Samuel Johnson (bef 1755) and Mary --- of Marion Co, SC Home > Genealogy > Johnson > Families > Samuel


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I (Marty Grant) am a 5th Great Grandson of Samuel and Mary (---) Johnson.

This family resided in the Temperance Hill section of Marion County.

Samuel Johnson was born before 1755 (per 1800 census). He was in the Marion County area before 1786, but I don't know if he was born there, or migrated in from somewhere else. I have no strong clues as to where he was born, whether in SC or some other state (or country).

I don't know who Samuel Johnson's parents were. I have no real strong clues at all.

I have not found much at all on Samuel in the pre 1800 timeframe. This is due, in large part, to the destruction of most of the early Georgetown County records (lost in the Civil War). Marion County was part of Georgetown District until 1799-1800.

Samuel Johnson (sometimes spelled Johnston) married Mary --- before ca 1774, presumably in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC). It is entirely possible that Mary was not Samuel's first wife, and if that is true, then it was someone else that he married before 1774, and he did not marry Mary until ca 1800/1802. I base this on the fact that for the 1800 census, Samuel had no apparent wife with him, yet deeds dated 1802 shows his wife as "Mary". The 1800 census could be in error, or perhaps his first wife died, and he married Mary later on (but between 1800 and 1802).

Saml Johnston was listed on the 1786 tax list for Prince George Parish in Captain Haraldson's (Harrelson) company, and taxed for 100 acres. (The full list is available online at the Marion Co, SC GenWeb pages).

Samuel Johnson was listed on a 1788 list of the inhabitants of Little Pee Dee River.

Samuel Johnson was listed on the 1790 census in Georgetown District, South Carolina, in Prince George Parish. Fortunately, there was only one Samuel listed. Unfortunately, this census record was alphabetical, so I can't tell where anyone was living precisely, or approximately.

1790 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1790 Georgetown Dist, Prince George Parish, SC pg 55/507 Samuel Johnson 1-3-5-0-0
1 Male(s) 16 and Up (before 1774)	Samuel JOHNSON (bef 1755)
3 Male(s) under 16    (1774/1790)	Benjamin JOHNSON (1775/84) son
					Samuel JOHNSON (1775/80) son
					Thomas JOHNSON (1774/90) --> gone by 1800
5 Female(s) any age (before 1790)    	Wife? --> gone by 1800 
					Susannah JOHNSON (1786/87) daughter
					Elizabeth JOHNSON (1781/82) daughter
					Daughter? (bef 1790) --> gone by 1800
					Daughter? (bef 1790) --> gone by 1800

Samuel Johnson was listed on the 1800 census in Marion Dist, SC. He did not seem to have his wife with him on this record, so she may have died before 1800 (or this was a census error). He was listed next to Shared Johnson (his son Sherrod) and next to John Deer. Barbary Johnson was two houses away. I don't know who she is yet. Some of the other neighbors nearby were known residents of Maiden Down Swamp area. Samuel's household enumerations don't line up too well with the known children who should have been with him, so it is possible that he wasn't home when the census taker came around, and someone else gave the data. Else his younger children might have been residing with other relatives due to the death of their mother.

1800 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1800 Marion Dist, SC pg 792/448 Samuel Johnson 10101-00100-0-0
1 Male(s) 45 & up   (before 1755)	Samuel JOHNSON (bef 1755)
1 Male(s) 16-25       (1774-1784)	Son? (1774/84)
1 Male(s) 0-9         (1790-1800)	Richard JOHNSON (1790/1800) son
1 Female(s) 16-25     (1774-1784)	Daughter?

On 30 Jan 1801, Samuel Johnson Sr was named as one of the Appraisers of the estate of Daniel Moody Jr, late of Buck Swamp. (Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book I page 16, as published in "Pee Dee Queue")

On 18 Feb 1802, Samuel Johnson Sr and wife Mary sold Samuel Johnson Jr (their son) 130 acres for $10. The land was on the South side of Buck Swamp, head of Cove Branch, being two tracts, one granted to Thomas Cruse and the other to Samuel Johnson Sr. Witnesses were Roger Roberts and Sharod Johnson. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book E, page 237, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume One Books A - E 1800-1811", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1996)

On 3 Apr 1802 Samuel Johnston and Thomas T. Wickham witnessed a deed from James Crawford to Lazares Lee. I'm not too sure if this is Samuel Sr or Jr. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book B, page 150, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume One Books A - E 1800-1811", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1996)

On 5 Apr 1804 Samuel and Mary Johnson sold Benjamin Johnson (their son) 100 acres of land, for 10 pounds. The land was on the south side of Buck Swamp, part of a tract granted to Samuel Johnson Sr. Witnesses were William Allen and Samuel Johnson. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book F, page 64, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F-I & K 1811-1823", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997)

On 6 Jan 1807, Samuel Johnson Sr sold Thomas Johnson (his son) 122 acres for $100, being part of two tracts granted to Samuel Johnson Sr on 24 Sep 1789, and another granted to John Owens. The land was all the remaining part of those two tracts, lying between the land of Samuel Johnson Jr and Benjamin Johnson. Witnesses were Enos Tart (son-in-law) and Unity Woods (daughter). (Marion Co, SC Deed Book E, page 174, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume One Books A - E 1800-1811", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1996)

On 23 Apr 1807, Samuel Johnson Sr and wife Mary sold Jesse Moody 390 acres (for $170), being lower part of a grant to Sherod Johnson dated 7 Sep 1795, south side of Buck Swamp, North East side of Ten Mile Bay, sold to Samuel Johnson Sr. Witnesses were Thomas Moody and Ben Johnson. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book C, page 371, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume One Books A - E 1800-1811", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1996)

Note that the above deed mentions land sold by Sherrod Johnson to Samuel Johnson Sr. I did not find a record of that deed. It may have been sold prior to 1800 when Marion began keeping records (before that records were in Georgetown).

Samuel Johnson Sr was listed on an 1809 Voter list in Marion Dist, SC.

I did not find Samuel Johnson listed on the 1810 census in Marion Dist, SC, though he was still alive then. He may have been residing with one of his children. His son Samuel Jr was listed on the 1810 census, but had no one Samuel Sr's age with him.

On 25 Aug 1810 Samuel Johnson Sr sold Sherod Johnson (his son), 70 acres for 10 pounds, land on the South side of Buck Swamp, all above a big branch adjoining Samuel Johnson Jr. Witnesses were Benjamin Johnson and Jesse Moody. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book E, page 239, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume One Books A - E 1800-1811", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1996)

On 1 Oct 1810 Samuel Johnson Sr sold Lazarus Lee Sr 164 acres on south side of Buck Swamp, being lower part of a 323 acre grant to Samuel Johnson Sr dated 1 Oct 1799. Witnesses were: Samuel Johnson Jr and Absolom Harrington. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book E, page 241, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume One Books A - E 1800-1811", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1996)

On 11 Nov 1811, Samuel Johnson Sr sold Benjamin Johnson (his son) 376 acres for $100 on the south side of Buck Swamp. Witnesses were Thomas Johnson and Roger Roberts. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book F, page 66, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F-I & K 1811-1823", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997)

The 1811 Marion Tax list showed only one Samuel Johnson (with no "Sr" or "Jr" designation), so I'm not sure which Samuel it was, whether father or son. He was taxed 25 cents.  Both father and son had taxable property, so both should be listed. However, Samuel Sr might have been exempt due to his age (just a guess).

Samuel Johnson Sr was dead before 17 Jul 1813, for on that date he was referred to as "deceased" in a deed where the heirs of his son Thomas (who was also deceased) sold 172 acres of his land to Samuel Johnson (Jr), also an heir. The first person named in this deed was "Mary Johnson", but I'm not sure if this is Mary, widow of Samuel, or if perhaps Thomas was also married to someone named Mary. In either event, this is the last record I found for Mary Johnson, so she must have died sometime after 1813.

Sellers made some comments on this Johnson family in his book, but it was clear he didn't know too much about the early family, but enough to know for sure he was referring to my Samuel's family:

"In former times there was another family of Johnsons in the Temperance Hill and Buck Swamp region, of prominence and standing, but by death and emigration they have dwindled to only a few. Old Enos Tart's wife, "Susannah", was a daughter of one of these old Johnsons. The mother of old John and Absalom Turbeville was another daughter, and, doubtless, there were others of that generation, but the writer has not been able to get them in any traceable shape. The late Samuel, Carey and David Johnson were descendants, also Hardy and Zeno, and, perhaps others, all from the same stock. These descendants, as known to the writer, are and were good honest men, respectable citizens all of them. Samuel Johnson, whose wife was a Turbeville and still survives, was a most excellent citizen, died childless. Carey and David had families, more or less large; also Hardy and Zeno. David Johnson left, I think, two children, who are now among us. ..." ("A History of Marion County, South Carolina", 1902, by W. W. Sellers, Esq, page 540)


I did not find Equity nor probate records for Samuel or Mary Johnson. The 1813 deed is the only record I've found showing their heirs, and although it does not explicitly state that the heirs are of Samuel, I think it is pretty obvious that they are from the context, and from the other records located. The deed in question identifies 11 heirs (including Mary, the mother), though it does not state the exact relationships, I think it is pretty easy to figure out. The deed was between Mary Johnson, Sherid Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, John Turbeville, William Turbeville, Unity Woods, Robert Moody, Jessey Bryan, and Enos Tart, selling land to Samuel Johnson (Jr). The only heir not named was Thomas Johnson who had died (it was his land they were dividing).

Sherrod Johnson (1765/74)

Benjamin Johnson (1775/84)

Mary Johnson (1775/80)

Samuel Johnson (1775/80)

Bethany Johnson (c1780)

Unity Johnson (1784/94)

Unknown Johnson

Elizabeth Johnson (c1782)

Susanna Johnson (c1787)

Thomas Johnson (1774/90)

Sherrod Johnson was born ca 1765/74 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC).

See his own page for additional information.

Benjamin Johnson was born ca 1775/84 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC).

See his own page for additional information.

Mary Johnson was born ca 1775/80 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC).  The evidence for her being a Johnson is that her husband William Turbeville was named as one of the Johnson heirs in the 1813 deed mentioned previously (none of the married daughters were named, only their husbands). William's wife was named "Mary" as proven by several records, including estate records.

(Special thanks to Keith Turbeville, Chuck Turbeville, John E. Turbeville, Roy Creech, Peggy Pratt and others for data shared on the various Turbeville families).

Mary was probably home with her parents for the 1790 census. Samuel Johnson had 5 females with him that year, but no ages were given for females that year. One of them was probably Mary.

In 1800, Samuel Johnson only had one female with him, and she was age 16-25, born ca 1774/84 which does fit for Mary. It may have been one of the other daughters instead. Since it appears that Samuel's first wife had died in the 1790's, then it is quite possible that his younger children were living with grandparents or other relatives by 1800. There is no way to know who this was for sure.

I don't know when Mary Johnson married William Turbeville, but it was probably in the 1800-1805 timeframe, in Marion Dist, SC. William Turbeville was born ca 1765/75, presumably in old Craven Co, SC or Georgetown Dist, SC in what is now Marion Co, SC. I don't know what the proof is, but Turbeville researchers tell me that he was a son of Solomon Turbeville and Lucy Windham, (thus making him brother to John Turbeville who married Mary Johnson's sister Bethany Johnson.)

There was another William Turbeville (bef 1755) in the area also, who was often listed as "Sr" on various records, but there is a good chance that I may mix up their records from time to time. This older William was probably related to the younger, but I don't know how exactly. William Sr was listed on the 1800 census in Marion Dist, SC, and also in 1810 (as "Sr").

On 2 Mar 1805, Samuel Johnson Sr and wife Mary Johnson sold William Turbeville 100 acres on Southwest side of Buck Swamp for $50. Witnesses were Roger Roberts and Samuel Johnson Jr. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book K, page 72, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F-I & K 1811-1823", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997)

On the same date (2 Mar 1805), John Deer sold William Turbeville 125 acres on South side of Buck Swamp for $50. Witnesses were Roger Roberts and Samuel Johnson Jr. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book K, page 74, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F-I & K 1811-1823", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997)

For the 1810 census, two William Turbeville's were listed, one as "Sr", one as "Jr", ours was the "Jr". William Jr was next door to an apparent widow "Mary Turbeville". I don't know who she was, and next to Micajah Wiggins. He was on the same page, but several houses away from, Samuel Johnson (Jr) his brother-in-law.

1810 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 85B William Turbeville Jr 20010-30010-0-0
1 Male(s) 26-44       (1765-1784)	William TURBEVILLE (1765/75) s/o Solomon & Lucy 
2 Male(s) 0-9         (1800-1810)	William B. TURBEVILLE (1802/04) son
					Absalom TURBEVILLE (1804/05) son
1 Female(s) 26-44     (1765-1784)	Mary JOHNSON Turbeville (1775/80) wife
3 Female(s) 0-9       (1800-1810)	Mary TURBEVILLE (1804/05) Daughter > gone by 1820
					Daughter? (1800/04)
					Daughter? (1804/10) 

William Turbeville was listed on the 1811 tax list for Marion Dist, SC and taxed 60 cents.

On 17 Jul 1813, William Turbeville and the other Johnson heirs, sold their interest in a 282 acre tract to Samuel Johnson (Jr).  (Marion Co, SC Deed Book F, page 271, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F-I & K 1811-1823", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997)

William Turbeville was listed on the 1820 census in Marion Dist, SC. (Actually there were two Williams listed, but the other one was younger, with a smaller family). Unfortunately, this census was alphabetical, so I can't tell where he was living, nor who his neighbors were. Neither William used any kind of designation (such as "Sr" or "Jr") to distinguish themselves from one another.

1820 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 67 William Turbeville 221101-11101
1 Male(s) 45 & up   (before 1775)	William TURBEVILLE (1765/75) s/o Solomon
1 Male(s) 16-25       (1794-1804)	William B. TURBEVILLE (1802/04) son > Head by 1830
1 Male(s) 16-17       (1802-1804)	*
2 Male(s) 10-15       (1804-1810)	Absalom TURBEVILLE (1804/05) son
					John TURBEVILLE (1809/10) son
2 Male(s) 0-9         (1810-1820)	Dewitt TURBEVILLE (1819/20)
					Jesse TURBEVILLE (1820) son
1 Female(s) 45 & up (before 1775)	Mary JOHNSON Turbeville (1775/80), wife
1 Female(s) 16-25     (1794-1804)	Daughter? (1800/04) > gone by 1830
1 Female(s) 10-15     (1804-1810)	Daughter? (1804/10) > gone by 1830
1 Female(s) 0-9       (1810-1820)	Daughter? (1810/20) > gone by 1830

William Turbeville died in the 1820/30 timeframe. His estate records (dated 1833) name his widow Mary, and heirs William Turbeville Jr, Willis Finklea, Dewit Turbeville, Jesse Turbeville, Richard Turbeville, John Turbeville, Absalom Turbeville and Edmund Price. I'm not sure why the Probate records were so long after his death.  (Probate Roll # 752, published in "Probate Records, Marion County, South Carolina Volume Two", by Lucille Utley, Danny Smith, 1985, page 94).

Widow Mary Turbeville was listed on the 1830 census (in fact, there were two Marys listed, but the other was much younger). Unfortunately, this census was alphabetical, so I can't tell where he was living, nor who her neighbors were.

1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 49 Mary Turbeville 0120200000000-0000001000000
2 Male(s) 20-29        (1800-1810)	Absalom TURBEVILLE (1804/05) son > Head 1840
					John TURBEVILLE (1809/10)  Son > Head 1840
2 Male(s) 10-14        (1815-1820)	Dewitt TURBEVILLE (1819/20) son
					Jesse TURBEVILLE (1820) son
1 Male(s) 5-9          (1820-1825)	Richard TURBEVILLE (1821/22) son
1 Female(s) 40-49      (1780-1790)	Mary JOHNSON Turbeville (1775/80) wd/o William

Mary Turbeville was listed on the 1840 census in Marion Dist, SC. She was listed just a few houses from her son William, and a few more houses from son John Turbeville.

1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 141 Mary Turbeville 0001200000000-0000000010000
2 Male(s) 20-29        (1810-1820)	Dewitt TURBEVILLE (1819/20) son
					Jesse TURBEVILLE (1820) son
1 Male(s) 15-19        (1820-1825)	Richard TURBEVILLE (1821/22) son
1 Female(s) 60-69      (1770-1780)	Mary JOHNSON Turbeville (1775/80) wd/o William

I did not find Mary Johnson Turbeville on the 1850 census. There was a Molcy Turbeville, age 70 (born ca 1779/80), but I don't know if that was her or not. I suspect not. I believe this Molcy to be a widow of one of the other Turbevilles, and not the same person as Mary Johnson Turbeville, but I could be wrong. This might, indeed, be Mary Johnson Turbeville. She (Molcy) was next door to Solomon Turbeville (c1810), and she had several people in her household, a combo of children and grandchildren, I suspect (Elizabeth age 27, Molcy, 25, Ann, 23; Celia, 10; James, 8; Francis (m) 1).

However, a Mary age 85 was listed on the 1860 census in the household of Mary Turbeville Finklea (daughter of Mary Johnson Turbeville), her surname was not given as being different from the head of household (which was Mary Finklea), but I suspect this is Mary Johnson Turbeville. This age (85) puts her birth at ca 1774/75 which fits with the earlier census records.

Fortunately, the heirs of William and Mary (Johnson) Turbeville are named in the 1833 Probate records. The census records indicate that there were one or two additional daughters, but perhaps they had died before 1833.

Sellers made mention of this family in two different places, though didn't give too much detail, but enough to be very helpful. He stated that William (that is William B.), Absalom and John were brothers. He did not give their parents names in the first section where he mentioned them, but did give some of William's children (William B.'s children):

"There were three brothers of that generation of Turbevilles-- William, Absalom and John. ... [William] left a son Asa, and one named William. .... he left another son Stephen, .... the wife of the late Samuel Johnson was a daughter of old "Captain" William, ..." ("A History of Marion County, South Carolina", 1902, by W. W. Sellers, Esq, page 140, 141)

As I mentioned in the section on Samuel Johnson Sr above, Sellers also stated that "the mother of old John and Absalom Turbeville was another daughter" of one of the early Temperance Hill Johnsons. Since other records prove that John and Absalom were children of William and Mary Turbeville, this ties it all together nicely.

Samuel Johnson was born ca 1775/80 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC).

See his own page for additional information.

Bethany Johnson was born ca 1779/80 (per 1850 census) in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC).  The evidence for her being a Johnson is that her husband John Turbeville was named as one of the Johnson heirs in the 1813 deed mentioned previously (none of the married daughters were named, only their husbands). John's wife was named "Bethany" as proven by several records, including an 1802 deed, and the 1850 census.

(Special thanks to Keith Turbeville, Chuck Turbeville, John E. Turbeville, Roy Creech, Peggy Pratt and others for data shared on the various Turbeville families).

Bethany was probably home with her parents for the 1790 census. Samuel Johnson had 5 females with him that year, but no ages were given for females that year. One of them was probably Bethany.

Bethany Johnson married John Turbeville probably in the 1790/1800 timeframe. John was born ca 1765/70 probably in what is now Marion Co, SC, but was then still part of Craven or Georgetown, depending on when he was born. (Georgetown created in 1769). Turbeville researchers have told me that John was a son of Solomon Turbeville and Lucy Windham, but I don't know what the evidence for that is.

John Turbeville was old enough to have been listed on the 1790 census, though he was not. His father Solomon died in 1782, so John could have been residing with other relatives in 1790.

Although I'm fairly sure that John and Bethany were married in the 1790-1800 timeframe, I did not find John Turbeville listed on the 1800 census, at least not in Marion District.  I don't know where they might have been. I could be mistaken about when they married.

They were certainly married by 1802, for on 18 Feb 1802, John Turbeville and wife Bethany Turbeville sold Samuel Johnson Jr (her brother) 211 acres on the south side of Buck Swamp, for 10 pounds. Witnesses were Roger Roberts and Robert Moody (her brother-in-law). (Marion Co, SC Deed Book E, page 235, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume One Books A - E 1800-1811", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1996)

John Turbeville was listed on the 1809 voter list from Marion Dist, SC.

John Turbeville was listed on the 1810 census in Marion Dist, SC. By his neighbors, it is clear he was somewhere in the Buck Swamp or Temperance Hill area. John had an "extra" female with him, who could be an older daughter, a younger sister or sister-in-law.

1810 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 83A John Turbeville 31010-30110-0-0
1 Male(s) 26-44       (1765-1784)	John TURBEVILLE (1765/70) s/o Solomon & Lucy
1 Male(s) 10-15       (1794-1800)	Son? (1794/1800) > gone by 1820
3 Male(s) 0-9         (1800-1810)	Son? (1800/04)
					Son? (1802/04)
					Son? (1804/10)
1 Female(s) 26-44     (1765-1784)	Bethany JOHNSON Turbeville (1779/80) wife
1 Female(s) 16-25     (1784-1794)	Sister? Sister-in-law? Daughter? (1784/94) > gone 1820
3 Female(s) 0-9       (1800-1810)	Daughter? (1800/10) > gone by 1820
					Daughter? (1800/10) > gone by 1820
					Daughter? (1804/10)

John Turbeville was listed on the 1811 Marion District Tax list and taxed 20 cents.

On 8 Oct 1812, John Turbeville and Jesse Bryan (his brother-in-law) witnessed a deed from Jesse Bryan Sr to Jesse (or David) Perritt. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book K, page 87, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F-I & K 1811-1823", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997)

On 17 Jul 1813, John Turbeville and the other Johnson heirs, sold their interest in a 282 acre tract to Samuel Johnson (Jr). (Marion Co, SC Deed Book F, page 271, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F-I & K 1811-1823", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997)

John Turbeville was listed on the 1814 Marion District Tax list and taxed 15 cents.

On 18 Feb 1816, John Turbeville and Johnson Turbeville (his son, I think) and Cherry Tart, witnessed a deed from Charles Moody to Enos Tart (John's brother-in-law). (Marion Co, SC Deed Book E, page 327, and 328, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F-I & K 1811-1823", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997)

John Turbeville was listed on the 1820 census in Marion Dist, SC. Unfortunately, this census was alphabetical, so I can't tell where he was living, nor who his neighbors were.

1820 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 67 John Turbeville 111201-11001
1 Male(s) 45 & up   (before 1775)	John TURBEVILLE (1765/70) s/o Solomon
2 Male(s) 16-25       (1794-1804)	Son? (1800/04) --> gone by 1830
					Son? (1802/04)
1 Male(s) 16-17       (1802-1804)	*
1 Male(s) 10-15       (1804-1810)	Son? (1804/10)
1 Male(s) 0-9         (1810-1820)	Son? (1815/20)
1 Female(s) 45 & up (before 1775)	Bethany JOHNSON Turbeville (1779/80), wife
1 Female(s) 10-15     (1804-1810)	Daughter? (1804/10) --> gone by 1830
1 Female(s) 0-9       (1810-1820)	Daughter? (1810/15)

John Turbeville was listed on the 1824 Marion District Tax list and taxed 34 cents.

John Turbeville was listed on the 1830 census in Marion Dist, SC. Unfortunately, this census was alphabetical, so I can't tell where he was living, nor who his neighbors were.

1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 50 John Turbeville 0010200010000-0001000100000
1 Male(s) 60-69        (1760-1770)	John TURBEVILLE (1765/70) s/o Solomon & Lucy 
2 Male(s) 20-29        (1800-1810)	Son? (1804/10)
					Son? (1804/10)
1 Male(s) 10-14        (1815-1820)	Son? (1815/20)
1 Female(s) 50-59      (1770-1780)	Bethany JOHNSON Turbeville (1779/80) wife
1 Female(s) 15-19      (1810-1815)	Daughter? (1810/15)

John Turbeville died in Marion District, SC in the 1830's. I have a death date of 17 Sep 1834 for him, but can't find a source for that. It may have been shared with me by another researcher. I did not find a Probate or Equity record in Marion concerning John's estate.

Apparently, after Johns death, his widow and children moved "west" to Covington County, Alabama (where many other Marion families went as well).

I did not find Bethany listed on the 1840 census, but someone her age was residing with James Turbeville (c1790/1800) in Covington Co, AL. That is probably her living with her son James (who was unmarried at that time).

In 1850, Bethany Turbeville was listed in Covington Co, AL living with her son Jesse and his family. No relationships were given on this census record, but it seems likely that Jesse was her son. Other Turbeville's were very close by, including Archibald (c1807) who was next door, and Enos (c1817) who was 8 houses away.  Bethany's sister Elizabeth Johnson Bryant was just 7 houses away.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 COVINGTON CO, AL Page 149   House/Family #  300/ 300

TURBERVILL JESSE      44 M W FARMER                     SC                   1805/1806
TURBERVILL CEILY      42 F W                            SC                   1807/1808
TURBERVILL BARFIELD   21 M W FARMER                     SC                   1828/1829
TURBERVILL ARCHBALD   19 M W FARMER                     SC                   1830/1831
TURBERVILL ELIZABETH  15 F W                            AL                   1834/1835
TURBERVILL JOHN       13 M W                            SC                   1836/1837
TURBERVILL SARAH      11 F W                            SC                   1838/1839
TURBERVILL CEILY       4 F W                            SC                   1845/1846
TURBERVILL BETHANY    70 F W                            SC                   1779/1780

I have not attempted to trace Bethany nor her children beyond the 1850 census, but I'm told by other researchers that she died in Covington Co, AL ca April 1860. I'm not sure what the source for that date is.

I have not found any proof for all the children of John and Bethany (Johnson) Turbeville. But I think it is safe to say that Jesse (c1806) and James (c1794/1800) are likely their children. Their is a possibility (unconfirmed) that James is actually "James Johnson Turbeville". I'm not sure of that yet, but it is a theory I'm working on. Archibald Turbeville (1806) might be another son. Enos Turbeville (c1817) is another possible child.  These are all linked mainly by being "nearby" in the 1850 census. I have no direct proof that any of them are John's children (except, perhaps Jesse and James). The census records (1810, 1820 and 1830) show that John's family was fairly large, so it is clear I have not found all of their children.

I also have Solomon Turbeville (c1810) listed as a child of theirs, but I don't know what proof there is. He was still in Marion Dist, SC for the 1850 census. Solomon married Milly Johnson, daughter of Benjamin Johnson, and if I'm correct, they were first cousins (Solomon and Milly, that is).

More research is needed to determine who all of John and Bethany's children were. 

Unity Johnson was born ca 1784/94 (per 1810 census) in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC).  The evidence for her being a Johnson is that she was named as one of the Johnson heirs in the 1813 deed mentioned previously. She must have been widowed, for her name was given as "Unity Wood", while her married sisters were not named, but their husbands were instead.

Unity's actual birth date is not known, but the approximate birth year of 1784/94 is from the 1810 census.

Unity was probably home with her parents for the 1790 census. Samuel Johnson had 5 females with him that year, but no ages were given for females that year. One of them was probably Unity.

In 1800, Samuel Johnson only had one female with him, and she was age 16-25, born ca 1774/84 which does not fit for Unity. It may have been one of the other daughters instead. Since it appears that Samuel's first wife had died in the 1790's, then it is quite possible that his younger children were living with grandparents or other relatives by 1800.

Unity Johnson apparently married a Mr. Wood or Woods prior to 1807. I don't know what her husband's given name was. Back in the 1800 census there was a John Wood (c1755/74) listed in Marion Dist, SC, and a Jesse Wood (c1755/74), both with wives the same age as themselves. There was also a John Wood (c1755/74) with apparent wife ca 1774/84. There was also a John G. Wood (c1755/74) with wife same age. I don't think any of these were Unity's husband though. I suspect they were not yet married by 1800.

On 6 Jan 1807, Unity Woods and Enos Tart (her brother-in-law) witnessed a deed from her father Samuel Johnson Sr to her brother Thomas Johnson. She signed with a mark. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book E, page 174, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume One Books A - E 1800-1811", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1996)

Unity's husband must have died prior to 1810, for she was listed as head of household on the 1810 census in Marion Dist, SC. She seemed to have only one child, and she was under 10 (born ca 1800/10) so that probably means she and Mr. Wood married ca 1800/07.

1810 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 86A Unity Wood 00000-10100
1 Female(s) 16-25     (1784-1794)	Unity JOHNSON Wood (1784/94) wd/o ?
1 Female(s) 0-9       (1800-1810)	Daughter?

On 17 Jul 1813, Unity Wood and the other Johnson heirs, sold their interest in a 282 acre tract to Samuel Johnson (Jr). Unfortunately, this record does not give the name of Unity's husband, suggesting that she was a widow. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book F, page 271, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F-I & K 1811-1823", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997)

I did not find Unity Wood on the 1820 census. She may have died, or remarried, or been living with other relatives, or moved away.

I found no record of her after 1813.

Unknown Johnson. Samuel Johnson had an unknown daughter who was married to Robert Moody. I have not yet found out her name. The only reason I have her here is that Robert Moody was named as one of the heirs of Thomas Johnson in the 1813 deed mentioned earlier.

There were at least three Robert Moodys in early Marion County, so I'm not totally sure of which was which. All I can say about this one for sure is that he was married to a Miss Johnson prior to 1813.

The 1790 census showed two Robert Moodys, one was listed as "Junr", so obviously younger than the other. Both were born before 1774 based on their ages in that census (age 16 and up).

The 1800 census shows Robert Moody Jr (born ca 1755/74), with an apparent wife born before 1755. Robert Moody Sr was a few houses away, born before 1755.

A deed dated 14 Jan 1809 shows that Robert Moody Sr was married to "Esther". This same deed shows that Robert Moody Sr had land bordering Samuel Johnson. The estate records for this Robert show that he died in 1811, so he can't be the same Robert Moody married to Miss Johnson (as he signed a deed dated 1813). (Marion Co, SC Deed Book I, page 434, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F-I & K 1811-1823", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997)

The 1810 census showed three Roberts, one listed as "Sr", one as "Jr", and one as "Minor".

On 17 Jul 1813, Robert Moody and the other Johnson heirs, sold their interest in a 282 acre tract to Samuel Johnson (Jr). Unfortunately, this record does not give the name of Robert's wife. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book F, page 271, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F-I & K 1811-1823", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997)

One of the Roberts went to Glinn Co, GA and died there ca 1836. This was not our Robert, as his wife is proven to be Mary Shackleford.

More research is needed to determine more about this daughter of Samuel Johnson, and her family.

Elizabeth Johnson was born ca 1791/92 (per 1850 census) or ca 1789/90 (per 1860) or ca 1781/82 (per 1870 census) in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC).  The evidence for her being a Johnson is that her husband Jesse Bryan(t) was named as one of the Johnson heirs in the 1813 deed mentioned previously (none of the married daughters were named, only their husbands). Jesse's wife was named "Elizabeth" as proven by the 1850 and later census records. Presumably, she was his only wife.

Elizabeth's actual birth date is not known, but the approximate birth year changes from census to census, so it is hard to say with any surety when she was born. In 1850 she was 58 years old (born ca 1791/92), but I think she was probably older than that. The 1860 census gives her age as 70 (born ca 1789/90), and 1870 gives 88 (born ca 1781/82), which might be the most accurate of these, though it is hard to be sure which is the best one to work with.

Elizabeth was probably home with her parents for the 1790 census. Samuel Johnson had 5 females with him that year, but no ages were given for females that year.

In 1800, Samuel Johnson only had one female with him, and she was age 16-25, born ca 1774/84 which fits for Elizabeth (if we use the ca 1781/82 birth date), but it may have been one of the other daughters instead. Since it appears that Samuel's first wife had died in the 1790's, then it is quite possible that his younger children were living with grandparents or other relatives by 1800.

Elizabeth Johnson married Jesse Bryant sometime before ca 1807 in Marion Dist, SC. Jesse was born 24 Jul 1784 (per Bob Bryan) in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC) son of Jesse Bryant and Mourning Smith.

Sellers mentioned the Jesse Bryant family. He said that Jesse (Jr) was son of Jesse Bryant and a Miss Turbeville (which was incorrect, other records prove Jesse Sr's wife was Mourning Smith). All Sellers said about Jesse Jr was: "Jesse Bryant, son of the first Jesse, went West". ("A History of Marion County, South Carolina", 1902, by W. W. Sellers, Esq, page 198)

Thanks to Bob Bryan for much of the data that I'm showing for Jesse and Elizabeth's children, particularly the birth and death dates, full names, and the spouses names.

I did not find either Jesse Bryant Sr or Jesse Jr on the 1810 census in Marion Dist, SC, though they should have both been there. I found some of Jesse Sr's other sons and some sons-in-law, but not Jesse Sr or Jr.

On 17 Jul 1813, Jessey Bryan and the other Johnson heirs, sold their interest in a 282 acre tract to Samuel Johnson (Jr). (Marion Co, SC Deed Book F, page 271, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F-I & K 1811-1823", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997)

On 28 Feb 1817 Jesse Bryan Senr of Marion Dist, sold Jesse Bryan Junr of same place, 360 acres on Hurican Bay between Smiths Mill Creek and Buck Swamp. It was sold for $100. Witnesses were: William Bryan and James Bryan. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book F, page 453, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F-I & K 1811-1823", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997)

Jesse Jr was named in the Will of his father dated 24 Feb 1818 as one of his children: "Jesse Briant". Jesse Sr died in 1822, and there were several records in two Probate files concerning the estate, and Jesse (Jr) was named in many of the records.

On 8 Jan 1819 Jesse Bryan Junr (and Thomas Evans) witnessed a deed from Christian Barnes, single woman, to Aron Martin (Jesse's brother-in-law). (Marion Co, SC Deed Book H, page 95, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F-I & K 1811-1823", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997)

Once again, I could not find Jesse Bryan (Jr) on the 1820 census. His father Jesse Sr was listed, and was listed as "Sr", indicating that "Jr" was still around, but he was not listed for some reason.

On 22 Dec 1820, Hugh Smith made a deed with Jesse Bryant Junr for sundry livestock and household items, but if Hugh were to pay $88 by 1 Jan 1822, sale was to be void. This was apparently collateral for a loan. Witnesses were John Deer and Willis Deer. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book I, page 429, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F-I & K 1811-1823", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997)

On 6 Feb 1821, William and Rebecca Bryan (Jesse's brother) sold Jesse Bryan Jr 150 acres on south end of Sand Hill Bay for $100. Witnesses were Charles Taylor and Hugh Smith. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book I, page 430, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F-I & K 1811-1823", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997)

Sometime in the mid 1820's, Jesse Bryant and family moved to Covington County, Alabama.

Jesse Bryant was listed on the 1830 census in Covington Co, AL.

1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1830 Covington Co, AL pg 233 Jesse Bryant 0010101000000-1112001000000
1 Male(s) 40-49        (1780-1790)	Jesse BRYANT (1784) s/o Jesse & Mourning
1 Male(s) 20-29        (1800-1810)	Son? (1800/10) > gone by 1840
1 Male(s) 10-14        (1815-1820)	Jesse Oliver BRYANT (1818) son > m by 1840
1 Female(s) 40-49      (1780-1790)	Elizabeth JOHNSON Bryant (1781/82) wife
2 Female(s) 15-19      (1810-1815)	Tempie BRYANT (1812) daughter > m by 1835
					Mary BRYANT (1814) daughter > m by 1835
1 Female(s) 10-14      (1815-1820)	Elizabeth BRYANT (1816) daughter > m by 1832
1 Female(s) 5-9        (1820-1825)	Avy BRYANT (1820) daughter > m by 1838
1 Female(s) 0-4        (1825-1830)	Susan BRYANT (1826) daughter --> gone by 1840

Jesse Bryan was listed on the 1840 census in Covington Co, AL, and listed as "Sr" (his son Jesse was also listed, him as "Jr").

1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1840 Covington Co, AL pg 310 Jesse Bryan Sr 0000000100000-0100001000000
1 Male(s) 50-59        (1780-1790)	Jesse BRYANT (1784) s/o Jesse & Mourning 
1 Female(s) 40-49      (1790-1800)	Elizabeth JOHNSON Bryant (1781/82) wife
1 Female(s) 5-9        (1830-1835)	Telatha Elizabeth BRYANT (1831) daughter

Jesse and Elizabeth were listed on the 1850 census in Covington Co, AL next door to Enos Turbeville (their nephew, son of John Turbeville and Bethany Johnson).

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 COVINGTON CO, AL Page 150   House/Family #  307/ 307

BRYAN JESSE C         67 M W FARMER                 375 SC                   1782/1783
BRYAN ELIZABETH       58 F W                            SC                   1791/1792
WILLIAMS WILLIAM G    30 M W NONE                   700 GA                   1819/1820
WILLIAMS TALATHA      16 F W                            AL                   1833/1834
WILLIAMS JESSE         0 M W 4/12                       AL                   1849/1850

According to Bob Bryan's research, Jesse and Elizabeth were still listed in Covington for the 1860 census. He also shows that Jesse died in the 1860/70 timeframe, for Elizabeth is listed on the 1870 census as an apparent widow. She died sometime after 1870.

Susanna Johnson was born ca 1786/87 (per 1850 census) in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC). She is proven by several sources. First of all there is a marriage record recorded for her and Enos Tart in the probate records (1807), and secondly, Enos Tart was named in the 1813 deed showing the heirs of her brother Thomas Johnson. Sellers also mentions that she was a Johnson and part of the Temperance Hill Johnson family.

Susanna was probably home with her parents for the 1790 census. Samuel Johnson had 5 females with him that year, but no ages were given for females that year.

In 1800, Samuel Johnson only had one female with him, and she was age 16-25, born ca 1774/84 which doesn't quite fit for Susanna, but it may be her instead. Since it appears that Samuel's first wife had died in the 1790's, then it is quite possible that his younger children were living with grandparents or other relatives by 1800. That might include Susanna.

I'm not sure why, but a marriage record was actually recorded for Susanna Johnson and Enos Tart dated 14 Sep 1807. Marriage records were not generally kept in South Carolina back then, so a record like this is a rare thing! Enos Tart was born ca 1774/84 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC), son of Enos Tart (Sr) and Sarah Smith.

Enos Tart was listed on the 1810 census in Marion Dist, SC. He was listed between Peter Sanders and John Lane, so this puts them in the Buck Swamp area somewhere.

1810 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 83B Enos Tart 01010-30010-0-9
1 Male(s) 26-44       (1765-1784)	Enos TART (1774/84) s/o Enos and Sarah
1 Male(s) 10-15       (1794-1800)	Brother? Brother-in-law? (1794/1800)
1 Female(s) 26-44     (1765-1784)	Susanna JOHNSON Tart (1786/87) wife
3 Female(s) 0-9       (1800-1810)	Daughter? (1800/04) Cherry TART (1800/10)
					Daughter? (1804/10)
					Daughter? (1804/10)

Enos Tart was listed on the 1811 Marion District tax list and taxed $4.11.

On 17 Jul 1813, Enos Tart was one of the many heirs of Thomas Johnson who sold their shares of his land to Samuel Johnson (Jr). This deed proves that Enos Tart was married to a sister of Thomas Johnson. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book F, page 271, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F-I & K 1811-1823", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997)

Enos Tart was listed on the 1814 Marion District tax list and taxed $23.50.

On 11 Nov 1817, Enos Tart was named as Administrator of the estate of Elias Johnson (I don't know who this is, nor if connected to this Johnson family somehow). (Marion Dist, SC Administrations Book A page 228 as published in the Pee Dee Queue)

Enos Tart was listed on the 1820 census in Marion District, SC. Unfortunately, this census was alphabetical, so I can't determine who any of the neighbors were.

1820 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 67 Enos Tart 000210-42110
1 Male(s) 26-44       (1775-1794)	Enos TART (1774/84) s/o Enos & Sarah, --> d 1828
2 Male(s) 16-25       (1794-1804)	Brother? Brother-in-law? (1794/1800) --> gone by 1830
					Brother? Brother-in-law? (1794/1804) * Not here in 1810 --> gone by 1830
1 Female(s) 26-44     (1775-1794)	Susanna JOHNSON Tart (1786/87) wife
1 Female(s) 16-25     (1794-1804)	Daughter? (1800/04) --> gone by 1830 Cherry TART (1800/10)
2 Female(s) 10-15     (1804-1810)	Daughter? (1804/10) --> gone by 1830
					Daughter? (1804/10) --> gone by 1830
4 Female(s) 0-9       (1810-1820)	Martha Jane TART (1811/12) daughter
					Elizabeth TART (1816/17) daughter
					Daughter? (1810/20) --> gone by 1830
					Daughter? (1815/20)

On 7 Nov 1822, Enos Tart and others were named as appraisers of the estate of Jesse Bryant. (Marion Dist, SC Inventory Book 1827-1836 pg 12)

Enos Tart was listed on the 1824 Marion Tax list and taxed $23.84.

Enos Tart died in Marion Dist, SC on 12 Nov 1828 (per probate records) without leaving a Will. However, his probate records, on later, those of Susanna's, document this family fairly well.

On 25 Dec 1830, an equity case was brought concerning Enos Tart's Estate. This record gives the names of the heirs of the Estate, to wit: Susannah Tart, widow, Elizabeth Kirvin, wife of Alfred Kirvin, Enos Tart, Nathan Tart, Thomas Tart, Sarah Tart, Martha J. Tart, and Susannah Tart, his children. Grandchildren: John H. Finklea, Enos A. Finklea and Mary J. Finklea. This is not a complete list, for others were named in Susanna's Probate records. (Roll # 236, "Marion County South Carolina Extracts from Equity Rolls", by Lucille Utley, page 77)

Probate records for Enos Tart also give additional family data. (Probate Roll # 751, published in "Probate Records, Marion County, South Carolina Volume Two", by Lucille Utley, Danny Smith, 1985, page 92, 93, 94).

Susanna Tart was listed on the 1830 census as head of household. Unfortunately this census was alphabetical, so I don't know who her neighbors were.

1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 49 Susannah Tart 2100000000000-0021001000000
1 Male(s) 5-9          (1820-1825)	Enos J. TART (1820/25) son
2 Male(s) 0-4          (1825-1830)	Nathan J. TART (1826/27) son
					Thomas E. TART (1828/29) son
1 Female(s) 40-49      (1780-1790)	Susanna JOHNSON Tart (1786/87) wd/o Enos
1 Female(s) 15-19      (1810-1815)	Martha J. TART (1811/12) daughter
2 Female(s) 10-14      (1815-1820)	Daughter? (1815/20)
					Elizabeth TART (1816/17) daughter

Susanna Tart was listed on the 1840 census in Marion Dist, SC.

1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 161 Susanna Tart 0021000000000-0200200100000
1 Male(s) 15-19        (1820-1825)	Enos J. TART (1820/25) son
2 Male(s) 10-14        (1825-1830)	Nathan J. TART (1826/27) son
					Thomas E. TART (1828/29) son
1 Female(s) 50-59      (1780-1790)	Susanna JOHNSON Tart (1786/87) wd/o Enos
2 Female(s) 20-29      (1810-1820)	Daughter? (1815/20)
					Elizabeth TART (1816/17) daughter
2 Female(s) 5-9        (1830-1835)	Granddaughter?

Susanna Tart was listed on the 1850 census in Marion Dist, SC with several children and grandchildren residing with her.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 MARION DIST, SC Page 74B   House/Family # 1107/1182

TART SUSAN            63 F W                       8400 MARION               1786/1787
TART ELIZABETH        33 F W                            MARION               1816/1817
TART NATHAN           23 M W FARMER                     MARION               1826/1827
TART THOMAS           21 M W FARMER                     MARION               1828/1829
TART ANN              20 F W                            MARION               1829/1830
TART LUCINDA          17 F W                            MARION               1832/1833
TART MARY             12 F W                            MARION               1837/1838
TART WILLIAM          11 M W                            MARION               1838/1839

Susanna died on 6 Aug 1853 in Marion Dist, SC as reported in the Marion Star as "Mrs. Susannah Tart, widow of Enos Tart, Member of Methodist Church".

This date of death is confirmed in an Equity record dated 27 Sep 1855 which also names a great many heirs. (Roll # 247, "Marion County South Carolina Extracts from Equity Rolls", by Lucille Utley, page 81)

Another record was filed on 5 Jan 1864 giving more family data. (Roll # 374, "Marion County South Carolina Extracts from Equity Rolls", by Lucille Utley, page 122)

Probate records for Susanna Tart give additional information. (Probate Roll # 1142, published in "Probate Records, Marion County, South Carolina Volume Two", by Lucille Utley, Danny Smith, 1985, page 115).

The numerous Probate and Equity records give a fairly good accounting of this family, however it should be noted that no single one of the records gives all the heirs, but combined, I suspect all are named. Here is a list of the heirs as given in various records from 1830 through the 1860's (in the Equity and probate records referenced above) (these are not necessarily in age order):

1. Telatha Tart, wife of Eli Avant
2. Martha Jane Tart, wife of --- Lyster, and of Evander J. Moody
3. Susannah Tart, wife of William Henry Brown. She was dead before 1855, her children: Mary E. Brown, wife of Samuel S. Lamb, and William Henry Brown Jr.
4. Mary Tart, wife of Willis Finklea. She was dead before 1830. Her children: John Hardy Finklea, Enos Aquilla Finklea, and Mary Jane Finklea, wife of Joseph Packer.
5. Sarah Tart, wife of --- Inman. Child: William Inman.
6. Elizabeth Tart, wife of Alfred Kirvin, and Elias Townsend.
7. Cherry Tart, wife of John C. Finklea. Child: Sarah Jane Finklea.
8. Enos J. Tart
9. Nathan J. Tart
10. Thomas E. Tart.

Sellers also mentioned this family and gave some data on them:

"Enos Tart married a Miss Susanna Johnson, of the county; the results of the marriage were four or five daughters and three sons. One of his daughters married Jack Finklea; one married Willis Finklea; one, Elizabeth, married, first, Alfred Kirvin, and had two children for him, two daughters, when they separated, and years afterwards, after Kirvin died, she married Elias Townsend; some years afterward, Townsend died, and she married Jesse Perritt; by neither of the last marriages had she any offspring; the lived together some years, and they both died within a week of each other. .... Susan Tart, the fourth daughter married a Mr. Brown, of Brownsville, in Marlborough; after having two children, a son and a daughter, the father and mother both died; the children grew up and emigrated West. Jane Tart, the youngest of old Enos Tart, married another Brown, of the same family; he soon after died, leaving no offspring; the widow again married Humphrey Lester; ... Humphrey Lester died, and Jane became a widow the second time; she again married or esteemed fellow-citizen, E. J. Moody; ... Old Enos Tart had three sons, Enos, Nathan and Thomas E. Tart. Enos, the oldest, died a young man, in 1844, before his mother; ... Soon after Enos Tart, Jr., died, Thomas E. the youngest brother, accidentally shot himself with a pistol, from which he died in a few minutes. Three or four years after that said event, Nathan Tart, the middle son, died. The sons of old Enos Tart all died unmarried, so that the name, so far as old Enos was concerned, was entirely cut off. " ("A History of Marion County, South Carolina", 1902, by W. W. Sellers, Esq, page 195, 196)

Thomas Johnson was born ca 1774/90 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC). I can't narrow his birth date down any more than that, for I have not found any census record for him. He died unmarried, so he didn't leave too many other kinds of records.

Thomas Johnson was probably home with his parents for the 1790 census, listed in the age "under 16" category (born ca 1774/90).

In 1800, his father Samuel only had one apparent son with him, age 16-25 (born ca 1774/84). This could easily be Thomas, or one of his brothers. There is no way to be sure.

On 6 Jan 1807 Samuel Johnson Sr sold Thomas Johnson 122 acres (a later deed says 172 acres) for $100. The land was part of two tracts granted to Samuel Johnson Sr dated 24 Sep 1789 containing (originally) 278 acres, and another parcel granted to John Owens on 1 Sep 1770 for 100 acres. He mentions that the land deeded to Thomas was what was left of the two tracts, bordering Samuel Johnson Jr and Benjamin Johnson. Witnesses were Enos Tart (Thomas' brother-in-law) and Unity Woods (his sister). This record does not explicitly state that Thomas was a son of Samuel Sr, but I'm fairly sure that is the case. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book E, page 174, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume One Books A - E 1800-1811", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1996)

I did not find Thomas Johnson on the 1810 census, though he was still living then. He was probably residing with a brother or married sister.

On 11 Nov 1811, Thomas Johnson (and Roger Roberts) witnessed a deed from Samuel Johnson Sr to Benjamin Johnson for land on Buck Swamp. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book F, page 66, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F-I & K 1811-1823", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997)

Thomas Johnson died sometime between 11 Nov 1811 and 17 Jul 1813, for on that latter date, his brothers and sisters sold their interest in his tract of land to Samuel Johnson Jr. They were listed as his heirs in this fashion: Mary Johnson, Sherid Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, John Turbeville, William Turbeville, Unity Woods, Robert Moody, Jessey Bryan and Enos Tart. They sold their share to Samuel Johnson (Jr) for $305. Witnesses were Thomas Moody and Roger Moody. This deed proves the entire Samuel Johnson family pretty well. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book F, page 271, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F-I & K 1811-1823", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997)

Researcher List

Persons researching this family (click here for data on how to get on or off of this list):

Register Report

1. Samuel1 Johnson , born bef 1755; died 1811/13 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married bef 1774 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC) Mary (---) , died aft 1813 in Marion Dist, SC.


      Children of Samuel Johnson and Mary (---) were as follows:

+    2          i      Sherrod2 Johnson , born 1765/74 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC); died 1817/20 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married (1) ? (---) ; (2) Elizabeth (---) .

+    3          ii      Benjamin2 Johnson Pvt , born 1775/84 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC); died 1824/30 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married Mary (---) .

+    4          iii      Mary2 Johnson , born 1775/80 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC); died aft 1860 in Marion Dist, SC.  She married William Turbeville .

      5          iv      Samuel2 Johnson , born 1775/80 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC); died 1830/40 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married in 1800/10 in Marion Dist, SC (---) ? , born 1775/80 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC); died aft 1830.

+    6          v      Bethany2 Johnson , born 1779/80 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC); died Apr 1860 in Covington Co, AL.  She married John Turbeville .

      7          vi      Unity2 Johnson , born 1784/94 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC).  She married bef 1807 in Marion Dist, SC (---) Wood , died bef 1810 in Marion Dist, SC.

      8          vii      (---)2 Johnson , born in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC).  She married bef 1813 in Marion Dist, SC Robert Moody .

+    9          viii      Elizabeth2 Johnson , born 1781/82 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC); died aft 1870 in Covington Co, AL.  She married Jesse C Bryant .

+    10         ix      Susannah2 Johnson , born 1786/87 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC); died 6 Aug 1853 in Marion Dist, SC; buried in Moody-Smith Cem, Marion Co, SC.  She married Enos Tart .

      11         x      Thomas2 Johnson , born 1774/90 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC); died 1811/13 in Marion Dist, SC.


Generation 2


2. Sherrod2 Johnson  (Samuel1), born 1765/74 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC); died 1817/20 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married (1) bef 1790 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC) ? (---) , born bef 1755; died 1800/10 in Marion Dist, SC; (2) in 1800/10 in Marion Dist, SC Elizabeth (---) , born 1780/84; died aft 1830 in Marion Dist, SC.


      Children of Sherrod Johnson and ? (---) were as follows:

      12         i      William3 Johnson , born 1784/90 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC).

      13         ii      Richard3 Johnson , born 1790/1800 in Marion Dist, SC.


      Children of Sherrod Johnson and Elizabeth (---) were as follows:

+    14         i      Emanuel3 Johnson , born 1810/15 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1847/50 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married Margaret (---) .



3. Benjamin2 Johnson Pvt  (Samuel1), born 1775/84 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC); died 1824/30 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married in 1800/10 in Marion Dist, SC Mary (---) , born 1794/95 in Georgetown Dist, SC; died aft 1860 in Marion Dist, SC.


      Children of Benjamin Johnson Pvt and Mary (---) were as follows:

+    15         i      Samuel3 Johnson , born 14 Sep 1815 in Marion Dist, SC; died 31 May 1887 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Johnson Cem, Marion Co, SC.  He married Mary Turbeville .

+    16         ii      Asa3 Johnson , born 1816/17 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1860/70 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married Hannah (---) .

+    17         iii      Milly3 Johnson , born 1816/17 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1854/60 in Marion Dist, SC.  She married Solomon Turbeville .

      18         iv      Elizabeth3 Johnson , born bef 1830 in Marion Dist, SC.

+    19         v      Carey3 Johnson Pvt , born 8 Nov 1820 in Marion Dist, SC; died 15 Jul 1900 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Zion Cem, Marion Co, SC.  He married Ara Campbell .

+    20         vi      David3 Johnson Pvt , born 1824/25 in Marion Dist, SC; died 6 Dec 1894 in Marion Co, SC.  He married Sarah Bryant .

      21         vii      Mary3 Johnson , born bef 1830 in Marion Dist, SC.

      22         viii      Martha3 Johnson , born 1826/27 in Marion Dist, SC.



4. Mary2 Johnson  (Samuel1), born 1775/80 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC); died aft 1860 in Marion Dist, SC.  She married in 1800/04 in Marion Dist, SC William Turbeville , born 1765/75 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC); died 1820/30 in Marion Dist, SC, son of Solomon Turbeville  and Lucy Windham .


      Children of Mary Johnson and William Turbeville were as follows:

+    23         i      William B3 Turbeville , born 1804/05 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1880 in Marion Co, SC.  He married (1) Penelope A Lane ; (2) Lydia Cribb .

+    24         ii      Absalom3 Turbeville , born 1804/05 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1854 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married Lucretia (---) .

+    25         iii      Mary3 Turbeville , born 1804/05 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1860 in Marion Co, SC.  She married Willis Finklea "Cornmaker" .

+    26         iv      John3 Turbeville , born 1809/10 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1880 in Marion Co, SC.  He married Rebecca Bryant .

      27         v      (---)3 Turbeville , born 1810/15 in Marion Dist, SC.  She married bef 1830 in Marion Dist, SC Edmond Price , born 1800/10 in Marion Dist, SC.

+    28         vi      Dewitt3 Turbeville , born 1819/20 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1850 in Horry Co, SC.  He married Demaris (---) .

+    29         vii      Jesse3 Turbeville , born 19 Jun 1820 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1850 in Union Parish, LA.  He married Mariah Platt .

+    30         viii      Richard3 Turbeville Pvt , born 1821/22 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1867/70 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married Ophelia Lane .



6. Bethany2 Johnson  (Samuel1), born 1779/80 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC); died Apr 1860 in Covington Co, AL.  She married bef 1802 in Marion Dist, SC John Turbeville , born 1765/70 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC); died 17 Sep 1834 in Marion Dist, SC, son of Solomon Turbeville  and Lucy Windham .


      Children of Bethany Johnson and John Turbeville were as follows:

      31         i      James3 Turbeville , born 1794/1800 in Marion Dist, SC.

+    32         ii      Archibald3 Turbeville Rev , born 21 Jul 1806 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1867 in Shelby Co, TX.  He married Martha Fagan .

+    33         iii      Jesse3 Turbeville , born 1805/06 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married Celia Dannely .

+    34         iv      Enos3 Turbeville , born 1816/17 in Marion Dist, SC; died 16 Jun 1896 in AR.  He married Tamy (---) .



9. Elizabeth2 Johnson  (Samuel1), born 1781/82 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC); died aft 1870 in Covington Co, AL.  She married bef 1808 in Marion Dist, SC Jesse C Bryant , born 24 Jul 1784 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC); died 1860/70 in Covington Co, AL, son of Jesse Bryant  and Mourning Smith .


      Children of Elizabeth Johnson and Jesse C Bryant were as follows:

      35         i      Celia3 Bryan , born 6 Feb 1808 in Marion Dist, SC; died 5 Dec 1889 in Covington Co, AL.  She married abt 1825 in Covington Co, AL William Hardy Dannelly , born abt 1803/04 in SC.

      36         ii      Sarah3 Bryan , born 18 Apr 1810 in Marion Dist, SC.  She married (1) abt 1830 in Covington Co, AL Thomas E Chesher , born 1800/10; died 1830/35 in Covington Co, AL; (2) abt 1835 in Covington Co, AL Bennet J Boyett , born 1817/18 in SC.

      37         iii      Tempie3 Bryan , born 20 Apr 1812 in Marion Dist, SC; died 5 Jun 1890 in Milton, Santa Rosa Co, FL.  She married abt 1835 in Covington Co, AL Alfred Holley , born 1810/11 in SC.

      38         iv      Mary "Polly"3 Bryan , born abt 1814 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1860/70 in Covington Co, AL.  She married (1) abt 1835 in Covington Co, AL John B Sasser , died bef 1843 in Covington Co, AL; (2) abt 1843 in Covington Co, AL William Peoples , born 1817/18 in SC.

      39         v      Elizabeth3 Bryan , born 20 Sep 1816 in Marion Dist, SC; died 13 Jun 1907.  She married (1) abt 1832 in Covington Co, AL William M Sasser , born 1810/11 in GA; (2) aft 1850 James Dunnavan .

+    40         vi      Jesse Oliver3 Bryan , born 5 Jan 1818 in Marion Dist, SC; died 18 Mar 1900 in Rose Hill, Covington Co, AL.  He married Sara Ann Boyett .

      41         vii      Avy3 Bryan , born 9 Jan 1820 in Marion Dist, SC; died 15 Jun 1885 in Rose Hill, Covington Co, AL.  She married abt 1838 in Covington Co, AL Emanuel Boyett , born abt 1814.

      42         viii      Susan3 Bryan , born 25 Jul 1826 in Covington Co, AL.  She married abt 1842 in Covington Co, AL John Boyett , born 1822/23 in GA.

+    43         ix      Telatha Elizabeth3 Bryan , born 30 Sep 1831 in Covington Co, AL.  She married William Green Williams .



10. Susannah2 Johnson  (Samuel1), born 1786/87 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC); died 6 Aug 1853 in Marion Dist, SC; buried in Moody-Smith Cem, Marion Co, SC.  She married on 14 Sep 1807 in Marion Dist, SC Enos Tart , born 1774/84 in Georgetown Dist, SC; died 12 Nov 1828 in Marion Dist, SC; buried in Moody-Smith Cem, Marion Co, SC, son of Enos Tart  and Sarah Smith .


      Children of Susannah Johnson and Enos Tart were as follows:

      44         i      Telatha3 Tart , born in Marion Dist, SC.  She married bef 1829 in Marion Dist, SC Eli Avant , died 1830 in Marion Dist, SC.

+    45         ii      Cherry3 Tart , born 1800/10 in Marion Dist, SC.  She married John C Finklea .

+    46         iii      Susannah3 Tart , born in Marion Dist, SC; died bef 29 May 1848 in Marion Dist, SC.  She married William Henry Brown .

+    47         iv      Mary3 Tart , born in Marion Dist, SC; died bef 25 Dec 1830 in Marion Dist, SC.  She married Willis Finklea .

+    48         v      Sarah3 Tart , born in Marion Dist, SC; died bef 27 Sep 1855 in Marion Dist, SC.  She married (---) Inman .

+    49         vi      Elizabeth3 Tart , born 5 Dec 1814 in Marion Dist, SC; died 5 Dec 1882 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Moody-Smith Cem, Marion Co, SC.  She married (1) Alfred Kirvin ; (2) Elias P Townsend ; (3) Jesse B Perritt .

+    50         vii      Martha Jane3 Tart , born 4 Apr 1817 in Marion Dist, SC; died 12 Apr 1886 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Moody-Smith Cem, Marion Co, SC.  She married (1) (---) Brown ; (2) Robert Humphrey Lester ; (3) Evander J Moody .

      51         viii      Enos J3 Tart , born 1820/25 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1847 in Marion Dist, SC.

      52         ix      Nathan J3 Tart , born 1826/27 in Marion Dist, SC; died Mar 1853 in Marion Dist, SC; buried in Moody-Smith Cem, Marion Co, SC.

      53         x      Thomas E3 Tart , born 1828/29 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1850/53 in Marion Dist, SC; buried in Moody-Smith Cem, Marion Co, SC.


Generation 3


14. Emanuel3 Johnson  (Sherrod2, Samuel1), born 1810/15 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1847/50 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married bef 1838 in Marion Dist, SC Margaret (---) , born 1814/15 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1860 in Marion Dist, SC.


      Children of Emanuel Johnson and Margaret (---) were as follows:

      54         i      Hardy4 Johnson Sgt , born 19 Apr 1837 in Marion Dist, SC; died 23 Feb 1910 in Dillon Co, SC; buried in Hardy Johnson Cem, Dillon Co, SC.

      55         ii      Charlotte4 Johnson , born 1 Sep 1838 in Marion Dist, SC; died 6 Apr 1922 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Union Baptist Cem, Marion Co, SC.

      56         iii      Mary A4 Johnson , born 1842/43 in Marion Dist, SC.

      57         iv      Zeno4 Johnson Pvt , born 4 Nov 1844 in Marion Dist, SC; died 23 Dec 1922 in Dillon Co, SC; buried in Lane Cem, Dillon Co, SC.

      58         v      John4 Johnson , born 1847/48 in Marion Dist, SC.



15. Samuel3 Johnson  (Benjamin2, Samuel1), born 14 Sep 1815 in Marion Dist, SC; died 31 May 1887 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Johnson Cem, Marion Co, SC.  He married in Mar 1843 in Marion Dist, SC Mary Turbeville , born 14 Aug 1826 in Marion Dist, SC; died 3 Sep 1910 in Dillon Co, SC; buried in Johnson Cem, Marion Co, SC, daughter of William B Turbeville  and Penelope A Lane .


      Children of Samuel Johnson and Mary Turbeville were as follows:

      59         i      Mary4 Johnson , born 1843/44 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1850/60 in Marion Dist, SC.

      60         ii      Timothy4 Johnson , born 1845/46 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1850/60 in Marion Dist, SC.

      61         iii      Frances4 Johnson , born 1845/46 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1850/60 in Marion Dist, SC.



16. Asa3 Johnson  (Benjamin2, Samuel1), born 1816/17 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1860/70 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married abt 1839 in Marion Dist, SC Hannah (---) , born 1824/25 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1860/70 in Marion Dist, SC.


      Children of Asa Johnson and Hannah (---) were as follows:

      62         i      Hugh G4 Johnson Pvt , born 6 Jan 1840 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1 Sep 1918 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Johnson Cem, Marion Co, SC.

      63         ii      Samuel S4 Johnson Pvt , born 1841/42 in Marion Dist, SC; died 5 Aug 1864 in Civil War, VA.

      64         iii      Creasy L4 Johnson , born 1843/44 in Marion Dist, SC.

      65         iv      William4 Johnson , born 1847/48 in Marion Dist, SC.

      66         v      C4 Johnson , born 1849/50 in Marion Dist, SC.

      67         vi      Mary4 Johnson , born 1851/52 in Marion Dist, SC.

      68         vii      David4 Johnson , born 1856/57 in Marion Dist, SC.



17. Milly3 Johnson  (Benjamin2, Samuel1), born 1816/17 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1854/60 in Marion Dist, SC.  She married in 1830/32 in Marion Dist, SC Solomon Turbeville , born 1809/10 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1860.


      Children of Milly Johnson and Solomon Turbeville were as follows:

      69         i      Telatha4 Turbeville , born 1833/34 in Marion Dist, SC.

      70         ii      Willis4 Turbeville , born 1835/36 in Marion Dist, SC.

      71         iii      Joseph4 Turbeville , born 1837/38 in Marion Dist, SC.

      72         iv      Elizabeth4 Turbeville , born 1840/41 in Marion Dist, SC.

      73         v      Solomon4 Turbeville , born 1843/44 in Marion Dist, SC.

      74         vi      Milly4 Turbeville , born 1845/46 in Marion Dist, SC.

      75         vii      Molcy4 Turbeville , born 1848/49 in Marion Dist, SC.

      76         viii      Obadiah4 Turbeville , born 1853/54 in Marion Dist, SC.



19. Carey3 Johnson Pvt  (Benjamin2, Samuel1), born 8 Nov 1820 in Marion Dist, SC; died 15 Jul 1900 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Zion Cem, Marion Co, SC.  He married in 1840/46 in Marion Dist, SC Ara Campbell , born 25 Feb 1819 in Marion Dist, SC; died 11 Dec 1896 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Zion Cem, Marion Co, SC, daughter of James Campbell Rev  and Mary "Molsey" Barnes .


      Children of Carey Johnson Pvt and Ara Campbell were as follows:

      77         i      Mary Elizabeth4 Johnson , born 1845/46 in Marion Dist, SC.

      78         ii      James Benjamin4 Johnson , born 16 Apr 1850 in Marion Dist, SC; died 7 Jun 1917 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Johnson Cem, Marion Co, SC.

      79         iii      Emaline4 Johnson , born 16 Feb 1852 in Marion Dist, SC; died 6 May 1923 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Marion Co, SC.

      80         iv      Celia A4 Johnson , born 9 Jun 1857 in Marion Dist, SC; died 18 Jun 1937 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Smithy Cem, Marion Co, SC.

      81         v      John Ivey4 Johnson , born Jan 1860 in Marion Dist, SC.



20. David3 Johnson Pvt  (Benjamin2, Samuel1), born 1824/25 in Marion Dist, SC; died 6 Dec 1894 in Marion Co, SC.  He married abt 1849 in Marion Dist, SC Sarah Bryant , born 1826/27 in Marion Dist, SC; died bef 6 Jul 1896 in Marion Co, SC, daughter of John Miller Bryant  and Jane Drew .


      Children of David Johnson Pvt and Sarah Bryant were as follows:

      82         i      Mary F4 Johnson , born 1850/51 in Marion Dist, SC.

      83         ii      Sherwood J4 Johnson , born 25 Feb 1853 in Marion Dist, SC; died 14 Aug 1918 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Johnson Cem, Marion Co, SC.

      84         iii      Benjamin4 Johnson , born 1854/55 in Marion Dist, SC.

      85         iv      David A4 Johnson , born 1856/57 in Marion Dist, SC.

      86         v      Telitha4 Johnson , born 1857/58 in Marion Dist, SC.

      87         vi      Franklin4 Johnson , born 15 Jul 1859 in Marion Dist, SC; died 31 Oct 1930 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Johnson Cem, Marion Co, SC.

      88         vii      Young4 Johnson , born 15 Jul 1859 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1880.

      89         viii      Anne4 Johnson , born 1861/62 in Marion Dist, SC.

      90         ix      Adareza4 Johnson , born 1863/64 in Marion Dist, SC.

      91         x      Bryant4 Johnson , born 10 Oct 1867 in Marion Dist, SC; died 13 Aug 1926 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Cedar Dale Cem, Marion Co, SC.



23. William B3 Turbeville  (Mary2 Johnson, Samuel1), born 1804/05 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1880 in Marion Co, SC.  He married (1) bef 1826 in Marion Dist, SC Penelope A Lane , born 1808/09 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1860/70 in Marion Co, SC, daughter of James Lane Pvt  and Mary Lee ; (2) in 1860/70 in Marion Dist, SC Lydia Cribb , born 1830/31 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1880 in Marion Co, SC, daughter of Anthony Cribb  and Cortney Runnells .


      Children of William B Turbeville and Penelope A Lane were as follows:

      92         i      Mary4 Turbeville , born 14 Aug 1826 in Marion Dist, SC; died 3 Sep 1910 in Dillon Co, SC; buried in Johnson Cem, Marion Co, SC.

      93         ii      William4 Turbeville , born 1832/33 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1850 in Marion Dist, SC.

      94         iii      Frances4 Turbeville , born 1834/35 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1850 in Marion Dist, SC.

      95         iv      Asa4 Turbeville , born 1836/37 in Marion Dist, SC.

      96         v      Stephen S4 Turbeville , born Jun 1843 in Marion Dist, SC.



24. Absalom3 Turbeville  (Mary2 Johnson, Samuel1), born 1804/05 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1854 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married bef 1838 in Marion Dist, SC Lucretia (---) , born 1814/15 in Marion Dist, SC.


      Children of Absalom Turbeville and Lucretia (---) were as follows:

      97         i      John W4 Turbeville , born 1837/38 in Marion Dist, SC.

      98         ii      Susan4 Turbeville , born 1839/40 in Marion Dist, SC.

      99         iii      Jesse W4 Turbeville , born 1841/42 in Marion Dist, SC.

      100       iv      Thomas4 Turbeville , born 1841/42 in Marion Dist, SC.

      101       v      Ann4 Turbeville , born 1845/46 in Marion Dist, SC.



25. Mary3 Turbeville  (Mary2 Johnson, Samuel1), born 1804/05 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1860 in Marion Co, SC.  She married bef 1820 in Marion Dist, SC Willis Finklea "Cornmaker" , born 1780/90 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC); died 25 Sep 1842 in Marion Dist, SC, son of Thomas Finklea  and Elizabeth Scott .


      Children of Mary Turbeville and Willis Finklea "Cornmaker" were as follows:

      102       i      John4 Finklea , born in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 31 Jul 1843.

      103       ii      Elly4 Finklea , born 1810/15 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1850/60 in Marion Dist, SC.

      104       iii      Martha4 Finklea , born 13 Sep 1817 in Marion Dist, SC; died 20 Mar 1892 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Old Ebenezer Methodist Cem, Marion Co, SC.

      105       iv      Willis4 Finklea , born 1819/20 in Marion Dist, SC.

      106       v      Mary4 Finklea , born 1822/26 in Marion Dist, SC.

      107       vi      Sarah4 Finklea , born 1828/29 in Marion Dist, SC.

      108       vii      Hugh4 Finklea , born 1826/27 in Marion Dist, SC; died Apr 1862.

      109       viii      William4 Finklea , born 1828/29 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1881 in Marion Co, SC.

      110       ix      Frances4 Finklea , born 1830/31 in Marion Dist, SC.

      111       x      Thomas4 Finklea , born 1832/33 in Marion Dist, SC.

      112       xi      Hardy4 Finklea , born 1836 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1901 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Antioch Cem, Marion Co, SC.

      113       xii      Alfred4 Finklea , born 1839 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1907 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Antioch Cem, Marion Co, SC.

      114       xiii      Amelia "Milly"4 Finklea , born 2 Jul 1841 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1 Mar 1895 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Antioch Cem, Marion Co, SC.



26. John3 Turbeville  (Mary2 Johnson, Samuel1), born 1809/10 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1880 in Marion Co, SC.  He married bef 1835 in Marion Dist, SC Rebecca Bryant , born 9 Oct 1813 in Marion Dist, SC; died 15 Nov 1857 in Marion Dist, SC; buried in Dillon Cem, Marion Co, SC, daughter of William Bryant  and Rebecca Miller .


      Children of John Turbeville and Rebecca Bryant were as follows:

      115       i      Eliza4 Turbeville , born 1834/35 in Marion Dist, SC.

      116       ii      Amanda4 Turbeville , born 1836/37 in Marion Dist, SC.

      117       iii      Willis4 Turbeville , born 1837/38 in Marion Dist, SC.

      118       iv      Absalom B4 Turbeville , born Apr 1839 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1903 in Green Sea, Horry Co, SC.

      119       v      George W4 Turbeville , born 1 Oct 1840 in Marion Dist, SC; died 6 Oct 1921 in Dillon Co, SC; buried in Magnolia Cem, Dillon Co, SC.

      120       vi      Calvin4 Turbeville , born 1840/41 in Marion Dist, SC.

      121       vii      Lucinda4 Turbeville , born 1842/43 in Marion Dist, SC.

      122       viii      Edward4 Turbeville , born 1845/46 in Marion Dist, SC.

      123       ix      Lemuel4 Turbeville , born 1846/47 in Marion Dist, SC.

      124       x      Eugena4 Turbeville , born 1848/49 in Marion Dist, SC.

      125       xi      Albert4 Turbeville , born May 1854 in Marion Dist, SC; died 4 Aug 1925 in Marion Dist, SC; buried in Old Tabernacle Methodist Cem, Marion Co, SC.



28. Dewitt3 Turbeville  (Mary2 Johnson, Samuel1), born 1819/20 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1850 in Horry Co, SC.  He married in 1840/41 in Horry Dist, SC Demaris (---) , born 1821/22 in Horry Dist, SC.


      Children of Dewitt Turbeville and Demaris (---) were as follows:

      126       i      Joseph4 Turbeville , born 1840/41 in Horry Dist, SC.

      127       ii      Gordon4 Turbeville , born 1842/43 in Horry Dist, SC.

      128       iii      William4 Turbeville , born 1845/46 in Horry Dist, SC.



29. Jesse3 Turbeville  (Mary2 Johnson, Samuel1), born 19 Jun 1820 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1850 in Union Parish, LA.  He married in 1840/44 in Marion Dist, SC Mariah Platt , born 26 Sep 1828 in Marion Dist, SC, daughter of Daniel Platt  and Mary "Polly" Lane .


      Children of Jesse Turbeville and Mariah Platt were as follows:

      129       i      Ann4 Turbeville , born 1843/44 in Union Parish, LA.

      130       ii      Cornelia4 Turbeville , born 1847/48 in Union Parish, LA.



30. Richard3 Turbeville Pvt  (Mary2 Johnson, Samuel1), born 1821/22 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1867/70 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married in 1840/44 in Marion Co, SC Ophelia Lane , born 1824/25 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1868/70 in Marion Co, SC, daughter of James Lane Pvt  and Mary Lee .


      Children of Richard Turbeville Pvt and Ophelia Lane were as follows:

      131       i      James W4 Turbeville , born 1843/44 in Marion Dist, SC; died 19 Dec 1928.

      132       ii      Mary Ann4 Turbeville , born 1845/46 in Marion Dist, SC.

      133       iii      Hapsey Jane4 Turbeville , born 2 Apr 1849 in Marion Dist, SC; died 23 Jan 1939 in Dillon Co, SC; buried in Pleasant Grove Baptist Cem, Dillon Co, SC.

      134       iv      Robert Hamilton4 Turbeville , born 1851/52 in Marion Dist, SC.

      135       v      Marcus4 Turbeville , born 1867/68 in Marion Dist, SC.



32. Archibald3 Turbeville Rev  (Bethany2 Johnson, Samuel1), born 21 Jul 1806 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1867 in Shelby Co, TX.  He married on 21 Aug 1836 in GA Martha Fagan , born 1 Jul 1816 in GA; died 1872 in Shelby Co, TX.


      Children of Archibald Turbeville Rev and Martha Fagan were as follows:

      136       i      Emily4 Turbeville , born 1837 in Covington Co, AL; died 17 Jun 1880 in Shelby Co, TX.

      137       ii      Sarah Ann4 Turbeville , born 1839/40 in Covington Co, AL; died 6 Jun 1903 in Shelby Co, TX.

      138       iii      Nancy4 Turbeville , born 1841/42 in Covington Co, AL.

      139       iv      Martha Caroline4 Turbeville , born 1843/44 in Covington Co, AL.

      140       v      Mary "Mollie"4 Turbeville , born 1845/46 in Covington Co, AL.

      141       vi      Talatha4 Turbeville , born 1847/48 in Covington Co, AL.

      142       vii      Tempie Holly4 Turbeville , born in Covington Co, AL.

      143       viii      Francis4 Turbeville , born in Covington Co, AL.

      144       ix      Alla Fay4 Turbeville , born in Covington Co, AL.



33. Jesse3 Turbeville  (Bethany2 Johnson, Samuel1), born 1805/06 in Marion Dist, SC.  He married bef 1829 in Marion Dist, SC Celia Dannely , born 1807/08 in SC.


      Children of Jesse Turbeville and Celia Dannely were as follows:

      145       i      Barfield4 Turbeville , born 1828/29 in Marion Dist, SC.

      146       ii      Archibald4 Turbeville , born 1830/31 in Marion Dist, SC.

      147       iii      Elizabeth4 Turbeville , born 1834/35 in Covington Co, AL.

      148       iv      John4 Turbeville , born 1836/37 in Marion Dist, SC.

      149       v      Sarah4 Turbeville , born 1838/39 in Marion Dist, SC.

      150       vi      Celia4 Turbeville , born 1845/46 in Marion Dist, SC.



34. Enos3 Turbeville  (Bethany2 Johnson, Samuel1), born 1816/17 in Marion Dist, SC; died 16 Jun 1896 in AR.  He married bef 1840 in Covington Co, AL Tamy (---) , born 1822/23 in SC.


      Children of Enos Turbeville and Tamy (---) were as follows:

      151       i      John J4 Turbeville , born 1839/40 in Marion Dist, SC.

      152       ii      Sarah4 Turbeville , born 1843/44 in Marion Dist, SC.

      153       iii      Andrew4 Turbeville , born 1845/46 in Marion Dist, SC.

      154       iv      Enos4 Turbeville , born 1846/47 in Marion Dist, SC.

      155       v      Nancy4 Turbeville , born 1850 in Marion Dist, SC.



40. Jesse Oliver3 Bryan  (Elizabeth2 Johnson, Samuel1), born 5 Jan 1818 in Marion Dist, SC; died 18 Mar 1900 in Rose Hill, Covington Co, AL.  He married abt 1840 in Covington Co, AL Sara Ann Boyett , born 19 Jun 1826 in GA.


      Children of Jesse Oliver Bryan and Sara Ann Boyett were as follows:

      156       i      Anna4 Bryan , born 1844/45 in Covington Co, AL.

      157       ii      Jesse4 Bryan , born 1846/47 in Covington Co, AL.

      158       iii      Nancy4 Bryan , born 1848/49 in Covington Co, AL.

      159       iv      Sarah4 Bryan , born 1850 in Covington Co, AL.



43. Telatha Elizabeth3 Bryan  (Elizabeth2 Johnson, Samuel1), born 30 Sep 1831 in Covington Co, AL.  She married in 1840/50 in Covington Co, AL William Green Williams , born 1819/20 in GA.


      Children of Telatha Elizabeth Bryan and William Green Williams were as follows:

      160       i      Jesse4 Williams , born 1850 in Covington Co, AL.



45. Cherry3 Tart  (Susannah2 Johnson, Samuel1), born 1800/10 in Marion Dist, SC.  She married bef 1835 in Marion Dist, SC John C Finklea , born 1800/10.


      Children of Cherry Tart and John C Finklea were as follows:

      161       i      Sarah Jane4 Finklea , born 1830/35 in Marion Dist, SC.



46. Susannah3 Tart  (Susannah2 Johnson, Samuel1), born in Marion Dist, SC; died bef 29 May 1848 in Marion Dist, SC.  She married in 1830/38 in Marion Dist, SC William Henry Brown , died bef 29 May 1848 in Marion Dist, SC.


      Children of Susannah Tart and William Henry Brown were as follows:

      162       i      Mary Emma4 Brown , born 1837/38 in Marion Dist, SC.

      163       ii      William Henry4 Brown , born 1838/39 in Marion Dist, SC.



47. Mary3 Tart  (Susannah2 Johnson, Samuel1), born in Marion Dist, SC; died bef 25 Dec 1830 in Marion Dist, SC.  She married bef 1825 in Marion Dist, SC Willis Finklea , born in Marion Dist, SC; died bef 1850.


      Children of Mary Tart and Willis Finklea were as follows:

      164       i      John Hardy4 Finklea , born 1823/24 in Marion Dist, SC.

      165       ii      Enos Aquilla4 Finklea , born 1824/25 in Marion Dist, SC.

      166       iii      Mary Jane4 Finklea , born 1826/27 in Marion Dist, SC.



48. Sarah3 Tart  (Susannah2 Johnson, Samuel1), born in Marion Dist, SC; died bef 27 Sep 1855 in Marion Dist, SC.  She married bef 27 Sep 1855 in Marion Dist, SC (---) Inman .


      Children of Sarah Tart and (---) Inman were as follows:

      167       i      William4 Inman , born in Marion Dist, SC.



49. Elizabeth3 Tart  (Susannah2 Johnson, Samuel1), born 5 Dec 1814 in Marion Dist, SC; died 5 Dec 1882 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Moody-Smith Cem, Marion Co, SC.  She married (1) bef 25 Dec 1830 in Marion Dist, SC Alfred Kirvin , died bef 1850 in Marion Dist, SC; (2) in 1853/55 in Marion Dist, SC Elias P Townsend , born 4 Sep 1806 in Marion Dist, SC; died 6 Mar 1866 in Marion Dist, SC; buried in Moody-Smith Cem, Marion Co, SC; (3) in 1866/70 in Marion Dist, SC Jesse B Perritt , born 1799/1800 in Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1880 in Marion Co, SC, son of (---) Perritt  and Sarah (---) .


      Children of Elizabeth Tart and Alfred Kirvin were as follows:

      168       i      Ann4 Kirvin , born 31 Aug 1829 in Marion Dist, SC; died 12 Mar 1853 in Marion Dist, SC; buried in Moody-Smith Cem, Marion Co, SC.

      169       ii      Lucinda4 Kirven , born 1832/33 in Marion Dist, SC.



50. Martha Jane3 Tart  (Susannah2 Johnson, Samuel1), born 4 Apr 1817 in Marion Dist, SC; died 12 Apr 1886 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Moody-Smith Cem, Marion Co, SC.  She married (1) in 1830/43 in Marion Dist, SC (---) Brown , born in Marlborough Dist, SC; died bef 1843 in Marion Dist, SC; (2) bef 1843 in Marion Dist, SC Robert Humphrey Lester , died 1846 in Marion Dist, SC; (3) in 1850/55 in Marion Dist, SC Evander J Moody , born 17 Apr 1825 in Marion Dist, SC; died 7 Dec 1902 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Moody-Smith Cem, Marion Co, SC, son of Barfield Moody  and Sarah "Sally" Crawford .


      Children of Martha Jane Tart and Robert Humphrey Lester were as follows:

      170       i      Mary Susan4 Lester , born 1842/43 in Marion Dist, SC.

      171       ii      Robert Humphrey4 Lester , born 1844/45 in Marion Dist, SC.


      Children of Martha Jane Tart and Evander J Moody were as follows:

      172       i      Frances Virginia4 Moody , born 4 Jun 1854 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1 Oct 1883 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Moody-Smith Cem, Marion Co, SC.

      173       ii      Margaret4 Moody , born 1854/55 in Marion Dist, SC.

      174       iii      Thomas E4 Moody , born 1856/57 in Marion Dist, SC; died 14 Sep 1883 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Moody-Smith Cem, Marion Co, SC.

      175       iv      Edgar Cornelius4 Moody , born 1858/59 in Marion Dist, SC; died 27 Nov 1897 in Marion Co, SC; buried in Moody-Smith Cem, Marion Co, SC. Home > Genealogy > Johnson > Families > Samuel