George W. J. Moore (1818) and Lena H. Woodard of Rutherford and Macon Co, NC Home > Genealogy > Moore > Families > George

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I (Marty Grant) am not related to George W. J. Moore as far as I know. There is a slim possibility that he is related to my ancestor William H. Moore (1726) or my other Moore ancestor Burton Moore (c1756).

George W. J. Moore was born 1 Jul 1818 (source?) or 1817/18 (per 1850 census) in Rutherford County, North Carolina (per 1850 and 1860 census). I don't know what his two middle names are, but he is variously listed on records as "G. W. Moore" or "G. W. J. Moore", etc. Sometimes the "J" is translated as an "I", but I'm fairly sure it should be "J". Perhaps it is for "Jones", his mother's maiden name.

I do knot know who George's parents are for sure, but some other researchers list him as a son of John Moore (1777) and Susannah Jones. This could be very well be true, but I've seen no direct evidence proving it. There is numerous bits of circumstantial evidence linking George to John and to some of John's children. There are several deeds in Macon County where George was a witness for his father John, and for his brother Joab L. Moore (1800),  and even one deed where he and Joab together witnessed for Abner J. Moore (1801), relationship unknown. George is also associated in deed records with Benjamin W. Moore and William S. Moore, also sons of John (1777). All of this seems to add up to George being John's son, but is not 100% conclusive, but close enough pending other evidence.

George would have been about 2 years old by the time of the 1820 census, so he ought to be enumerated in the "Under 10" age group (born ca 1810/20). There were quite a few Moores in Rutherford in 1820, and many of them had apparent sons that age. There were five men named "John Moore" in Rutherford that year, but surprisingly, only one two of them had sons "under 10".

For the 1830 census, George would have been about 12 years old. This means he should be listed in 10-14 grouping (1815/20). I think his parents had already moved to Macon County by 1830, or at least that is my assumption (if John is his father, anyway). Joseph Moore (1787) (my ancestor) was in Macon County in 1830 and had a son that age, but he is already identified as someone else. John Moore (1777) had an apparent son matching that age group. (He is the one already mentioned as George's likely father). Since Joseph and John were the only suspects (based only on the census) this does make John look very likely to be George's father.

On 9 Oct 1836, G. W. Moore and Robert Huggins witnessed a deed from Nimrod S. Jarrett to John Howard in Macon County. (Macon Co, NC Deed Book A page 557from "Records of Old Macon County, N.C. 1829-1850" compiled by Barbara Sears McRae, 1991. * Note: All deeds mentioned hereafter from books "A" through "E" are taken from this book.)

On 31 Mar 1837, G. W. J. Moore witnessed a deed from James Angel to Nimrod S. Jarrett. (Macon Co, NC Deed Book A page 1092)

On 16 Nov 1837 G. W. J. Moore and James Robison witnessed a deed from Humphrey Posey to John Hall. (Macon Co, NC Deed Book A page 598)

In an undated deed (registered 14 Mar 1839), G. W. I. Moore and Samuel Robison witnessed a deed from Thomas Love to Jesse R. Siler for land on Sugartown and Tennessee River, having been granted to Robert Love Jr and John Moore (George's father, I presume), for which Thomas was Robert's legal representative, and that John Moore had deeded Thomas Love his portion of the grant. (Macon Co, NC Deed Book B page 809)

For the 1840 census, George Moore would have been about 22 years old, so he should be enumerated in the 20-29 age group (born ca 1810/20). He was old enough to be listed as head of household, but was not listed in Macon County. None of the Moores in Macon in 1840 had an apparent son George's age living with them, except for Joab L. Moore (1800) (George's half brother) but that was probably their brother James (1813), but it could be George instead, there is no way to know for sure. Also, Catherine, widow of Tavener Moore (1793) had 2 boys that age, but her children are proven, and George wasn't one of them. Considering George's age, he could have been living with anyone as a border, or laborer, etc. George's alleged parents were in neighboring Cherokee Co, NC in 1840, but had no sons his age listed with them.

On 15 Oct 1840, G. W. J. Moore obtained a marriage bond in Macon County to marry Lena Woodard. Lena H. Woodard was born ca 1819/20 (per 1850 census) in Iredell Co, NC (per 1850 and 1860 census). I don't know who her parents were. There were no Woodards listed on the 1840 census in Macon County. In 1850 there was an apparent widow Elizabeth Woodward in Macon County, age 71 (born ca 1778/79) born in Tennessee. She could be Lena's mother or even her grandmother. There were no Woodard (or Woodward) deeds or marriages (other than Lena) in Macon in the 1840's.

On 18 Jun 1841, G. W. I. Moore witnessed a deed from John Moore of Cherokee County, NC (his father), to George W. Crawford of Macon (George's brother-in-law) for land on Woolf Creek. (Macon Co, NC Deed Book C page 1355)

On 6 Jun 1842, G. W. F. Moore (sic?) and D. R. Lowry witnessed a deed from James Sellars to Jason H. Hunter. (Macon Co, NC Deed Book D page 1599)

On 25 Sep 1846, G. W. J. Moore witnessed a mortgage deed involving his half-brother Joab L. Moore (1800). Eli McKee of the first part, Joab L. Moore of the 2nd, and N. S. Jarrett & John Siler of 3rd part. (Macon Co, NC Deed Book E page 140)

George and family were listed on the 1850 census in Macon County. They were not listed near any other Moore families. Some of their children were born in Macon, others in Cherokee, suggesting they moved back and forth, or visited back and forth in the 1840's (remember, George's supposed parents were in Cherokee County during that timeframe).

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 MACON CO, NC Page 319   House/Family #   64/  66  - TENNESSEE VALLEY Twp

MOORE GEORGE W J      32 M W FARMER                 300 RUTHERFORD CO, NC    1817/1818
MOORE LENA            30 F W                            IREDELL CO, NC       1819/1820
MOORE HELEN            9 F W                            MACON CO, NC         1840/1841
MOORE JANE             8 F W                            CHEROKEE CO, NC      1841/1842
MOORE MARY             6 F W                            CHEROKEE CO, NC      1843/1844
MOORE LUCUS W          4 M W                            MACON CO, NC         1845/1846
MOORE WILLIAM          2 M W                            MACON CO, NC         1847/1848
MOORE WISTAR           1 M W                            MACON CO, NC         1848/1849

On 11 Mar 1852, George W. Moore was granted 75 acres on Poplar Grove Creek, near "Moore's old corner". Entered on 10 Feb 1850. (Macon Co, NC Deed Book F page 384from "Records of Macon County, N.C. 1849-1858 Deed Books F, G, H and I" Abstracted by Barbara Sears McRae, 1998. * Note: All deeds mentioned hereafter from books "F" through "I" are taken from this book.)

On 30 Mar 1852, George W. J. Moore sold his 75 acres on Poplar Grove to Wah ye mee tay, a Cherokee Indian, for $75. Witnessed by Jacob Siler. (Macon Co, NC Deed Book F page 415)

On 15 Mar 1853 G. W. J. Moore and J. L. Moore (brother Joab L. Moore) witnessed a deed from Roderick Norton of Macon to Abner Moore (1801) of Cherokee and John Moore (don't know which John, perhaps Abner's son John born 1826). The deed was for land on Chattooga River, several tracts. There is no known relationship between George Moore's family and Abner Moore's family, but obviously they were associated. Sometime after this, one of Abner's sons married a daughter of one of George's brothers. This deed and that marriage shows the families were acquainted, if not somehow related. (Macon Co, NC Deed Book F page 92)

On 15 Mar 1853 George W. Moore received two state land grants (and a third under G. W. J. Moore). The first was 75 acres on Poplar Cove Creek, entered 22 Mar 1849, the second was for the same acreage, same place, entered 18 Feb 1850, and the third was for 50 acres (no creeks or landmarks named). (Macon Co, NC Deed Book F page 106, 107, 109)

On 2 Apr 1853, G. W. J. Moore and Jacob Siler witnessed a deed from Joab Moore (half brother) to Abram L. Corpening, for land on Poplar Cove Creek adjoining land of John Moore. (Macon Co, NC Deed Book G page 130)

On 4 Apr 1853, George W. J. Moore sold land to Abram L. Corpening, being 50 acres on Cartoogechaye and 75 acres, same place, and another 75 acres. Witnessed by William Angel. (Macon Co, NC Deed Book G page 129)

On 6 Apr 1853, G. W. J. Moore and J. M. Crawford witnessed a deed from John Moore of Cherokee (his father) to Abram L. Corpening. (Macon Co, NC Deed Book G page 128)

On 5 Apr 1854, G. W. J. Moore sold land on Poplar Cove Creek to A. L. Corpening. Witnessed by A. G. Love and J. L. Smith. (Macon Co, NC Deed Book G page 543)

On 30 Jul 1857, William S. Moore received a State Land Grant on Poplar Cove Creek bordering G. W. J. Moore and "B. W. Moore's old survey". William S. Moore (1825) and Benjamin W. Moore (1823) are brothers of George. (Macon Co, NC Deed Book I page 39)

On 30 Jul 1857, G. W. J. Moore received a State Land Grant of 100 acres on the Board Tree Branch of Cartoogechaye Creek. On the same date he received a grant of 75 acres on Cartoogechaye near B. W. Moore's old line. (Macon Co, NC Deed Book I page 40, 42)

On 16 Sep 1857 G. W. J. Moore was mentioned in a deed as a School Committeeman for the 32nd District of Macon County Common Schools. (Macon Co, NC Deed Book I page 99)

They were still in Macon for the 1860 census, and once again, not near any other Moores.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 MACON CO, NC Page 236B  House/Family #  124/ 128 -- TENNESSEE VALLEY Twp  FRANKLIN P.O.

MOORE GEORGE W J      41 M W FARMER            3000   640 RUTHERFORD           1818/1819
MOORE LINDA H         40 F W                              IREDELL              1819/1820
MOORE MARGARET H      18 F W                              MACON                1841/1842
MOORE SUSAN J         17 F W                              CHEROKEE             1842/1843
MOORE MARY M P        15 F W                              CHEROKEE             1844/1845
MOORE LUCIOUS W       14 M W                              MACON                1845/1846
MOORE WILLIAM A       13 M W                              MACON                1846/1847
MOORE JAMES W         11 M W                              MACON                1848/1849
MOORE SARAH A          9 F W                              MACON                1850/1851
MOORE LAURA V          6 F W                              MACON                1853/1854

George W. J. Moore died sometime in the 1860's in Macon County.

Lena and children were still in Macon for the 1870 census, listed in Franklin Township. They were not near any other Moores except they were about 12 households away from the Pat Moore (c1838 GA) family (black family), relationship unknown.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 MACON CO, NC Page 314B  House/Family #  229/ 248--FRANKLIN Twp FRANKLIN P.O.

MOORE LENA            49 F W KEEPING HOUSE          500   450 NC              1820/1821
MOORE W A             22 M W                                  NC              1847/1848
MOORE J R             21 M W AGRICULTURE                      NC              1848/1849
MOORE SARAH A         18 F W                                  NC              1851/1852
MOORE LAURA           16 F W                                  NC              1853/1854

They were still in Franklin for the 1880 census. ** I don't have this entry typed up yet.


George W. J. Moore and wife Lena Woodard had 8 children as proven by the various census records. I have tracked them somewhat through the census and marriage records, but have not followed them too far down the line. See the Register Report below for more information on them.

Researcher List

Persons researching this family (click here for data on how to get on or off of this list):

Register Report

1. George W J1 Moore , born 1 Jul 1818 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1860/70 in Macon Co, NC, son of John Moore  and Susanna Jones .  He married on 15 Oct 1840 in Macon Co, NC Lena H Woodard , born 1819/20 in Iredell Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Macon Co, NC.


      Children of George W J Moore and Lena H Woodard were as follows:

      2          i      Margaret Helen2 Moore , born 1840/41 in Macon Co, NC.  She married on 1 Dec 1866 in Macon Co, NC Aaron W Brown .

+    3          ii      Susan Jane2 Moore , born 1841/42 in Cherokee Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Haywood Co, NC.  She married A Judson Herren .

      4          iii      Mary M P2 Moore , born 1843/44 in Cherokee Co, NC.

      5          iv      Lucius W2 Moore , born 1845/46 in Macon Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Haywood Co, NC.

      6          v      William A2 Moore , born 1847/48 in Macon Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Macon Co, NC.

      7          vi      James Wistar2 Moore , born 1848/49 in Macon Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Macon Co, NC.

      8          vii      Sarah A2 Moore , born 1850/51 in Macon Co, NC.

      9          viii      Laura V2 Moore , born 1853/54 in Macon Co, NC.


Generation 2


3. Susan Jane2 Moore  (George W J1), born 1841/42 in Cherokee Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Haywood Co, NC.  She married on 29 Nov 1865 in Macon Co, NC A Judson Herren , born 1840/41 in Haywood Co, NC.


      Children of Susan Jane Moore and A Judson Herren were as follows:

      10         i      Eli H3 Herren , born 1866/67 in Haywood Co, NC.

      11         ii      Archibald H3 Herren , born 1869/70 in Haywood Co, NC.

      12         iii      Benjamin3 Herren , born 1874/75 in Haywood Co, NC.

      13         iv      Samuel L3 Herren , born 1875/76 in Haywood Co, NC.

      14         v      Susan J3 Herren , born 1878/79 in Haywood Co, NC. Home > Genealogy > Moore > Families > George