William Grant (c1789) and Sarah Elms of Rutherford and McDowell Co, NC

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I (Marty Grant) am a 1st cousin 6 times removed to William Grant.

William Grant was born ca 1788/89 in Rutherford Co, NC, perhaps in the Cove Creek area or perhaps Mountain Creek.

He is a proven son of Alexander Grant and Susanna Morris.

After Alexander Grant died ca 1805/06, William and his siblings were considered orphans by the court (even though their mother Susanna was still living), so a guardian had to be appointed. In January 1809  Susanna was appointed guardian to the "orphans and infants" of Alexander Grant, including William, Polly, John, Morris, James and Patsy Grant. Today we generally think of an "orphan" as someone who lost both parents, but in those days it only meant the father was dead (though the wife could also be dead, making them true orphans in the sense we think of the term today). Also today we think of an "infant" as a very small child, less than a year or two old. However, again, in those days the term had a different meaning, it meant anyone under age 21. In this case, in 1809, William Grant was about 20 years old, but was still considered an infant and needed a guardian.

The 1810 census seems to show William in the household of his mother Susanna Grant, or at least she had someone there with her his age.

On 9 Dec 1812 Ledbetter Bradley sold William Grant 100 acres on a branch of Cove Creek. (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book 27/28 page 7).

The land listed above was probably in what later became McDowell County.

In Feb 1813 William Grant obtained a marriage bond to marry Sally Elms. I have a marriage date of 2 Mar 1813 for them. I believe that comes from his obituary, but I'm not sure (yet).

On 13 Oct 1818 William Grant acted as the bondsman for the marriage of James Grant and Nancy Tomerlin. Many have assumed this was William's brother James, but his brother James was only about 14 or 15 in 1818, so it isn't him. I personally think this is James W. Grant son of Clementine Grant but can't be totally sure. This James would be a 1st cousin of William.

In April 1819 William Grant was listed in Rutherford Co, NC Court Minutes for a juror for the next term.. He showed up several times in July 1819 as a juror.

William Grant was listed on the 1820 census in Rutherford Co, NC. He wasn't listed close to any of the other Grants. His neighbors seem to be names later found in McDowell County, so he was probably living on Cove Creek in the part of Rutherford that became McDowell.

1820 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1820 Rutherford Co, NC pg 344 William Grant 200010-10100
1 Male(s) 26-44       (1775-1794)	William GRANT (1788/89) s/o Alexander
2 Male(s) 0-9         (1810-1820)	John Alexander GRANT (1813/14) son
					Morris GRANT (1815/20) son
1 Female(s) 16-25     (1794-1804)	Sarah ELMS Grant (1791) wife
1 Female(s) 0-9       (1810-1820)	Mary GRANT (1819) daughter

In January 1823 William Grant was in Rutherford County Court and took the Oath to be a Justice for the county. His name appeared often after that as a Justice of the Peace. He was reappointed several times over the next several years.

On 24 Aug 1823 the heirs of Alexander Grant each drew for tracts of his land. William Grant received Tract # 1. Polly Grant Morgan received # 4 but the deed states she transferred it to William Grant. (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book 34 page 186).

The above lands consisted of 50 1/2 acres (Tract # 1) and 20 1/2 acres (Tract # 4).

On 4 Mar 1824 William Grant and his wife Sarah sold (or did something with) 210 acres she had inherited as an heir of John Elms, deceased (her father). For some reason, I didn't note who they gave (or sold) the land to. (See notes for 1833). (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book 35 page 83).

On 14 Mar 1825 William Grant and Thomas Morris (his Uncle) were appointed administrators of Susanna Grant, deceased. (Rutherford Co, NC Court Minutes 1821-1825 page 331).

On 31 Jan 1826 William Grant, James Morgan and his wife Peggy Morgan, James Grant, Jesse Morgan and wife Polly Morgan, John Grant, Holland Bradley and wife Patsy Bradley, bound themselves together for $1000, all heirs at law of Susanna Grant, deceased, to appoint a commission for division of 119 acres on Cove Creek. (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book 36 page 20).

In Nov 1826 Court, William Grant was appointed guardian to Delincy Elms and Jincey Elms, orphans of John Elms, deceased. Unless this was a different John Elms, then these two girls were sisters of William Grant's wife Sarah.

In July 1827 William Grant was appointed Inspector of the Polls for Cove Precinct (and reappointed in the following years). (Rutherford Co, NC Court Minutes 1825-1830 page 179).

On 5 Aug 1827 James Grant sold his part of the inheritance to his brother William Grant. This was for Tract # 2 being 30 1/2 acres. (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book 41/42 page 11).

On 15 Aug 1827 William Grant sold 25 acres to James Grant. The deed states it was drawn from the estate of Alexander Grant, so I'm thinking this was half of the 50 acre tract that William received. (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book 39/40 page 406).

William Grant was listed on the 1830 census in Rutherford Co, NC on the same page with many of his Grant relatives.

1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1830 Rutherford County, NC pg 451 William Grant 1111001000000-1211010000000
1 Male(s) 40-49        (1780-1790)	William GRANT (1788/89) s/o Alexander
1 Male(s) 15-19        (1810-1815)	John Alexander GRANT (1813/14) son
1 Male(s) 10-14        (1815-1820)	Morris GRANT (1815/20) son m 1837
1 Male(s) 5-9          (1820-1825)	Edward Hampton GRANT (1821/22) son
1 Male(s) 0-4          (1825-1830)	William Lafayette GRANT (1829) son
1 Female(s) 30-39      (1790-1800)	Sarah ELMS Grant (1797) Wife
1 Female(s) 15-19      (1810-1815)	Daughter? (1810/15) * Not in 1820 --> gone by 1840
1 Female(s) 10-14      (1815-1820)	Mary GRANT (1819) daughter
2 Female(s) 5-9        (1820-1825)	Nancy J. GRANT (1824/25) daughter
					Daughter? (1820/25) --> gone by 1840 or 1825/30
1 Female(s) 0-4        (1825-1830)	Kizzia Caroline GRANT (1829/30) daughter

Throughout the 1830's William Grant was listed in the Court minutes for various reasons, Jury duty, appointed Inspector of the Polls, etc.

On 27 Feb 1833 William Grant and his wife Sarah sold 210 acres to Rebeckah Wilkerson. This seems to be the same land mentioned in the deed dated 4 Mar 1824 that came from the Estate of John Elms. William Grant signed this deed with a mark of "G" and Sally with an "X". This "G" for William's mark makes some researchers list him as "William G. Grant", but that does not mean his middle initial (if he even had one) was "G". (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book 41/42 page 637)

On 11 Mar 1833 James Holland Bradley and wife Patsy Bradley (sister of William Grant) sold William Grant 25 1/2 acres that was Patsy's inheritance from their father Alexander Grant. (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book 39/40 page 60)

In 1835 a Congressional Election was held for the 12th District, which included Rutherford Co, NC. William Grant was listed as a voter in Cove Creek Precinct.

On 5 May 1837 William Grant received a State land grant for 100 acres. (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book 41/42 page 575)

William Grant was listed on the 1840 census in Rutherford Co, NC. The only other Grant listed close by was his son Morris Grant.

1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1840 Rutherford County, NC pg 339 William Grant 0101100100000-2221101000000
1 Male(s) 50-59        (1780-1790)	William GRANT (1788/89) s/o Alexander 
1 Male(s) 20-29        (1810-1820)	John Alexander GRANT (1813/14) son m 1841
1 Male(s) 15-19        (1820-1825)	Edward Hampton GRANT (1821/22) son m 1847
1 Male(s) 5-9          (1830-1835)	William Lafayette GRANT (1829) son
1 Female(s) 40-49      (1790-1800)	Sarah ELMS Grant (1797) wife
1 Female(s) 20-29      (1810-1820)	Mary GRANT (1819) daughter m 1842
1 Female(s) 15-19      (1820-1825)	Nancy J. GRANT (1824/25) daughter m 1846
2 Female(s) 10-14      (1825-1830)	Daughter? (1825/30) * 1820/25 in 1830 --> gone by 1850
					Kizzia Caroline GRANT (1829/30) daughter m ca 1850
2 Female(s) 5-9        (1830-1835)	Sarah GRANT (1832/33) daughter
					Milley GRANT (1833/34) daughter
2 Female(s) 0-4        (1835-1840)	Martha GRANT (1835/36) daughter
					Amanda GRANT (1839/40) daughter

In 1842 McDowell County was created from parts of Burke and Rutherford, and included the section of Cove Creek where William Grant lived, though he was quite close to the new Rutherford County line.

William Grant was listed on the 1850 census in McDowell County, NC. None of the other Grants were very close by.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 McDOWELL CO, NC Page 258   House/Family #   50/  50

GRANT WILLIAM         61 M W FARMER                2560 NC                   1788/1789
GRANT SARAH           52 F W                            NC                   1797/1798
GRANT SARAH M         17 F W                            NC                   1832/1833
GRANT MILLEY          16 F W                            NC                   1833/1834
GRANT LAFAYETTE       20 M W                            NC                   1829/1830
GRANT MARTHA          14 F W                            NC                   1835/1836
GRANT AMANDA          10 F W                            NC                   1839/1840
GRANT WILLIAM E       10 M W                            NC                   1839/1840

The youngest child listed, William E. Grant, was not a son of William, but a grandson, a son of Morris Grant, deceased.

William Grant made his Will on 14 Oct 1853 in McDowell Co, NC (recorded in Book 1 page 36). It was proven in the Spring of 1854. I don't have a copy of the actual will, but here are those he named as heirs: Wife Sally, sons John A., E. H., Morris and daughters Mary Bright, Nancy Allin, Carline Elliott, Miry Grant, Milly Grant and also John Simeon Er Grant son of Milly. And daughters Marthy, Mandy. As Executors he named his son John A. Grant, E. H. Grant and his wife Sary Grant. Witnesses were James Ledbetter and Drury Bradley.

Sarah Elms Grant remained in McDowell Co, NC after the death of William. She was listed on the 1860 census there with only her grandson John (John Simeon Grant) living with her.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 McDOWELL CO, NC Page 205B  House/Family #  763/ 763 -- MARION P.O.

GRANT SARAH           63 F W                   2000  2500 NC                   1796/1797
GRANT JOHN             5 M W                              NC                   1854/1855

The 1870 census shows Sarah Elms Grant still in McDowell County, and in Marion Township. She had a Leander Grant, age 14, race = "Black" with her. There were some other Black Grant families in McDowell Co, NC in 1870, so it is possible they were former slaves of the William Grant family. I haven't yet tried to figure out if that is the case.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 McDOWELL CO, NC Page       House/Family #  210/ 210--MARION Twp

GRANT SARAH           73 F W KEEPING HOUSE                    NC              1796/1797
GRANT LEANDER         14 M B FARM LABOR                       NC              1855/1856

Sarah made her Will on 25 Jul 1870 in McDowell Co, NC (recorded in Book 2 page 82). She wrote a codicil to the Will on 4 Sep 1879. The Wills were proven 31 Dec 1879. I don't have a copy of the will, but I have the pertinent data. She named as heirs: granddaughters Polly Ann & Sarah Mira Morgan, minor heirs of Silas Morgan; to Nancy Allen wife of John Allen; to Carolina Elliott, wife of Lawson Elliott. To Granddaughter Alice J & Amanda R. Nichols children of Walton Nichols. She named Dr. J.H. Gilkey as Executor. In the Codicil she mentioned her four grandchildren: Alice J & Amanda R. Nichols, Polly Ann & Sarah M. Morgan and she named her four daughters: Mrs. Nancy Allen, Mrs. Mary Bright, Mrs. A.P. Jordan & Mrs. Caroline Elliott and son Alexander (Grant).

Though she was already dead, Sarah Grant was listed on the 1880 census in McDowell Co, NC in the household of her daughter Amelia Grant Elliott Jordan. Her entry was marked out by the census taker since it was noted she died before the census date. She was listed on the 1880 Mortality Schedule for McDowell Co, NC. Her entry stated Sarah Grant, age 83, Female, White, Widow, born NC, father born NC, mother born NC, died December (1879) of Heart Disease (Bronchitis and Fever were listed first but marked out).  


William and Sarah's children are proven by their two Wills, his dated 1853, and hers dated 1870 and 1879.

John Alexander Grant (c1814-1887)

Morris Grant (c1815/20-1844)

Mary Grant (1819-1894)

Edward Hampton Grant (c1822-after 1880)

Nancy J. Grant (c1825-after 1880)

W. Lafayette Grant (1829-1859)

Kiziah Caroline Grant (c1830)

Sarah Myra Grant (c1833-1858)

Amelia "Milly" Grant (c1834-after 1880)

Martha E. Grant (c1836-after 1854)

Amanda Grant (c1840-1869)  

John Alexander Grant was born ca 1813/14 in Rutherford Co, NC. He is a proven son of William and Sarah by William's Will (1853) and Sarah's (1879).

He married Minty M. Bruce in 1841.

See his own page for additional data.  

Morris Grant was born ca 1815/20 in Rutherford Co, NC. He is a proven son of William and Sarah by William's Will (1853).

He married Almira M. Morrow. See his own page for additional data.  

Mary Grant was born ca 11 Nov 1819 (per Kay Roberds) in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC). She was apparently home with her parents in 1820 (age "under 5", born ca 1815/20), and still home in 1830 (age 10-14, born ca 1815/20), and apparently still home in 1840 (age 20-29, born ca 1810/20).

Thanks to Kay Roberds for most of the birth and death dates, and full names, etc., that I have on this branch of the family.

On 21 Feb 1842, Aaron Bright obtained a marriage bond in Rutherford County to marry Mary Grant. J. A. Grant (John A. Grant, Mary's brother) was the bondsman. They have married in what is now McDowell, for it was during this same year that McDowell was formed from part of Rutherford. Aaron Bright was born 5 Sep 1813, son of James Bright and Dinah Johnson (all per Kay Roberds).

They were listed on the 1850 census in McDowell, just a few houses from Mary's parents.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 McDOWELL CO, NC Page 257B  House/Family #   41/  41  -  Twp

BRIGHT AARON          37 M W FARMER                 900 NC                   1812/1813
BRIGHT MARY           31 F W                            NC                   1818/1819
BRIGHT AMANDA J        8 F W                            NC                   1841/1842
BRIGHT SARAH C         6 F W                            NC                   1843/1844
BRIGHT JOHN            3 M W                            NC                   1846/1847
BRIGHT CRATON          2 M W                            NC                   1847/1848
BRIGHT ELMIRA          1 F W                            NC                   1848/1849

She was named in her father William Grant's will (1853) as daughter "Mary Bright".

For the 1860 census, they were in McDowell still, listed with Post Office at Sugar Hill.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 McDOWELL CO, NC Page 195   House/Family #  607/ 607 -- SUGAR HILL P.O.

BRIGHT AARON          47 M W LABORER                      NC                   1812/1813
BRIGHT MARY           45 F W                              NC                   1814/1815
BRIGHT JANE           18 F W                              NC                   1841/1842
BRIGHT SARAH          16 F W                              NC                   1843/1844
BRIGHT JOHN           14 M W                              NC                   1845/1846
BRIGHT CRAIGTON       12 M W                              NC                   1847/1848
BRIGHT MARIAH?        11 F W                              NC                   1848/1849
BRIGHT LINA            9 F W                              NC                   1850/1851
BRIGHT WILLIAM         7 M W                              NC                   1852/1853
BRIGHT DORIEN?         5 F W                              NC                   1854/1855
BRIGHT MARY            4 F W                              NC                   1855/1856
BRIGHT ARON            0 M W 11/12                        NC                   1859/1860

Aaron Bright died on 10 Dec 1866 (per Kay Roberds) in McDowell County. I'm don't know where he is buried.

Mary was named in her mother's 1870 Will as daughter "Mrs. Mary Bright".

Mary was listed on the 1870 census in McDowell County, in Sugar Hill Township.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 McDOWELL CO, NC Page 678B  House/Family #   53/  53--SUGAR HILL Twp

BRIGHT MARY           50 F W KEEPING HOUSE         1200   400 NC              1819/1820
BRIGHT D C            22 M W FARM LABOR                       NC              1847/1848
BRIGHT AMANDA         23 F W AT HOME                          NC              1846/1847
BRIGHT ELMIRA         21 F W                                  NC              1848/1849
BRIGHT SALINA         18 F W                                  NC              1851/1852
BRIGHT WILLIAM        16 M W                                  NC              1853/1854
BRIGHT RENA           14 F W                                  NC              1855/1856
BRIGHT MARY           12 F W                                  NC              1857/1858
BRIGHT LAFAYETTE      10 M W                                  NC              1859/1860
BRIGHT JAMES           8 M W                                  NC              1861/1862

Mary was still in McDowell for the 1880 census in Montford Township.

Mary Grant Bright died 13 Nov 1894 in McDowell County.

Edward Hampton Grant was born ca 1821/22 in Rutherford Co, NC. He is a proven son of William and Sarah by William's Will (1853) but wasn't mentioned in Sarah's (1879). He married first to Evaline S. Hicks and second to Mary E. Mackey.

See his own page for additional data.

Nancy J. Grant was born ca 1824/25 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC). She was apparently home with her parents in 1830 (age 5-9, born ca 1820/25), and apparently still home in 1840 (age 15-19, born ca 1820/25).

On 29 Aug 1846, Nancy J. Grant married John M. Allen in McDowell Co, NC. John was born ca 1816/17, presumably in Rutherford County. I don't know who his parents were.

They lived in neighboring Rutherford County in different places over the next several years.

They were listed on the 1850 census in Rutherford County in Cathies Creek District, but not near any of the Grants.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 RUTHERFORD CO, NC Page 308   House/Family # 1124/1154  - CATHIES CREEK DIST Twp

ALLEN JOHN M          33 M W FARMER                 350 NC                   1816/1817
ALLEN NANCY           22 F W                            NC                   1827/1828
ALLEN MARY             3 F W                            NC                   1846/1847
ALLEN WILLIAM          1 M W                            NC                   1848/1849
RODGERS ELIZABETH     10 F W                            GA                   1839/1840
BIBBS HOIL            11 M M                            NC                   1838/1839

She was named in her father William Grant's will (1853) as daughter "Nancy Allin".

For the 1860 census, they were in Broad River Township, Green Hill Post Office.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 RUTHERFORD CO, NC Page 343   House/Family #  970/ 970 -- BROAD RIVER DIST Twp  GREEN HILL P.O.

ALLEN J M             45 M W FARMER            3500  3000 NC                   1814/1815
ALLEN NANCY           34 F W                              NC                   1825/1826
ALLEN JOSEPH          11 M W                              NC                   1848/1849
ALLEN MARY            17 F W                              NC                   1842/1843
ALLEN JAMES            8 M W                              NC                   1851/1852
ALLEN JOHN             7 M W                              NC                   1852/1853
ALLEN SARAH            5 F W                              NC                   1854/1855
ALLEN NANCY            3 F W                              NC                   1856/1857
ALLEN INFANT           1 M W                              NC                   1858/1859

At some point in the 1860's, John M. Allen became a County Commissioner for Rutherford County.

They were listed on the 1870 census in Rutherford County in Rutherfordton (town). They were next door to the Matilda Grant (c1830) family, a black family, who is probably somehow connected to the Grants. For some reason, John M. Allen was listed as James M. Allen on this census.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 RUTHERFORD CO, NC Page 142B  House/Family #  133/ 133--RUTHERFORD Twp

ALLEN JAMES M         54 M W COUNTY COMMISSIONER   5600  1700 NC              1815/1816
ALLEN NANCY J         44 F W KEEPING HOUSE                    NC              1825/1826
ALLEN MARY L          22 F W AT HOME                          NC              1847/1848
ALLEN JOHN L          17 M W FARM LABOR                       NC              1852/1853
ALLEN SARAH A         15 F W AT HOME                          NC              1854/1855
ALLEN NANCY J         13 F W AT HOME                          NC              1856/1857
ALLEN LEONARD L       11 M W AT HOME                          NC              1858/1859
ALLEN DRURY V          8 M W                                  NC              1861/1862
ALLEN SOUSAN E         3 F W                                  NC              1866/1867

John and family were listed on the 1880 census in Rutherford County, in Rutherfordton. They were just 8 houses from Susan Grant (c1835), who is unidentified.

1880 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1880 RUTHERFORD CO, NC Page 444   House/Family #   123/ 123 -- RUTHERFORDTON Twp

ALLEN JOHN           W M  66    M FARMER               NC  NC  NC  1813/1814
ALLEN NANCY          W F  52 WF M KEEPING HOUSE        NC  NC  NC  1827/1828
ALLEN LEONARD        W M  19 S  S                      NC  NC  NC  1860/1861
ALLEN VANCE          W M  17 S  S                      NC  NC  NC  1862/1863
ALLEN SUSAN          W F  15 D  S                      NC  NC  NC  1864/1865

I have no data on them after this.

W. Lafayette Grant was born ca 16 Nov 1829 (calculated from age on his tombstone) in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC). He was apparently home with his parents in 1830 (age "under 5", born ca 1825/30), and apparently still home in 1840 (age 5-9, born ca 1830/35), and still home in 1850 ("Lafayette" age 20, born NC).

For some reason, he was not named in his father's 1853 Will. He was still alive then, but I don't know why he was not named. Also, neither he, nor his only child were named in his mother's 1870 Will. These facts combined make me wonder if he was actually not a son of William and Sarah. He was living with them in 1850, but he could have been a nephew or other relative instead.

On 9 Aug 1855, W. L. Grant (and W. B. Morris and E. L. Morris) witnessed the Will of Isaac Morris in McDowell County. (McDowell Co, NC Will Book 1 page 64).

On 25 Nov 1858, W. L. Grant obtained a marriage bond in Rutherford County to marry Emily Matilda Crawford. A. W. Crawford was bondsman. Emily was born ca 1839/40, in Rutherford (now McDowell) Co, NC, daughter of James and Elizabeth (---) Crawford.

W. L. Grant died one year later after his marriage, on 24 Nov 1859 in either McDowell or Rutherford County. He is buried at Montford Cove Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery. His stone gives his age as 30 years and 8 days.

Widow Emily and daughter Ellen were living with her parents in 1860 in McDowell Co, NC.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 McDOWELL CO, NC Page 191B  House/Family #  571/ 571 -- MARION P.O.

CRAWFORD JAMES        47 M W FARM MECHANIC      800  1600 NC                   1812/1813
CRAWFORD ELIZABETH    40 F W                              NC                   1819/1820
CRAWFORD ALFRED       21 M W                              NC                   1838/1839
CRAWFORD TEMPA        18 F W                              NC                   1841/1842
GRANT EMILY           20 F W                              NC                   1839/1840
GRANT ELLEN            0 F W 5/12                         NC                   1859/1860
CRAWFORD JOHN         18 M W LABORER                      NC                   1841/1842
CRAWFORD D?           15 M W                              NC                   1844/1845
CRAWFORD LEVINA?      12 F W                              NC                   1847/1848
CRAWFORD WILLIAM      11 M W                              NC                   1848/1849
CRAWFORD LEANDER       9 M W                              NC                   1850/1851
CRAWFORD FELINA        7 F W                              NC                   1852/1853
CRAWFORD MADISON       5 M W                              NC                   1854/1855
CRAWFORD JULIA         4 F W                              NC                   1855/1856

On 13 Jun 1861 Thomas B. Wilson obtained a marriage bond in McDowell County to marry Emelia Grant. L. D. Perkins was the bondsman. Thomas B. Wilson was born ca 1815/16 in NC.

They were listed on the 1870 census in McDowell County in Marion Township.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 McDOWELL CO, NC Page 623   House/Family #   35/  35--MARION Twp

WILSON THOMAS         52 M W FARMER                 400   300 NC              1817/1818
WILSON EMILY M        29 F W KEEPING HOUSE                    NC              1840/1841
WILSON ELMIRA         14 F W AT HOME                          NC              1855/1856
WILSON ELLEN          10 F W                                  NC              1859/1860
WILSON DIXIE           8 F W                                  NC              1861/1862
WILSON THOMAS          6 M W                                  NC              1863/1864
WILSON WILLIAM         4 M W                                  NC              1865/1866
WILSON LIZZIE LEE      1 F W                                  NC              1868/1869
WILSON REBECCA         1 F W                                  NC              1868/1869
FERRELL ANGALIN       33 F W ALL IN HOUSE                     NC              1836/1837
FERRELL EDMOND         9 M W                                  NC              1860/1861

They were still in McDowell County for the 1880 census, in Montford Cove Township.

1880 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1880 McDOWELL CO, NC Page       House/Family #   134/ 134 -- MONTFORD COVE Twp

WILSON THOMAS B      W M  64      FARMER               NC  NC  NC  1815/1816
WILSON EMILY M       W F  40 WF   KEEPING HOUSE        NC  NC  NC  1839/1840
WILSON SARAH E       W F  25 D                         NC  NC  NC  1854/1855
WILSON JOHN D        W M  18 S                         NC  NC  NC  1861/1862
WILSON THOMAS W      W M  16 S    FARM LABOR           NC  NC  NC  1863/1864
WILSON WILLIAM M     W M  14 S    FARM LABOR           NC  NC  NC  1865/1866
WILSON REBECCA E     W F  11 D                         NC  NC  NC  1868/1869
WILSON ELIZABETH LEE W F  11 D                         NC  NC  NC  1868/1869
GRANT ELLA L         W F  20 SD                        NC  NC  NC  1859/1860

I have no data on them after this.

Kiziah Caroline Grant was born ca 1829/30 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC). She was apparently home with her parents in 1830 (age "under 5", born ca 1825/30), and apparently still home in 1840 (age 1014, born ca 1825/30).

Caroline Grant married James Lawson Elliott sometime before 1850, but probably not too long before, for by the 1850 census, they had no children yet. I did not find a marriage record for them, but their marriage is proven by both being named in the Will of Caroline's mother Sarah Elms Grant. Lawson Elliott was born ca 1824/25 in Rutherford Co, NC. He may be a son of Jonathan Elliott (c1802), since they were living next door to each other in 1850, and they named their oldest son "Jonathan".

They lived in neighboring Rutherford County in the Mountain Creek / Green Hill area (which isn't far at all from the rest of the family in McDowell County).

They were listed on the 1850 census in Rutherford County. They were next door to Jonathan Elliott (c1802), who could be Lawson's father. They were just two pages from her brother John A. Grant.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 RUTHERFORD CO, NC Page 279   House/Family #  689/ 702  - MOUNTAIN CREEK DIST Twp

ELLIOTT LUSAN         25 M W FARMER                     NC                   1824/1825
ELLIOTT KIZAH         20 F W                            NC                   1829/1830

She was named in her father William Grant's will (1853) as daughter "Carline Elliott".

Lawson and Caroline were listed on the 1860 census in Rutherford County.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 RUTHERFORD CO, NC Page 335   House/Family #  862/ 862 -- MOUNTAIN CREEK DIST Twp  GREEN HILL P.O.

ELLIOTT J L           32 M W FARMER            1000   800 NC                   1827/1828
ELLIOTT CAROLINE      20 F W                              NC                   1839/1840
ELLIOTT JOHNATHAN      8 M W                              NC                   1851/1852
ELLIOTT SARAH          6 F W                              NC                   1853/1854
ELLIOTT ABERY          4 M W                              NC                   1855/1856
ELLIOTT WILLIAM        2 M W                              NC                   1857/1858
ELLIOTT INFANT         1 M W                              NC                   1858/1859

They were still in Rutherford County for the 1870 census.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 RUTHERFORD CO, NC Page 95B   House/Family #  196/ 192--GREEN HILL Twp

ELLIOTT LAWSON        46 M W FARMER                 656   652 NC              1823/1824
ELLIOTT KIZY C        43 F W KEEPING HOUSE                    NC              1826/1827
ELLIOTT JONATHAN      19 M W AT SCHOOL                        NC              1850/1851
ELLIOTT SARAH         16 F W AT HOME                          NC              1853/1854
ELLIOTT WILLIAM       15 M W AT HOME                          NC              1854/1855
ELLIOTT AMERY         14 M W AT SCHOOL                        NC              1855/1856
ELLIOTT CHAMP D       10 M W AT SCHOOL                        NC              1859/1860
ELLIOTT THOMAS         8 M W                                  NC              1861/1862
ELLIOTT JULIA          7 F W                                  NC              1862/1863
ELLIOTT LOGAN          2 M W                                  NC              1867/1868

Both Lawson and Caroline were named in her mother's 1870 Will.

They were still in Rutherford for the 1880 census, with several of their married children close by. ** I don't have this entry typed up yet.

Sarah Myra Grant was born ca 1832/33 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC). She was apparently home with her parents in 1840 (age 5-9, born ca 1830/35). She was at home in 1850 ("Sarah M", age 17).

She was named in her father William Grant's will (1853) as daughter "Miry Grant".

On 10 Mar 1855 S. M. Morgan (Silas Marion Morgan) obtained a marriage bond in McDowell County to marry Mariah Grant. "E. Morgan" was the bondsman (probably Silas' brother Enoch Morgan). Silas and Myra were first cousins. He was born 10 Jun 1818 in Rutherford County, NC, son of Jesse Morgan and Mary Grant.

They lived in neighboring Buncombe County in the Hominy Creek area (where many of the Morgans lived).

Sarah Myra Grant Morgan died on 26 Dec 1858 (source?) in Buncombe County, leaving three children, the youngest just a few months old.

Silas Morgan married two more times after the death of Myra Grant.

In her 1870 Will, Sarah Elms Grant, named the two daughters of Silas Morgan and Myra Grant, and mentioned "brothers" of theirs, but not by name (they only had one full brother,).

See Jesse Morgan and Mary Grant's page for more on Silas Morgan.

Amelia P. "Milley" Grant was born ca 1833/34 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC). She was apparently home with her parents in 1840 (age 5-9, born ca 1830/35). She was at home in 1850 ("Milley", age 16).

Milly Grant had a child out of wedlock circa 1851. I don't know who his father was, but the child was named John Simeon Grant or Simeon John Grant.

Milly Grant and her son were named in her father William Grant's will (1853). She was named as "Milly" and "John Simeon Er Grant".

On 8 Feb 1855, Milley Grant married William Elliott (William Elliott Jr) in McDowell Co, NC. "M. Hall" was the bondsman. William Elliott was born ca 1831/32 in Rutherford Co, NC, son of William Elliott and Lavina ---.

William and Milley were in neighboring Rutherford County for the 1860 census in Buffalo District. Their post office was Grassy Knob. They were living with William's father, William Sr. They were not too far from several Grant cousins. Milly's son John Simeon Grant was in McDowell County with his grandmother Sarah Elms Grant.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 RUTHERFORD CO, NC Page 370   House/Family # 1364/1364 -- BUFFALO DIST Twp  GRASSY KNOB P.O.

ELLIOTT WILLIAM       70 M W FARMER            3000  2500 NC                   1789/1790
ELLIOTT WILLIAM       23 M W                              NC                   1836/1837
ELLIOTT MILLY         25 F W                              NC                   1834/1835
ELLIOTT AMANDA        21 F W                              NC                   1838/1839
ELLIOTT CALDONA        3 F W                              NC                   1856/1857

William Elliott died sometime before between 1860 and 1870. I have not checked to see if their are Civil War records for him, but since he died in that timeframe, he may have served and died as a result.

Milly Grant Elliott married a Mr. Jordan sometime in the 1860's, probably in Rutherford or McDowell County. I have not yet found his given name.

Mr. Jordan died sometime before 1870.

Milly was named in her mother's Will (1870) as "Mrs. A. P. Jordan".

Milly and children were listed on the 1870 census in McDowell County, just two houses from her brother Hampton Grant.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 McDOWELL CO, NC Page 674   House/Family #  151/ 151--OLD FORT Twp

JORDAN AMILLA         46 F W KEEPING HOUSE                    NC              1823/1824
JORDAN SIMEON         18 M W FARM LABOR                       NC              1851/1852
JORDAN LOGAN          15 M W FARM LABOR                       NC              1854/1855
JORDAN MAGGIE         13 F W AT HOME                          NC              1856/1857

Milly was listed on the 1880 census in Crooked Creek Township of McDowell County. Her mother Sarah was listed with her, but her name was crossed out (she had died just before). Milly's son John S. Grant was two houses away.

1880 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1880 McDOWELL CO, NC Page       House/Family #    18/  18 -- CROOKED CREEK Twp

JORDAN AMELIA        W F  44      KEEPING HOUSE        NC  VA  NC  1835/1836
JORDAN MAGDALINA     W F  15 D                         NC  VA  NC  1864/1865
ELLIOT LOGAN         W M  23 S    FARMER               NC  NC  NC  1856/1857
GRANT SARAH          W F  80 MO   BOARDER              NC  NC  NC  1799/1800

I have no data on Milly after this point.

Martha E. Grant was born ca 1835/36 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC). She was apparently home with her parents in 1840 (age "under 5", born ca 1835/40). She was at home in 1850 ("Martha", age 14).

She was named in her father William Grant's will (1853) as daughter "Marthy".

On 3 Oct 1854, Martha E. Grant married William M. Mashburn in McDowell Co, NC. Joseph K. Neal was bondsman. William was born ca 1828/29 in Burke (now McDowell) Co, NC. He was a son of Hodge Mashburn and Jane Allen.

I did not find this family on the 1860 or 1870 census, but they were presumably still in McDowell County.

For some reason, Martha was not named in her mother's 1870 Will, nor in the 1879 codicil to that Will.

For the 1880 census, William and Martha and family were listed in Old Fort Township of McDowell County. ** I don't have this entry typed up yet.

Amanda Grant was born ca 1839/40 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC). She was apparently home with her parents in 1840 (age "under 5", born ca 1835/40). She was at home in 1850 ("Amanda", age 10).

She was named in her father William Grant's will (1853) as daughter "Mandy".

On 17 Aug 1854, Manda Grant married James Walton Nichols in McDowell Co, NC. J. A. Nickels (Nichols) was bondsman. He was probably a close relative of Walton Nichols. Walton Nichols was born ca 1830/31 in Rutherford (now McDowell) Co, NC, son of A. M. Nichols and Jane ---.

They were listed on the 1860 census in McDowell County.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 McDOWELL CO, NC Page 190B  House/Family #  542/ 542 -- MARION P.O.

NICHOLS WALTER        29 M W FARMER             700  1000 NC                   1830/1831
NICHOLS AMANDA        22 F W                              NC                   1837/1838
NICHOLS JOSEPH         2 M W                              NC                   1857/1858
NICHOLS WILLIAM        0 M W 9/12                         NC                   1859/1860

Amanda Grant Nichols died on 29 Dec 1869 (source?) in McDowell Co, NC.

On 25 Jan 1870, Amanda's mother Sarah Elms Grant made her Will in McDowell County. She named (among others) grand daughters Alice J. Nichols and Amanda R. Nichols, children of Walton Nichols, and "their brothers of the whole blood", this clause was probably to exclude Walton Nichols other children, assuming he had some by another marriage.

Walton Nichols and children were listed on the 1870 census in McDowell County just a few houses from his mother-in-law Sarah Grant.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 McDOWELL CO, NC Page 637   House/Family #  205/ 205--MARION Twp

NICHOLS WALTON        39 M W FARMER                 400   400 NC              1830/1831
NICHOLS JOSEPH C      13 M W FARM LABOR                       NC              1856/1857
NICHOLS WILLIAM W     10 M W FARM LABOR                       NC              1859/1860
NICHOLS EVERETT C      9 M W AT HOME                          NC              1860/1861
NICHOLS ROBERT L       4 M W AT HOME                          NC              1865/1866
NICHOLS ALLICE         2 M W                                  NC              1867/1868
NICHOLS AMANDA         0 F W 6/12 Dec                         NC              1869/1870
LOVETT SARAH          25 F W DOMESTIC SERVANT                 NC              1844/1845
LOVETT JOHN            1 M W                                  NC              1868/1869

Walton was listed on the 1880 census in McDowell County, with his children, and with his new wife Elizabeth, and several new children. ** I don't have this entry typed up yet.

Researcher List

Persons researching this family (click here for data on how to get on or off of this list:

Register Report

1. William1 Grant , born 1788/89 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 16 Nov 1853 in McDowell Co, NC, son of Alexander Grant Pvt  and Susanna Morris .  He married on 2 Mar 1813 in Rutherford Co, NC Sarah "Sally" Elms , born 13 Jan 1797 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 23 Dec 1879 in McDowell Co, NC, daughter of John Elms  and Nancy Harris .


      Children of William Grant and Sarah "Sally" Elms were as follows:

+    2          i      John Alexander2 Grant , born 1813/14 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died abt Dec 1887 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married Mintey M Bruce .

+    3          ii      Morris2 Grant , born 1815/20 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died 1844 in McDowell Co, NC.  He married Almira M Morrow .

+    4          iii      Mary2 Grant , born 11 Nov 1819 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died 13 Nov 1894 in McDowell Co, NC.  She married Aaron Bright .

+    5          iv      Edward Hampton2 Grant , born 1821/22 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC).  He married (1) Eveline S Hicks ; (2) Mary E Mackey .

+    6          v      Nancy J2 Grant , born 1824/25 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married John M Allen .

+    7          vi      W Lafayette2 Grant , born 16 Nov 1829 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died 24 Nov 1859 in McDowell Co, NC; buried in Montford Cove Cem, Rutherford Co, NC.  He married Emily Matilda Crawford .

+    8          vii      Kiziah Caroline2 Grant , born 1829/30 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married James Lawson Elliott .

+    9          viii      Sarah Myra2 Grant , born 1832/33 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died 26 Dec 1858 in Buncombe Co, NC.  She married Silas Marion Morgan .

+    10         ix      Amelia P2 Grant , born 1833/34 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC.  She married (1) William Elliott ; (2) (---) Jordan ; (3) (---) ? .

+    11         x      Martha E2 Grant , born 1835/36 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC.  She married William M Mashburn .

+    12         xi      Amanda2 Grant , born 1839/40 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died 29 Dec 1869 in McDowell Co, NC.  She married James Walton Nichols .


Generation 2


2. John Alexander2 Grant  (William1), born 1813/14 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died abt Dec 1887 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married on 13 Dec 1841 in Rutherford Co, NC Mintey M Bruce , born 1818/19 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1906 in Rutherford Co, NC.


      Children of John Alexander Grant and Mintey M Bruce were as follows:

+    13         i      Samuel Bruce3 Grant , born 3 Aug 1842 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 23 Sep 1920 in Rutherford Co, NC; buried in Stone Mountain Missionary, Rutherford Co, NC.  He married Harriett Nanney .

+    14         ii      Rhoda C3 Grant , born 1843/44 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1870 in McDowell Co, NC.  She married W Patton Moffitt .

+    15         iii      William Bailey3 Grant , born 15 Aug 1846 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 22 Dec 1914 in Asheville, Buncombe Co, NC.  He married (1) Margaret Ann Bird ; (2) Bonney B. Nora Smith .

      16         iv      Joseph3 Grant , born 1848/49 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Rutherford Co, NC.

+    17         v      Mary J3 Grant , born 1848/49 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married Jonathan C Elliott .

      18         vi      James Lafayette3 Grant , born 1851/52 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      19         vii      Sarah M3 Grant , born 1853/54 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married on 14 Mar 1878 in Rutherford Co, NC William P Elliott  (see 53), born 1857/58 in Rutherford Co, NC, son of James Lawson Elliott  and Kiziah Caroline Grant .

      20         viii      Hariett3 Grant , born 1855/56 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Rutherford Co, NC.

+    21         ix      Margaret M3 Grant , born 1857/58 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married W B Melton .

      22         x      Martha L3 Grant , born 1862/63 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.



3. Morris2 Grant  (William1), born 1815/20 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died 1844 in McDowell Co, NC.  He married on 23 Dec 1837 in Rutherford Co, NC Almira M Morrow , born 1810/20 in Rutherford Co, NC; died bef 1850 in McDowell Co, NC.


      Children of Morris Grant and Almira M Morrow were as follows:

      23         i      William E3 Grant , born 1839/40 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 6 Dec 1863 in Camp Douglas, IL, Civil War.  He married on 30 Dec 1860 in Rutherford Co, NC Sarah L Amanda Noblet , died aft 1864 in Rutherford Co, NC.



4. Mary2 Grant  (William1), born 11 Nov 1819 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died 13 Nov 1894 in McDowell Co, NC.  She married on 21 Feb 1842 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC) Aaron Bright , born 5 Sep 1813 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 10 Dec 1866 in McDowell Co, NC, son of James Bright  and Dinah Johnson .


      Children of Mary Grant and Aaron Bright were as follows:

+    24         i      Amanda Jane3 Bright , born 13 Jan 1843 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 22 Aug 1883.  She married Alford W Hogan .

      25         ii      Sarah Caroline3 Bright , born 20 Sep 1844 in McDowell Co, NC; died 19 Dec 1866 in McDowell Co, NC.

      26         iii      John Gray3 Bright , born 1 Aug 1846 in McDowell Co, NC; died 18 Dec 1866 in McDowell Co, NC.

+    27         iv      Doctor Craton3 Bright , born 14 Dec 1847 in McDowell Co, NC; died 6 Mar 1886.  He married J E Bright .

      28         v      Elmira Dinah3 Bright , born 11 Apr 1849 in McDowell Co, NC; died 23 Jul 1919.

      29         vi      Selina Susan3 Bright , born 13 Jul 1851 in McDowell Co, NC; died 5 Aug 1924.

+    30         vii      William Pinkney3 Bright , born 11 May 1853 in McDowell Co, NC; died 11 Aug 1893 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married (---) ? .

      31         viii      Sinthy Arrena3 Bright , born 25 Oct 1854 in McDowell Co, NC; died 27 May 1891.  She married on 19 Mar 1882 in McDowell Co, NC William Elijah Morgan , born 9 Feb 1852 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 3 Jun 1928, son of Jesse T Morgan  and Rutha Morgan .

      32         ix      Mary Ann3 Bright , born 25 Oct 1855 in McDowell Co, NC.

      33         x      Aaron Lafayette3 Bright , born 6 Aug 1859 in McDowell Co, NC; died 17 Oct 1913.

+    34         xi      James3 Bright , born 10 Jan 1862 in McDowell Co, NC; died 27 Jul 1937 in McDowell Co, NC.  He married Julia Alice Pool .



5. Edward Hampton2 Grant  (William1), born 1821/22 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC).  He married (1) on 13 Feb 1847 in McDowell Co, NC Eveline S Hicks , born 1823/24 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1859/60 in McDowell Co, NC; (2) on 1 Oct 1861 in McDowell Co, NC Mary E Mackey , born 1839/40 in Burke Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC), daughter of Charles Mackey  and Mary Ann Jordan .


      Children of Edward Hampton Grant and Eveline S Hicks were as follows:

      35         i      James W3 Grant , born 1849 in McDowell Co, NC.

+    36         ii      Morris Hicks3 Grant , born 1850/51 in McDowell Co, NC.  He married Susan Jordan .

      37         iii      Edward H3 Grant , born 1854/55 in McDowell Co, NC.  He married in 1870/80 in McDowell Co, NC Nellie J Stewart , born 1861/62 in McDowell Co, NC, daughter of (---) Stewart  and Lucinda J (---) .

      38         iv      Sarah J3 Grant , born 1856/57 in McDowell Co, NC.

      39         v      Joseph3 Grant , born 1858/59 in McDowell Co, NC.



6. Nancy J2 Grant  (William1), born 1824/25 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married on 29 Aug 1846 in McDowell Co, NC John M Allen , born 1816/17 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.


      Children of Nancy J Grant and John M Allen were as follows:

      40         i      Mary L3 Allen , born 1846/47 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      41         ii      William Joseph3 Allen , born 1848/49 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      42         iii      James3 Allen , born 1851/52 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      43         iv      John L3 Allen , born 1852/53 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      44         v      Sarah A3 Allen , born 1854/55 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      45         vi      Nancy J3 Allen , born 1856/57 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      46         vii      Leonard L3 Allen , born 1858/59 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      47         viii      Drury Vance3 Allen , born 1861/62 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      48         ix      Susan E3 Allen , born 1866/67 in Rutherford Co, NC.



7. W Lafayette2 Grant  (William1), born 16 Nov 1829 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died 24 Nov 1859 in McDowell Co, NC; buried in Montford Cove Cem, Rutherford Co, NC.  He married on 25 Nov 1858 in Rutherford Co, NC Emily Matilda Crawford , born 1839/40 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC, daughter of James Crawford  and Elizabeth (---) .


      Children of W Lafayette Grant and Emily Matilda Crawford were as follows:

      49         i      Ellen L3 Grant , born 1859 in McDowell Co, NC.



8. Kiziah Caroline2 Grant  (William1), born 1829/30 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married abt 1850 in McDowell Co, NC James Lawson Elliott , born 1824/25 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC, son of Jonathan Elliott .


      Children of Kiziah Caroline Grant and James Lawson Elliott were as follows:

+    50         i      Jonathan W3 Elliott , born 1851/52 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married Mary (---) .

      51         ii      Sarah3 Elliott , born 1853/54 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      52         iii      Avery3 Elliott , born 1855/56 in Rutherford Co, NC.

+    53         iv      William P3 Elliott , born 1857/58 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married Sarah M Grant  (see 19).

      54         v      Champ D3 Elliott , born 1860 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      55         vi      Thomas3 Elliott , born 1861/62 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      56         vii      Julia3 Elliott , born 1862/63 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      57         viii      Logan L3 Elliott , born 1867/68 in Rutherford Co, NC.



9. Sarah Myra2 Grant  (William1), born 1832/33 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died 26 Dec 1858 in Buncombe Co, NC.  She married on 10 Mar 1855 in McDowell Co, NC Silas Marion Morgan , born 10 Jun 1818 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 11 Oct 1896 in Buncombe Co, NC, son of Jesse Morgan  and Mary "Polly" Grant .


      Children of Sarah Myra Grant and Silas Marion Morgan were as follows:

      58         i      Mary Ann "Polly"3 Morgan , born 16 Sep 1856 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 22 May 1916.  She married on 16 Jan 1879 in Buncombe Co, NC Enoch Judson Morgan , born 14 Nov 1856 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 20 May 1938, son of Lewis R Morgan  and Grace Morgan .

      59         ii      Sarah Myra3 Morgan , born 29 May 1857 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 12 Oct 1934.  She married on 15 Jan 1874 in Buncombe Co, NC James A Reeves .

      60         iii      Silas Lafayette3 Morgan , born 21 Jun 1858 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 29 Jan 1929.  He married on 24 Dec 1895 in Buncombe Co, NC Elmira Morgan , born 1870/71 in Buncombe Co, NC.



10. Amelia P2 Grant  (William1), born 1833/34 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC.  She married (1) on 8 Feb 1855 in McDowell Co, NC William Elliott , born 1831/32 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1860/70 in McDowell Co, NC, son of William Elliott  and Lavina (---) ; (2) in 1860/70 in McDowell Co, NC (---) Jordan , died 1860/70 in McDowell Co, NC; (3) Not married (---) ? .


      Children of Amelia P Grant and William Elliott were as follows:

      61         i      Magdelena3 Elliott , born 1856/57 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      62         ii      Logan3 Elliott , born 1856/57 in McDowell Co, NC.


      Children of Amelia P Grant and (---) ? were as follows:

+    63         i      Simeon John3 Grant , born 1850/51 in McDowell Co, NC.  He married Ruth M (---) .



11. Martha E2 Grant  (William1), born 1835/36 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC.  She married on 3 Oct 1854 in McDowell Co, NC William M Mashburn , born 1828/29 in Burke Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC, son of Hodge Mashburn  and Jane Allen .


      Children of Martha E Grant and William M Mashburn were as follows:

      64         i      Harriett E3 Mashburn , born 1858/59 in McDowell Co, NC.

      65         ii      William W3 Mashburn , born 1863/64 in McDowell Co, NC.

      66         iii      Wade H3 Mashburn , born 1865/66 in McDowell Co, NC.

      67         iv      Pinkney H3 Mashburn , born 1867/68 in McDowell Co, NC.

      68         v      Minnie E3 Mashburn , born 1869/70 in McDowell Co, NC.

      69         vi      Joseph M3 Mashburn , born 1871/72 in McDowell Co, NC.

      70         vii      Rosey L3 Mashburn , born 1874/75 in McDowell Co, NC.



12. Amanda2 Grant  (William1), born 1839/40 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died 29 Dec 1869 in McDowell Co, NC.  She married on 17 Aug 1854 in McDowell Co, NC James Walton Nichols , born 1830/31 in Rutherford Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died aft 1880 in McDowell Co, NC, son of A M Nichols  and Jane (---) .


      Children of Amanda Grant and James Walton Nichols were as follows:

      71         i      Joseph C3 Nichols , born 1857/58 in McDowell Co, NC.

      72         ii      William W3 Nichols , born 1859 in McDowell Co, NC.

      73         iii      Everett C3 Nichols , born 1860/61 in McDowell Co, NC.

      74         iv      Robert L3 Nichols , born 1865/66 in McDowell Co, NC.

      75         v      Alice J3 Nichols , born 1867/68 in McDowell Co, NC.

      76         vi      Amanda R3 Nichols , born Dec 1869 in McDowell Co, NC.


Generation 3


13. Samuel Bruce3 Grant  (John Alexander2, William1), born 3 Aug 1842 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 23 Sep 1920 in Rutherford Co, NC; buried in Stone Mountain Missionary, Rutherford Co, NC.  He married on 13 Aug 1866 in McDowell Co, NC Harriett Nanney , born 24 Apr 1845 in McDowell Co, NC; died 8 Jul 1919 in Rutherford Co, NC; buried in Stone Mountain Missionary, Rutherford Co, NC, daughter of Jonathan Nanney  and Esther (---) .


      Children of Samuel Bruce Grant and Harriett Nanney were as follows:

+    77         i      Esther Mercilla4 Grant , born 12 May 1867 in McDowell Co, NC; died 6 Jul 1927 in Rutherford Co, NC; buried in Montford Cove Cem, Rutherford Co, NC.  She married Tiberias Mackey Davis .

      78         ii      Mary4 Grant , born 1868/69 in McDowell Co, NC.

+    79         iii      Thomas Lee4 Grant , born Feb 1871 in Rutherford Co, NC; died in Old Fort, McDowell Co, NC.  He married (1) Mollie L Burgin ; (2) Lucy McCurry Mrs ; (3) Delia Moffitt .

      80         iv      Annie J4 Grant , born 1872/73 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      81         v      Sarah E4 Grant , born 1875/76 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      82         vi      Susan4 Grant , born 1877/78 in Rutherford Co, NC; died in Richmond, VA.  She married bef 1921 in Rutherford Co, NC R L Murphy .

      83         vii      W F4 Grant , born in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married on 17 Sep 1905 in Rutherford Co, NC Georgia Jordan , born 1874/75 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      84         viii      L M4 Grant , born in Rutherford Co, NC.

+    85         ix      Martha Hester4 Grant , born Jun 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 6 Mar 1962 in Spartanburg, Spartanburg Co, SC.  She married William Gilbert .



14. Rhoda C3 Grant  (John Alexander2, William1), born 1843/44 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1870 in McDowell Co, NC.  She married on 11 Mar 1866 in Rutherford Co, NC W Patton Moffitt , born 1831/32 in Burke Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC); died aft 1870 in McDowell Co, NC.


      Children of Rhoda C Grant and W Patton Moffitt were as follows:

      86         i      Harriett4 Moffitt , born 1866/67 in McDowell Co, NC.



15. William Bailey3 Grant  (John Alexander2, William1), born 15 Aug 1846 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 22 Dec 1914 in Asheville, Buncombe Co, NC.  He married (1) in 1869 in McDowell Co, NC, divorced  Margaret Ann Bird , born 9 Sep 1846 in McDowell Co, NC; died 16 Nov 1933 in Multnomah Co, OR, daughter of Benjamin Bird  and Clarisssa Minerva Conley ; (2) on 30 Nov 1897 in Buncombe Co, NC Bonney B. Nora Smith , born Apr 1869 in NC.


      Children of William Bailey Grant and Margaret Ann Bird were as follows:

      87         i      Minnie A4 Grant , born 1870/71 in McDowell Co, NC.

      88         ii      Laura S4 Grant , born 1873/74 in McDowell Co, NC.

      89         iii      Maud M4 Grant , born 1877/78 in McDowell Co, NC.


      Children of William Bailey Grant and Bonney B. Nora Smith were as follows:

      90         i      Charles4 Grant , born Sep 1890 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      91         ii      Bessie4 Grant , born Aug 1892 in Buncombe Co, NC.



17. Mary J3 Grant  (John Alexander2, William1), born 1848/49 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married on 12 Aug 1872 in Rutherford Co, NC Jonathan C Elliott , born 1846/47 in Rutherford Co, NC.


      Children of Mary J Grant and Jonathan C Elliott were as follows:

      92         i      Ida4 Elliott , born 1876/77 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      93         ii      Ella4 Elliott , born 1877/78 in Rutherford Co, NC.



21. Margaret M3 Grant  (John Alexander2, William1), born 1857/58 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married on 4 Feb 1877 in Rutherford Co, NC W B Melton , born 1852/53 in Rutherford Co, NC.


      Children of Margaret M Grant and W B Melton were as follows:

      94         i      Dora L B4 Melton , born 1878/79 in Rutherford Co, NC.



24. Amanda Jane3 Bright  (Mary2 Grant, William1), born 13 Jan 1843 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 22 Aug 1883.  She married in 1870/76 in McDowell Co, NC Alford W Hogan , born 12 Dec 1849 in NC; died 21 Jan 1941.


      Children of Amanda Jane Bright and Alford W Hogan were as follows:

      95         i      Aaron Lafayette4 Hogan , born 1875/76 in McDowell Co, NC.

      96         ii      Lee4 Hogan , born 1878/79 in McDowell Co, NC.

      97         iii      Edgar4 Hogan , born 1880 in McDowell Co, NC.

      98         iv      John4 Hogan .

      99         v      Alford M4 Hogan , born 22 Aug 1883; died 13 Jan 1930.



27. Doctor Craton3 Bright  (Mary2 Grant, William1), born 14 Dec 1847 in McDowell Co, NC; died 6 Mar 1886.  He married J E Bright .


      Children of Doctor Craton Bright and J E Bright were as follows:

      100       i      Ida R4 Bright , born 11 Jun 1878; died 25 Jun 1891.



30. William Pinkney3 Bright  (Mary2 Grant, William1), born 11 May 1853 in McDowell Co, NC; died 11 Aug 1893 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married (---) ? .


      Children of William Pinkney Bright and (---) ? were as follows:

      101       i      Lee4 Bright .

      102       ii      Ursella4 Bright .

      103       iii      James Golden4 Bright .

      104       iv      Bella4 Bright .



34. James3 Bright  (Mary2 Grant, William1), born 10 Jan 1862 in McDowell Co, NC; died 27 Jul 1937 in McDowell Co, NC.  He married on 1 Aug 1897 in McDowell Co, NC Julia Alice Pool , born 2 Aug 1877 in McDowell Co, NC, daughter of John Calhoun Pool  and Annie Callie Noblitt .


      Children of James Bright and Julia Alice Pool were as follows:

      105       i      Essie Clementine4 Bright , born 1 Jan 1899 in McDowell Co, NC; died 3 Jun 1970 in Marion, McDowell Co, NC.

      106       ii      Clara Anne4 Bright , born 22 Oct 1900 in McDowell Co, NC; died 1944.  She married Eric Leggett .

+    107       iii      Ora Lee4 Bright , born 31 Dec 1902 in McDowell Co, NC; died 14 Apr 1993 in Middlesex, Nash Co, NC.  She married Seba Fitzhugh High Jr .

+    108       iv      James Arnold4 Bright , born 22 Aug 1908 in McDowell Co, NC.  He married Lettie Eula Jones .

+    109       v      Jesse Pool4 Bright , born 22 Apr 1912 in McDowell Co, NC; died 26 May 1990 in Marion, McDowell Co, NC.  He married Edith Condrey .

+    110       vi      Reba Grace4 Bright , born in McDowell Co, NC.  She married Harold Poteat .



36. Morris Hicks3 Grant  (Edward Hampton2, William1), born 1850/51 in McDowell Co, NC.  He married on 12 Oct 1876 in McDowell Co, NC Susan Jordan , born 1856/57 in McDowell Co, NC, daughter of James Jordan  and Bettie (---) .


      Children of Morris Hicks Grant and Susan Jordan were as follows:

      111       i      William4 Grant , born 1877/78 in McDowell Co, NC.

      112       ii      John4 Grant , born 1878/79 in McDowell Co, NC.



50. Jonathan W3 Elliott  (Kiziah Caroline2 Grant, William1), born 1851/52 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married in 1870/75 in Rutherford Co, NC Mary (---) , born 1851/52 in NC.


      Children of Jonathan W Elliott and Mary (---) were as follows:

      113       i      Braxton4 Elliott , born 1874/75 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      114       ii      Lloyd4 Elliott , born 1877/78 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      115       iii      A A4 Elliott , born 1878/79 in Rutherford Co, NC.



53. William P3 Elliott  (Kiziah Caroline2 Grant, William1), born 1857/58 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married on 14 Mar 1878 in Rutherford Co, NC Sarah M Grant  (see 19), born 1853/54 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC, daughter of John Alexander Grant  and Mintey M Bruce .


      Children of William P Elliott and Sarah M Grant were as follows:

      116       i      A Lee4 Elliott , born 1878/79 in Rutherford Co, NC.



63. Simeon John3 Grant  (Amelia P2 Grant, William1), born 1850/51 in McDowell Co, NC.  He married in 1870/76 in McDowell Co, NC Ruth M (---) , born 1845/46 in McDowell Co, NC.


      Children of Simeon John Grant and Ruth M (---) were as follows:

      117       i      Florence4 Grant , born 1875/76 in McDowell Co, NC.

      118       ii      Hattie4 Grant , born 1876/77 in McDowell Co, NC.


Generation 4


77. Esther Mercilla4 Grant  (Samuel Bruce3, John Alexander2, William1), born 12 May 1867 in McDowell Co, NC; died 6 Jul 1927 in Rutherford Co, NC; buried in Montford Cove Cem, Rutherford Co, NC.  She married on 19 May 1889 in Rutherford Co, NC Tiberias Mackey Davis , born 25 Dec 1866 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 23 Mar 1899 in Rutherford Co, NC; buried in Montford Cove Cem, Rutherford Co, NC.


      Children of Esther Mercilla Grant and Tiberias Mackey Davis were as follows:

      119       i      Hestler5 Davis .

      120       ii      Lola5 Davis .

      121       iii      (---)5 Davis .



79. Thomas Lee4 Grant  (Samuel Bruce3, John Alexander2, William1), born Feb 1871 in Rutherford Co, NC; died in Old Fort, McDowell Co, NC.  He married (1) in 1898/99 in McDowell Co, NC Mollie L Burgin , born Aug 1871 in McDowell Co, NC; (2) in Rutherford Co, NC Lucy McCurry Mrs ; (3) in Rutherford Co, NC Delia Moffitt .


      Children of Thomas Lee Grant and Mollie L Burgin were as follows:

      122       i      James Bulow5 Grant , born Sep 1899 in McDowell Co, NC.

      123       ii      Arthur5 Grant .

      124       iii      Luther5 Grant .

      125       iv      Myrtle5 Grant .

      126       v      Joe5 Grant .

      127       vi      Lee5 Grant .

      128       vii      Marjorie5 Grant .



85. Martha Hester4 Grant  (Samuel Bruce3, John Alexander2, William1), born Jun 1880 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 6 Mar 1962 in Spartanburg, Spartanburg Co, SC.  She married in 1895/96 in Rutherford Co, NC William Gilbert , born 13 Feb 1876 in NC; died 29 Jul 1968 in Spartanburg, Spartanburg Co, SC, son of Lellie Borrie Gilbert  and Gennellie Hembell .


      Children of Martha Hester Grant and William Gilbert were as follows:

      129       i      Samuel P5 Gilbert , born Mar 1898 in McDowell Co, NC.



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