC; Julia, 57 married once, 35 years, 5 children born, 3 living, GA-NC-NC; Laura dau 31 single, GA-GA-GA. They were still in Blairsville for the 1920 census, now residing with their son Jake and his family: Farm - Upper College Street # 44/45 Jake B. Kelly, 37 married, GA-GA-GA Farmer; Mina wife 34; Maude dau 12; Minnie dau 10; Vergil son 8; Julia dau 5; Frank son 3 6/12; Paul son 0/12; Samuel Father 72 married, GA-NC-SC; Julia Mother 67 married, GA-NC-NC. I wasn't able to find Samuel or Julia on the 1930 census. Samuel B. Kelly died on 11 Jun 1930 and Julia Ann Patterson Kelly on 7 Aug 1933. They are buried at the New Blairsville Cemetery in Blairsville, Union Co., GA (thanks to Bill Barba for the death and burial information). The Georgia Death Index shows Samuel as having died in Union Co., GA on 10 Jun 1930. I didn't find an entry for Julia. |
Samuel Patterson was born ca 1849/50 (age 6 months in 1850) in Union Co, GA. He was home with his parents for the 1850 census (“Samuel” age 6/12), but gone by 1860. It would seem that he died young. |
Laura L. Dee Patterson was born ca 1853/54 (per 1860 census) in Union Co, GA. Laura was home with her parents for the 1860 census (“Laura L. D.” age 6). Since we have not located Samuel on the 1870 census, I don't know if she was still home at that time or not. She married Jacob Dotson on 13 Dec 1874 in Pueblo Co., CO. He was born 18 Aug 1826 in Greenbrier Co., VA a son of Thomas Dotson and Susannah Kessler. They are on the 1880 census in Pueblo Co., CO. I had a hard time locating them. He is listed by initials and she is listed as "Jane" for some reason. No Township listed, # 303/318 J. C. Dotson, 50 Cattle Grower VA-VA-VA; Jane 30 wife Keeping House GA-GA-GA; Gertrude 6 daughter VA-GA-GA; Ada 4 dau; Jacob 2 son; W. W. Owen, 22 Cattle Grower KY-KY-KY. The children are all listed as born in Virginia, father born in Georgia. That must be wrong for the father was the one born in Virginia, but were the kids born in Georgia? The parents married in 1874 right here in Pueblo Co., CO where they were in 1880. Jacob C. Dotson died on 11 Mar 1896 in La Plata Co., CO. Laura is listed on the 1900 census in Baker Co., OR in the same house with her daughter Gertrude: North Sumpter Precinct, # 23/24 and 23/25
In 1910 she is in Grant Co., OR, Union Precinct, # 282/283
She is in Multnomah Co., OR in 1920, City of Portland, Precinct 13, # 129/281
Laura L. Dee Patterson Dotson died in Portland, Multnomah Co., OR on 16 Jul 1923. |
Jane E. Patterson was born ca 1857/58 (per 1860 census) in Union Co, GA. She was probably named after her mother Jane Moore Patterson. I don't know what the "E" middle initial stood for. "Elizabeth" comes to mind, after Samuel's mother, but that is just a guess. She has a sister Mercilla Jane Patterson, so it is unusual to have two children with the same name, but not unheard of. Jane was home with her parents for the 1860 census (“Jane E.” age 2). Since we have not located Samuel on the 1870 census, I don't know if she was still alive at that time. I have no further record of her, whether she married, or died young. |
Researcher List
Register Report | Home > Genealogy > Patterson > Families > Samuel