Jesse Grant (c1787) and ---, Sarah ---, and Mary --- of Wayne and Cumberland County, North Carolina Home > Genealogy > Grant > Families > Jesse

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The author (Marty Grant) is not related to Jesse Grant as far as can be determined.

Jesse Grant was born ca 1786/87 in NC (per the 1850 census) or ca 1804/05 (per the 1860 census). Neither of these dates agree completely with earlier census reports. In 1820 he was age 16-25 or born 1794/1804. In 1830 he was 40-49 or born 1780/90. In 1840 he was again 40-49 or born 1790/1800. These don't reconcile very well.

Jesse's parents are not known, but I think he may be a son of Elisha Grant (c1759-1830) of Wayne Co, NC. I can't prove that though, but so far Elisha seems the best choice, but I don't have any overwhelming evidence that he is the one, but Jesse did name one of his sons "Elisha", and they did live in the same area.

Jesse must have married in the 1810-1820 timeframe, but his first wife's name is unknown. They first show up on the 1820 census in Wayne Co, NC. Unfortunately, this census was alphabetized, so we can't tell where he lived nor who his neighbors were.

1820 census analysis (based on available evidence):

1820 Wayne Co, NC pg 464 Jesse Grant 100100-20100
1 Male(s) 16-25       (1794-1804)	Jesse GRANT (1786/87) s/o Elisha
1 Male(s) 0-9         (1810-1820)	Son? (1815/20)
1 Female(s) 16-25     (1794-1804)	Wife? (1794/1800)
2 Female(s) 0-9       (1810-1820)	Daughter? (1810/20) --> gone by 1840
					Daughter? (1815/20)

Jesse Grant was still in Wayne Co, NC for the 1830 census. Once again the census was in alpha order, so we can't tell who his neighbors were, but each list was only alpha within its own district. He was listed in Whitfields district, which is the same as New Hope District.

1830 census analysis (based on available evidence):

1830 Wayne County, NC pg 509 Jesse Grant 1110001000000-3110010000000
1 Male(s) 40-49        (1780-1790)	Jesse GRANT (1786/87) s/o Elisha
1 Male(s) 10-14        (1815-1820)	Son? (1815/20) --> gone by 1840
1 Male(s) 5-9          (1820-1825)	Allen GRANT (1823/24) son
1 Male(s) 0-4          (1825-1830)	Son? (1825/30) --> 1820/25 in 1840
1 Female(s) 30-39      (1790-1800)	Wife? (1794/1800) --> gone by 1840
1 Female(s) 10-14      (1815-1820)	Daughter? (1815/20) --> gone by 1840
1 Female(s) 5-9        (1820-1825)	Daughter? (1820/25)
3 Female(s) 0-4        (1825-1830)	Daughter? (1825/30) --> gone by 1840
					Daughter? (1825/30)
					Imogene GRANT (1830) daughter

The 1840 census of Wayne Co, NC shows Jesse listed in New Hope District. He was listed next to Stephen Grant. On the same page just a few houses away were several other Grant families including Kinchen Grant (son of Ephraim Grant), Daniel Grant, and John Grant.

1840 census analysis (based on available evidence):

1840 Wayne County, NC pg 208 Jesse Grant  1102001000000-1121100000000
1 Male(s) 40-49        (1790-1800)	Jesse GRANT (1786/87) s/o Elisha
2 Male(s) 15-19        (1820-1825)	Allen GRANT (1823/24) son --> Hd 1850
					Son? (1820/25) --> gone by 1850
1 Male(s) 5-9          (1830-1835)	Elisha GRANT (1831/32) son
1 Male(s) 0-4          (1835-1840)	Son? (1835/40) --> gone by 1850
1 Female(s) 20-29      (1810-1820)	Mary "Polly" ___ Grant (1813/14) wife
1 Female(s) 15-19      (1820-1825)	Daughter? (1820/25) --> gone by 1850
2 Female(s) 10-14      (1825-1830)	Daughter? (1825/30) --> gone by 1850
					Imogene GRANT (1830/31) daughter
1 Female(s) 5-9        (1830-1835)	Vicey GRANT (1833/34) daughter
1 Female(s) 0-4        (1835-1840)	Martha GRANT (1835/36) daughter

The 1840 census shows that Jesse's wife had died by then. On the 1850 census, his apparent wife was named Sarah and born ca 1813/14. This could have been an older daughter instead of his wife. The 1860 census shows his wife as "Polly" born ca 1814/15. I don't know if this represents two additional wives, or just one.

During the 1840's, Jesse Grant moved to Cumberland Co, NC and was listed there on the 1850 census in the Eastern Division. This wasn't very far from Wayne Co, NC. Just across northern Sampson County and you are in the eastern part of Cumberland Co, NC. He was listed next to the Nathan Newell family. Nathan Newell was just a few houses from Jesse Grant in the 1840 Wayne Co, NC census. This might indicate some kind of relationship. Nathan was age 35 (c1814/15) and his wife Chelly was age 34 (c1815/16). Their youngest son was Jesse Newell age 2 (c1847/48). This could indicate that Chelly is a daughter of Jesse Grant. He did have a daughter that age who was with him in 1830, but gone by 1840. I'd like some more proof before I had Chelly to Jesse Grant's list of children.

(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)

1850 CUMBERLAND CO, NC Page 101B  House/Family # 1606/1620 -- EASTERN DIVISION Twp

GRANT JESSE           63 M W LABORER                    NC                   1786/1787
GRANT SARAH           36 F W                            NC                   1813/1814
GRANT IMAGENE         19 F W                            NC                   1830/1831
GRANT ELISHA          18 M W LABORER                    NC                   1831/1832
GRANT VICEY           16 F W                            NC                   1833/1834
GRANT MARTHA          14 F W                            NC                   1835/1836
GRANT JAMES           12 M W                            NC                   1837/1838
GRANT THOMAS           3 M W                            NC                   1846/1847
GRANT LOUISA           2 F W                            NC                   1847/1848

In 1860 Jesse had moved back to Wayne Co, NC and was listed in Indian Springs District.

(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)

1860 WAYNE CO, NC Page 937   House/Family #  942/ 942 -- INDIAN SPRINGS DIST JERICHO P.O.

GRANT JESSE           55 M W FARMER                   190 NC                   1804/1805
GRANT POLLY           45 F W                              NC                   1814/1815
GRANT THOMAS          16 M W                              NC                   1843/1844
GRANT REBECCA          9 F W                              NC                   1850/1851
GRANT CATHERINE       12 F W                              NC                   1847/1848

This census shows Jesse's wife as "Polly" which is a nickname for Mary. She was clearly listed as "Sarah" in 1850, so either this is a 3rd wife, or it was read incorrectly (I got this from a published version of this census, not the original). There was a marriage between a Jesse Grant and Barbara Capps on 23 Dec 1855 in Wayne Co, NC. I don't know if that was this Jesse or another. There was a Barbary Capps age 38 listed on the 1850 census in Wayne Co, NC south of the Neuse River. She was next door to the Abner Graddy family. Their daughter Julia Graddy married Elisha Grant of this family.

New Hope District presumably covers the same territory as modern New Hope Township. This is the area east of Goldsboro with the Neuse River as its southern border all the way East to the Lenoir County line and for a northern border it may be West Bear Creek. The western border is the town of Goldsboro. That is a large area, and without consulting deeds and other records I can't narrow it down any better. I will check out Grant family deeds eventually to narrow down where these folks lived.

Children of Jesse Grant. Jesse and his first wife and his second wife Sarah had nine children as proven by various records. The oldest (Allen) is not a proven son, but seems very likely.

Allen Grant (c1824)

Imogene Grant (c1830)

Elisha Grant (c1832)

Vicey Grant (c1834)

Martha Grant (c1836)

James H. Grant (c1838)

Thomas Grant (c1847)

Catherine Louisa Grant (c1848)

Rebecca Grant (c1851)

Allen Grant was born ca 1823/24 in Wayne Co, NC, presumably in New Hope District. He married ca 1849-1850, possibly in Cumberland Co, NC to Matilda ---. He is not a proven son of Jesse Grant, but it seems very likely that he is Jesse's son. See his own page for additional information.

Imogene Grant was born ca 1830/31 in Wayne Co, NC, presumably in New Hope District. She was at home with her father Jesse Grant on the 1850 census in Cumberland Co, NC. I had originally mistranslated her name from the census as "Susagene" but on closer inspection it is "Imagene."

Imogene Grant married Clemons Wood on or after 19 Dec 1850 in Cumberland County. For the marriage bond, Nathan Newel was bondsman. For some reason her name was listed as "Lavinai Grant" but the 1860 census entry for them shows her as "Imogene" so it is apparently the same person. Perhaps Lavina is her middle name.

She was not with her husband and children for the 1870 census (Cumberland County) so she seems to have died in the 1860's.

Elisha Grant was born ca 1831/32 in Wayne Co, NC, presumably in New Hope District. He was at home with his father Jesse Grant on the 1850 census in Cumberland Co, NC. He came back to Wayne Co, NC with his parents during the 1850's. He married Julia Graddy on 16 Feb 1857 in Wayne Co, NC. They were listed on the 1860 census in Wayne Co, NC in Indian Springs District.

(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)

1860 WAYNE CO, NC Page 917   House/Family #  791/ 791 -- INDIAN SPRINGS DIST DUDLEY P.O.

GRANT ELISHA          30 M W FARM LABOR                40 NC                   1829/1830
GRANT JULIA           31 F W                              NC                   1828/1829
GRANT BETSEY           2 F W                              NC                   1857/1858

Elisha died in the 1860's (Civil War perhaps?). His widow and children remained in Wayne County awhile, moving to neighboring Johnston County before 1900.

Vicey Grant was born ca 1833/34 in Wayne Co, NC, presumably in New Hope District. She was at home with her father Jesse Grant on the 1850 census in Cumberland Co, NC. I didn't find her after that, so she may have married while they were in Cumberland, or after they came back to Wayne Co, NC. I didn't find anyone named Vicy or Vicey living near the Grants in 1860 Wayne Co, NC.

Martha Grant was born ca 1835/36 in Wayne Co, NC, presumably in New Hope District. She was at home with her father Jesse Grant on the 1850 census in Cumberland Co, NC. I didn't find her after that, so she may have married while they were in Cumberland, or after they came back to Wayne Co, NC. I didn't find anyone named Martha or Patsy living near the Grants in 1860 Wayne Co, NC.

James H. Grant was born ca 1837/38 in Wayne Co, NC, presumably in New Hope District. He was at home with his father Jesse Grant on the 1850 census in Cumberland Co, NC. He came back to Wayne Co, NC in the 1850's with his father. He married Eliza Newell on 16 Sep 1859 in Wayne Co, NC.  I didn't find them in the 1860 census, but they were back in Wayne Co, NC and Indian Springs township in 1870 and 1880. James died before 1900.

Thomas Grant was born ca 1846/47 in Wayne Co, NC, or possibly in Cumberland Co, NC. He was at home with his father Jesse Grant on the 1850 census in Cumberland Co, NC. He came back to Wayne Co, NC in the 1850's with his father and was still living at home on the 1860 census. I couldn't find him after 1860.

Catherine Louisa Grant was born ca 1847/48 in Wayne Co, NC, or possibly in Cumberland Co, NC. She was at home with her father Jesse Grant on the 1850 census in Cumberland Co, NC. She came back to Wayne Co, NC in the 1850's with her father and was still living at home on the 1860 census.

Rebecca Grant was born ca 1850/51 in Cumberland Co, NC or possibly in Wayne Co, NC. She was at home with her father Jesse Grant on the 1860 census in Wayne Co, NC.

Researcher List

Persons researching this family (click here for data on how to get on or off of this list:

Register Report

1. Jesse1 Grant , born 1786/87 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1860/70 in Wayne Co, NC, son of Elisha Grant  and (---) ? .  He married (1) in 1810/20 in Wayne Co, NC (---) ? , born 1794/1800; died 1838/40 in Wayne Co, NC; (2) in 1838/40 in Wayne Co, NC Sarah (---) , born 1813/14 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1850/60 in Wayne Co, NC; (3) in 1850/60 in Wayne Co, NC Mary "Polly" (---) , born 1814/15 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1870 in Wayne Co, NC.


      Children of Jesse Grant and (---) ? were as follows:

+    2          i      Allen2 Grant , born 1823/24 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1864/70.  He married Matilda (---) .

+    3          ii      Imogene2 Grant , born 1830 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1865/70 in Cumberland Co, NC.  She married Clemons Wood .

+    4          iii      Elisha2 Grant , born 1831/32 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1862/70 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married Julia Graddy .

      5          iv      Vicey2 Grant , born 1833/34 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1850 in Cumberland Co, NC.

      6          v      Martha2 Grant , born 1835/36 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1850 in Cumberland Co, NC.

+    7          vi      James H2 Grant , born 1837/38 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1880/1900 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married Eliza Newell .


      Children of Jesse Grant and Sarah (---) were as follows:

      8          i      Thomas2 Grant , born 1846/47 in Cumberland Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Wayne Co, NC.

      9          ii      Catherine Louisa2 Grant , born 1847/48 in Cumberland Co, NC; died aft 1870 in Wayne Co, NC.

      10         iii      Rebecca2 Grant , born 1850/51 in Cumberland Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Wayne Co, NC.


Generation 2


2. Allen2 Grant  (Jesse1), born 1823/24 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1864/70.  He married abt 1850 in Cumberland Co, NC Matilda (---) , born 1819/20 in Cumberland Co, NC; died aft 1870 in Wayne Co, NC.


      Children of Allen Grant and Matilda (---) were as follows:

      11         i      Julia3 Grant , born 1854/55 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1870 in Wayne Co, NC.

      12         ii      Virginia3 Grant , born 1863/64 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1870 in Wayne Co, NC.



3. Imogene2 Grant  (Jesse1), born 1830 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1865/70 in Cumberland Co, NC.  She married on 19 Dec 1850 in Cumberland Co, NC Clemons Wood , born 1827/28 in Cumberland Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Cumberland Co, NC, son of John Wood  and Zilphia Goodman .


      Children of Imogene Grant and Clemons Wood were as follows:

      13         i      John3 Wood , born 1850/51 in Cumberland Co, NC.

      14         ii      Eliza W3 Wood , born 1852/53 in Cumberland Co, NC.

      15         iii      Jesse3 Wood , born 1855/56 in Cumberland Co, NC.

      16         iv      Thomas3 Wood , born 1856/57 in Cumberland Co, NC.

      17         v      Allen3 Wood , born 1857/58 in Cumberland Co, NC.

      18         vi      Julia3 Wood , born 1863/64 in Cumberland Co, NC.

      19         vii      Ellender3 Wood , born 1864/65 in Cumberland Co, NC.



4. Elisha2 Grant  (Jesse1), born 1831/32 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1862/70 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married on 16 Feb 1857 in Wayne Co, NC Julia Graddy , born 1825/26 in Duplin Co, NC; died aft 1900 in Johnston Co, NC, daughter of Abner Graddy  and Sally (---) .


      Children of Elisha Grant and Julia Graddy were as follows:

      20         i      Elizabeth "Betsy"3 Grant , born 1857/58 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1900 in Johnston Co, NC.

+    21         ii      Elisha3 Grant , born Feb 1863 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1900 in Johnston Co, NC.  He married Alice (---) .



7. James H2 Grant  (Jesse1), born 1837/38 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1880/1900 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married on 16 Sep 1859 in Wayne Co, NC Eliza Newell , born Aug 1842 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1900 in Wayne Co, NC.


      Children of James H Grant and Eliza Newell were as follows:

      22         i      Kinnisa3 Grant , born 1857/58 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Wayne Co, NC.

      23         ii      Jesse James3 Grant , born 1860/61 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Wayne Co, NC.

      24         iii      Martha3 Grant , born 1862/63 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Wayne Co, NC.

      25         iv      Allen3 Grant , born 1865/66 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Wayne Co, NC.

      26         v      Cicero3 Grant , born Dec 1868 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1900 in Wayne Co, NC.

      27         vi      Mary E3 Grant , born Apr 1870 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Wayne Co, NC.

      28         vii      Penny3 Grant , born 1871/72 in Wayne Co, NC.

      29         viii      Mayo3 Grant , born 1873/74 in Wayne Co, NC.

      30         ix      John J3 Grant , born Aug 1877 in Wayne Co, NC.

      31         x      William3 Grant , born 1877/78 in Wayne Co, NC.

      32         xi      George W3 Grant , born Jan 1881 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1900 in Wayne Co, NC.


Generation 3


21. Elisha3 Grant  (Elisha2, Jesse1), born Feb 1863 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1900 in Johnston Co, NC.  He married in 1892/93 in Johnston Co, NC Alice (---) , born in NC.


      Children of Elisha Grant and Alice (---) were as follows:

      33         i      Walter C4 Grant , born May 1894 in Johnston Co, NC.

      34         ii      Charles H4 Grant , born Aug 1895 in Johnston Co, NC.

      35         iii      Lola M4 Grant , born Jan 1897 in Johnston Co, NC.

      36         iv      Julia4 Grant , born Feb 1898 in Johnston Co, NC.

      37         v      Mary L4 Grant , born Mar 1899 in Johnston Co, NC. Home > Genealogy > Grant > Families > Jesse