Reuben Turner (c1785) and Catherine Cox of Marion and Florence Co, SC Home > Genealogy > Turner > Families > Reuben

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I (Marty Grant) don't know how or if I'm related to the Reuben Turner family. I am very interested in him though.

Reuben Turner was born ca 1784/85 in what is now Florence Co, SC, but was then still part of Georgetown District, but for many years after part of Marion District / County. I think he lived in what is now McMillan Township, somewhere on or near Lynches Creek, probably near Effingham, SC. There were several Turners in that area and for many years this was a border region between Marion, Darlington and Williamsburg Districts, and now is entirely within Florence County.

I don't know who Reuben Turner's parents were. There was an older Reuben Turner, who could be his father, but I have no proof of that, and they didn't live near each other, as far as I can tell. He could be a namesake though (an Uncle or something). Another possibility, which seems slightly more likely (than Reuben Sr being his father), is that Reuben is a son of William Turner of Williamsburg Dist, SC. He lived just across the Lynches River from Reuben, so that makes him a suspect at least.

In 1790, Reuben would have been about 5 years old, so he should be enumerated in the "under 16" age group (born ca 1774/90).  In Georgetown District there were several Turners with sons his age: Amos Turner had sons that age, (but Reuben was not named in his estate records); Benjamin Turner (1755/65) of Williamsburg had an apparent son that age, and he did have a proven son named "Reuben", though it isn't clear if it was this Reuben or a younger one who was there in Williamsburg with him. There was another Benjamin Turner in 1790 and a Drury Turner, both of whom had apparent sons in this age category.

In 1800, Reuben would have been about 15 years old, so he should be enumerated in the age 10-15 category (born ca 1784/90), or possibly in the 16-25 group (born ca 1774/84). Benjamin Turner (1755/65) of Williamsburg had an apparent son that age (16-25) in 1800; George Turner (bef 1755) of Williamsburg had an apparent son his age (10-15). It should be noted that Reuben named one of his sons "George". In Marion District, Amos Turner (bef 1755) had a son 16-25; in Marlboro District, Moses Turner (bef 1755) had a son 10-15, and it should be noted that Reuben named one of his sons "Moses".  Thomas Turner (bef 1755) had a son 16-25, and one 10-15, but his estate records do not include "Reuben".

There was a Reuben Turner (1755/74) in Sumter District, South Carolina in 1800, and he did have an apparent son 16-25. This was slightly too far away, but Sumter did border both Darlington and Williamsburg Districts at that time.

In 1810, Reuben would have been about 25 years old, so should be enumerated in the 16-25 age group (born ca 1784/94), or possibly in the 26-44 group (born ca 1764/84). In Marion District Amos Turner (bef 1755) had a son 16-25; Reuben Turner (1760/65) had two sons 16-25; in Marlboro there was Patty Turner with a son 16-25; and Polly Turner with a son 16-25; In Williamsburg there was Benjamin Turner (1755/65) with an apparent son 16-25.

As you can see, all of the above points to numerous suspects. I'd consider Benjamin Turner (1755/65) of Williamsburg as a top contender, for he did have a proven son named "Reuben" per his Will, and it could be this same Reuben. My second best suspect would be George Turner (bef 1755) of Williamsburg.

Reuben Turner married Catherine Cox circa 1810/20 in Marion Dist, SC. She was a daughter of George Cox, as proven by Marion County Equity Roll # 46 (filed 1844) where the heirs of George Cox filled for Partition of his estate. (Roll # 46, Marion County, South Carolina Extracts from Equity Rolls by Lucille Utley)

George Cox owned land on Jeffries Creek and Lynches Creek (modern McMillan Township). The Equity Roll mentioned before showed that Reuben Turner and wife Catherine Cox Turner resided on land on Lynches Creek, as tenants of Jacob Cox (son of George).

The Hugh E. Turner (c1793/94) family was associated with the Reuben Turner family and were close neighbors in later years (after 1850), and Hugh's wife (a Cusack) was somehow related to the George Cox family. This doesn't prove Hugh and Reuben are related, but they sure could be, and likely are.

Reuben Turner was not listed on the 1814 tax list, which is consistent with the fact that he didn't own any land. He was listed on the 1820 census though, in Marion Dist, SC. Unfortunately, much of this census was alphabetized, so we can't tell who his neighbors were.

1820 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1820 Marion District, SC pg 67 Rubin Turner 200010-10010
1 Male(s) 26-44       (1775-1794)	Reuben TURNER (1784/85)
2 Male(s) 0-9         (1810-1820)	Son? (1810/20) --> gone by 1830
					Son? (1810/20) --> gone by 1830
1 Female(s) 26-44     (1775-1794)	Catherine COX Turner (1794/95) wife
1 Female(s) 0-9       (1810-1820)	Daughter? (1810/20) --> gone by 1830

The three children that Reuben and Catherine seemed to have on the 1820 census (all born ca 1810/20) were gone from their household by 1830. They might have all died, though the daughter might have been old enough to marry before 1830.

Reuben Turner was not listed on the 1824 Marion Dist, SC tax list, but he was listed on the 1830 census in Marion Dist, SC. This list was also alphabetized, so we can't determine who Reuben's neighbors were.

1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1830 Marion District, SC pg 47 Reubin Turner 1100001000000-2200001000000
1 Male(s) 40-49        (1780-1790)	Reuben TURNER (1784/85)
1 Male(s) 5-9          (1820-1825)	George TURNER (1823/24) son
1 Male(s) 0-4          (1825-1830)	Reuben W. TURNER (1828/29) son
1 Female(s) 40-49      (1780-1790)	Catherine COX Turner (1795/96) wife
2 Female(s) 5-9        (1820-1825)	Daughter? (1820/25)
					Daughter? (1820/25)
2 Female(s) 0-4        (1825-1830)	Mary TURNER (1826/27) daughter
					Daughter? (1825/30) --> gone by 1840

Reuben Turner was still in Marion Dist, SC for the 1840 census. This census was not alphabetized, so we can tell who Reuben's neighbors were. Several of his neighbors in 1840 were the same as his neighbors in 1850, so we can be reasonably sure that Reuben lived in the same general area all those years, but without deed records, we can't be 100% sure. Of special note is that Benjamin W. Turner, son of Amos Turner, was listed on the same page with Reuben. Amos' heirs were named in the Equity records, and Reuben was not mentioned there, so he probably isn't a son of Amos, but this may be an indication that they were related somehow.

1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1840 Marion District, SC pg 169 Reuben Turner 1020001000000-0112001000000
1 Male(s) 40-49        (1790-1800)	Reuben TURNER (1784/85)
2 Male(s) 10-14        (1825-1830)	George TURNER (1823/24) son
					Reuben TURNER (1828/29) son
1 Male(s) 0-4          (1835-1840)	Moses TURNER (1832/33) son
1 Female(s) 40-49      (1790-1800)	Catherine COX Turner (1794/95) wife
2 Female(s) 15-19      (1820-1825)	Daughter? (1820/25)
					Daughter? (1820/25)
1 Female(s) 10-14      (1825-1830)	Mary TURNER (1826/27) daughter
1 Female(s) 5-9        (1830-1835)	Phoebe TURNER (1832/33) daughter

Reuben Turner and family were listed on the 1850 census in Marion District, SC. He was just nine houses from William P. Turner, who was a son of William Turner, of Williamsburg Dist, SC (per Bill Hatchell). Since the Lynches River was the border (then) between Marion District and Williamsburg District, it seems possible that William Turner is related to Reuben Turner. William did have a brother named Reuben, but I can't be sure it is this same Reuben, as there was another one in the same area.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 MARION DIST, SC Page 33B   House/Family #  497/ 500

TURNER REUBEN         65 M W FARMER                1000 MARION               1784/1785
TURNER CATHERINE      55 F W                            MARION               1794/1795
TURNER GEORGE         26 M W FARMER                     MARION               1823/1824
TURNER MARY           23 F W                            MARION               1826/1827
TURNER REUBEN         21 M W FARMER                     MARION               1828/1829
TURNER MOSES          17 M W                            MARION               1832/1833
TURNER PHOEBIA        17 F W                            MARION               1832/1833

Reuben and family were still in Marion District for the 1860 census. This census taker only got the names by initial, but we can still see that it is Reuben's family.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 MARION DIST, SC Page 57    House/Family #  898/ 893 -- MARION Twp

TURNER R              70 M W FARMER                   300 SC                   1789/1790
TURNER C              65 F W                              SC                   1794/1795
TURNER G W            30 M W                              SC                   1829/1830
TURNER R H            28 M W                              SC                   1831/1832
TURNER M D            25 M W                              SC                   1834/1835

Reuben and family were not found in Marion County, SC for the 1870 census, so presumably, they had died in the 1860's (or else moved to another county). Some of their children were found in McMillan Township for this census.

In 1888, McMillan Township and other parts of Marion and neighboring counties were cut off to form the new County of Florence. This family was then in Florence County from 1888 on.


Several of Reuben Turner and Catherine Cox's children are proven by the 1850-1860 census records. There are other children, (per the 1820-1840 census) that I haven't identified yet.

Unknown Son born ca 1810/20 (per the 1820) census, but was gone from Reuben's home by 1830, so probably died young, though could have been elsewhere in 1830, though under 20.

Unknown Son born ca 1810/20 (per the 1820) census, but was gone from Reuben's home by 1830, so probably died young, though could have been elsewhere in 1830, though under 20.

Unknown Daughter born ca 1810/20 (per the 1820) census, but was gone from Reuben's home by 1830, so probably married before 1830 or died young.

Unknown Daughter born ca 1820/25 (per the 1830 and 1840) census, but was gone from Reuben's home by 1850, so probably married before 1850 or died young.

Unknown Daughter born ca 1820/25 (per the 1830 and 1840) census, but was gone from Reuben's home by 1850, so probably married before 1850 or died young.

George W. Turner was born ca 1823/24 in Marion Dist, SC, presumably in McMillan Township (now Florence County). He was with his parents for the 1850 and 1860 census.

For the Civil War, George W. Turner joined Company F, 10th Regiment Infantry, as a Private. (A History of Marion County, South Carolina by W.W. Sellers, page 630).

George W. Turner was listed on the 1870 census in Marion Co, SC, in McMillan Township. He was by himself, listed between two other Turner families, who are probably related, but I don't know how yet: Peter Oram C. Turner and Robert M. Turner (both sons of Isham Turner and Martha Cusack).

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 MARION CO, SC Page 217B  House/Family #  298/ 302--McMILLAN'S Twp

TURNER GEORGE W       50 M W FARMER                           SC              1819/1820

George married, circa 1871 to Mary --- in Marion Co, SC (now Florence County). They were listed together on the 1880 census in Marion Co, SC in Pee Dee Township (which means he moved at some point, as this is way down Lynches Creek towards Brittons Neck). His move was probably in the 1870's, as his two neighbors from 1870 were still neighbors to each other, but still in McMillan Township. The other Turners in Pee Dee Township were members of the James Dura Turner family.

1880 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1880 MARION CO, SC Page 278B  House/Family #    67/  74 -- PEE DEE Twp

TURNER G W           W M  58    M FARMER               SC  SC  SC  1821/1822
TURNER MARY          W F  40 WF M                      SC  SC  SC  1839/1840
TURNER MARTHA        W F   8 D  S                      SC  SC  SC  1871/1872
TURNER WASHINGTON R  W M   4 S  S                      SC  SC  SC  1875/1876

In 1888, McMillan and Pee Dee Township and other parts of Marion and neighboring counties were cut off to form the new County of Florence. This family was then in Florence County from 1888 on.

Mary Turner was born ca 1826/27 in Marion Dist, SC, presumably in McMillan Township (now Florence County). She was home with her parents in 1850. By 1860 she was gone. In 1860 her sister Phebe was residing with a John Hutchison family, with a wife listed as "M. Hutchison". I think this is probably Mary, but don't have additional proof yet.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 MARION DIST, SC Page 57    House/Family #  899/ 894 -- MARION Twp

HUTCHISON M           35 F W FARMER                   100 SC                   1824/1825
HUTCHISON JOHN        32 M W                              SC                   1827/1828
TURNER P              27 F W                              SC                   1832/1833

Unknown Daughter born ca 1825/30 (per the 1830) census, but was gone from Reuben's home by 1840, so probably married before 1840 or died young.

Reuben W. Turner was born ca 1828/29 in Marion Dist, SC, presumably in McMillan Township (now Florence County). He was home with his parents in 1850 and 1860 census. I didn't find a record of him for Civil War Service, though he was of age. There was an "R.H. Turner" listed in the same company as Reuben's brother George (see above), but he was listed as having been killed.

Reuben married, circa 1860/61, to Elmira --- in Marion Dist, SC. They were listed on the 1870 census in Marion Co, SC in McMillan Township. He was just two houses from Hugh Turner, who could be his Uncle, or other close relative.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 MARION CO, SC Page 211   House/Family #  182/ 183--McMILLAN'S Twp

TURNER REUBEN W       42 M W FARMER                 300   247 SC              1827/1828
TURNER ELMIRA         31 F W KEEPING HOUSE                    SC              1838/1839
TURNER HENRY W         9 M W                                  SC              1860/1861
TURNER DAVID C         7 M W                                  SC              1862/1863
TURNER JOSEPHINE       5 F W                                  SC              1864/1865
TURNER NANCY           1 F W                                  SC              1868/1869

Reuben and family were still in Marion for the 1880 census, and still in McMillan Township.

1880 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1880 MARION CO, SC Page 244   House/Family #   109/ 109 -- McMILLAN Twp

TURNER REUBEN        W M  52    M FARMER               SC  SC  SC  1827/1828
TURNER ELMIRA        W F  40 WF M                      SC  SC  SC  1839/1840
TURNER COLE          W M  15 S  S                      SC  SC  SC  1864/1865
TURNER JOSEPHINE     W F  12 D  S                      SC  SC  SC  1867/1868
TURNER NANCY         W F  10 D  S                      SC  SC  SC  1869/1870
TURNER ELI           W M   6 S  S                      SC  SC  SC  1873/1874
TURNER HESAKIA       W M   4 S  S                      SC  SC  SC  1875/1876

In 1888, McMillan Township and other parts of Marion and neighboring counties were cut off to form the new County of Florence. This family was then in Florence County from 1888 on.

Moses D. Turner was born ca 1832/33 in Marion Dist, SC, presumably in McMillan Township (now Florence County). He was home with his parents in 1850 and 1860 census.

For the Civil War, Moses Turner joined Company C, 26th Regiment Infantry, as a Private. He was reported captured at "Five Forks" in 1865. (A History of Marion County, South Carolina by W.W. Sellers, page 638).

I found no record of Moses Turner after his Civil War service, so it is possible he died then, or just prior to 1870. Either that or he moved away somewhere.

Phebe Turner was born ca 1832/33 in Marion Dist, SC, presumably in McMillan Township (now Florence County). She was home with her parents in 1850. By 1860 she was gone. In 1860 a "P. Turner" was residing with a John Hutchison family, with a wife listed as "M. Hutchison". I think this is probably Phebe, living with her sister Mary, but don't have additional proof yet. This is the last record I have for Phebe.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 MARION DIST, SC Page 57    House/Family #  899/ 894 -- MARION Twp

HUTCHISON M           35 F W FARMER                   100 SC                   1824/1825
HUTCHISON JOHN        32 M W                              SC                   1827/1828
TURNER P              27 F W                              SC                   1832/1833

Researcher List

Persons researching this family :

Register Report

1. Reuben1 Turner [7493], born 1784/85 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Florence Co, SC); died 1860/70 in Marion Co, SC (now Florence Co, SC) He married in 1810/20 in Marion Dist, SC (now Florence Co, SC) Catherine Cox [7492], born 1794/95 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Florence Co, SC); died 1860/70 in Marion Co, SC (now Florence Co, SC), daughter of George Cox [7490] and Ann Cusack [7491] .

Children of Reuben Turner and Catherine Cox were as follows:

Generation 2

2. George W2 Turner (Pvt) [7494] (Reuben1), born 1823/24 in Marion Dist, SC (now Florence Co, SC). He married in 1870/72 in Marion Co, SC (now Florence Co, SC) Mary (---) [14479], born 1839/40 in Marion Dist, SC (now Florence Co, SC).

Children of George W Turner (Pvt) and Mary (---) were as follows:

4. Reuben W2 Turner [7496] (Reuben1), born 1828/29 in Marion Dist, SC (now Florence Co, SC). He married in 1860/61 in Marion Dist, SC (now Florence Co, SC) Elmira (---) [7500], born 1838/39 in Marion Dist, SC (now Florence Co, SC).

Children of Reuben W Turner and Elmira (---) were as follows: Home > Genealogy > Turner > Families > Reuben